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very charming wedding 03 - bodyguard and the bride

Page 2

by leclair, laurie

  They’d barely exchanged their good-byes and blew kisses when she started jamming her fingers on the computer keys.

  Reaching over, he brushed her hands aside and clicked the buttons, shut it off, and then folded the top down.

  Silence echoed.

  Her breaths became strained. Tension grew.

  “Who are you?” Her question bounced around the room and slammed into him.

  “Barrett Rockdale,” he said quietly. That’s all he’d had to begin with—his name. Behind it stood honor and integrity. Hard work earned him so much more.

  “Billionaire Barrett,” she added the industry moniker.

  He winced. “Not my favorite choice.”

  “So why does the owner of the top security company for celebrities take on a job for free? Much less, be in charge of it himself.”

  Her words were soft, yet held steel underneath. He got a glimpse of the businesswoman and approved. “I’m a glutton for punishment?”

  Ashley Moore did the most unlikely thing; she burst out laughing.

  The sound slipped over and in him. Do not let her get to you, Rockdale!

  Turning to him now, with a wicked smile playing around her lips, she captured his gaze with her sky-blue eyes, and then said, “Oh, you have no idea what you’ve just gotten yourself into…Brock.”

  Something zapped along his nerves like little jolts of electricity. No, someone. “Thanks for the warning, Ash.”

  She gulped hard, her smile fading.

  Now, he felt her shake. Shock was setting in. “I’m here. You’re safe.”

  “Am I?” She sucked in a ragged breath. Her gorgeous eyes clouded. “My friends. Lacey and Heather, are they? We share an apartment. I would never be able to live with myself if anything…” Her voice cracked.

  “I have someone watching your building already. You’re the target, so we move you to a safe place.”

  “Who? Why?”

  “That is to be determined. Also being worked on as we speak.”

  She grinned, her lips wobbling with the show of nerves. “You didn’t need my permission at all, did you? To guard me?”

  “No. But it helps to get your cooperation.”

  “Thanks. I think.”

  Brock longed to wipe the worry from her brow. Being this close to her brought back a rush of emotions, ones he didn’t want to feel again.

  But that picture of her, the one her fiancé showed him when they were downrange, well, that seared itself in his mind. That innocent smile, the sky-blue of her eyes piercing him, and the soft, dreamy look of hers—that’s what got him through his last hellish tour.

  Out of habit, he touched the left side of his tux, feeling for the slim wallet that now held that same photo. The one her intended had handed to him when Brock held him as he died in his arms, while gunfire clipped steadily by his head.

  He’d let his buddy down once, not able to save him.

  Brock wouldn’t do it again.

  No, this time he’d do anything he had to in order to protect her—the woman who had occupied too many of his dreams.

  Only she’d never find out.

  Chapter 3

  Ash stormed into her apartment as best she could in the gown that pinched her ribs and poked her boobs.

  Four things drove her. Okay, five. Get out of the horrible dress ASAP. Get some decent yoga pants and comfy top on. Pack her gear. Leave as quick as she could. And, last but not least, find out why Brock would sacrifice his time and energy on being her bodyguard—for free!

  “Doesn’t make sense,” she muttered, as she dropped her stuffed tote bag on the nearest chair and headed to her room.

  “What, your dress?” he asked, unable to hide a snicker.

  Turning, she shot him a smile and walked backward to her destination. “Funny! Guys have it so easy. Put on a black suit or tux and—poof—you look smashing. Girls have so much other stuff to worry about.” She shook her head at the unfairness of it all. She nodded to the tiny kitchen. “Help yourself to the fridge.”

  “I had the apartment swept.” He held up a key. “Your parents gave it to me. There’s no bugs or secret cameras.”

  That jolted her. “You were here?” She looked over her shoulder. “In my room?” Visions of her clothes and lingerie flung around caused the blood first to drain from her and then blast back as hot orbs on her cheeks.

  “Two of my guys.” He shrugged. “I was busy watching you at the wedding, remember?”

  “You were there from the beginning?” Her voice trembled. What had she done? How much had he seen or heard?

  “Interesting bunch. You and your besties. How in the world did you three get asked to be bridesmaids? Doesn’t seem like you’re that close to the bride.”

  She cringed as she held onto the doorframe to her room. “Boarding school. Looking back, I think she just wanted me—my name—associated with the wedding.” Memories of Meagan begging for favors and freebies over the last year rang in her mind. “Lace and Heather were dragged in. Meg really doesn’t have many friends.”

  “I can see why.” His mouth tilted upward at the corner.

  Ash gulped hard. She pointed over her shoulder. “I’m just…you know.” Before he could answer, she turned and bolted into her room. Every piece of clothing was still in disarray. She groaned. His two guys had to have gone through everything. Her shiver came and went. “Get a grip, girl!”

  Kicking some clothes as she went, she found her suitcase and lugged it to her bed, plopping it on top. Shafts of pain jabbed her sides. “This dress is killing me!”

  First things first! She plucked off her heels, tossing them aside, and then went for the buttons at the back of her dress. She grabbed. She wiggled. She shimmied. Nothing worked.

  “Need help?” he asked, lounging in her doorway, glancing around and then staring intently at her.

  Okay, if she could see herself now she’d most likely be a startling shade of red—like a boiled lobster. That and the peachy-orange dress must make her look so attractive at the moment. “The gown,” she squeaked, dropping her arms from that awkward position. “Can’t get it undone.”

  “So you do need me. For something.”

  His grin, wide and wicked, slayed her. Or maybe it was like that melted butter to go along with the lobster look.

  He was there before she could answer. “For a big guy, you move fast.” Cringe!

  “Are we talking size again?” He tsked her, but his warm breath fanned down her bare neck and she shivered.

  “Wide. Broad,” she corrected, again feeling the buzz of attraction humming in her veins.

  He trailed a fingertip down her exposed spine, like a brand searing her there. Brock easily flicked the buttons open in record time. “Better?”

  “Feels good.” Was she talking about the release from the confining gown or him touching her waist now?

  “We need to hurry.” His words defied his actions as he still held her.

  With her back to his chest and clutching the front of her dress, she leaned into him and sighed. It had been months since she’d literally stopped moving, racing from one assignment to the next, and slipping in and out of Dallas for the fittings and wedding details.

  Turning his head, he brushed his cheek against her hair.

  Ash let out a breath, feeling her muscles relax into his solid strength. There had been no one to lean on for ages. No one who cared enough. Tears pricked the backs of her eyes.

  Simon hadn’t been, even when they were together. A hasty meeting in Germany led her to a quickie engagement to the solider on holiday. From there, they’d sent letters, pictures, and emails. However, he’d never met her family and friends. Never was a part of her real life. And never had her back.

  The last stung. Still.

  “As much as I love the view, I think we should go. Sooner rather than later.”

  His words crashed down on her. Ash planted a hand against her cleavage and pushed away from him. Turning, she shoved at his chest. Immovab
le. “Scram. Adios. I have a quick change and a quick packing to do. Where are we going again?”

  “Hundreds of miles away.”

  “That’s funny. How am I going to fulfill all my commitments that way?”

  “You’re not.”

  She side-stepped him, blowing out a puff of air at an attempted laugh. “Fat chance I’m missing the charity event next week. The ads are out and I’m in them, so I’m going with or without you. Before that, I’m booked. I have appointments to keep. A possible business deal to make.” Hopefully, more than just one.

  “Not going to happen.”

  “Again, fat chance.” She glared at his back, trying to pick through the clean clothes and find something decent. “Do you mind leaving? I’ve got to change.”

  “I won’t look.”

  Yeah, right! “Mr. Rockdale, I am not the star of your peep show.” A little tingle raced through her at the thought.

  His lusty laugh made her knees wobble.

  “I’m waiting…”

  “I’m going. For now.” His words held an edge, as if he warned her this time he’d listen. Next time, she wouldn’t be so lucky.

  “Oh, and about that secure locale. Find one closer so I can still work. And another thing, I’m paying you. Take it or leave it.”

  At the door, he looked back, assessing, gauging. “We compromise. You stay with me at a location of my choice, yet close enough for you to come and go. With me in attendance, of course. But, Miss Ashley Moore, I will not take a dime from you. Understand?”

  He exited. She shook, slumping down on the nearby chair, which was covered in clothes. No one had ever taken charge like that in her life. From as far back as she could recall, she’d been the one to make the tough decisions and execute them, getting people in line with the best choice. She’d lived with single determination to carve out a life for her folks and her, most times feeling as if she were their parent instead.

  And no one had ever refused money from her. Not for a job they did for her.

  It was time to get to the bottom of why Brock was doing this. Because no one did anything for nothing.

  Chapter 4

  God, she was fire and sass and pushed his buttons.

  Spending the rest of the weekend with her at the original remote hunting cabin had been a test of his willpower.

  She’d slept for hours after they arrived and long into the next day, making him wonder when was the last time she’d gotten a decent night’s rest. He’d covered her with another blanket and tried to retreat.

  But he’d been drawn back over and over again, assuring himself it was for her safety.

  Liar, Rockdale!

  Being this close to her, in real live color, after all the years of staring at a flat picture, seemed like a dream come true. She was everything and nothing like he’d assumed. Good thing, bad thing.

  Work—or rather, her case—consumed him for the duration of their stay while she glared at him once in a while and read through contract after contract, tossing most aside in disgust.

  The letters sent to her, written in block print with a black pen, revealed no fingerprints, no traces of anything. Plain water had sealed the envelope. There was no stamp or postmark, his team informed him by text and later a follow-up email.

  “Not a damn thing,” he muttered now. To Felix, he dashed off an email: “Keep at it. Any little thing will help.” Then, he brought up the program.

  “Say again?” she asked, plopping down beside him on the old green couch and peering at his laptop screen. “What’s all those markings for?”

  “It’s called a spreadsheet. I work best like this. Don’t you own a computer?”

  “What for? My head is dizzy from just looking at this. And, for your information, Heather is a genius with these babies. She usually does everything we need on hers.” She shrugged. “I’ve never had a reason to have one.”

  He grunted. “But you have a phone and get your emails on them. I’ll need access to it.” Brock could have just grabbed it when she slept and gotten all the info he’d needed, but there was a line and he didn’t cross it. Ever.

  Pulling back, she eyed him. “Wow! You’re asking permission?”

  “Smart aleck.” But he liked her feistiness. At times.

  “I’ll get it.”

  “Seriously? No comeback? No fight?” Surprise, surprise.

  Rising to her feet, she turned and stared him in the eyes. No flinching.


  “You could have taken it at any time while I was conked out. You didn’t. That says a lot to me.”

  The softly spoken words slammed into his gut harder than any punch ever had. Someone had taken advantage of her in the past. His voice failed him. All he could do was nod.

  As she left the room, he watched her. The dress had been daring and awful, as she liked to say. But the tight, black yoga pants she favored and the blue fitted long-sleeved shirt hugged her curves made her more dangerous.

  Looking back, she smirked. “Caught you.” Her laugh followed her.

  “Part of the job!” he called out. Yeah, right, Rockdale!

  He groaned, wondering how long he could take having to be held in close quarters with her. Heady anticipation like champagne bubbles charged through his bloodstream from the moment she’d bumped into him at the wedding reception.

  Maybe going back to Dallas on Monday wasn’t such a bad idea after all. He needed to gather more intelligence and get some perspective on her.

  She was his responsibility. Guarding her was paramount. Finding this obsessed fan came next.

  That’s it.

  Nothing more.

  Once he’d accomplished both, he’d be able to walk away. A nagging doubt surfaced. Something low and deep tugged. He bit back on a moan.

  “It’s just a job. She’s just a client. Plain and simple.” So why do you have to keep reminding yourself of that?

  The sooner he could get it drummed in his head, the better.

  Tell that to my hormones!


  “OMG! There’s my girl!” Rico cried out, sweeping her up in his embrace.

  Hugging him back, Ash chuckled at her friend’s enthusiasm. “It’s not like you haven’t seen me lately. It’s only been two days.”

  He pulled back, still holding her by the upper arms and looking at her. “It’s like the old days, sweetie! You and me in divine places all around the world on photo shoots.” Flicking a glance to Brock standing nearby, he said, “With H-O-T guys in the house, too!”

  “You always did have great taste,” she whispered in agreement.

  “Something, something?”

  “No,” Brock cut in.

  “He’s my—”

  “Bodyguard,” Brock finished. “Rico? Correct? No last name?”

  “Moi? I only need one, handsome.” To Ashley, he said, “Why a bodyguard? You’ve never needed one before.”

  “Things change.” Brock shot her a raised eyebrow. “I’d like to ask you a few questions, Rico.”

  “Here?” Ash glanced around the executive office at King’s Department Store. She’d arranged to meet the owner an hour before she was due to the Charming Wedding Boutique for dress fittings for the charity event.

  “Why not? Charlie’s running late. Morning sickness. Again.” Rico threw up his hands, and then rushed to Brock. He slipped his arm through the bigger man’s and squealed. “Muscles! Oh la la! Okay, big guy, what can I do to help you? Anything, anything at all.”

  Ash covered her mouth with her hand to hide her grin.

  Brock caught and held her stare, and then his lips twitched. “Eager and willing.”

  “For you? Of course. Spill it. What’s up with our supermodel?” Rico reached out and smoothed the front of Brock’s black suit jacket. “Nice fit.”

  “If you’ll just have a seat, this won’t take but a few minutes of your time.”

  “So professional, too!” He shot Ash a devilish grin. “I likee.” He scooted to a chair an
d patted the seat of the one next to his. “Right here, handsome.”

  “Is there anyone you can think, now or in the past, who disliked Ashley for any reason?” Brock sat in the opposite one, facing Rico.

  “Oh, the jealous witches? Models, that is.” He shrugged. “Just everywhere. That’s what happens when they know they don’t have the it factor and Ash did and always will. Gorg eyes! Long legs! Perfect curves! Can get the big contracts and the best shows.”

  “Only on a professional level? Any personal?”

  Rico threw back his head and laughed. “Oh, that’s funny! Catty is too mild, right, Ash? Body image. Boyfriend probs. Camera time.”

  She shivered at the description of what her life had been like in the early dog-eat-dog days. Now, it wasn’t as bad since she could pick and choose who she worked with and where. One of the benefits of having made a name for herself.

  “I’ll need a list of people.”

  “There’s a lot. But, Brock,” he reached out to touch his arm, “Ash didn’t deserve any of it. She never engaged in the drama. Or ever treated anyone bad. Not in her nature. She may have ruffled some feathers because of the jobs she got and the other girls’ jealous ways, but she gained a whole lotta respect from the rest of us who worked behind the scenes. She put in her dues, time and time again.”

  Her cheeks warmed. “Thanks, friend.” It was one thing to put her nose to the grindstone and work hard, yet it was another thing to discover she’d earned a good reputation among the crew.

  “So, we good?” Rico asked, jumping to his feet. “I got to run to finish getting the dresses set up for you and the besties. Pronto!”

  “That list. Don’t forget. I’ll have one of my guys, Felix, stop by later to get it.” Brock stood and reached out to shake his hand.

  Rico grabbed it with both of his. “This Felix, is he as muscular as you?”

  “He’s married.”

  He sighed. “Another one lost.” Stopping first to kiss Ash on both her cheeks, he exited with a dramatic flair. “Au revoir, my lovelies!”

  She chuckled and Brock joined her.


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