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The Changing Earth Series (Book 1): Day After Disaster

Page 26

by Hathaway, Sara F.

  “Are you sure, Vince? I can stay here and help,” Erika volunteered, wanting to double check.

  “Just go and I’ll catch up,” Vince replied.

  “Come on, Mom,” Dexter insisted, pulling Erika along as hard as he could.

  Erika felt like a little kid at Christmas as she followed him through a mass of people. With all the supplies coming in, it was all-hands-on-deck. Some people were sorting and storing, food was cooking, some were leading the new folks off to camp areas, and everyone was busy doing something. Dexter led Erika past the line of people and through the main sorting area. She could smell the food cooking nearby in the kitchen. She waved at Clay and Laurie Roberts as they went by. They were right at home preparing food for the camp. Erika and Dex walked past a big pile of boxes and there was her mom. Erika stopped so she could just take in the image. Her mother was alive and well and just as busy as ever. She was in her element, surveying each item and directing people to where that item would be stored.

  “Come on, Mom,” Dexter said, pulling at her again. “Grandma, look!” he yelled.

  Erika’s mom looked up from her task, almost disgusted with Dexter’s latest distraction, when she saw Erika. She dropped the box in her hands and ran over to her daughter with tears streaming down her face.

  “Oh my God! Thank you, God! My baby!” she cried. The words were hard to find so she gave Erika the hugest hug she could muster. “I thought. . .I thought you were. . .”

  “I know, Mom,” Erika said, not wanting her mom to say what Erika knew she was going to. “Everything is okay.”

  “My baby. . .I love you so much,” Nancy said as she held tight to her daughter.

  “Erika!” Star yelled. She heard the commotion and came running out from a stack of boxes.

  “Hey, girl,” Erika replied lovingly. They all hugged tightly.

  “I got to get in on this,” Dexter said, and it was a big ball of loving hugs all over again.

  They were interrupted by a man saying, “Hey, Nancy, where should I put this?” He was carrying a big box.

  “Just put it there and I’ll take care of it,” Erika’s mom replied.

  They all wanted to catch up immediately, but necessity was knocking at the door and there was work to be done.

  “Erika, don’t you go anywhere, but I have to sort and store this stuff,” Nancy commanded her daughter.

  “Just tell me what to do, Mom, and I’ll help,” Erika volunteered, not wanting to leave her mom right now.

  “Look at you, you’re all a mess. You should go get cleaned up,” Nancy admitted as she stepped back to get a look at her daughter.

  “Nonsense, I’m always a mess nowadays. That can wait,” Erika assured her. She didn’t care what she looked like, she wasn’t going anywhere.

  Erika did take a little scrub in a nearby bucket of water. Then she jumped in stacking boxes and unpacking cans with her mom, Star, and Cathy, her mother’s neighbor before the quake. There were other men and ladies about, but they were busy cooking a feast for the new arrivals. From Erika’s vantage point amongst the incoming boxes, she could see the folks from Auburn all lined up outside like cattle. First, they would pull their cart into the unloading zone and have a brief conversation about its contents with a receiver. Then they would take their personal belongings, which usually consisted of a backpack or two, and get into another line. Here they would discuss what they did before the quake and what use they could be now. Then they would be led off to an area where they would live. Most of the folks looked completely exhausted. Their trek was long, and their lives had been obliterated.

  Erika talked with her mom while they were working. Her mom always knew all the local drama and was a wealth of knowledge about the community.

  “One of the men that you met at the River camp, Jim Harlow,” Nancy said as she opened another box. “He’s been able to get a lot done with the electric crew. He was able to get more power to the kitchen and a couple of other buildings.”

  “We brought in a bunch of equipment for power production,” Erika informed her, grabbing a box from a guy at the door and handing it off to Nancy.

  “It will be put to good use. Richard, the gentleman who was watching over the children,” Nancy paused, looking at Erika.

  “Yeah, I really connected with that guy,” Erika acknowledged.

  “He’s going to set up a school for the kids. They need some structure, you know. Dexter and Star are excited about it, aren’t you guys?” Nancy asked the children.

  “Yeah!” Dexter chimed.

  Star was more reserved and answered with a mumbled, “I guess.”

  “I heard about Greg’s father,” Nancy commented, changing the subject. “Bummer. Greg’s always been a hard worker.”

  Greg had often helped her in the past with landscaping and carpentry needs around her property, and Nancy told Erika time and time again how highly she respected his skills.

  “He’s pretty banged up after the raid in Auburn. His knee was the size of a softball and the doctor from Auburn, Stan, reset his dislocated shoulder,” Erika explained.

  “Oh no,” Nancy said sadly. “We have a place set up for Greg to sleep in our house. We’ll get him back on his feet. Speaking of doctors,” Nancy commented, changing the subject again. “The other doctor that came down from Cool, Ryan Crest?”

  “Yeah,” Erika said, letting her continue her story.

  “Oh man, is that guy good-looking,” Nancy teased, shaking her hand like she was hot.

  Erika laughed at her antics.

  “Anyway, our medical area here was being run by these volunteer firefighters. They were EMTs but didn’t have much experience being an actual doctor. Ryan got ahold of it and made it into a functioning hospital. He gave it structure and everyone’s excited to have someone to treat everyday issues, not just trauma.”

  “That’s awesome. With Stan’s help, I’m sure it will be even better. Plus, we have lots of medical supplies,” Erika told her.

  “Ryan is going to be happy to have help, especially with all these people,” Nancy noted, looking up at the line of bodies coming into the camp. “Another newcomer who was warmly welcomed is Margie Cassavoy and her partner Bob Hawthorne,” Nancy continued. “Their moonshining skills have been very appreciated. Some local men helped them set up a series of stills and they have not only been making alcohol out of everything possible, but they are purifying water as well.”

  “Sounds like you are well informed, as always!” Erika chuckled sarcastically. In reality, she was thrilled about the normality of the conversation. It was just like when she used to sit on the counter as a kid and listen to her mother talk. “Where’s Brett?” Erika wondered.

  Brett was her mother’s best friend before the quake, and she knew from Vince that he had survived and headed this way.

  “Oh, he’s around here somewhere,” Nancy replied whimsically, “You know him, he’s probably out getting firewood or building housing or fences, or something.”

  Finally, she saw Vince with Greg hobbling along beside him in the line. They were the very last ones. They didn’t need to get in the second line because their home base was already decided. They would be staying with Nancy. Once their supplies were checked in they came over to join Erika.

  “Vince. . .Get over here and give me a hug. You too, Greg,” Nancy demanded. “You son of a gun, you told me she was alive. . .that she would come home. I didn’t believe it. I wanted to. . .but I just couldn’t. But thank the good Lord above, here she is. You son of a gun, you were right. Then you idiots go tramping off toward death and send your kids here alone. I should kill you both right here where you stand for even thinking it, but here you are all safe and sound. Now, no more forays seeking victory over one group or another.”

  “Mom, knock it off. We had to go,” Erika said, stopping the scolding. They had already been through so much.

  “I know the story and I understand why you all went. That’s why I’m not going to say anything else ex
cept this: you all better stay safe or I’ll kill you myself,” Nancy remarked, winking, and everyone laughed. “Now, let’s finish getting this stuff put away so we can get you all settled.”

  “Nancy?” Greg queried, looking puzzled. “I thought that Dakota would be here. I sent him with the caravan.”

  “Didn’t Steve tell you, Greg? Dakota didn’t make it. The trip over here was just too much for his old body and he died along the way. I’m sorry,” Nancy said solemnly.

  “I knew he was on his way out, but I didn’t think it would be so soon,” Greg said sadly.

  “They took the time to bury him under a tree. Steve felt really bad so it’s no wonder he didn’t say anything,” Nancy explained, trying to console him.

  “It’s okay, I just wish I could have been there to see him off,” Greg remarked. He knew that Dakota was living on borrowed time, so the pain didn’t bite too hard.

  Nancy gave Greg a big hug. “Come on and help me with these boxes. It will take your mind off it.”

  Everyone pitched in and soon the boxes were put away. By the time they were finished and walking outside, the lines of people were all gone. All that was left was a buzz of voices coming from all around the camp.

  Chapter 29

  Nancy’s tent was located clear on the other side of the gated area known as the Lotus Camp. They went back past the old hotel, which was now a clutter of people moving from one sleeping area to another. The current residents were consolidating so that there was room for the new residents. At the old hotel, they turned left along what used to be a road. It was now a broken landscape next to the river. Every flat spot was occupied with a tent or lean-to erected on it, except along the trail they were following. They walked past an area that used to be a pristine park on the river but was now filled with tents, temporary structures, and people. Finally, they neared another gate where the road to get to her mom’s old house used to be. There was a rafting company located on that corner just inside where the new gate was, and the remnants of the building were rebuilt into tented sleeping areas.

  “This is it, guys,” Nancy declared, pulling back the curtain on a wooden makeshift structure. The structure contained a fireplace built in the main room. Three little curtained coverings adorned the back wall. Inside were tents with their openings connected to the main area.

  “Nice, Mom,” Erika said, impressed. She had been sleeping in balls of humanity and it would be nice to have some privacy.

  “Brett added on the extra sleeping areas, after we saw Big John and heard you were alive and headed this way. He figured we could use the tent on the left, you and Vince can have the middle, and we’ll put Greg on the end. The kids can crash here by the fire or wherever they fall down. There are even mattresses in the sleeping areas,” Nancy boasted.

  “Are you serious? A real mattress?” Erika was thrilled. She hated camping in the past because she could never get comfortable on the ground. She hadn’t slept on a mattress since the quake. It would be like heaven.

  “Where’s Big John now?” Vince questioned. He was impressed with the sleeping arrangement as well, but he was more concerned with the safety of his friend.

  “Big John went back up through Georgetown to scout a way out of California. It’s kind of a touchy subject. He and Brett got in a big argument. Big John doesn’t think this is over and he says the worst is still to come.” Nancy explained in a hushed voice.

  “I don’t think it’s over either,” Erika said loudly.

  “Shhh. . .” Nancy commanded quickly. “Can we leave it alone for now? Please. Let’s get you settled in and cleaned up. There’s going to be lots to eat tonight and everyone will be there. There’ll be music and dancing,” Nancy explained, strategically changing the subject again.

  Erika noticed her mom dodging the subject and decided to drop it for now. They’d cheated death again and reunited as a family; it was time to celebrate. The horrible world they faced would be there tomorrow. Why not enjoy the evening? Erika mused.

  “Mom, why camp all the way out here if you are helping with the kitchen all the way over there?” Erika wondered, looking out at the trail.

  “I help stock the kitchen and I used to cook sometimes. Now that Clay and Laurie have arrived they have things in perfect order. I mostly hike out toward the old property where the farms are and stitch up torn clothing,” she replied.

  “Wow, farms? You guys really are rebuilding here,” said Erika, truly impressed with their level of organization.

  “Well, people have to eat. Andrew runs this place like clockwork. He set up military training, food production, the blacksmith shop, carpentry shops, and now the school so folks can survive, be useful, and return to some kind of normalcy. The soldiers repair the roads, get wood, make weapons, hunt, and most of all protect our supplies. It’s really coming along,” Nancy boasted with pride.

  “Sounds like it,” Erika replied, giving Vince a sideways look. She wasn’t sure how she should feel about this. On one hand she wanted to believe the disaster was over and they could rebuild and live, but on the other hand she had this sickening feeling that Mother Nature wasn’t finished. There was more to this changing Earth than anyone could guess.

  Vince could feel her dilemma. To get her mind off it, he said, “Look babe, here’s all your stuff that we sent back with the kids.”

  “Well, almost all your stuff. I found a pack of Marlboro Light 100s in your first-aid kit and I have to admit that I took it,” Nancy admitted.

  “That’s fine, Mom, I’ve been saving it for you,” Erika explained.

  “Thank you Erika, I can’t tell you how bad I’ve wanted one of these.” Nancy said, giving her a hug. “Oh, Vince, Big John even brought your stuff from your camp. I washed all the clothes, so you guys will be all fresh. Each little camp has their own bathrooms, so you have to take your stuff and head over there. Once you go out the tent, it’s on the left. It’s not very nice but at least there are showers, kind of, and a place to go potty. I’ll get the kids cleaned up and make sure Greg is okay, so get going,” Nancy commanded. She was always the organizer and she was in full swing again.

  Erika and Vince got their tent organized. Erika was so excited to have a real mattress to sleep on. She lay down on it momentarily before getting up to make sure the kids were in order. Then they grabbed their piles of clothes and headed out into the camp. Looking to the left, there were about ten of the same dwellings like Nancy’s. At the end was a wooden structure with a small crowd gathered around it. They headed toward the group.

  There was a line for the shower, so they waited in it. The line moved slowly. People were saying small pleasantries, but most were focused on the night and not much for chatter right now. They recognized the couple in front of them. Dan was a gentleman with an average build, jet-black hair, and matching eyes. He had been a firefighter in Georgetown before the quake. His wife, Val, was a taller woman with a very strong build. She had blue-gray eyes and sandy blond hair. Vince knew them best, so they quietly chatted. Val ran a horse farm in Georgetown that they owned. They lost most of their horses when the barn collapsed, but they saved five and were currently in charge of horse care, along with another man, Drew Goddard. They were training some horses for military use, plowing, and cart pulling. Val told Erika that Kit was out there, and she was more than welcome to stop by and see him anytime. Finally, the two couples got to the front of the line. Because of the amount of people needing to use the facilities, it was normal for couples to shower together to save time and water, so Dan and Val got in next.

  Erika noticed a man, Glen Wales was his name. He was in charge of keeping the shower reservoir full, and informed Erika that the best time to get a hot shower was at the very end of the day, but before everyone else got there. That way the sun had time to heat the water and it was not drained and refilled yet. He was a talkative man, and Erika was sick of hearing about showers by the time it was their turn to step in.

  Vince and Erika gave each other the thank God
he shut up look and giggled at one another. With so many people around you didn’t want to be overheard saying something derogatory but a look can be worth a million words. As they undressed and began to wash the mud away they looked longingly at one another, but their modesty overpowered their urges. There was soap, but no shampoo and conditioner. Erika figured the new supplies weren’t allotted to the individual camps yet. They finished up, re-dressed, and headed out.

  There in line were Harold and Betsy, still all covered in mud.

  “Hey, you two,” Erika said cheerfully.

  “Hey, Erika, Vince,” Harold replied.

  “How about this place?” Betsy asked enthusiastically.

  “It’s really something,” Erika agreed. “You guys staying over here too?”

  “Yes, we were assigned here because of Betsy and Carol’s farming knowledge and Kim’s horse skills. I’m going to attempt to set up a communications center with Jimmy D using some of the gear we brought back from Auburn,” Harold replied.

  “Cool, do you think it’ll work?” Erika questioned. She remembered Carol mentioning another survivor’s inability to connect to the outside world.

  “I think so, but we’ll see if the gear is still useable and who is actually out there.” Harold was trying to stay optimistic.

  “Good luck,” said Erika. “Let me know how it goes. We’ll see you guys tonight.”

  “See you then,” Betsy replied.

  When they got back to the house Brett was back from his day’s tasks. He was going to help Greg get to the showers. They said their hellos and hugged one another. Then Brett and Greg left. Dexter and Star were playing with a couple of trucks that Dexter saved from home, and Vince joined in the play as Erika and her mother chatted quietly at a little table. Erika told her mother all about her ordeal of escaping Sacramento and showed her some of her scarring.

  “Good God, girl, look at you,” Nancy said, examining Erika’s extensive scarring. “I’m damn lucky to have you back.”

  “You don’t even know,” Erika replied. She was getting used to her scarring. It was almost like they had always been there now. The old scars were well on their way to healing and new ones had formed over the top of those.


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