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Guardian's Flame [Guardian City 2] (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour)

Page 6

by Grace Lynn

  “What did our mate do to end up as a prisoner of war?” Nathan asked, and D had to agree with the question. Most people that offended the Incubi ended up as a snack, instead of alive. Alive stated their mate had gone above and beyond the offensive line, somewhere between Holy-Fucking-Shit and Bat-Shit-Crazy.

  “It doesn’t matter. I was considering offering her up for a prize…” Mufasa stated, with a sense of pride at his plan.

  “Her?” Nathan and Jason questioned loudly.

  Demend took a deep breath, calming his fast growing irritation. If she was offered as a prize, that meant they would have to win her fairly, or offer a deal to whoever won. Neither plan was a good plan, since the prizes won here would place a person in a higher social standing. Trading off their prize wasn’t something that was ever done. This isn’t going well. The man is an ass, and is going to offer the prize only because we want her. This way he can save his prize, and get us off his back. His mates both agreed with his thoughts, so D took a deep breath.

  “Why don’t we cut the bullshit, and be honest? We want her, and you don’t want to deal with us. So, you’ll offer her up as a prize against full blooded Incubi, and Succubae, and save yourself a prize for a better day. At the same time, you still aren’t giving her up to me, because the chance of me winning one of your games is next to nothing. Am I right?” D stated flatly, as he crossed the room to lean over the desk. His magic flared at the anger that was building inside.

  “You’re right. I don’t want you to have her. I don’t want her to ever have a moment of peace. So instead, I’ll put her up as a prize for tonight’s showdown. You can enter and win her if you have enough flare in you to earn the tips you would need to win. Problem solved.” The man smiled, and D wanted nothing more than to slice his throat.

  “Thank you, for that bit of honesty. We’ll see you tonight,” D said before walking out of the room. They had a few hours to come up with a plan, but D wasn’t sure what they could do. They could sneak in and try to kill everyone, but that plan wouldn’t work. That left playing the man’s game.

  “What are we going to do? Didn’t you tell us you couldn’t roll someone?” Nathan asked.

  “I can’t roll someone like the fog did, no. I can do it, but it has to be during sex. It’s not something I am good at. These people tonight will be good at it. The idea is to roll the crowd causing orgasms. The more orgasms, the more money a person makes. Whoever makes the most, wins. My father used to do it for a living. It’s a form of Glamour magic, which I really don’t have,” D stated as they left the club, thankful to be out in the sunshine again.

  So what if we spurn you on a little? Nathan asked curiously. Desire rolled through the bond, and D looked at Jason in surprise.

  “You do understand that the whole place will be filled with people watching, right? I don’t think spurning would work. We’d have to flat-out fuck.” D watched the red in his smaller mate’s eyes flare with the desire he felt inside.

  And if we fuck? Jason asked curiously with a wicked gleam in his eyes.

  “Could I roll the crowd? Maybe. If we use blood at the same time, and magic, our chances are better. The problem is he’ll cheat one way or another, to try to throw us off.” D thought about it a moment. Blood always had worked to bring out what little Glamour magic he had. Maybe if he tied it to his Elvin magic it would work. They were going to need some enhancers.

  “Come on, we need to drink,” D said with a smile, pulling his mates toward a shop that advertised passion enhancers.

  Chapter Ten

  Jason slammed the shot of red liquid down his throat, letting the burn spread through his body like the fire magic he held inside. His head floated behind the intoxicating liquid, and it took him a moment to focus on anything. They were back at Fusion, after an afternoon of drinking the same red liquid he was drinking now. His cock had been pulsing all afternoon, but he was ordered to not touch it at all. Jason swiveled his hips slightly, loving the feel of his pants sliding against his cock.

  “I love you,” Nathan stated, rather loudly, to Jason, and Jason smiled brightly through the buzz in his head. He grabbed Nathan in a hug, placing his lips against the lips that promised satisfaction guaranteed. Jason giggled at the thought and realized that their bond had grown in the short time. He loved them both more than he had ever thought he could love someone. It was soul love, something that could be felt in the inner depths of his very soul. “I love you, too!”

  Jason kissed Nathan quickly before leaning over to capture D’s lips. D smiled that sexy smile that only an Elf could pull off. “I love you, too. I’m glad you risked your life for me, and I’m glad you didn’t kill yourself.”

  Jason smiled against D’s lips as they captured his, and his cock hardened. D teased his lips, licking along the opening before leaning back. Jason smiled at D, but his head swarmed from all the senses overflowing through their bond. “I love you,” D stated simply, as if he had known all along.

  “Announcing tonight’s top prize!” the loud speaker screamed, and the crowd went wild at the booming that vibrated inside Jason’s head. The room went dark, and spotlights flicked on from between the two floors. Jason focused hard on the light, following the beams to a center, clear cage hanging above. Jason felt his stomach drop through the floor, and had to adjust his cock that had doubled in size at the sight. The woman was beyond beautiful. She had long slightly curling hair that was the color of midnight blue. Her skin was a silver blue that reminded Jason of the moon hidden behind clouds at night. He couldn’t see her eyes, but her hair was pulled back slightly in the style of an Elf. Her pointed ears gave her species away, but the small silver hoops that hung from them fueled Jason’s already out-of-control need.

  She was dressed in a single piece of clothing that showed almost every inch of her thighs. Pieces of material were cut out, showing her slender sides. The top cut low, showing more cleavage than hiding anything. Her hands were cuffed to the top, and her face spoke of rage. Her skimpy outfit was lined with places to hold weapons, but was devoid of their partners. Her cheek bones were harsh, in a sexy warrior way. Her lips were plump, and Jason could imagine them sliding around his cock. Jason tried to swallow, but found himself unable to do anything but stare at the mate they had come to retrieve.

  Holy Mother Earth, D said through their bond, and Jason agreed.

  That should give us some help, Nathan said, and Jason’s cock jumped at the thought of the foursome they would make together.

  What is she? Elf? Jason asked.

  She’s a Dark Elf. I’ve never met one, D said, in awe of their breathtaking mate.

  Jason tore his eyes from their mate and ordered another three rounds of the red liquid. He knew it was called Passion, but he didn’t have a clue what was in it. He just knew they needed to be good and drunk by the time they walked on that stage. Even though it was D that was going to have to enrapture the crowd, they still were going to have to have sex in front of their mate. He wasn’t that drunk yet. Worse, she could be into multiple males in her bed, but not into bisexual men. That thought softened his cock slightly. The bartender set a collection of shots in front of Jason, and it wasn’t long before the three of them had cleared the bar of the little, red Viagra drinks. D signaled to the bartender for more, and Jason agreed.

  The spotlights died, and the noise in the bar quieted. Lights flicked on around the stage, and Jason knew the entertainment was beginning. D had their bond opened fully, and the magic he had protected them from the dancer’s spell. Jason didn’t pay them any attention, more focused on seeing the amount of bills that landed on the table just from the dancing alone. They were strippers with a purpose that didn’t just involve money. This was food to them, and Jason could understand why they had this sort of business.

  Nathan leaned over and dribbled the shot onto Jason’s neck, and Jason squirmed against the wet tongue that caressed his flesh. Jason let his eyes flicker close, as he pushed against the tongue that could ease his aching c
ock. D had leaned down, and the two tongues collided on Jason, making him squirm against the pants that rubbed his thick cock. They both pulled back as Jason flicked his hips forward into the air, moaning at the loss. Jason opened his eyes, glaring at his mates. Heads were turned watching the free show, and Jason almost humped the air at the thought. Most of the men closest to them weren’t watching the show, and instead were watching their foreplay.

  That worked, Nathan mumbled through their bond.

  Good, if they are focused on us they can’t be rolled. These people here aren’t mated, so they aren’t as easily led by Glamour. A glamour magic affects mates the most, since we are already attracted to each other, D said, and Jason had to try to focus again.

  You did that to get their attention off the show? Jason asked, as he rolled his head from side to side.

  Their attention was on us, so as long as we keep it that way, we can make the most money. We are cheating, too, D said as he smiled a smile that made Jason weak.

  Jason snapped his head forward as D slowly removed his top shirt. The muscles underneath quivered, and Jason eased himself off the stool. He leaned down and nipped the undershirt as D removed the shirt completely. Nathan stood behind D, letting the braid loose that held his long hair back. The strands fell forward, framing the harsh delicate features of D’s face. Jason smiled and leaned up to lick D’s jawbone. He slid his tongue slowly along the prominent bone, nipping at the pointed ear, before hopping on his stool. He could feel the stares of the tables closest and wondered how far they would have to take this before they even made it on stage.

  The next dancer was in the middle of her dance when the bartender finally brought their new round of shots. Jason grabbed one, and slammed the liquor against his throat, amazed that the burn was gone. A single shot remained, and D grabbed it before Jason could. Jason smiled as D pulled his undershirt up completely, showing off his perfectly golden skin to the world. He poured half the shot slowly over his brown nipple, and Jason jumped for his mate. He cut Nathan off, and slowly licked the falling liquid off the hardening nipple. He flicked the nipple, surprised at the moan that could be heard over the music. Jason bit, and blood leaked from the nub. He licked off the droplet, sucking the nub in his mouth. Nathan had moved behind D, calling attention to a dominant side of their caveman mate. D humped against them both, and Jason smiled around the nub that begged for more attention.

  The buzzer sounded, and Jason let the flesh go. He signaled to the bartender to bring more drinks. Jason slid on the stool and D grinded against his lower back as they waited. The feel of the length behind him made Jason whimper. He pushed against the length, before spinning his stool around. D jumped out of reach with that Elvin smile that stated he enjoyed the playing. I want to fuck. Now.

  We are waiting to be pulled backstage. D smiled at his mates as he pulled out a dagger from between his legs. Jason cringed thinking there was something that sharp near his mate’s cock that he had yet to take. He had seen the length of his mate, and Jason’s mouth watered at the thought. The sharp silver reflected, and D slit his pants sideways in small tears. The skin underneath bled slightly, but the tears showed that golden skin, giving his mate a hint of punk taste. Jason choked at the sexy sight of ripped jeans on his mate, amazed when D cut a couple more. He slid the knife over the counter to the bartender, who picked it up with a nod. Jason had to agree, that knife shouldn’t be that close to D’s package.

  “If you’ll follow me?” a man asked, wearing a cheetah-print thong. D nodded slightly, moving through the crowd with a sexual grace that promised a good time. Jason followed, watching the sway of D’s hips in amazement. He had seen sexy, in a manly way, but never seductress. His hair swung, and Jason could imagine grabbing it to hold his mate still while he took what he wanted the most. Nathan was feeling much the same, and Jason found that even more exciting. Eyes from every table followed their group, and Jason couldn’t blame them in the least.

  Chapter Eleven

  Zoey glared at the handcuffs, now that her entertainment had left. The men had caught her attention as soon as her cage had been lowered above the crowd. One had plainly been a Sun Elf, with his caramel skin. The other two she hadn’t had a clue what they were. The smaller one had a piercing like hers and moaned like a dream for a man. She could imagine having him beneath her, riding him for every last drop he could give her. The largest of the men had hair the color of night, with thick waves. She could imagine wrapping her hands through the thick waves as he poised above her. The Elf was the one that would take her from behind, grabbing her hair while he fucked them both to the brink, while the other two filled her completely.

  She shook her head to dispel the images that had caused her pussy to leak. She pushed her thighs closed, but they smeared her juices everywhere. She did her best to clear her mind, but when the small man had bit the Elf’s nipple, she almost came at the sight. He had rolled his head back, and moaned loud enough for her to hear his angelic voice. The buzzer sounded, and she forced herself to look at the next person that she would have to kill to escape.

  The music started, and Zoey almost choked at the Elf slowly walking toward the pole. His hips slowly moved back and forth to the beat, and the crowd roared with excitement. He stepped close to the pole, as the beat stopped completely. His head was looking down, and his hair fell forward covering his face. The beat started again, with lyrics that Zoey couldn’t follow. He dropped to the floor on his knees, swirling his body like that of a tornado. He rocked himself up and down, using the strength in his legs, and Zoey felt her pussy clench at the sight.

  He pushed his hips forward at the top of his dance, before slamming himself down on the floor. His hands touched his chest at the same time, tweaking his nipples slightly. Zoey gasped at the sight, and she tried to move closer. The metal handcuffs cut into her skin, and she gasped at the blood that slowly leaked from the small cut. He slammed his body forward, hands on the ground. He slowly crawled forward to the crowd, who appeared to be enraptured by the sight as much as she was. At the end of the stage he grabbed two chairs, pulling them away from the two men that sat there staring. He swiveled them around, a foot away from the stage. He slid his body into the air, landing his knees against the backs of the chairs. The Elf’s perfect balance held, and he leaned back flat, casting his hands against the stage in a pose, as he slowly slid his hips in promising circles.

  The crowd gasped, and the bouncers jumped into action as a few men moved forward. Zoey pushed her face closer to the glass, uncaring of the blood that dribbled against the widening cut. The sexy Elf pushed against the chairs, pushing himself back onto the stage and into a standing position in one fluid movement. He walked toward the pole with a sway in his hips that earned whistles. He grabbed the pole with two hands and swung himself upward, wrapping his feet above his head, before swirling his body around the pole suggestively. The position offered freedom to explore, and Zoey cursed the handcuffs and glass. She squeezed her inner muscles together, trying to find some sort of comfort.

  Bouncers moved through the crowd to stand in front of the stage, blocking some people’s view, but Zoey could see him clearly from her birdcage. He wrapped his arm around the bar, before slowing, lowering himself to the halfway point by flipping his body. He held his body in the air, free floating except his hands. The two men that had been with him appeared from the back of the stage. The Elf pulled himself closer to the pole, wrapping his legs tightly before allowing his body to fall upside down a few feet from the ground. Zoey knew that if she were closer it would be the perfect position for the Elf to lick her pussy clean. She squeezed her muscles against the shiver that raked her body. The two men slowly undressed, and the Elf quirked his finger, calling them to him.

  The smaller man reached him first, with his cock already free, jetting proudly at the thickness the man had. The Elf grabbed the smaller man’s cock, stroking it quickly, earning moans and whimpers for the effort. Zoey’s pussy gushed liquid at the sight of the golde
n hand against the lighter-colored cock. The Elf freed the larger man’s cock with his free hand, before pulling the man’s hips forward. Zoey swallowed as the Elf took the length in his mouth. The crowd fidgeted in their seats, and Zoey fidgeted against the handcuffs that restrained her. The larger man grabbed the Elf’s hair, winding his fingers through the silky strands, before flicking his hips against the Elf’s mouth. The smaller man had unzipped the Elf’s jeans, and Zoey cried out at the sight of the huge cock that had bounced free.

  The smaller man sucked the length down, burying his head against the hairs. Zoey wanted to jump from the cage and grab the small man’s hair, making him take the length down his throat. The threesome sucked and fucked each other’s hands and mouths before breaking free of each other’s grasps. Zoey cried out in denial at the lack of an orgasm. The Elf swung down from the pole, landing on his feet easily, while the smaller man shed his pants quickly. The Elf fell backward, placing his hands behind him, offering his thick length to the smaller man. Zoey shivered against the sight, and her breath panted against her arm that was held by the cuff. The smaller man jumped on the length, only taking a second before swallowing the cock with his wanting ass. The larger man grabbed the smallest man’s head, placing his cock at the opened lips. The Elf met the smallest man’s needy hips to the beat of the music.

  “Let her down,” the largest man called to the guards.

  Zoey cried out at the suggestion. Her body burned with need to have those cocks buried inside of her. The crowd roared at the suggestion, hooting their agreement. Gears grinded from overhead, and Zoey fidgeted from the excitement of being filled by so many men. The men had separated as the cage hit the floor. A bodyguard opened the door, using a key to free her from the handcuffs. She thought about slamming his nose into the cage, but the need for dick was more. She brushed past the guard, her eyes glued to the three smiling men. She stripped her clothes as she walked, throwing them to the floor, where they were snatched up by the crowd. The Elf stood at the edge, reaching down to help her up to the spotlight. The smaller man was already on his back, stroking his thick cock in need. A look of passion was lost in his iced, flame-colored eyes.


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