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The Crystal Keepers, An Overseers Novel

Page 10

by Mary Coffin


  Loki considered Morten’s words for a few minutes. Then she looked at him and asked, “Who watches over them – the Brethren and the Guardians?”

  Morten opened his sapphire eyes and gave her a penetrating gaze. Loki had the sense that he expected her to know the answer. The corners of his mouth turned up slightly and she suddenly believed she did have the answer but was apprehensive when she spoke.

  “You? You watch over them?”

  He didn’t speak at first. He closed his eyes and turned his face back toward the sun.

  “There is a third order, Loki. One that is so secret, I often wonder whether I even know about it.” He giggled at his own humor and then opened one eye and glanced at her. “I’m teasing; I know it all too well.”

  Loki politely giggled at his joke, even though she didn’t understand it.

  “Actually, I’ve devoted most of my life to it. It’s called the Order of Overseers. Your mother and Adele are part of it, although your mother has been otherwise occupied for several years.” He smiled at her. “I’m sure you can guess at what.”

  Loki was taken aback by this news and listened intently.

  “Adele is a Sentry, one of many, that guards our post. I didn’t come by horse because I came from inside there.” He nodded toward the canyon wall, against which Adele’s house rested.

  Loki looked around expecting to see another house suddenly become visible but there was nothing.

  Morten’s face grew solemn. “Years ago, not long after your mother joined, we found ourselves in a precarious situation. The Brethren and the Guardians were both led by exceptionally brilliant men who had each mastered his own craft quite the point of boredom, in fact. They both craved additional power, over each other, over the world.” He paused as if reflecting on this brought up another memory. “We’re never content with what we have. We always want more, don’t we? Hmm.” He shook his head as if he had trouble swallowing this truth.

  “Anyway, the Guardians of Light discovered an old text. Actually, it was a journal which made reference to an incredible stone, a golden-colored crystal which was the color of the richest piece of amber you could imagine. The journal described the power that its author experienced when touching it, supposedly giving incredible energy and eternal life. What it didn’t say was that an entire race of beings on this stone for their very sustenance. And, it made no mention of the fact that, should the stone be removed from its location, it would have the opposite effect by sucking the energy out of life and causing immense destruction.

  “Only knowing part of the truth, the Guardians went in search of this hidden stone and the Brethren found out about it and did the same. You know, the two orders always have ways of spying on each other.” He smiled at Loki as though this were a well known joke. “Both orders came close to getting their hands on it; closer than either of them realized. The Overseers intervened to ensure that neither force found it. But, they’ve never stopped searching and, unfortunately they are getting close once again.”

  “What people are dependent upon the stone?” asked Loki.

  You know, miss. The little ones!

  “Oh, not people, Loki.” His eyes shifted around their surroundings and sparkled as though he saw something that Loki did not. “There are many forms of life all around us, whether we see them or not. You, of all people, are aware of that. No, it’s not people who depend on the stone.” He gazed deeply into Loki’s eyes, as though he were searching for her ability to believe what he was about to say. His lips curled slightly as he said, “The Fairies of the Grotto. They are the ones whose very existence depends on the stone.” He let his words hang in the air for a moment, and then added another comment as though it were an insignificant after thought. “Of course, the rest of the world would be impacted as well, by its removal.”

  Morten’s story sounded incredulous to Loki, that removing a stone, or a crystal, could cause so much damage. She studied his face and tried to determine whether he was telling her a fable or whether it was the truth. He did nothing to help convince her of either case.

  A slight breeze originated in the very spot she occupied and it softly brushed her face, breaking her concentration on Morten. At first she thought it was the ‘tweenlings but then she realized it felt different. The ‘tweenlings’ touch was like being stroked by a wave of energy but it wasn’t a physical sensation; she was aware of them with internal senses. This was clearly a physical sensation, as though an invisible feather or piece of velvet had touched her cheek. She looked around, expecting to see what it was. She couldn’t see anything but she did hear the ‘tweenlings giggle.

  Morten slowly raised his body from the old log and stretched his back as he looked down the canyon from where they came.

  Referring to the powers of dark and light, he added, “Most of the time, Overseers simply watch the two powers without interfering. If they want to kill each other and play king of the mountain, so be it. But now and then, we must intervene when there are greater threats at hand...incognito, of course. Overseers are patient and secretive but are willing to use force when necessary. For you, that may be a more challenging issue since you have siblings in both orders.” He gazed down at her. “But only you know your limits.” He gave a slight grin.

  “Your mother and Adele will return in a few hours with two new members of the Overseers. At that point, we must leave. You have until then to decide if you wish to join us. I’m asking for your help, Loki. Your ability to read energy, to hear the messages carried in the ethers, would be invaluable to us.” He chuckled. “You’ve even taken it one step farther; you’ve given the energy a personality. That’s creative.” He gave her a genuine smile. “We can teach you how to develop your talent even further but it must be your choice. I can’t interfere with your free will.”

  Loki was stunned by this news of a secret order and by the invitation to join. Her mouth hung open slightly and she stared blankly at Morten as he turned and started walking back toward Adele’s house. His words hung in the air as though waiting for her to accept them, before sinking in.

  After a few steps, he stopped and turned back to face her. “Think carefully, Loki. Once you decide, there is no turning back.” She watched as a smirk formed on his lips, as if he knew his next words would be the temptation she couldn’t resist. “Who knows, it might be the very thing…hmmm, what were your words? Ah, yes. It might be the something else that you hoped existed.”

  Then he turned away and proceeded down the canyon.




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