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Accidentally Married to the Billionaire (Whirlwind Romance Series)

Page 3

by Shadonna Richards

  Most women he’d dated weren’t really interested in him as a person. They were interested in him as a tycoon, a wealthy businessman who money was no object at all. Kira seemed to care more about living life to the fullest, being close with family and doing good things in the world to help others. She really was something else.

  “I think you’re a good man, too, Alessandro.”


  The next day, Kira sat for two intense hours in the boardroom while Alessandro presented his complete business plan to the panel.

  She felt a deep sense of pride while she sat there watching him give his proposal of turning the Orlando property into a world-renowned children’s hospital. It was an ambitious goal but a solid plan. He’d put a lot of work into it.

  He highlighted his plans to open up the 342-bed facility which would come complete with a 220-seat state-of-the-art movie theatre to provide an escape for children receiving treatment and their families who would want to see the latest blockbuster movie without having to go to a cinema. The theatre would screen the latest movie releases just like any other cinema—only family-friendly movies.

  What a remarkable idea!

  Kira wished that Kandy could have experienced that when she’d spent her last days in the hospital unable to go outside because she was too ill.

  Alessandro explained that while he was visiting another children’s hospital, he saw some of the children watching DVDs on a small player in their room and thought it would be a great idea to have all the fun that came with a wide-screen theatre right there on the hospital premise. This way, the patients could even sit with their nurse, if need be, and enjoy the latest Disney movie on the big screen. He had already secured funds from many enthusiastic donors for the project. “It’s about minimizing the anxiety and negative feelings often associated with hospitalization and illness,” Alessandro explained during his proposal speech.

  Not only was Alessandro attractive but he was a creative genius! The more he gave his passionate presentation using his laptop computer and an overhead screen to illustrate his plan, the more she grew fond of him. The more she desired him.

  She silently prayed that Alessandro would win the bid. It seemed to mean so much to him. And it would mean a lot for sick children all around the world.

  She noticed that Mr. Otteyman, the property owner, seemed quite impressed as he spoke to his associates. Later after the meeting, Mr. Otteyman surprised Alessandro and her by inviting them to grab a bite while they discuss more.

  “You both seem quite passionate about the hospital project,” Mr. Otteyman turned to Kira at the lunch table after the presentation. They were seated in another luxury restaurant.

  “Oh, I am. This means so much to us.”


  “Yes. My twin sister had a rare childhood disorder, plasmacytoma. It was too late for her.”

  “I’m so sorry to hear that. I didn’t know it hit close to home for you. My own grand-niece also has the disorder.”

  “Oh, I’m sorry to hear that, Mr. Otteyman. How is she doing?”

  “Well, thank you for asking, she’s recovering. But we were lucky. I think you and Alessandro are right. Children from all backgrounds should be able to benefit from the same excellent treatment whether their parents can afford it or not. You are an excellent ambassador, Mrs. Romano.”

  Kira blushed. “Thank you.” She looked over at Alessandro who was talking with Mrs. Otteyman. She caught him giving her a look of approval before getting back into his conversation. The day was turning out to be an exhilarating experience.


  “Well, my dear, you made a brilliant impression on Mr. Otteyman,” Alessandro said later that evening as he undid his tie in the hotel suite. They’d just gotten back from a lovely dinner and a night on the town visiting the Nevada State Museum and catching a show at Caesars Palace. Her favorite part of their full day after lunch with the Otteymans had been going to the Ship of Dreams. The Titanic Artifact Exhibition. It was her favorite stop. She’d seen the movie when it came out in the cinema with Leonardo DiCaprio about a hundred times. She’d felt as if she were on top of the world with Alessandro as they toured a replica of the ship. She felt like Rose and Alessandro was her Jack Dawson, only she was the poor one and he was the rich one. She really didn’t want the excitement of the day to end. It was after midnight now. Boy, did they have a full day!

  “So did you, Alessandro. I’m so impressed by your work.”

  Alessandro leaned closer to her as he took off his blazer.

  “I’m very impressed by your work, Miss Watson.”

  “That’s Mrs. Romano, to you, sir!” she teased him as she leaned in closer to him. What was with her all of a sudden? She was so hot for Alessandro and usually if she were attracted to a guy she’d stay as far away as possible. But for some reason, she felt confident around him. Good about herself. She could not deny the magnetism between them.

  Kira wanted to say that she did not want the marriage to end. But how could she say that? Clearly this was a business arrangement. Although the closer Alessandro stood beside her she was beginning to wonder if he had different ideas.

  “What’s the matter?” he asked in a low voice as he stood in front of her as if admiring what his saw. Kira could not resist. The sweet aroma of his cologne was enticing. She craved Alessandro in every way. For the first time in her life, she made a move. What had gotten into her?

  She reached over to kiss Alessandro on the cheek but he turned his head so that their lips met. She was not going to let this opportunity pass her by. She felt his lips curve into a smile.

  “My dear, you really are something,” he said.


  “You have no idea what you do to me. This will only complicate our agreement,” he said in a hoarse voice before pulling away from her.

  “I don’t mind complications of this sort.” Kira’s body pulsated in anticipation. She wanted to be close to Alessandro again. She desired more of him.

  “I’m a complicated man, Kira.”

  “I know and I care about you, anyway.”

  He grinned. His dark, sexy eyes penetrated her. He leaned in closer and brushed his lips against hers. His lips were warm and sweet on hers. She melted under the heat of his desire. She could feel his erection as he pressed against her.

  Kira placed her arms around his neck as they continued to kiss hungrily. The gentle massage of his lips and his tongue sent currents of desire through her veins.

  “Oh, Al,” she moaned into his lips. She didn’t want this moment to end. So this was what it felt like to be swept away by a kiss. She hungered for more. He was not only skilled in the boardroom, but she could tell his talents extend to the bedroom. How could she be so turned on in every inch of her body by his gentle, warm touch? She never knew she could feel this way in her entire life. She treasured every moment in Alessandro’s presence. The heat between her thighs was undeniable she couldn’t wait any longer. Why was he torturing her with waiting for more?

  Gently, he eased her down onto the bed as he unzipped her red summer dress. His hand unhooked her bra strap while they continued to pleasure each other’s lips. He seemed to enjoy sucking on her lips and swirling his tongue inside her mouth. Her nipples were taut, anticipating his touch as she lay naked beneath his gaze. “God, I want you, Kira,” he moaned, his deep silky voice sounding hoarser than before.

  Alessandro stood up as he watched her with delight, naked except for her silky white panties. He unbuttoned the rest of his shirt. Kira gazed in wonder at his firm, muscular chest. He really had a body to die for. He was ripped in every way. Her eyes drew to his pants as he unzipped. Tingling erupted between her thighs. She could not wait any longer for his sweet touch. A delicious thought struck Kira at that moment. Alessandro was hers. He was all hers at least for now. He was her lawfully wedded husband. Even if it were for a time.

  This delighted her even more. Nothing would be off limits tonight. She wanted every pa
rt of Alessandro. She watched as he turned around to grab something from the draw. A shiny silver square packet. A condom.

  She smiled with delight as he placed the condom on the bedside beside them.

  “Are you sure, you want this, Kira?” he asked, nibbling on her neck sending more currents of desire down her body.

  “Oh, Al. Yes. I want you so much.” She hugged his neck again and drew him closer to her. He gently slid his hands over her breasts massaging her tight nipples before moving his lips over each one. Sucking one nipple while stroking the other with his soft hands which sent jolts of pleasure through her veins.

  Gently, he moved his hand down and slid inside her panty, teasing and pleasuring her until she came. She’d only had one real experience before this and she did not recall having been gently pleasured this way.

  “God, you’re so wet,” he moaned as he nibbled on the sensitive part of her neck. “You really turn me on.”

  “Hmm.” His touch was so erotic. So pleasurable. Kira wanted him inside her right now. She could hardly wait.

  “Oh, please, Al. I want you now,” she moaned.

  Carefully, Alessandro tore open the condom packet and rolled the condom over his large erection. He moved his soft lips down to her navel and sucked on it, bringing her to the brink. Later, his tongue slid down to the folds of her inner thigh where she throbbed in anticipation. His lips then moved around her making her more wet than she could imagine. She held unto the firm, strong muscles on his arms and moaned with delight. He brought his lips back to hers and sucked on them, teasing her, sliding his tongue inside her mouth.

  “Do you like that, baby?” He asked, his voice hoarse.

  “Hmm. Yes, baby. More.”

  He pressed his lips to her neck and slid his tongue down sending more shivers of delight through her veins. Moments later he spread her legs apart and slid his erection inside her, thrusting back and forth with his strong hips, magically taking her to places she’d never been before. His movements became harder and faster, pleasing her more. She sucked on his lips and held tightly onto his back as she experienced his powerful erotic movements.

  Kira’s body vibrated with pleasure as she came again. Seconds later, Alessandro came as his body shuddered with ecstasy. He gently kissed her neck and whispered that he loved her so much. She could feel his heart pounding hard and fast as he laid on her momentarily before turning on his side. Her body throbbed with deep satisfaction as she curled into his body and they both lay on the bed. So this was what it felt like to be pleasured by her husband? Kira’s smile on her face could not be wiped off for anything in the world. For the first time, she felt the warmth and love of a man who cared deeply about her as she did for him. Kira couldn’t bear for her relationship and all of this to end with Alessandro. It was too painful to think about.


  When Kira awoke the next morning she felt as if she were awake in heaven on earth with thoughts of last night. She turned around in the bed to find that Alessandro was not there. The knock on the door distracted her thoughts. Was it Alessandro? Did he forget his sliding key card? She jumped out of bed and wrapped the sheets around her as she walked to the door. She peeked through the peep hole and was shocked to see an older woman outside the door.

  “Just a minute?” She walked over to the bathroom and grabbed her hotel robe put it on and tied the belt. Her hair was out of place and she tried to smooth it over. Who could it be?

  “Who is it?”

  “It’s Belle. It’s regarding Mr. Romano.”

  Kira didn’t know why she opened the door but she did. Was Alessandro hurt?

  The woman who looked like she could be in her late fifties walked inside and looked at Kira with pity in her eyes.

  “I see Alessandro likes his women young,” she said.

  “Excuse me? Who are you?”

  “I’m Belle Di Maro, Bianca’s mother.”

  “Bianca?” Why did that name sound familiar? “You said it was regarding Alessandro. Is he hurt?”

  “That all depends, my dear.” The woman was kind and seemed grandmotherly but there was something strange about her. She clutched her oversized handbag at her side. Her lips thinned into a straight line as if she were pondering something.

  “Have you seen the news this morning, my dear?”

  “No. I haven’t.”

  Belle reached into her handbag and pulled out a copy of the morning newspaper. “Here, on the cover.”

  It was a picture of Alessandro and Bianca, the model on some beach somewhere. The headline caused Kira to step back. She almost fainted.

  Paternity Test Positive. Romano is the Father.

  Kira slumped into the chair. Her mouth fell open with shock. The woman tilted her head as if she felt sorry for Kira.

  “My dear, you could be my daughter. It’s probably none of my business. I heard that you two just got married but a man who doesn’t want to own up to his own child is not a real man, my dear. Bianca was only twenty. She was young smitten by his good looks but she was not the type of woman his people painted her out to be. He was her first love and look how he treated her. I’m only saying this but if I were you I would run. He’s a con. Plain and simple. At least now, my daughter and grandson will have some sort of justice when he is ordered to pay up child support. Hmm. The child was not his, he said. Yeah, right. Anyway, sorry to barge in on you like this but if I can save another young girl from this animal, I will.”

  The woman left the newspaper with Kira as she let herself out the door. Kira was still wheeling in shock. How could this be? Alessandro had promised her that he was not the father and that he would own up to his responsibility. Kira felt a migraine coming on. She held her head.

  This time she didn’t have a hangover because of a few glasses of champagne. She had a hangover from heartbreak.


  When Alessandro reached into his hotel suite, he called out to Kira. She was nowhere to be found. He was still fuming over that allegation that he was the father of Bianca’s child. There was no way in hell he could be the child’s biological dad. He hadn’t even met her. Not to his recollection. But his men were working on getting some background information. He wanted to see the results himself and have the DNA test retaken if necessary. Something was just not adding up. Now he risked losing the biggest deal of his life thanks to this new scandalous news.

  His anger aroused further when he saw a note on the desk written on the hotel stationery.

  Dear Alessandro:

  I tried to reach you by cell but I could not get a hold of you. The media was calling constantly and people were knocking at the door wanting my reaction to the news headline. I’m sorry but I could not take it. I really wanted to believe you. I’m just so hurt right now and I think it’s better that I go back home for now to Toronto. I really didn’t want to get messed up into this. It’s more than I can handle. I hope you can understand.


  Alessandro tore off the sheet from the pad and ripped up the note before tossing it in the garbage. Was everyone turning on him all of a sudden? If that’s the way she wanted it. It was fine by him. He didn’t chase after women. Ever. It was always the other way around. And he sure as hell wasn’t going to start now. He would let her go. He would not go after her. An annulment would come sooner than he had planned. Right now, he had to work on fixing his tarnished image. Women were nothing but trouble.

  It had been two weeks since Kira got back to Toronto from Vegas. She sat at her kitchen table with her laptop looking at job ads. She did not want anything to do with Alessandro or his money. But what burned her the most was…Alessandro didn’t even try to get in touch with her. Was this all a façade? Did he even care? How could she have gotten it all wrong? God, she was stupid. So gullible. Well, that’s what one gets for wanting to live it up and play the let’s-do-something-exciting game.

  She was duped. Plain and simple.

  Did the week in Vegas mean nothing to him?

  Why had
n’t he even tried to reach her? Kira thought she was going to go crazy in her mind over Alessandro. Never in her life had she met a man that stirred so much feelings inside of her. Body, soul and mind. She could not get him out of her system no matter how much she tried and it was torturing her inside.

  “You okay, Kira?” her younger sister, Kerry, asked as she came into the kitchen. She was back from college and Kira wondered how she would come up with her sister’s tuition for the next semester.

  “I’m good thanks.”

  “What are you doing, now?”

  “Just looking for another job.”

  “What happened to Babs Magazine?”

  “Oh, nothing. It was just a conflict of interest, you know with…” It hurt Kira to even say his name right now knowing that he was no longer in her life.

  “Oh, right. That rich dude you married on the spur of the moment. Has he called you yet?”

  “No and that’s just fine.”

  “Is it?”

  “Yes.” Kira became agitated and she hated herself for that. “Look don’t worry about me. I want you to tell me all about your first semester.”

  Kerry sat with her and they talked for a while. All the time Kira’s mind kept whirling back to Alessandro. Their time in Vegas. Their quickie wedding…

  Later, Kira finished washing up the dishes after breakfast. Kerry had gone out to the mall with her friends. That was fine with her because she really wanted a break. She just needed to get her mind away from Alessandro and all thoughts of him.

  Just then, her thoughts were distracted by a knocking at the door. She wiped her hands on the dish towel and proceeded to the front door of her apartment. When she looked through the peep hole, her breath stopped.


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