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Page 53

by Mercedes Keyes

  "I want our son... to look like you." She finally said.

  He swallowed, having a lump form in his throat. "As long as he has your beautiful brown skin... that's fine with me."

  "If he's my color, people will stare at you, wondering if he's yours." She smiled teasing.

  "Let them stare... cause I know he's mine."

  "Oh yeah... what makes you so sure?"

  He grinned, "Because I know you lady. You're not the sleep around kind, and besides... I remember... you were on fire, the kind of on fire a woman is when its been a long time since she's been touched by a man. Really touched..." He chuckled remembering.

  Sylvia chuckled too dropping her face back to his chest, loving the feel of his deep laugh, the movement of his strong body.

  "You know what memory is always on my mind, then turns to fantasy?" He asked her.

  "What?" She inquired, content to hold him close again, her head against his chest.

  "That morning you were stuck on my back deck." He started laughing again thinking about it.

  "Shawn!" She covered her face, remembering as well, embarrassed again. "You just had to remind me of that didn't you!"

  He chest was shaking and the chuckles were deep and strong again, "I could not believe my eyes! I thought... holy shit! What the hell is going on here! But then after you explained... oh man... I thought I'd never stop laughing. I hadn't laughed like that... really deep down in my soul laughing, since Jesse."

  Sylvia leaned back again looking up into his face.

  "Well if that's true... it was worth every moment of my humiliation." She grinned.

  "Emmm....grrrrrowl." He made the rumble deep in his chest, brows flexing. "You had no reason... to be humiliated. I've never seen anything as sexy and oh so lovely, as you were that day... and oooh baby... the fantasies I've had since. Oh the things I would have loved to do to you... man did I want to take advantage."

  "Shawn! And here I thought you were a gentlemen."

  "With you... sometimes... sometimes not. All depends lady-..."

  A knock at the door cut him off.

  They both sighed.

  "I'll get that... you get in the shower."

  "Good idea." She returned, about to step away when he grabbed her chin, then kissed her nose. "I love you."

  "I love you too."

  "Yeah... but I love you more." He informed her and left her in the bathroom staring at the door he'd just exited. Sylvia shook her head and started her shower spray.

  Down in the basement, she stood with a tablet and pen in hand, asking him about the knock at the door earlier.

  "It was FedEx... the papers from Deidre. All signed, all there." He answered, stacking the waterbed against the far wall temporarily while he occupied the room, then rolling the water mattress to force out the last of the water he had draining through the hose.

  "When do we tell Angela?" She asked.

  "We need to talk first. You and I, we need to come to an early agreement about her, and the baby as well, or any others we might have." He spoke as he worked.

  "I think that's a good idea. So often I wish that Armundo and I had worked better together raising Crystal and Mundo, but... we could barely dwell together, let alone come to any agreement on how to raise our children right. For the most part... I did it all."

  "Yeah... when it came to Angela, when Deidre and I were together, it was mostly me. She tried to contribute, to include herself, but she always seemed unsure of what to do. She always looked at me as if to say... "What do I do now?"" He stated.

  "Well... we both know that's not her fault."

  "True. Sooo, anyway... I think we'll have a talk first later, I need to gather my thoughts on what I want and expect. You need the same time to figure what you expect, once we discuss it and know what we want, we can sit her down and give her the news, then present ourselves as a united front."

  "Sounds like a plan to me. For now, your sister wants us to come up with names to send out invitations to."

  Shawn leaned away from rolling the mattress by slow degrees, sitting back on his heels, he scratched his head. "Okay... I know already, you ready?" He asked.

  "Fire away." She invited pen in hand, tablet ready.

  "Paul and Diane Pewsey... they'll want to come, they live in Minnesota, they're old friends from California, moved here two years ago. Eric Ventura, he's single, but he'll bring a girl. David Minty and Pete Stotter. They're names and addresses are in my phone book."

  "Okay... now, the thing is... who am I going to invite." Sylvia started laughing suddenly.

  "What's so funny?" He asked.

  "Oooh, the women I'm thinking about inviting. They're from Chicago, we went to school together, kind of grew up hanging out together... I warn you now Shawn..." She started laughing, "They are crazy as HELL!!!"

  He grinned, "Oh boy... invite'em! Just the look on your face tells me they'll be a blast."

  "No Shawn... you don't understand... these are crazy sista's that will say stuff that will shock the heck out of you! Especially one of them, she's my favorite, Sheila."

  "I doubt that... nothing they'll say, or this Sheila will shock me. You think you and your friends are the only black women I've been around?"

  Sylvia cocked that hip, put a fist on it and did a half shift, making Shawn laugh out at just the look. "What black women you know - besides me!? Wait, let me guess, from your porn days I'm sure." She recalled his past.

  "Yeah, a few - true, but not all." He admitted.

  "So, you dated black women before me?"

  " are my first, real - date." He gave the double hand, double fingers quotes on, "real". But not the first, they were after me you know, had one feeling my ass every time she walked by me, she use to pinch me and said she had just what I needed." He teased her for a reaction.

  "WHAT?! Who is this... and where is she?!" Sylvia was showing a side of herself that surprised Shawn, had him grinning.

  "In California."

  "Oh I see."

  "Naw come on now... this happened a while ago, when I was younger... and then every now and then."

  "Emm Hmm."

  Shawn was grinning, stood from the floor and walked over to her, she had a look in her eyes that tickled him to the bone.

  "Now look here, why are you looking at me like that? You're the one that got me... where am I right now?" He put his hand on her waist. She picked it up and flicked it off and turned away heading up the stairs. "Ah darlin'... come on... what's that for?" He called up the stairs, laughing as she ignored him and went up closing the door. "I love you!" He called, she mumbled, "Em Hm!" But closed the door grinning, he did have one of those kind of butts you wanted to touch all the time.

  Angela was up in the kitchen.

  "Good morning sweety, you hungry?" She asked her right away. Angela smiled, still wearing her pyjamas. Sylvia walked to the sink where she stood and hugged her tight, Angela wrapped her arms around Sylvia's waist, surprised that she just walked up and hugged her for no reason. Sylvia held her for a few minutes, until Angela relaxed against her and accepted the closeness. Angela sighed finally and hugged Sylvia back tighter, smiling and with her eyes closed, giving her a really good squeeze back, feeling it. It told her - that Sylvia really liked her, wanted her there, and the hug confirmed it.

  Still holding onto her, Sylvia explained. "You know, I use to do this with my daughter Crystal... every morning, from the moment she was a baby, I would pick her up out of the crib, give her a good washing up, change her, and just walk around the house holding her, squeezing her just like this. Do you know, she was 16 years old, and still... liked being held sometimes, just like this... imagine that."

  Angela nodded her head but didn't answer. Sylvia decided she wouldn't let go until Angela pulled away. Then she heard a sniff and the hug grew tighter, Angela buried her face in Sylvia's breasts, although bearly ten, she was almost Sylvia's height. They were quiet, Angela ashamed of the tears rolling from her eyes, she couldn't talk. S
ylvia kissed the top of her head. "Aaah, you needed a hug. You missing your mom?"

  Angela shook her head, then nodded her head.

  "That's okay... wanna call her?"

  She shook her head no.

  "You sure?"

  A nod yes followed.

  "How about later on tonight?"

  She shrugged.

  "Well... just so you know it. You can call her anytime you want. Okay?"

  She sniffed and nodded again.

  "Let me see that face." Sylvia commanded playfully.

  Reluctantly Angela looked up at her.

  "Such a pretty face, with the most lovely eyes in the whole wide world... they should not be shedding tears. Let me wipe those away."

  Angela closed her eyes and let her.

  "There... open your eyes." Sylvia encouraged gently.

  She did.

  "Everything is going to be okay... all right? You believe me?"

  Angela nodded again, and suddenly hugged Sylvia tight once again, wanting to believe it.

  Shawn closed the basement door quietly and slowly turned carefully heading back down the stairs. He reached the bottom and finally took a deep breath, swallowing the lump in his throat. "Thank you God... thank you. Please... help me keep my family this time... please."

  Sylvia cooked breakfast while Angela showered and dressed. She decided to show that she could mix up some awesome pancakes as well. Did up some fresh strawberries, fried to golden brown breakfast link sausages, and soft scrambled their eggs. Sitting in the center of the table, a bottle of the maple syrup from his mom's supply. She sat with the pleasure of watching them devour them. She ate a bit of eggs, and toast... not willing to chance anymore for fear of it making her meet the toilet again that morning. The three sat around the table talking about what ifs to Angela.

  What if she was able to stay, who would be responsible for taking her to school every morning, and picking her up after school?

  Shawn volunteered to take her... if...

  Sylvia said she'd pick her up... if...

  If... she was staying, she'd go to school in Tomah.

  If that were the case, they agreed that both of them would go together to register her and meet with the teachers.

  Angela decided to get some ifs of her own in.

  "If I get to stay... do I get my own computer?"

  "If you get to stay... no." This came from Shawn.

  "Aaah why not?"

  "You can use my computer or Sylvia's...but you don't need your own, we're not going to even start that. So if... you get to stay, you will be assigned a time period on my laptop... and while you're on it... you will be in the room with Sylvia ...or... myself."

  "Ach! I had my own computer when I was with mom."

  "Different parent, different home, different rules and guidelines... so if you get to stay, get ready for a change."

  Angela looked from her father to Sylvia. Who smiled and shrugged.

  Breakfast was done, Angela was across the road helping her father pack up things to bring across to Sylvia's, who was on the phone with her phone book open, the first person she decided to call... was home - Sheila.

  "Gurl! What the hell... long time no hear from yo'ass! How you doin'?" She asked, married with four boys. Sheila was a plus size sister that thought the world revolved around her extra fine sweetness. Sylvia was laughing already just hearing her voice, she regretted not doing more to keep in touch with her, they hadn't talked much since she left Chicago.

  "I'm doin' alright. What you got going on next weekend? Anything planned?"

  "Hell naw! I ain't got shit planned! My bored ass, hang'on a minute..." Sylvia shook her head as she heard her friend speak to her son, - " yo' lil'ass hear me on the phone? Do you see me on the phone? Do I need to knock yo'ass out? Betta' go watch TV while you can... messin'wit me while I'm on the phone, gone get you hurt!" - "Hey gurl, I'm back. Crazy ass kids... I sweah'fo'god... they act like they raised by wolves! No manners neither one of'em! Now... what's this about next weekend?" She asked.

  Sylvia shook her head, thinking she must be crazy.

  "I'm getting married, you wanna come?"

  "GETTIN' MARRIED? To who? When?"

  "Next weekend, Friday... I'm getting married."

  "TO - WHO?"

  "To ummm, his name is - ummm, Shawn Everett McPherson."

  "Ah Shawn Everett Mc - Who? Who the hell is that?"

  "My fiancé - you want to come or not?" Sylvia was trying to avoid telling her what she had a feeling was going to come out.

  "Well come on now - where you meet him?"

  "I met him here, he lives across the road from me."

  "You met him there?"


  "Ain't nothin' but white folk where you live! What is he?"

  Sylvia paused, holding her breath, was about to say it when she heard,

  "AH HELL NAW!! GURL! You 'bout to hook up with a white dude?! He white ain't he? I know he is! Say it! He white ain't he?"

  Laughing Sylvia finally got it out, "Yes - he's white."

  "AH SHIT YEAH I'M COMIN'! I got to inspect his ass! What he look like? Is he fine? Or is he some poin'dexter lookin' mo'fo!?"

  "Girl look! Don't come here actin' no fool! Don't make me regret invitin' yo' butt! If you gone come, you got to act like you got some sense! Don't be clownin' and carryin' on!"

  "Look! The hell wit' that! What he look like? I need to know!"

  "Okay... let me think... ummm, okay... if you took, John Travolta, Tom Selleck and Clark Gable, and mixed them up in a bowl, and poured them into a 6'ft too fine body, you'd get my man!"

  "AH HELL NAW!! AND YO' ASS BRAGGIN' TOO! What he look like for real!?"

  "Kind'ah like that... dark hair... black in fact, 6'0, he's an artist and a photographer. Blue/hazel eyes, muscles everywehre, emm um, good looking." Sylvia giggled.

  "How - the - hell ... you fin'him?!"

  "I told you, he live across the road!"

  "Oooouuu chile... he any good in bed?" She asked lowering her voice so no one in her house could here.

  "You crazy Sheila! Don't worry what he like in bed."

  "Is he a freak? Do he like freaky sex? He kinky? Come on tell me?"

  "I ain't tellin' you nothin'! And you ain't invited no more!"

  "Ah come on gurl, I'm just playin'... you gone invite me? Come on invite me? You done call me now! You might as well let me come. 'Cause I wants to see me a Mr. John Tom Clark!"

  Sylvia shook her head and rolled her eyes to the ceiling, "Look, all I ask is that you chill - his parents of course are going to be-..."

  "You met his mama and daddy? What they like? I bet they said... "What the - HELL!" Didn't they? Was they trippin'?!"

  "No... they're really nice, I like them. They like me."

  "They like you? They like yo'black ass? Have they seen yo'ass!"

  "Of course - we met!"

  "Aaah shit! Somethin' wrong! Em um... gurl... I'on know. How he treat you? He good to'yah? 'Cause excuse me, I know he was yo'babies daddy, but Armundo wadn't shit! Gurl I couldn't believe the shit you took from his no good ass! I hope you learned somethin' from that motha'fucka'! 'Cause I wanted to kick his ass... TEN times! So... how this one do you? He any better? Does he treat you right? 'Cause if you gone go white - make sure he right! Don't make no sense to go white, and still gotta fight! He don't hit you do he? 'Cause Armundo use to knock yo' ass willy nilly! You didn't know if you was comin' or goin' with that motha'fucka!"

  "Sheila! Cease girlfriend on the cussin'! You can't come here talking like that!"

  "I'm sorry! Shit! Okay... I'ah work on that this week! Can I say shit and ass? I can curb a motha'fucka - and fuck... you know... but a shit and ass gone come out! I don't know where, but its gone happen... and can I have one DAI - AM too?! Just one?"

  Shawn and Angela came in the kitchen door to see Sylvia leaning on the counter laughing until tears were rolling.

  "Girl look, I have to go. I got stuff to do, peop
le to call." Sylvia took a breath to say, with Shawn winking at her and smiling as he and Angela walked by with their arms full, Shawn carrying a box and Angela carrying some of his clothes on hangers. She was smiling and winked back at him.

  "Naw naw naw naw - lemme' take care of that fo'yah! I'll get some people there!"

  "Now see, Sheila... I don't know... naaaw, I better take care-...!"

  "Gurl look! I'm tellin' you - I'ah take care of it... just leave this shit with me! I'll have some motha'fu - ooops... see... I gotta curb that don't I? That's okay... gimme a week! I'ah be straight by next weekend! Come on Sylvia... let me invite the girls!"


  "You know... our'lil circle! Our sweety Vivian, Ellen and Edwina... they'll come! Vivian gone be mad at yo'ass!"

  "Why? What did I do?" Sylvia asked.

  "Gurl - she been trying to hook herself a white man for a while now! Wait 'til she hear about yo'ass! An' he fine too! Aaah hell yeah! She gone be mad! He got any brothers?"

  Sylvia groaned.

  "Do he?"

  "Yes... but both are taken."

  "They married?"

  "Well one is, the other one is in a long term relationship."

  "Ah hell... forget that! That shit don't count! You got to get his ass to the alta' - fo' that shit to count! Is he fine?!"

  "Sheila - I have to go!"

  "Okay okay... you gonna send me a invite!? Can I invite the girls? Come on, just them three!"

  "Yes Sheila! I'll send you an invite! But I'm tellin' you now - don't yah'll get up here and embarrass me - actin' crazy!"

  "Negro please - we know how to act! I'm goin' get my shit done - UP! Got to get me somethin' new to wear! 'Cause you know I'm gone be sharp! BYE! I got to go! Send my shit Sylvia! Don't make me have to call you for my invite! I gotta get on the phone... ooooweee - wait'til they hear!"

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