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DEAD (Book 12): End

Page 34

by TW Brown

  Catie opened the gate to let Granny Abagail through. The woman set the boy down as she entered and Catie marveled at how effortlessly somebody so seemingly frail could just tote around her son like that without showing even the slightest hint of strain.

  “I’m so sorry, Granny Abagail,” Catie gushed. “Kalisha and Caleb had to leave early for school and I forgot to get Kevin ready.”

  The woman made a dismissive wave and scooted Catie out before closing the gate. “Pshaw, now get moving before you end up losing that job you fought so hard to get. Jess might be your friend, but when it comes to running a tight ship, she is still about as much of a hard ass as they come. She won’t be seen as playing favorites, and being late is her biggest pet peeve.”

  Catie took a step and then spun back. “Kevin!”

  The little boy stopped, already halfway to the front door. Suddenly his face lit up and he sprinted back to the fence. Reaching up on his tiptoes, he planted a kiss on his mother’s cheek where she had been tapping. As soon as he pulled away, she grabbed him and planted a noisy smooch on his lips and then set the boy down where he started sputtering and making exaggerated wiping motions on his face with his hands which now only added to the dirty smudges.

  “Gross!” the little boy complained, although the laughter in his voice contradicted his attempted exclamation of disgust.

  “Love you, buddy,” Catie called over her shoulder as she and the four men headed for the thirty foot high wall that could be seen over the rooftops of the neat rows of cabin homes and shops.

  “Love you, mama,” the little voice called back.


  All Grown Up

  “This is extraordinary,” Dr. Zahn said, tapping my journal for emphasis. “If I were to hear some of these accounts from the odd passing merchant, I would dismiss it as a bunch of claptrap nonsense.”

  “I still have trouble believing a lot of it myself,” I admitted.

  “Personally, I’m trying to forget as much of it as possible,” Jim grumbled and then winced, taking a deep hissing breath between his teeth. “Ow!” he yelped.

  “Oh hush, you big baby,” Dr. Cynthia Byrd admonished as she looked up from suturing Jim’s forearm.

  “I am going to want to keep this for a few days,” Dr. Zahn said as she opened the book again and seemed to scan a few pages before closing it once more and setting it to the side.

  I was actually a little surprised. I just assumed that she would want to keep the notes for an indefinite period of time if not permanently.

  “You seem puzzled,” Dr. Zahn said with as much of a smile as she is capable.

  “I just wasn’t sure I’d get those back.” I made a slight nod of my head to the journal.

  “Thalia,” she sighed and sat back in her chair, pausing as Jim let out another hiss of pain. “Dear, the notes are yours. I simply wish to use them in the hopes that we might find something that will help us understand how to best deal with these…creatures.”

  The door to Dr. Zahn’s office opened and Billy’s silhouette filled the frame, but it was quickly displaced as a voice practically squealed, “Thalia!”

  Stevie exploded into the room shoving Billy aside and rushing to me with arms wide open. His hug was fierce and I had to wedge my arms in between his to get him to loosen up so I could breathe.

  “You act like I’ve been gone for a year,” I said with a smile.

  “It seems like it,” he chirped. “So, did you bring me something back from the field?”

  I smiled and opened the pouch on my hip. I fumbled around until I felt the tattered piece of cardboard with the little plastic bubble.

  “Close your eyes,” I insisted. As soon as Stevie’s eyes were closed I pulled out my prize and pressed it into his open hands. “Okay, go ahead.”

  That had been a needless suggestion. As soon as I’d placed his surprise in his eager hands, he’d opened his eyes. There was a silence in the room and I noticed all the adults craning their necks to try and get a look at what I’d given Stevie.

  “What is it?” he breathed.

  I could see the wonder and awe on his face. I know he had a general idea what it was, but it was just different and foreign enough that he actually must have felt compelled to ask. The problem was, I knew basically what it was as well, but I could not offer anything specific or concrete. Fortunately, Billy stepped forward.

  “That looks like an F/A 18 Hornet,” Billy said. He extended a hand and Stevie reluctantly handed it over, moving with it as if he feared losing proximity would cause him to also lose his new toy.

  “Lemme see,” Jim called from the table where he sat as Cynthia finished tying off her stitches.

  Billy walked over and showed the man who took it, gave it a quick inspection, and then nodded his confirmation. “Ayuh, that’s what it is. Where’d you find this, cupcake?”

  “It was on the floor at the end of one of the aisles,” I explained. “It was partially under the overhanging lip of the bottom shelf. It must have been catching the light just right or something.”

  Billy handed the toy back to Stevie who held it now more like it was some fragile egg shell that could shatter if touched improperly or even breathed on. He made his way back to me, eyes never drifting away from his present.

  “I think we have had enough excitement for today,” Dr. Zahn announced as if concluding some sort of gathering. “If you all could make your way home, and Cynthia, if you could take Stevie back and help him grab his things, I imagine he would like to sleep in his own bed tonight now that Thalia is home for a while.”

  I winced when she said the ‘for a while’ bit only because I did not want to take even a fraction of that smile off of Stevie’s face at the moment. I was surprised when he barely even looked up and said goodbye to me as Cynthia steered him out of the room by the shoulders.

  “William, if you and Thalia would stay for a moment.” It was not a request, much like many of the things that came out of Dr. Zahn’s mouth.

  Jim paused to hug me as he exited. “You did a helluva job out there, cupcake.” He kissed me on the forehead and left the room, closing the door behind him.

  “I want a team assembled and put at Thalia’s disposal within the week,” Dr. Zahn said as she sat back down behind her desk.

  “A team?” Billy and I both blurted simultaneously.

  “What you have managed to gather in these notes is nothing short of remarkable. However, you and Mr. Sagar also nearly did not make it back.”

  “We had it under control,” I mumbled. The look I received from Dr. Zahn told me that she was not convinced.

  “So you are sending her back out?” Billy asked, sounding almost as confused as I felt.

  “Not tomorrow,” Dr. Zahn waved his comment away with a frown. “But I do believe that this young lady has a knack for observational study. It would do us all a great bit of good if she continued to use those talents. No telling when we might find that one thing that leads us to being able to rid ourselves of these abominations once and for all.”

  The two continued to go around and around about the merits versus the dangers, but my mental replay kept fixating on how Dr. Zahn had just called me a young lady. It was not in that way she had of using it when she was dressing me down for screwing up. No, this was said in the sense that she saw me as something more than just a child.

  Eventually Billy realized that the doc was not going to be swayed in her opinion and agreed to start assembling the best security detail he could muster from our security personnel. He got up to leave, but before he did, he paused and looked at me as if perhaps appraising my worth.

  “I’ll make sure Jim is on the detail,” he said. “Also, it looks like Paula is going to recover fully, so as soon as she is able, I will assign her as well. If you think of anybody else, stop in and let me know.”

  Billy left and I turned back to face Dr. Zahn. She was actually smiling again. I wanted to squirm in my seat or say something to end the silence and the discomf
ort that was creeping into my belly as my nerves started to tingle.

  “How is Melissa?” I asked, suddenly aware that she had not come up at all either by me, Stevie, or anybody else since Jim and I had returned.

  “She is going to need to stay with Sunshine. That seems to keep her calm and she is less confused. There is nothing that we can do for her except give her love, patience, and understanding.”

  “And Stevie?”

  “He will have to be your responsibility, I’m afraid.”

  “I can handle it. But what about these field missions? What happens to him then?” I asked.

  “He will stay with me or Cynthia. He is a strong little boy and will be just fine. I will limit your excursions until he has had a chance to adjust.”

  “How does a person adjust to something like that?”

  “With your love, support, and help,” Dr. Zahn said in a very matter-of-fact tone. “I have no doubts or worries that he will flourish under your care. You’ve grown up into quite an amazing young lady, Thalia,” Dr. Zahn said as she leaned back in her chair and steepled her fingers in front of her face for a moment as if that helped her study me just a bit more closely. “Steve would be very proud of you.”

  That was it. The tears welled up in my eyes and everything went blurry. I brushed them away, and as I did, I saw Dr. Zahn dab at the corner of one of her own eyes.

  “He loved you like you were his own,” the doc said in the softest, most gentle voice I’d ever heard from her. “I wish he could see the amazing person you have become.”

  She reached into her desk and pulled out a ragged looking notebook. She pushed it across her desk to me.

  I stared at it, not sure of what to do.

  “Steve started this just after he broke his leg shortly after we arrived here. You were very young,” Dr. Zahn’s voice took on a faraway quality as if she might be sinking into a warm, wonderful memory.

  An image flashed and I couldn’t help but smile. “Emily and I were given the job of walking him around the cabin,” I said as I recalled those days so long ago. The images were dim and they almost felt as if they belonged to somebody else and I was simply being given a glimpse.

  I opened the book and read the first words scrawled on the page:

  I ain’t no hero. I never thought of being one. When I was young, I didn’t dream about being a police or fireman. I never considered joining the military, even after 9-11 when so many others my age flocked to the recruiter’s office.

  Hell, I was the guy who picked a desk in the middle of the classroom on the first day of school when all the Brains rushed for front row seats and the Jocks and Stoners roamed to the back. I didn’t play sports, at least not in any organized way. When sides were chosen (even if it was just a pick-up game with my buddies), I was pointed out someplace in the middle. Sometimes I would pull off a play in football, basketball, kickball…whatever, which was only amazing because it was me doing it.

  I had my share of girlfriends. I lost my virginity my senior year. On prom night. To a girl who played flute in the high school marching band. Her name was Kerri or Kathy…or Kari or Cathy.

  So you’re starting to get the point. Right?

  I closed the book and looked up to see Dr. Zahn regarding me. This time she did not bother to dab at the tears leaking from her eyes.

  The End


  “Hurry up, Stevie!” I called from out front.

  The door to the apartment opened and he walked out, casting me a dirty look in the process. He had one large bag over his shoulder and another in each hand.

  “You coulda helped carry these,” he quipped as he walked up to the cart and tossed them into the back.

  “I put mine in last night like I suggested you do.”

  I walked over to the team of horses hitched to the cart and gave the one on the right a stroke down its muscular neck. It nuzzled my hand, obviously searching for a carrot or an apple. I reached into my pocket and produced a red, round apple that I had picked off the tree in the front yard just moments before and held it out. The other horse tossed its head and I stepped over to it.

  “I haven’t forgotten you,” I whispered as I gave up another apple.

  “Thalia!” a voice called and I turned to see a young man just shy of his eighteenth birthday striding across the road that was currently empty of any activity at this early morning.

  “Xander,” I returned the greeting.

  “I was afraid I might’ve missed seeing you guys off.” He stopped in front of the team of horses and peered over at Stevie who was muscling his bags into the back of the cart.

  “Somebody is a little bit woozy from last night,” I stage-whispered loud enough so that I was certain Stevie could hear.

  “I think Billy was trying to see how much it would take to get him to pass out,” Xander chuckled. “He is pretty proud of his latest batch of ale. Keeps saying that the alcohol content would have made it illegal back in the Old World.”

  “I think it did him some good,” I whispered. “The funeral took so much out of him that I almost thought he was going to back out.”

  “Not a chance,” Stevie said from directly behind me, making me jump. I swatted him playfully as he stepped around and greeted Xander with a handshake that morphed into a hug.

  I watched him and still had a tough time seeing the young man he’d become before my eyes. It had become just a bit harder the past few days with Melissa’s death and then the subsequent memorial service. According to Sunshine, it had been a peaceful event. Melissa had gone to sleep and simply not woken up the next day. I would never admit it to Stevie, but I was relieved. The past year she had not been lucid, and she refused to believe that Stevie was not his father. It had gotten to the point where he could not go see his mother and could only visit if he stayed out of sight.

  “So how long you think the trip is gonna take?” Xander asked as he walked around the cart while Stevie and I climbed up.

  “Some folks say you can reach New Seattle in under a month,” I replied. “I’m in no hurry. I have a few places that I want to see along the way.”

  “I still don’t understand why you would want to make the trip in the first place.” Xander came to a stop and looked up at me.

  “I want to see where it all started,” I said simply. “And now that they are actually letting people travel into Old Seattle, I will be able to see it for myself.”

  “I just think it would be cool to see where my dad used to live. We know the name of the old apartments and the general location,” Stevie added.

  “Yeah, but it could have all burned to the ground,” Xander countered.

  “Won’t know until we get there,” Stevie shrugged his shoulders. “What’s the matter, Xander, you gonna miss me?” He batted his eyes and clutched his hands under his chin for added effect.

  “Yeah,” the young man said simply. “You’re my best friend. So, yes, I am going to miss you.”

  “Aww, dude,” Stevie hopped back down from the cart and went around to his friend. “I’ll miss you as well, but we’ll be back.”

  “How can you be sure?”

  “Because I plan on making it here for the Blackberry Brandy festival,” a voice grumbled.

  “About time, Jim,” I said with just a hint of annoyance. “I was afraid I’d have to stop at your place and wake you. That would have put us behind schedule.”

  “Schedule?” Jim snorted. “Why do I have to be involved with one of the few people in this world who still holds on to such antiquated ideas as schedules?”

  He tossed two bags into the back of the cart and then came around to the bench seat and climbed up beside me. Stevie gave Xander’s hand a squeeze and then joined us.

  “Don’t worry, buddy,” he called over his shoulder as we started for the gate. “We’ll be back!”

  The End?

  There are still many adventures yet to come in the DEAD world.

  Perhaps YOUR town will be next to be featured
in the DEAD: Snapshot {insert town here} series…

  Now, turn the page for a sneak preview of…

  That Ghoul Ava and

  The Queen of the Zombies


  Same Ol’ Situation

  “Do you have to play this crap so loud?” Lisa said with that petulance that only teen girls can truly master. It’s so sad. When we get older it just comes off as whiny or bitchy.

  I pretended not to hear her. Not one thing that she could say or do was going to ruin my mood tonight. I was behind the wheel of my very first brand new car. No little tushies had planted themselves in this seat but mine. I had been assured that I was the very first person to test drive this little baby: A candy-apple red 2013 Corvette.

  Now I’m not one of those girls who knows a lot about cars, so most of what the very cute salesman said just didn’t stick. I think he even had a fancy name for the color red that my car was painted. Don’t care.

  I flew down the on-ramp that deposited me onto I-5 and went through the gears like I imagine those racecar drivers did when they zoomed around in circles. By the time I actually hit the freeway, I was on the high side of ninety miles per hour.

  “Got your seatbelt on?” I asked. I wasn’t planning on getting into a wreck…but who did? Safety first!

  “Try to remember that only one of us is guaranteed not to die if you wreck this thing,” Lisa yelled over the strains of the luscious Brett Michaels who was currently begging me to talk dirty to him. Trust me when I tell you, that would be the least of his worries.

  She was referring to the fact that I am a ghoul. Now let me assure you, being a ghoul is absolutely nothing like being a zombie. As if. Zombies are nasty creatures that eat the living. I only eat the dead. See? Big difference.


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