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Page 41

by Mercedes Keyes

  "Noooo, not one...maybe two like that." Shawn grinned walking up to her, wrapping his arms around her waist as he bent his knees to kiss her neck.

  "Em hm, and you crazy too if you think it's a joy to have two more like him." She was in the mood to fuss, trying to hang onto it but he was kissing and nibbling at her neck, hugging her to him.


  "What baby?" He answered still kissing her, backing her up towards her bed.

  "That boy is not in school! I'm not having it! He is not gonna drive me crazy with his foolishness!" She carried on although Shawn was laying her back in the bed, taking the phone from her hand and reaching over to lay it on it's cradle and turning back to Sylvia whose mind was on her child. He lay there beside her, watching the play of expressions on her face. He took her chin gently and turned her eyes to him. "You do know that whatever it is he wishes to do with his life, he's going to do it. Doesn't matter what you say, or how you reason with him, he's at that age darlin' where he's coming into his manhood. It's a dangerous cross over rife with pit falls and bad decisions, and every man and woman has to come across it. No matter where we stand on the other side, yelling and coaching them to, "Come this way! Come through here! Don't go that way!" - They don't listen. I didn't listen."

  "I don't want my son making those kinds of mistakes!"

  "Darlin' of course you don't! No parent does. But - all you can do, is pray and be there in case they should come around. It will be no different with our own. When the time to let go comes, we have to let go." He reasoned with her, bending down he kissed her nose. Sylvia sighed, "It's just so hard to go through. And you want me to go through it again." She accused.

  "Not alone. I'll be here with you baby...every step of the way....every step."

  Sylvia smiled and looked up into his eyes. "I love much. I need to hear that, I'm glad."

  "I'm glad that you're glad. Did you make our appointment at the clinic for a check up?" He asked.

  "Yes I did. Its two weeks from now on a Wednesday, I marked it on the calendar." She promptly answered.

  "Did you call your mother and tell her?" He asked next.

  "Emmmm, no. I was kind of hoping you would do that. She likes you."

  Shawn laughed out again. "Okay, but I think its safe to say, she likes you too, you are after all her daughter."

  "Still... you can call and tell her. She'll love it that you called and talked to her."

  "Okay, as soon as we get back, you ready to roll? Its a beautiful day outside, I brought the bike out."

  "For what?" She asked bluntly, making him chuckle again.

  "For us to ride into town." He answered trying not to laugh at the look on her face.

  "Why do we need to ride into town?" She asked.

  "Marriage license. You know, that little thing that the county you live in gives you, to say its okay to get married."

  "Today?" She asked nervously.

  "Yep! Today... I'm all showered and fresh, so are you... let's go."

  "Aaaaah - do we have to today?" Sylvia moaned as he stood from the bed, grabbing her hand and pulling her up into a sitting position.

  "Yes we do your feet." He ordered grinning.

  "I feel queasy." Sylvia groaned rubbing her stomach.

  "You'll be fine when that fresh air hits you." He promised pulling her against him for a hug. She stood leaning against him with her head to his chest and her arms hanging down by her sides, looking like she was being forced to go clean the toilet of a roadside fill-up station with no gloves on.

  "Aaaah baby, perk up! You're starting to make me feel as though you don't wanna marry me."

  She looked up and wrapped her arms around him then. Staring up at him, she confessed. "I'm scared. Aren't you?"

  "No. I know what I'm getting. I believe in you, and that I've made the right choice, totally and completely. Now why don't you feel the same way about me?"

  "I do Shawn. Honestly I do. But -..."

  "But what?"

  "It's different for a woman, than it is for a man. I mean... oh I don't know what I mean. I'm sorry."

  "Hey... I understand okay? Give me a kiss." He leaned down as she tipped up to kiss him. After it lingered a bit, he stood straight again, caressing her cheek. "Come with me and see what I have for us."

  Chapter 45

  "Oooh Shawn." Sylvia whimpered, her fear clear to see.

  Shawn couldn't help himself, he had to laugh. She made the most comical, adorable faces he'd ever seen.

  "'ll love it. Come on try it for me." He coaxed her sitting out on his Harley Davidson, he had his leather on and his shades, holding a specially ordered helmet on his lap. He'd paid quite a bit for the two helmets. They were equipped with radio microphones and speakers. As they rode, they could talk to each other without straining to hear and communicate. The pair cost him close to a thousand dollars, but they were of the highest quality made by 'Bose'. He couldn't wait to try them out. Sylvia was standing whimpering, looking her helmet over and then at his bike as if it were a mighty beast she should fear.

  "Oh Shawn... why do you have to be a motorcycle rider? Shawn there's nothing on that thing to protect us if we wreck! What if someone hits us? What if you hit something! What if we fall off going 80 mile an hour!?"

  Shawn was still laughing. "Baby... trust me, I won't go 80 miles an hour - I wouldn't go that fast with you on here."

  A thought suddenly occurred to Sylvia, "Have you ever gone 80 miles an hour on that thing!?"

  "Well yeah....a few times." He admitted honestly. "And more."

  "SHAWN! I can see it now! Husband number two! Down the motorcycle crash up drain!"

  Shawn was rolling, "Baby why are you tripping?!" He asked laughing.

  "Don't you baby me! That's another thing! I'm carrying your baby! In my womb your child is laying and trusting me to make wise decisions! And here you are trying to get me on that thing! It's not safe Shawn! It's suicidal!"

  "I'll be careful! Honest I will. Have you never ridden? Ever?"

  "NO!" She shot, lip out and curled under. "I ain't crazy! My mama didn't raise no fool!"

  "Do you trust me?"

  "Yeah." She answered pitifully, her trepidation was clear.

  "Then come here. Put the helmet down for now. That's a girl, now come just put your hand on my shoulder and put your leg over and just sit on it a bit, get used to being on it."

  Sylvia gulped and did what he said. "Putting my leg over and sitting on it a bit is what got me in this condition." She joked trying to laugh her way out of her anxiety. Shawn threw his head back at her comment laughing hysterically. Sylvia eased herself onto the seat and shouted in a panic, "Don't start it up though!"

  "I promise I'm not gonna start it up yet. You let me ride Isaac on it." He pointed out.

  "That's different, you were going slow and being really careful because he's a baby."

  "Well you're my think I'd do anything to hurt you. OR that baby of mine you're carrying?" He asked looking back at her.

  "No...but its other people. I mean you can be ever so careful, but the next person might not be."

  "Baby... to enjoy life to the fullest, you have to take some chances, stepping out of your door everyday is a gamble. But - I know you Sylvia... I got a feeling you're really gonna like this."

  The look on her face said she wasn't so sure about it.

  "Let's have a bit of a practice play with it. I'm gonna teach you how to ride on back. I'm just gonna put the kick stand back and teach you how to flow and lean with me on it."

  "Oooooh Shawn - careful - don't drop it."

  Shawn had to stop because he was laughing at her, and it was making him weak. "Baby stop it, you keep making me laugh and I get weak when I laugh."

  "Okay okay...just don't drop the bike! Are you sure you can hold me and this thing up... it's so big! My goodness it must weigh a ton."

  "Not quite. And yes, I can hold you both. Now get com
fortable and put your hands on my waist, sit forward close to me a bit so you can feel how I'm moving. Now the key is this, as we ride at a certain speed and I head around curves, I will tilt the bike-..."

  "SHAWN - SHAWN! OH my god oh my god!-..."

  "I gotcha I gotcha! Relax and lean against me and feel how I'm leaning, you just follow through with me. Let me lead and don't go against me. Flow with me." He continued on for the next half an hour, laughing on and off until she got the hang of it. He then sent her into the house to put on a leather so they could do a slow little practice run down their road. Shawn helped her fit her helmet on, then put on his own. He turned on his microphone, which sent Sylvia into another fit of nerves. Shaking his head, he helped her tune in her helmet so he could get the volume settings right.

  "Can you hear me?"

  "Wow... I can... loud and clear! Can you hear me?" She asked back. He smiled and winked at her, "Loud and clear. Now I'm going to start the bike and try them again with it running." He explained and started it up. Revving the engine as Sylvia stood by with her helmet on, observing him. As scared as she was, it wasn't enough fear to override her sense of pride in him. Everything about him did something to her from deep within. She stood waiting and watching him, and falling deeper in love again. He was so patient, finding humor in most of what she did and said. Never failing to give her a moment to adjust, talking to her with such respect and kindness, it made her eyes water.

  "You ready to get on?" He asked.

  She could hear him clearly through the speakers of her helmet. The microphone was nothing more than four small holes on the side of the helmet, that she would have thought wouldn't work, but they worked perfect.

  "Well?" He asked again, "Can you still hear me?"

  "Yes." She answered softly.

  "What's wrong?" He asked noticing her stillness.

  "I love much."

  "Aaaah baby, that's nice. I don't get that often, what brought that on?" He asked.

  "It's just the way that I feel."

  "Even though I'm forcing you to ride on my motorcycle?"

  "Yep... even though we may die tonight on this thing... I love you."

  Shawn chuckled and she smiled.

  "Come on, get on. I'll go slow and pick up speed gradually. Remember, don't fight me on the curves, just lean right along with me okay?"

  She nodded her head and then answered, "Okay... I'll try."

  "You'll be fine, we'll ride around town first before we head for the courthouse." He assured her.

  And they rode. Sylvia closed her eyes, laid against his back, took a deep breath and let herself go. She figured if she died, she'd be with him and at the moment, there was no better way to go. She relaxed her body and felt him move and lean and she went with him, keeping her eyes closed, too afraid to open them to see.

  "You're doing good" He said to her, encouraged by her soft pliancy against him.

  "I'm keeping my eyes closed." She said as she felt and heard him chuckle.

  Twenty minutes later he decided she was ready. "Let's hit the highway and head for the courthouse, you have all your id's?" He asked.

  "Yeah...let's do it."

  Shawn put the bike to the real road feeling like a king with Sylvia at his back. "Highway coming up baby... you okay? I'm gonna put some speed in it."

  "Come what may - do what you do best." She encouraged softly.

  And he did, she could feel the increase in speed. A fearful, but heady feeling stole over her. Something about the speed, the power, the man, the freedom began doing its magic on her. "Eyes still closed?"

  "Yeah." She answered.

  "Pick up your head and open your eyes baby, don't be afraid...I gotchya."

  Sylvia obeyed, and had to bite her tongue not to squeal at the speed they were traveling, especially when they went down the ramp onto the interstate to merge in with the traffic. She wouldn't tense up, she knew she had to remain relaxed and let him drive it. Her heart was pounding, her temples throbbed and her soul without warning lifted off and soared. She couldn't help it, a chuckle escaped.

  "Uh oh... was that laughter I heard?" He asked.


  "You like it don't you?" He asked grinning, moving through the traffic and passing cars and trucks to put them in open clearance so they could fly.

  "Oh my GOD... I can't believe it...but I think... I think I like it. I'm still scared, but .... I .... feel... soooo - ..." She swallowed, feeling emotions rush her.

  "Free." He finished for her.

  She couldn't speak and thanked GOD she didn't need to see, because her tears were flowing from such euphoria she felt as if she were high from good wine. "I love you." He said softly. She squeezed him. "Thank you... thank you for this... I love you too." She laid her head back down and closed her eyes. She didn't need to see, she could feel. And the feeling was like no other she'd ever known before.

  They made it to the court house in one piece. Both of them laughing at the way she reacted when she stepped off the bike after riding. They went in, signed the registry, waited to be called, supplied all the necessary identification and left 20 minutes later with their marriage license. From there, they went to get a bite to eat, then went shopping and Shawn purchased her two riding ensembles at the Harley Davidson shop.

  Back home, they took their things in and he talked her into packing an overnight bag, as she packed one, he rang her mom and broke the news to her. Sylvia stood in her room gathering the things she would need, listening to him and watching him charm her mother. He laughed out two or three times, a wonderful rich way down deep laugh that brought her joy to hear it. She finished and spoke with her mother next, letting her know as had Shawn, that she would be expected to attend the wedding. With that out of the way, she turned to her future husband. "So I'm all packed, where are we going now?" She asked.

  "You'll see." He answered.

  "Are we going on the motorcycle?"

  "Yep... we sure are. So lets get going, I want to get there before dusk."

  "But... where is there?"

  "My folks... its time they met you."

  Her eyes got huge.

  "Now now, none of that. It's time... don't you think?" He asked, grabbing her bag and taking it out the door to strap onto the bike. "I guess so." She answered, her nervous state returning. "Well, lock up the house, I'm gonna do the same over there. Be right back and we're out of here for a couple of days."

  Shawn had spoken and they were back on the road again. They rode for the next hour and a half, and to pass the time, Sylvia thought it was a perfect time for a little discussion.

  "Well Mr. McPherson, I'm so glad you supplied us with these types of helmets, because it makes communication easy as pie."

  "Oh yeah, and why are you so happy about that?"

  "Because you can't escape this absolutely necessary discussion we're about to have."

  "Uh oh... why do I not like the sound of that?"

  "Never mind that! Now...if we're going to get married and live together, there are things we need to discuss."

  "Such as?" He asked.

  "Well, I think we should take turns sharing our likes and dislikes about the house, habits, vices, pet peeves, expectations. Know what I mean?"

  Shawn groaned, "I'm afraid I do."

  "Shawn! We need to have this talk! If we're going to live together forever, or until death us do part, we need to go into it with an understanding of each other."

  Shawn groaned again.

  "Shawn! If we don't have this talk...ain't gonna be no vows spoken."

  "Okay okay okay... you go first. Let's hear your pet peeves and get them out of the way."

  "Fine... no problem. I don't like pee stains on the toilet! I don't care if you leave the seat up, because I look before I sit anyway. I don't like stains in the bowl-... Shawn, stop laughing, this is serious! You asked now I'm telling you."

  "I'm sorry...go on." He chuckled trying to keep a serious manner.

"The bathroom must be clean or it will disgust me! I don't like towels thrown on the floor and left there. Hang them up please. I don't like excess toothpaste gathering around the top of the tube to harden there where the cap will no longer screw on. Please clean off the excess and screw the top all the way back on... you're laughing again!"

  "I'm sorry baby... go on."

  "If you're the last person to empty the toilet roll, please replace it with the loose pull going over the top, not from the bottom. Shawn! I'm serious!"

  "I know darlin' that's why I'm laughing."

  "Well I'm almost done and then it will be your turn."

  "Yes ma'am!" He chuckled.

  "As I was saying, the bathroom... please don't flood the sink and basin top. I get crazy when there's water all over the vanity, and when you brush your teeth and spit, please do so in the toilet. Your turn."

  "Oookay, don't use the hot water when I'm in the shower. Don't make me buy you tampons or Kotex pads when you're on. Don't yell at me in front of company or my family, that will piss me off in an instant. If we're in the midst of an argument, don't try to lock me out of our bedroom, because I'll kick the door in-..."

  "SHAWN!" Sylvia was stunned.

  "Hey, just telling you how I am. Don't treat me like an idiot, and realize that I am the man and you're the woman, I believe in the man having the last word, that would be me."

  "And what if you're wrong?!"

  "I'm reasonable, and I will always hear your side. I will always try to think things through before I make up my mind, but once my mind is made, that's that."

  "I know you not serious."

  "Yeah... I am. There is not going to be two chiefs, two chefs, and two heads. Don't work that way. I love you, and I will always put what's best for the family first. I will always hear you out because you're my partner in this. But my word is final."

  Sylvia wasn't liking this...she was starting to regret the discussion.

  "We'll see." Was all she could think to say.

  "Sylvia, I'm not a tyrant. I would never abuse you or our children, but I'm not going to let you emasculate me... no woman will do that... you fall into that category. Your turn."


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