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very charming wedding 03 - bodyguard and the bride

Page 6

by leclair, laurie

  Mayday! Mayday! You’re in over your head, Rockdale!

  No shit, Sherlock!

  Another strike in the house of worship.

  Yep, he was already on fire!

  Chapter 10

  His hand cupping Ashley’s mouth was not the first thing that presented a problem.

  “Sshh!” Brock hissed in her ear.

  Her back pressed against the full length of him. Heat whooshed over and through her, helping to fight off the chill of the night air.

  In her yoga pants and top again, with her ballet shoes on, she kinda sorta missed the wedding dress. Leaving it, Felix, Peg, and Rico behind in the SUV they’d exited minutes ago caused a pang to ricochet through her. They’d stayed around for Brock and her. She missed them already.

  Brock moved his hand. “Coast is clear.” He checked his watch, and then maneuvered around her. Reaching back, he found her hand. “Countdown, Ash. When I say go, we have ten seconds to get in the back door.”

  “My key’s in my bag.” She went to slip it off her shoulder.

  “Beta took care of it. Power surge coming right up.”

  The outside light flickered.

  He counted under his breath. The lights went out in the entire neighborhood. “Go,” he said, taking off and tugging her behind him.

  The little store of adrenaline she had left kicked in and she kept pace. In no time at all, they were across the backyard, up the steps, and through the door. He shoved it closed and locked it.

  Breathing heavy and with his back against the nearby wall, he pulled her in his arms. “And they’re back on. Nothing to report to the power company.”

  “You planned that?” Awe rushed over her.

  “To the second.”

  “Is that a rule?”

  “Always have a backup plan in place. Getting in your parents’ home sight unseen was one of them. I just didn’t think it was going to be you and me doing it.”

  She pulled away, pressing her hands against his broad chest, feeling his heartbeat thunder now. The air crackled.

  “Alone again,” she whispered, unable to tear her gaze from his. My very own pretend groom.

  “You’re a beautiful woman,” he said. “Scared. Lonely.”

  That hit like a punch to her core. Kinda obvious, I guess. Hoping not that thirsty look. Not pretty. She tried to ease away.

  Brock wouldn’t let her go. “Hopefully in a few days, we’ll have this solved. Your folks are home, safe and sound. You go on with your modeling career. New contract with King’s. Life is sweet again.”

  Thanks for figuring out my life for me. “And you?”

  “I go back to California to run my company.” But a shadow crossed his eyes.

  She swallowed past the lump in her throat. “Work. Good.” It didn’t feel that way. It felt hollow and empty. Just like behind your ribcage right now.

  “There’s never been anything else…” He trailed off, as if he revealed too much.

  “Why not?” Searching his face, she found no answers. “You’re a beautiful man,” she pointed out, tongue-in-cheek. “Powerful. Brave.”

  Brock trailed a finger along her jaw and then lifted her chin. Leaning down, he got within a hairsbreadth of her mouth. “I so want you, but you know that already.”

  Desire curled low and deep. Tiny thrills danced along her nerve endings.

  He placed his lips on hers, soft at first, tasting and teasing. She moaned. Brock increased the pressure, yet still achingly slow and sweet, drawing out the delicious dance.

  A cough came less than ten feet away. “Boss, come in. Boss,” the man’s voice hissed.

  Jerking back, Brock released her. He cursed long and loud. “Alpha!”

  Ashley crossed her arms over her chest, hugging herself as Brock strode over to pick up the walkie-talkie from the kitchen counter. He clicked the button. “You heard that?”

  “Surveillance duty. Outside. Pointing at the house.” His voice sounded apologetic.

  “Roger that.”

  “Over and out.”

  “Watched and listened to,” she said softly, feeling the heat climb up her neck and into her face.

  Oh, how fun!

  “It’s been a long night.” Ash grabbed up her tote bag. “I’ll just go to my old room.”

  “I’m joining you.” He held up his hands, the radio still in one. “I’m the bodyguard, remember?”

  How could I ever forget that?

  Never again will I be that much of a fool, Barrett Rockdale.


  Silence was not golden, Brock reminded himself. Wide awake and shirtless, he lay on his right side in her double bed with his back to her.

  Ashley slept in some skimpy shorts and tank top she’d found in her dresser, cuddled up to him with her arm slung over his waist.

  Wait, why don’t you get closer? he muttered under his breath.

  Every noise, tick-tock of the clock on the bedside table, and creak echoed in his ears.

  Her breath, ever so slight, fanned over his skin, making him hot and bothered in all ways.

  He’d lost it earlier. She seemed so fragile standing there, reaching out to him, so damn vulnerable, that he allowed his professional barrier to drop and take that incredible, mind-blowing kiss. Now, he couldn’t get it out of his head.

  She shifted, coming slowly awake; he felt her stiffen in confusion and sudden awareness. Ash moved her arm, withdrawing in slow degrees.

  Somehow, he sensed she was attempting to regain control as much as he was trying, too. “We’re good,” he said softly.

  “Yeah.” However, she inched higher so now her head was next to his on the pillow. She leaned over, whispering in his ear, “You owe me, Rockdale. Why are you doing this for free?”

  Part of him smiled at her ingenious go at hiding their conversation from Alpha. The other part did not like the way he tingled all over. Slowly, he turned over to face her. Brushing back her silky hair, he just stared at her in the dark. His heart hitched.

  She poked a finger in his chest, and then draw the letter Y with a question mark.

  He tugged her close, nestling her in his arms. God, she smelled like a thousand heady flowers. He nuzzled her neck, barely keeping his lips from brushing her skin there. “Why not?”

  A shiver went through her. “Seriously?”

  Her demands were just; however, he couldn’t reveal everything. “Paying it forward.” There. Close enough.

  Tension mounted.

  She didn’t believe him. “Tell me.”

  The hell I will! “Did that.”

  “Try again.” Her mouth lingered near his earlobe.

  A fresh wave of desire tightened, low and deep. “Rule,” he whispered, trying to squash the tug. God, this was heaven and hell rolled into one.

  “Liar,” she hissed.

  Brock clenched his eyes tight, knowing she deserved more. But there were rules and there were codes. He followed both. “Sleep.”

  Ash shoved at his chest, but he refused to let her go. Something broke; she clung to him now. Burying her face between his neck and shoulder, she trembled. Her soft, muffled sobs broke his heart.

  He cradled her head to him. “Sshh, now.”

  Hot tears wet his skin. “Can’t do this.”

  “Let me.”


  I’ll go and you’ll be alone again.

  An invisible hand reached in and squeezed the breath out of him. Barrett Rockdale did not get involved.

  Yeah, right!

  Chapter 11

  The thought of her mini-breakdown in the middle of the night still embarrassed Ashley. A wave of shame bathed her.

  “I am not weak. I am not a crybaby,” she chanted to herself as she looked in the bathroom mirror. Good beat. Can’t dance to it, though! Even her friend Lacey, award-winning makeup artist, would have a heck of a time covering those bad boy shadows.

  But it was the man who she’d woken up beside who made her face flame now.


  He did not offer her pity. Thank goodness!

  Nor did he ask any questions. Even better.

  However, the way he silently looked at her, searching and assessing, shook her to her core. Just peel back my skin and look under the hood, why don’t you? No one had ever cared enough to see deeper, beneath the surface of the supermodel.

  Surely that was behind her meltdown. Ash twisted the faucet knob and then splashed cool water on her overheated face.

  “Nothing more, right?” she asked herself. Shutting it off, she grabbed up a nearby pink towel and blotted her skin dry.

  Opening the bathroom door, she heard Brock’s deep voice coming from downstairs. The one-sided conversation clued her in to the fact he was most likely conducting a cell phone call.

  Coast is clear! She darted out and down the hall, still clutching a towel around her from her shower, and made it to her old bedroom. She tried to avoid looking at the double bed. Rumpled sheets and imprints of their heads on the pillows mocked her. Gulp!

  Glancing away, her gaze fell on the bedside table. He’d taken his gun, phone, and walkie-talkie with him, but left his wallet, change, and some gum behind.

  Could she? Would she?

  “Hmm…interesting.” Ash chewed her lip as she sorta kinda danced over in that direction. Once there, with only her forefinger, she flipped the wallet open. “Who takes a great picture for their driver’s license?” Even from this angle, she could tell hot Brock rocked the photo.

  Ha, hot Brock rocked! I’m a poet and don’t even know it.

  “Peg would be so proud of me,” she murmured to herself, smiling at the thought of the sweet lady with the funny sayings.

  The few items she could see, she ticked off in her head. Cash poked out. Credit card. Oh, black, too! The big bucks one! There was something else behind the money; an edge showed.

  Maybe it’s his gun permit.

  “Should I?” Curiosity pressed her to look. “Just a peek.” Now, using two fingers to tug at the white border, she inched it out. “A picture?” She gulped. Did she really want to see this? Only important people ranked for wallet status.

  A fluttery breath stayed trapped in her. “I used to wear my hair like that. Same color. Same style.” The French braid look over her shoulder brought back fond memories.

  Blood whooshed in her ears as, with each tug, more of the shot was revealed until she stared at her unmistakable eyes and features. “Me?” How? Why? There were only a few of these in existence. Surely her parents didn’t… What else could it be, though?

  Two short taps sounded on the doorframe behind her, making her whirl around. He filled the area, shrinking the room, too. His presence commanded space and more, she realized as her heart tripped over itself.

  Pasting on a smile, she held up her photo. “Mr. Rockdale?” Explain. Did his face just drain of color?

  Those eyes seared her. “Do you really want to have this conversation with Alpha listening?”

  Privacy meant waiting. Crud! I’m not giving up because you’re standing there all sexy and shirtless, understand? With an air of defeat, she dropped the picture back on the table. Just wait until they were alone alone!

  He held up his cell phone, showing her pictures of her in the back of the taxi, wide-eyed and mouth agape. “He sold them.” He punched a button and the fake wedding shots appeared on the celebrity site. “It worked.” With the next tap, a video played.

  “Someone was here? Last night?”

  “Early morning hours. Alpha and Beta moved in, but this person was gone before they could get there. Look familiar to you at all?”

  The shadowy figure, hunched over, wore a long, dark coat and a hat, the face and the body shape concealed. She hugged herself and shook her head.

  “The tape’s being analyzed. Height. Weight. Any possible distinguishing marks. And also—this is being tested.” He tapped the screen and brought up a picture.

  “Another letter.”

  “Left at the backdoor. You were right. Our little acting scene drew them out.”

  He went to put the phone away, but she stopped him, holding his thick wrist. Whoosh! And we have contact! “What does that say?” She put her fingers on the screen and enlarged it.

  “Don’t be such a show-off. You play with me. Or you pay.” She read it out loud. Ash pressed her hand to her pounding heart.

  “It’s only a matter of time before we catch the culprit. We’re checking tracks in the backyard and cars in the neighborhood at that time.”

  “What can I do to help?”

  His smile warmed the cold spots deep inside. “Identify the neighbors and delivery people in the tapes for us. Cuts down on manpower doing the legwork.”

  “I’m in.”

  He hesitated a second. “Ash, at any time, if this is too much for you—”

  “Good to go,” she interrupted, pushing past him to leave the confining place and get on with it.

  Her legs shook. Ash’s mind tumbled.

  It’s overwhelming already. How could she travel the world and be in control and yet step back in her own hometown and not feel safe?

  Except with Brock.

  “Ah, Ash.” He seemed to stumble.

  Not him? She halted and turned toward him.

  He swept his hand up and down in the air. “You may want to put on some clothes for this?”

  Okay, heat blast triple times over!

  Shooting her that spine-tingling grin didn’t help much either.

  Spontaneous combustion, coming right up!


  She’d found the picture. What are you going to do now? His mind drummed with the questions over and over again. Time’s running out, Rockdale!

  Hours went by, scanning the tapes. Brock got up and stretched. “Hungry? You haven’t eaten a thing.”

  “Mom’s probably got a casserole frozen. She cooks two or three at a time,” she said offhandedly as she scrutinized the scene, picking out the people she knew.

  In the ultra-modern kitchen, he estimated the cost of something like this, along with the rest of the remodel on the older home. He sensed she’d done this for her folks. Something warm and tender poked at his ancient heart. There was no denying the devotion she had for her tight-knit family.

  He cleared his throat. Searching the stainless-steel fridge first, he found the usual suspects. “Omelet?”

  “Pancakes would be better.” He heard the grin in her voice. “With lots of butter and maple syrup.”

  “Count me in,” Felix said from Brock’s earpiece.

  “You want company? Felix wants some, too.”

  “If he’s the invisible man, sure.”

  “Did you hear her?” Brock asked his employee.

  “Funny. Smart. Beautiful, of course. Boss, you in trouble over there?”

  Blowing out a gusty breath, he said, “Alpha told you.”

  “Covering your back. You know what happened four years ago better than anyone else.”

  A chill went down his spine. The client, a striking heiress actress who’d been stalked at several events, hired his company at the eleventh hour. She’d requested him personally. He gave in. And regretted it ever since.

  Years of reflection brought clarity. Needy and desperate, she clung to him, making him feel wanted in a way he thought no one could ever do. That and she blocked lingering hopes of Ashley and thoughts of how he shouldn’t double-cross his late friend. Now, he knew her acting ability never turned off. Her entire life was a play in production.

  Too bad he hadn’t realized the flaw in her before it got messy and intimate. At the end of their five-week run, she stood up and bowed and then clapped for his performance; she couldn’t have written it any better.


  “Got the message. Loud and clear.” Brock braced himself for the rest of this mission. If he got out of here intact, it would be a miracle.

  Somehow, someway he had to walk away. He’d chalk it up to fulfilling his promise to his budd
y. Debt paid. Sentence over. Move on.

  Brock wished it were that simple…


  The brilliant sunshine on the rooftop garden of King’s bathed her in warmth and happiness. Ashley leaned back in the chair and soaked it in as the crew set up for the next shot.

  She must have dozed too long; a shadow blocked the heat. Chill bumps scattered over her arms. Blinking, she held her hand to her brow and gazed up, way up. “Why, if it isn’t Mr. Rockdale?” Her voice wobbled.

  “Wouldn’t want you to burn, now would we?”

  He wore sunglasses, the mirrored kind, so she could only guess at what he was thinking. However, in his suit, all business, he was so dang breathtaking.

  Rising to her feet, she faced him, tilting her head slightly. “Hmm…if Rico sees you like this…” She couldn’t finish, because the lump in her throat stuck and held.

  “And you?”

  Butterfly wings fluttered in her middle. “Feel like I’m flying and dying, all at the same time.” She whispered her confession. Cripes, you could have let him work you over for it at least!

  “Ash, this isn’t real.”

  A cold breeze swept over and through her. She stood taller, shoulders squared.

  “It’s a blip in time out of your normal life.”

  Her chin quivered. “Normal? Yeah, I guess you’re right. Once this is done, I go back to my lame existing.” Why had she said that? Why reveal so much to him?

  Brock moved toward her, whipping off his glasses.

  She held up a hand to stop him in his tracks. “No worries. I’m good here.”

  Deep down, she knew she wasn’t. Her always sheltered emotions bubbled to the surface around him. Stomping them down didn’t work. Ignoring them didn’t make them go away. Now, she had one choice left: admitting them.

  Ash gazed, long and lingering, into Brock’s dark, fathomless eyes. Her heart tumbled end over end.

  “I, Ashley Moore, am falling head over heels for you, Barrett Rockdale,” she said softly. “That’s why I think it’s best if you’re off my detail as of this very moment.”


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