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Guardian's Flame [Guardian City 2] (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour)

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by Grace Lynn

  Then, if we can afford it and our mate is in trouble, we pay it. Jason agreed. D showed the burly man to a table separated, but Jason pulled Nathan toward the door. They weren’t needed here, and D had three guards with him. Jason wanted to see the city, so once they were clear from the drinking hall, Jason relaxed.

  “I could barely breathe in there. I have never seen a dwarf before, but I can honestly say that is going to take some getting used to. What do you think about having another mate?” Jason asked seriously, as they walked through the city’s streets. Jason was amazed by the sheer amount of artistic features the city held. Trees lined the street, adding in decoration and lighting during the nightly hours. Plants climbed up the living lights, with large bulbous flowers that reminded Jason of the exotic plants sold in the summer by humans. Unlike the human streets, the streets here were pebbled like that of a dried-up river bed.

  “I think we are blessed to have another mate. I would have been fine with one mate, but there’s always room in a person’s heart. I think that maybe we are mated for a reason, and each of us will provide something unique to our relationship. The only issue is with so many different personalities, we are bound to have fights, and arguments, but as long as we’re all committed, it won’t be an issue,” Nathan said with a smile as he kissed Jason’s fingers, sending shivers down his arms.

  “I think you’re right. We are mated for a reason. I just don’t think I was the best choice for you two. I’m not mean, and I can’t fight. Actually, can’t fight is the understatement of the year,” Jason vented as they eased to the center of the city. A natural fountain spewed water, and Jason sauntered toward the magically made creation, sitting at the edge of the water’s spray. Droplets formed as the mist kissed Jason’s face.

  “I think you don’t know what you’re worth at this point in your life. You haven’t really had a chance to grow yet. I think in time you’ll see just how useful you are to us, and it’s something that just takes time to figure out,” Nathan said as he squeezed Jason’s hand in encouragement.

  They have accepted the payment, and told us the location of our mate. They wish to remain in our fair city, and have offered their Dwarven services, under the condition they will be allowed to have a few approved shops here to sell at. I hope you agree, but I have already accepted. One of the shops will be for weaponry. Angel is going to set up services for special weapons to be made for our pack. After that is set up, Angel and Leif are going to the Elves to ask for some volunteer trainers for our pack. Then we’ll have our own guards for the city. We also received a summons from Kadyn at the Higher Council for us to see him immediately, that was two days ago. It’s on the way to where our mate is located, but we will have to tread very carefully, D spoke through the bond that tingled with his magic.

  Okay, so we can stop by the Higher Council, and have your meeting. Then we can leave from there to find our mate. If Leif is going with Angel, that leaves you short a guard, Nathan reasoned.

  Jason had only met Leif recently, but it seemed he was a close friend to Nathan, so Jason trusted him. He had a suspicion that his mates would try to leave him here under lock and key. Jason wasn’t staying while his mates were off doing whatever without him. The look on Nathan’s face said he was guilty of the thought. Don’t even ask. I am not staying here, while you trek through who knows what for our mate! Jason snapped at his mates.

  You’re not staying here. We’re a team. Besides, where we’re going, we’re going to need you, D soothed through the bond, but Nathan still looked guilty of the thought.

  Tell that to Caveman, Jason snipped as he snatched his hand away from Nathan. He glared at the bigger man before stomping off to find his more understanding mate. Jason got lost twice, finally finding his mates talking where he had left Caveman earlier. D smiled at Jason, with a proud look on his face.

  “I was just telling caveman here that you won’t break, and you probably don’t like being treated like a child,” D stated as he wrapped his muscled arms around Jason. Jason leaned against the strength of his mate, still glaring slightly at Nathan.

  “I know I’m little and I can’t fight. I can’t stay here and wander. I don’t want to, either. I want to be useful, and if you think I’m useless then what is the point of our mating?” Jason asked honestly, voicing the thoughts that whirled around his head.

  “You’re right. I’m sorry, I just don’t want you hurt,” Nathan agreed.

  “Now that the issue is solved, we have other things to worry about. Our mate is being held by an Incubus tribe that resides on the other side of The Swamp. We can’t open a magic portal there, and honestly, I’d rather not try to open one. I need to save my magic so it can replenish. We can, however, make it to the Higher Council in a half-day run. From there, I suggest we fly to The Swamp. Then, we’ll be on foot, and we want to reach the swamp in the early morning. Night is the most dangerous time to be in The Swamp, and it’s tricky enough to try to find a way out. If we leave in the next hour, we can reach Kadyn at dusk. I know you two need sleep, but you two can sleep during the flight. I can fly us during the night, and it’ll put us at The Swamp during the morning.” D looked to see if everyone was agreeable, and it sounded like a good plan to Jason. Jason nodded his head in agreement, and they made their way back to the tree house that had become his home in the last few days.

  What about guards? Jason asked, bringing up Nathan’s earlier concerns.

  “We aren’t taking any. Cole and Leif already know. I will not take people into the Swamp that can be seduced into death. Mother Earth, now that I’m mated, I don’t know if I can even leave, and I’ve been there before,” D explained, but it led Jason to wonder how he did survive it.

  “How did you get through The Swamp? I thought no one made it out alive,” Nathan asked curiously.

  You don’t want me to answer that. Remember, I do have Incubus in me, D answered as they rounded the home. Jason packed a light bag that held mostly food items and medical supplies. He changed into a pair of pants that were loose and cool, and a t-shirt that was D’s. By the time he found D and Nathan, he barely recognized his mates. They both were strapped fully with weapons, but Jason reminded himself of where they were going.

  “Can you fly?” D asked, and Jason felt himself smile at the thought of being able to fly.

  “Yeah, I shifted as soon as I could when you freed me. I may have to rest, but I can fly faster than Caveman can run,” Jason answered, tickled he would be able to fly. It didn’t take long for his mates to be ready, and they left the woods quietly without drawing any attention to their party.

  Chapter Five

  Nathan waited for Demend to touch him before he shifted. He loved that when his mate touched him the process was painless, and now he could actually look forward to releasing his wolf. His fur replaced the skin and he shrunk down to his wolf size. He shook his raven fur, not surprised to see hairs flying from his thick coat. He shed way too much in the summer, but panted happily as Demend started to shift. Instead of the wolf coat Nathan had been expecting, a striped orange coat appeared.

  How many animals can you shift into? Nathan asked curiously, since it was something he didn’t know.

  Dragon, Wolf, Tiger, Python, and Fox, but I have never shifted into the snake. He scares me, but he’s always there under the skin. Elves can become one with a creature in a sort of half-shift, if they study the creature long enough, at least. I can half-shift into a Lynx, Lion, Griffon, and Saber-tooth. I didn’t get the chance to study with other half-shifted Elves before the war, D answered, with that evil Cheshire cat grin plastered on his striped, heart-shaped face.

  Jason’s shift was strange to Nathan. Instead of a smooth change in forms, Jason morphed from one body to the next, exploding in flames. When the flame cleared a small Dragon-like bird stood in his place. His wings were shaped much like a bat’s, with the threaded tendrils running alongside his wings that looked like parchment. Jason screeched and took to the sky, quicker than Nathan had ev
er seen a creature fly. Demend and Nathan took to the ground, with Nathan having to work to keep up with the tiger’s strides.

  Nathan chased his mate while watching through the trees for a chance to see Jason in the air. The tail was providing a good distraction between the tree openings. Nathan nipped at the tip, and Demend pushed ahead with a few leaps. Nathan pushed himself to run faster, his tongue hanging out of his mouth as he panted. Time passed as they talked during the run. They stopped after a few hours for a quick drink before returning to their trek through the forest. Jason circled above and informed them of any naturally made trouble ahead. They had to track around a flooded river, but Jason proved beyond useful in finding a place they could cross.

  The forest had completely darkened by the time they cleared the forest’s edge. Jason landed and flamed himself back to human. Demend followed suit, and Nathan was left the last with fur waiting for the comforting touch before shifting. Nathan shifted easily, and Demend marched toward the gates. Their timetable didn’t allow them to play nicely with the Council. Nathan was glad of that. He wasn’t up to dealing with politics. The doors to the building opened, and cold air rushed out. Sweat lined Nathan’s shoulders and back, and the air was a welcomed relief. A man shooed the guards away, motioning them to follow him.

  “Sire, it’s good to see you again. Sire Kadyn has been waiting for your visit,” the man said as he rushed them to an office somewhere within the building. The man opened the door and stood to the side. They went into the expensive office. The man who had led them there closed the door without entering.

  “D, it took you long enough. Next time, why don’t you take a vacation before you come?” Kadyn stated. Nathan eyed the man who looked so different from the last time he had seen him. Instead of the council dress, the man was in jeans and a T-shirt.

  “Sorry, Kadyn, I suffered a magical accident. I was down for the count for a while. I came as soon as I could. This is Jason, and you know Nathan from our meeting a few weeks back, they are my mates. What did you need?” Demend directly got to the point. Nathan agreed that just being here was taking time away from their current mission.

  “I didn’t need you, really. I needed him,” Kadyn said, pointing at Nathan. Nathan looked behind him to see what Kadyn was pointing at.

  “Me?” Nathan was surprised Kadyn even knew Demend would bring him.

  “Yeah, brother-mate, I have a problem. Sadly, it’s your problem. Your mother was Ella Summers, right?” Kadyn asked seriously.

  “That was her name, but I didn’t know her.” Nathan shrugged. Nathan wondered what his birth mother had to do with any of this. He didn’t even know the woman, and she had breezed out of his life, taking his litter with her. He had been the runt, unworthy of living at all.

  “Her son, Silas, passed away. Now Levi, Micah, Logan, and Asher aren’t in a position at this point to provide his pup with a good home. Since I was personally related to you, I was entrusted with this child until I could find a suitable home with her family. You’re her family,” Kadyn explained. Nathan reveled in the names of the brothers he didn’t remember. The names seemed familiar, but it was more like a wisp of a memory than anything real. Now, he knew they had lived to reproduce.

  “Those are my brothers’ names? They can’t provide the child a home? I didn’t even know him,” Nathan stated, feeling as though someone should be able to tell the girl about her father. “She’s the only pup?”

  “Her mother had a small litter of two pups, which she died giving birth to. The boy pup died before he was a few weeks old. Pandora is the only surviving member of her immediate family. Yes, those are your brothers’ names, and when they get back from their assassin mission I’m sure they will want to see you and Pandora. For reasons you now know, they aren’t the best option for the girl. They are always gone for long periods of time, and I don’t think they can devote much time to child care. So that leaves you.” Kadyn smiled.

  You have a niece, and I bet she’s cute, Jason murmured through their bond.

  What are we going to do? We need to rescue our mate, and now we have a child. Nathan cursed .

  “I had a visit today from the Dwarves. They have agreed to open up shop in the Guardian City. They were also kind enough to inform us of our other mate’s whereabouts. He or she is being held captive on the other side of The Swamp. We were headed there tonight,” Demend explained to Kadyn.

  Someone has to stay with the child, and take her home. It might even take two people to keep up with the pup. I don’t know that much about them, but Bentley seems to, Demend pointed out.

  Nathan knew he was right. The girl had lost her family, one at a time. She would be feeling insecure, and she was now his responsibility. I’ll stay behind and take her home. I don’t know anything about pups, but Bentley and Maryann will help me. That means the two of you will have to save our mate. I don’t like it, but it’s not fair to Pandora.

  “I’ll stay behind, and take Pandora to our home,” Nathan said out loud for Kadyn’s benefit.

  A knock on the door stopped the discussion, and Kadyn ordered whoever to come in. A raven-haired man entered, and Nathan felt shock in the likeness between him and the stranger. The man wore an undershirt and jeans. He wore the same types of weapons that Demend used, minus the short swords that were his mate’s pride and joy. A long scar ran across his face, giving him a dangerous feel to his hardened features.

  “Asher.” Kadyn smiled, leaving the comfort of his desktop seat to shake the man’s hand. “This is Nathan, the man that has a fitting home for your niece. These two are his mates Jason, and my elder brother Demend. I thought you weren’t supposed to be returning for a few weeks, at least.”

  “Levi was talking with Pandora. No, we were coming in today after our mission. Our Councilman wanted us to leave for another mission immediately, but we ran into Chris, who told us about Silas’s death, and Pandora.”

  “Nathan here has agreed to provide her with a home, but he probably could use her other uncles’ help. At least, if it’s okay with his Alpha that you guys enter his territory,” Kadyn said with a smile, pointing at Demend.

  “Other uncles?” Asher asked curiously, but Nathan knew he was fishing for the truth that was apparent.

  “Yes, Nathan was Ella’s youngest boy,” Kadyn answered smoothly.

  What do you think? Demend asked.

  I think they honestly care about the girl, Jason pointed out.

  I’d like the chance to get to know them, but I don’t know about traveling through the Elvin woods alone with them, Nathan stated with a shrug.

  “It’s settled. Jason and I will return Nathan and Pandora to our city. You are welcome to come as long as you can live by the Guardian City’s rules. Can Pandora shift?” Demend asked no one in particular.

  “No, she’s a late bloomer.” Asher growled. Apparently her shifting was a touchy subject.

  “What aren’t you telling me?” Demend asked with a gleam that promised death.

  “Oh Mother Earth, big brother, it’s a family secret,” Kadyn pointed out.

  “Yeah, we’re family. Where is that old wooden sword of yours?” Demend asked with interest. Nathan was dying to ask, but figured there was enough to deal with already.

  “Back on track, boys,” Jason ordered with a foot stamp.

  “She may never shift. She’s half human,” Asher finally said, casting a cloak of silence throughout the room. Nathan smiled slightly at the irony. His mother had left him to his father because he was a runt. He wondered how she treated her half-human granddaughter.

  “That’s it? She’s half-human? Oh lord, we are so going to have to work on your point of view. Humans are the greatest, they invented Disney,” Demend pointed out.

  The door opened, cutting off whatever else Demend was going to say. A smaller man with the same thick, raven hair walked in with an almost teenaged girl hidden behind him. The man smiled encouragingly, but the girl looked to be lost in her own thoughts for a moment. When she fin
ally looked up, the intelligence shined through her indigo-colored eyes. Nathan could see that this was going to be a learning lesson he would never forget.

  “Pandora, this is Nathan, your uncle, and his two mates Jason, and D,” Kadyn introduced politely.

  “Hello, are you the ones I am going to be living with?” Pandora asked in a quiet voice that said she had seen way too much in her young years. Before anyone could respond, she bulldozed, “You know I’m a human?”

  “So was Snow White,” Demend responded with a shrug. It would seem the girl was touchy about her half-heritage, and it would be something they would have to work on.

  “Humans are weak, helpless, defenseless, stupid, and I’ll never be able to shift. The doctor told Grandmother that,” Pandora said stiffly.

  “Being unable to shift doesn’t make you unable to defend yourself. Humans are creative, inspiring, loving, gifted, intelligent, and capable of defending themselves. It’s called a rocket launcher, and, honey, no Shape-Shifter can live through it. Your species doesn’t make you strong, talented, or bright. These traits change within each individual within the species,” Demend explained to Pandora with a smile that spoke of the amount of years he had lived. Nathan had to agree with his mate on the points, but didn’t want to be the one to scold the girl for her own worthless feelings.

  “So you’re Kadyn’s big brother?” Asher asked Demend in a tone that said he didn’t buy it.

  “We share the same Sires, though he is much younger than I am,” Demend answered politely.

  Chapter Six

  It didn’t take long to get everything the girl had to have in the next few days. Kadyn promised to send her things later in the week, and D felt better about the situation. Asher and Levi agreed to join them, and they left the compound without any issues. D considered how they would get the girl back to the city. He could fly her back, but he wasn’t sure she would be comfortable in the air. They reached the foliage where their small company started to place items inside a doggy bag.


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