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Page 66

by Mercedes Keyes

  "Turn your back to me Sylvie, stay on your heels... yep... now slowly lift that shirt off... let me see that beautiful back of yours... there you go. Show me some modesty, arms folded across your breasts, arch that back, now turn your head very slowly and look at me over your right shoulder... send that message to the camera... a pussy cat smile and charm. Don't you want me?..." (He burst out laughing - she had the look because she knew he did) "... nice... yum!"

  He crawled across the floor towards her and kissed the center of her back. "I can't wait till you start showing, oh the pictures of you I'll be taking then." He murmured kissing up her back as she giggled. Grabbing her shirt up, she put it back on, ignoring his complaints. "Aye aye aye... what'cha doing... aaah... what you do that for?" He asked nibbling at her ear, kissing at her neck.

  "Because... none of that this morning." She nipped his fantasy in the bud. "Yooou - notice anything about me? Anything... different?" She asked turning towards him as he sat side ways on the floor next to her, laying his camera down. His left hand caressed her skin, moving her hair from her eyes. "Hmmm? Let me think... something is different hm?" He looked her over. "Let's see, smiling face... a wonderful glow... hey - what time is it?" He asked, on to what was different.

  "It's nine-forty-five in the morning... and ... I'm not - SICK! YES!"

  "OOOH Baby! Come here... come to papah, sit on my lap..." Sylvia scuttled over to him grinning and straddled his lap, he pulled her close against his body, his hands resting on her rear, warming it as her arms lay over his shoulders, both of them still sitting on the floor before his shoot area. They were beaming as they peered into each others eyes. " tell me, how did you discover this... you were laying there..."

  "Em hm." She answered.

  "... starting to stir."


  " discerned a distinct absence - that - pulled you right up out of an otherwise peaceful sleep... absence being me... right?"

  Sylvia nodded her head leaning it against his forehead, "Sure dear... how'd you know... that's exactly what woke me." She chuckled kissing his nose.

  "Aaah... well of course, and then... and then... nothing... no uncontrollable urge to leap to your feet and run calling Ralph! Ralph - has left the building! Yes!"

  "YES! He is out'ah here baby! And you know what I'm gonna do?" She asked laughing at his silly playfulness.

  "What... lay it on me baby."

  "I'm gone let you... fix me one helluva breakfast! I want... I want... ummmm, strawberries in cream, I want - I want - waf - fles!"

  Shawn's body shook with his laughter. "You want waf -fles hm?"

  "Yep... and I want four of those little brown link breakfast sausages! Annnnd - I want scrambled... cheese eggs! That's what I want!"

  "Well if that's what you want... that's what you gonna get... might I suggest in bed?" He tossed the idea at her.

  "Emmmm, no! I'm not a bed person."

  "Shucks! Okay..." He pretended rejection. "...good enough then... anything else you want?"

  Her head was still laying against his, his hands rubbing up and down her back. "Well... I was thinking..." Her tone became serious.

  "Em um... about what?" He asked bracing himself.

  "What if... just as a thought for an alternative... you ummm, installed a really good security system for our home, an-n-nd you carried a really big stick... a baseball bat even, maybe ... maybe... you could give that some consideration... over the gun... maybe?" She asked softly, her eyes gazing softly into his. Not sure how he would react to her bringing the gun subject back up again.

  "Security and a big bat hm?"

  "Yeah... and... maybe... a big dog or two?"

  "A big dog or two hm?"

  "Yeah... maybe... "

  "How about this... you do me this favor... agree to, attend classes on guns. Gather all the statistics, hear the pros and the cons, allow yourself to touch one, hold one, and even shoot it. Maybe even learn to shoot it well... do that for me first... and we will reopen the discussion. I then, will take on board, the security, and the bat... the dogs will have to wait. What do you think?"

  Sylvia sighed and moved her head back from his, still looking into his eyes. "You didn't talk to the kids about it yesterday Shawn." She brought to his attention.

  "I know I didn't, but I will today... that's a promise."

  "Well... lets see what they think about it. Especially Crystal, considering Isaac and Darren will be coming over when we have a gun in the house."

  "Okay... will do... but in all fairness, I'm still leaning very strong towards getting one."

  "Shawn... now... I need you to really think about this... ummm - would you ever... go for it if you'd - lost your temper - about something?" She asked hesitantly.

  "What?! No way! There is no excuse for pulling a gun on anyone who does not have one themselves. I wouldn't even consider it, no matter how angry I may get. Sylvia... it is only for protecting you, our children... Shanna. It's not like I'm going to be packing it."

  "But... she says that John Sykes has one... that's what scares me Shawn - this is not the OK Corral, where you two can shoot it out and dodge here and there and not get shot."

  "I know, the plan and hope is, that he won't know where she is ... or rather, where she lives. Of course, he will eventually find that out, but I'll cross that bridge when I get to it. If you're home, and he pulls up on this property, I want you in the house, you lock the doors and call the police without hesitation. And... the more I think about it, I think you will be attending those classes... I need to know if you have to grab that gun to defend yourself, you can and will know how to use it."

  Sylvia drooped with her head on his shoulder, instead making steps forward on the gun issue.... she'd gone and taken herself four steps back.

  "Come on... don't be like that... it'll be okay. Its only because I want to protect you. I can't imagine letting anything happen to you. Anyone hurting you, it would make me crazy Sylvie... I need to feel as though my family is safe, against whatever... against whomever." He kissed her cheek, she lifted her head from his shoulder and their lips touched softly, then again, and again, tasting, inhaling and feeling close.

  "I love you so much." He inhaled deep murmuring low against her mouth. "I love you too Shawn." She whispered back, rapping her arms around him as they sat for countless moments, smooching and enjoying being close and in love.

  * * *

  "Okay... that's it... questions anyone?" Shawn asked leaning against the pool table before all present, that would be Mundo, Crystal, Victor, Angela, Isaac and Darren and of course Sylvia all sitting comfortably as he explained his desire to get a gun. Making them aware that his permit had come through and he was in fact going to get one as soon as everyone that was important was made aware of it. He also emphasized the importance that now - everyone should be cautious. If for whatever reasons, they needed to just show up at night, to make sure they used their cell phone to ring them, wake them and let them know they were there to be let in.

  "Well what if I lose my cell phone and can't ring you?" Mundo asked.

  "Then knock on the dough! DUH!" Crystal returned shaking her head. "You know the old fashion way of getting into somebody's house. Knock knock knock - Who's there? - Its me! - Oh, well come on in! - You know what I'm talking about right? That might be where all the knock knock jokes come from? You think?"

  "Sis, you could be a comedian, only problem... you ain't funny!!" Mundo blasted back who was laughing at him, "You sittin' on my lap playin' a dummy, that would be funny! Oh wait... you wouldn't be playin' though would you?!"

  "Mama you see how she get? See what I have to put up with? Its Negro women like her, that make a brother wanna escape!"

  "Boy you ain't in prison... yet - you can leave!"

  "Yeah and when you ain't gettin' that fi'ty a week to spend... see how you feel then."

  "Oh - would you two - stop it already! Good grief! Do you two have to get into it all the time!?" Sylvia stopped them a
s Shawn leaned laughing at them. He enjoyed them, it brought back memories of he and Jesse; yeah they were being petty with each other, but it was to be expected between brother and sister, he suspected they enjoyed this kind of banter, they did it enough.

  "It ain't me mama! It's yo' daughta' - she got problems, the girl has issues! And I think they all mental!" Mundo defended.

  "You sho' right my issue is mental... that would be you, Mr. mentally lacking!" Crystal blurted. "And anyway... back to the subject, I don't see what the big deal is to be honest with you. So what - you gettin' a gun." Crystal stated matter of fact.

  "So you have no objections to that with the boys coming here?" Shawn asked.

  "No! Just put it away safe so they can't get to it. They know better anyway, I have a gun."

  "Crystal?! You have a gun!?" Sylvia blasted in disbelief.

  "I sure do... and both of them know, even though Darren is a baby... he ain't crazy. I don't play when it comes to that. I keep it put up so they can't get to it of course, but they know I have it... and Isaac has seen it and we've had our little discussion which I continue to have with him about it when the need arises and he knows - I'm not playin' with him about it."

  "Why do you need a gun Crystal?"

  "Mama why you think? Crazy butt people! Victor went from that swing shift to working nights full time, its just me and the boys in the house alone. I'm not gonna lie to you, I get scared sometimes, if somebody comes up in there with me and my boys... they eat bullets... no ifs, ands or butts about it. My friends know... they coming there, they better call first - or as the commercial puts it... 'Phone first'... because at night, I lock the house up and I'm studying and the boys are in bed, and you better believe I have it ready." She admitted.

  "Where's Mundo? And Crystal this is not Chicago or Milwaukee, or New York." Sylvia pointed out.

  "Mama... what does that have to do with it? People are getting broke into all the time in La Crosse, have you been watching the news? And Mundo is out clubbing most nights, so I can't rely on him." Crystal was speaking seriously, dropping her bantering slang. "I'm telling you now... if they come in on me... its all over. Shawn has the right idea as far as I'm concerned. That's just the way I feel... and you were in this house by yourself mama for so long, I'm surprised no one ever tried to mess with you, just 'cause its a little small town of white folks and farmers, that doesn't mean anything. Man mama you don't know how that use to scare me, I don't know how many times I lay up worrying about you here alone ... all I could think before I went to sleep is,'Lord... don't let nothing happen to my mama in that house all by herself.'" Crystal eyes watered up just thinking about it, she always came off rough and tough to persons that knew her, but when it came to her mother and her children, nothing shook her and made her more protective or defensive.

  Sylvia felt her own eyes grow moist with her daughter admitting her fears for her, she was so glad that she never shared with them what happened with Ray Olivetti and his attack... it was the right thing to keep it to herself. Her babies, they were all grown up and off into their own lives, but for so much of their lives, all they had was her. She did everything in her power to be available for her children, because she was so very protective of them. Even when she had to work, her job understood that she could only work after they were dropped off at school, and she was done when it was time for them to get out of school, she was there before the bell rang. The area they'd come from in Chicago had not been a nice one. The school they were forced to attend left much to be desired. She suffered constant fears of something happening to her children, fears of them being chosen for an after school fight. Nope, she was there standing by the door for them, gathering them up and straight into the old Chevy wagon she once drove. Those were the days when they were poor and struggling all the time. Counting every dollar down to the penny. Her babies were her life, and now they seem to take on the role of looking after her, fearing for her. She looked up at Shawn, there was a look in his eyes that she couldn't quite decipher. She turned to Victor... he was mighty quiet.

  "What about you Victor - what do you think?"

  "I think - it doesn't matter what I think. I just come along to show my face from time to time." He stated staring at his wife's back. Crystal bit into her tongue, ignoring the deliberate jab, she was not going to get into an argument here in front of her mother and Shawn. But she would give him a piece of her mind for showing this in front of them. Shawn and Sylvia looked at each other and then at Victor, they didn't need to hear any more to know something was not right with Crystal and Victor.

  "Well you are their father Victor... so you have a say as well." Sylvia pressed.

  "Excuse me Sylvia, I don't mean any dis-respect to you, but I learned a long time ago, I don't have shit to say on anything! Long as I go to work, bring her my pay, and accept the way she lays it all out, everybody's happy... well some of us."

  "Oh man here we go... Angela, Isaac, come on lets go outside." Mundo stood and gathered the kids, picking Darren up to take them outside just as Crystal stood up and turned to Victor who had been leaning against the back wall by the fire place.

  "Oh no you did not just stand there and bring up our problems in front of my mother and Shawn... oh no you did not!"

  "You know what Crys', I'm gonna tell you now, I would have to stand here and talk for the next six months straight to get out all of our problems! I'm just telling it the way I feel!"

  Sylvia sat with her mouth covered in disbelief as she looked at them arguing, she couldn't believe it, for some reason she thought they were doing okay.

  "Umm, Victor... look man, maybe this is not a good time."

  "You know what Shawn, it'll never be a good time! Not ever!"

  "If you have a problem Victor, why you wanna wait until we get to my mother's house to start airing it?!" Crystal demanded.

  "Because at home, I'm too busy defending myself! Blocking blows, scratches and punches from you!"

  "What?!" Sylvia stood with her heart pounding, looking from Victor to her daughter. "What the heck is going on here?!" She asked unable to believe what she was hearing.

  "Your daughter has a serious problem man... and I'm getting tired of it! Every time we get into an argument, she'll haul off and slap me! I'm gonna tell you now why I don't come here Sylvia, because half the time, I have to let my lip heal, or my eye heal or somewhere on my face heal from her attacking me!"

  Crystal felt rage surge through her and rushed to attack him then, hurt and humiliated that he would tell her mother in front of Shawn what she'd been doing. He saw her coming at him, flying in a rage, tired of it, accepting, he spread his arms as if Jesus on the cross, opening himself up to her to do her worse. She went straight for his face, a slap punch to his cheek with her right, and grabbing him by his hair with her left, in a rage.

  "NO YOU DON'T... HELL NO... LET HIM GO!!! I SAID LET HIM GO!!! NOW DAMMIT! CRYSTAL DO YOU HEAR ME TALKING TO YOU!!" Sylvia tried to get between them as Crystal was screaming and yanking on him, snatching a hand full of his hair, punching him in the face and neck. Shawn rushed over afraid for Sylvia, "CALM DOWN... WHAT ARE YOU DOING... WHY ARE YOU DOING THIS!!!" Shawn shouted trying to block her blows from Victor who was taking it for a moment, then his anger too lit, it was the last straw.



  Sylvia grabbed her daughters arm, as Shawn put his body between Crystal and Victor, squeezing her wrist, "LET GO OF HIS HAIR CRYSTAL!!!" He shouted at her, she let go and her mother shoved her as hard as she could.

  "GET UP STAIRS NOW... I MEAN RIGHT NO-O-O-OW!!!" Sylvia shouted making eye contact with her, daring her to cross her.

  Crying, Crystal turned and ran towards the stairs, Sylvia rushed behind her, her heart pounding, her temples throbbing.

  Shawn was stunned as Victor wiped at his
bleeding nose. His face was red, his blonde hair standing up. He reached up and stroked it back. "Why don't you go in the bathroom and wash your face, splash it with some cold water."

  "Naaaw man, I'm gettin' out of here. I'm done... it's over dude... it's over. I can't take the shit no more. I'm a fucking man... know what I'm saying? I go to work, and I bring my money home... I pay the bills and if I make comment on anything, show any displeasure, or push it too far... I gotta deal with her attacking me. I don't wanna have to hit her, but there have been times, when I've had to hit her to get her off of me. Ask Mundo what I go through with her, her own brother argues with her about how she is... I don't know what her problem is... but I'm done!"

  "Just calm down first-..."

  "I don't need to - to calm down man..." Tears gathered in Victor's eyes and started to roll, "There are my goddamn sons... watching their dad get the fuck kicked out of him by their mother... what kind of shit is that!?"

  "I don't mean to seem insensitive... but... were you guys fighting last night when Angela was over?"

  "No! We weren't... I worked third shift, got off this morning, tried to lay down and get some sleep when I was told to take a short nap because I was coming here, she doesn't like it that I don't show my face enough. Well... here I am."

  "How long has this been going on?" Shawn asked as Victor stood, clearing more blood from his upper lip.


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