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Chasing Trust: A Small Town Steamy Romance (Harper Family series Book 3)

Page 12

by Nancy Stopper

  “Did you mean what you said to Alexis? About seeing something different in me?”

  He snuck a glance at her. She’d mentioned feeling invisible next to her sister. Those thoughts must be sneaking in again. “Absolutely. I mean, it was clear you were twins, but if anyone bothered to look any further, you two are really different. You have a spark, an excitement in your eye. Alexis is, I don’t know, more reserved.”

  Serena bit at her lip. “In school, people noticed Alexis and I was the extra one.”

  She had to be joking. He couldn’t help but notice her that day on the beach. “I find that hard to believe.”

  “No, really. I was bashful in high school. I mean, my older brother was a star baseball player, Izzy was a dancer. I was only her sister. When I met you, I was painfully shy. That’s why I never got noticed, I think. Alexis has, well, had, a huge personality and got more attention. She always had a boyfriend growing up.”

  “I bet you had your fair share, too. Although, I’m not sure I want to hear about you with other guys.” He linked his fingers with hers and pulled their joined hands onto his lap.

  She was quiet for a minute and he was afraid that he’d upset her. But then she finally spoke, her voice weaker. “I had a boyfriend. For two years. I waited a long time before, well, you know. I thought we had a good relationship. That he loved me.”

  “I’m sure he did.” He hesitated before adding how easy it was to fall in love with her. There was no way he was falling in love with her. It was too soon. He wasn’t ready to face that emotion yet.

  “I don’t know about that. He started saying he was busy all the time, that he’d gotten a new job. It turned out he was sneaking around with my best friend behind my back. For most of our relationship. He said she didn’t make him wait like I had.”

  Chase dug his fingers into the steering wheel. How was it that Serena managed to have men in her life who didn’t know how to treat her right? But he also understood better why Serena would be wary of a relationship. Between her father and her bastard ex-boyfriend, she hadn’t had a man treat her the way she deserved. “Were you seeing this boy when we met in Atlantic City?”

  She shook her head. “No. Of course not. I wouldn’t do that… to him or to you.”

  You’re an idiot, Chase. The minute he asked, he knew the answer. And asking the question implied something he knew Serena would never do. She didn’t have a deceitful bone in her body. “I didn’t think you would. Not for one minute. But… well, I’m sorry. I know you wouldn’t do that.”

  “It’s all right. It was because of you, though, that I went looking for a boyfriend. After I met you, I wanted to find someone to make me as happy as I was with you that day. Like my heart was singing all the time.”

  Her words floored him. He hadn’t realized that day had had such an impact on her.

  “The problem was that I was always comparing the other boys to Edward. Well, you. That’s probably why I waited so long to be with David.”

  “What about since high school? There’s no way there hasn’t been anyone serious since then?” He selfishly wanted her to say there had been no one. That she had been waiting for him. But that would mean that she hadn’t been loved, and he wouldn’t wish that on her. Serena deserved to be appreciated and cherished.

  “I went away to college for two years and got my associates degree before I decided that college wasn’t really for me. Then I moved back to Cedar Hill. One thing about small towns—everybody knows everybody. Most of the people my age in town remember quiet little Serena from high school.”

  “Is that your way of saying there hasn’t been anyone serious?”

  “I guess. I’ve had a few casual boyfriends. I mean, I haven’t been a nun or anything. But I never let them get close to me, or I guess, let myself get close to them. I couldn’t risk it. I didn’t trust any of them after David.”

  And her father, but she didn’t say those words. Serena didn’t deserve the men she’d met so far. But he wasn’t like that. He was determined to show her how she should be treated. “I hope you’re coming to trust me, though. Maybe a little. Even though I didn’t tell you who I was right away?”

  She squeezed his hand. “I do. I did from that first day. Which is surprising, because I’m normally very cautious until I get to know someone. But there was something about you then… and now…. that makes you trustworthy. You had a good reason for not telling me who you were and once I got over the shock, I understood that.”

  He couldn’t believe that after all this time, he had found Serena and she was living up to everything he had made her out to be in his dreams.

  They pulled up to the job site about thirty minutes outside of Cedar Hill and Chase parked beside a pickup truck. They climbed out and made their way toward the man who appeared to be in charge.

  Chase extended his hand. “Bryan?”

  The man lifted his eyes from where he studied blueprints with a dark-haired woman. “That’s me. This is Brittany Carlson.” He gestured to the dark-haired woman who waved but then turned her attention back to the plans. “You must be Chase. And I see you brought a friend.”

  He shook the man’s hand and then gestured to her. “This is my friend, Serena. She came to help.”

  “That’s great. Many hands make light work. Let’s get you guys outfitted. We’re framing the house today.”

  “That’s great.” Serena practically bounced on her toes. From the little time he’d spent with her over the past few days, it was clear that when she embraced a project, she dove in head first.

  He grabbed a hard hat from the pile and adjusted the straps before placing it on her head. Somehow Serena even made a hard hat look sexy. He snatched another off the pile and held it in front of his crotch while he drew in a few deep breaths. It wouldn’t do for him to be sporting an erection while they were working.

  A few minutes later, Bryan had them working in what would eventually be the den of the single-story craftsman-style cottage. Chase gestured to Serena. “Come over here. I’ll show you how to line up the two-by-fours and nail them together.”

  “You mean like this?” Serena slid two boards into perfect position, grabbed a level off the floor and adjusted one of them before snatching two nails out of the box and pounding them into place, double-checking the level one last time. All the while, he sat back with his mouth agape.

  “How’d you know how to do that?”

  “Who do you think does the work around the shelter? It’s not like I can afford to hire a handyman when something breaks.” She winked at him.

  Damn, that was sexy. He should have expected no less, but the more time he spent with Serena, he realized how much more about her there was to explore. He had a suspicion that he could spent his entire life with her and still be learning new things about her every day. “I’m happy to repair anything that needs fixing.”

  As long as he was in town. He didn’t need to say the words. They hung heavy between them every minute they were together.

  Serena’s smile faltered for a minute as his unspoken words sank in. She shook her head like she was shaking off the thought. “I know that you don’t live here. That you have a whole, big life waiting for you out in the world. We don’t have to think about that. You’re here now and that’s good enough for me. How about we get to work, huh?”

  The rest of the day proceeded much like the start. He and Serena worked well together, measuring and cutting boards, lining them up, and assembling the frame. Throughout the day, he would run his hand down her arm, or stroke her back as he passed behind her. His need to touch her was becoming an obsession, but something about being near Serena grounded him.

  It was an unfamiliar feeling, but a welcome one.

  She walked behind him and brushed her hand over his ass. His head snapped up and he raised his eyebrows in her direction.

  She shrugged. “What?”

  “What do you mean, what? You know exactly what you did.”

  She shot him a look
that tried to be innocent, but he could see past that to the saucy woman beneath the surface. “I didn’t do anything.”

  “Oh, yeah. Well, how about I do nothing with you?” He reached for her and she skirted away from his grasp. She squealed as he leapt for her, running in the other direction, wielding her hammer like a weapon. He darted left, and then right, and then finally got his arms around her waist. She relented and allowed him to pull her into his embrace.

  He pressed his groin against her as he lowered his head to her ear. “See what you did to me?”

  She looked up at him and batted those long eyelashes. “That’s not my fault.”

  Her words may have sounded light, but the deep swirls of her eyes betrayed her true feelings. She was as turned on as he was. He lowered his head and her eyes fluttered closed as—

  “Hey, Chase, Serena. Oh, I’m sorry.”

  Chase huffed out a breath and rested his forehead on Serena’s, his eyes locked on hers. “It’s all right, Bryan. We were taking a break.”

  Serena stepped back from him and he finally turned to face Bryan and another man standing beside him.

  “I wanted to introduce you guys to Marcus. This is his house we’re building.”

  The broad-shouldered man with tattoos inking both forearms stepped forward and extended his hand. He walked with a slight limp, likely a combat injury. Chase had seen enough victims of war to recognize the effects. “Hey, man. Thanks for your service.”

  After shaking Chase’s hand, Marcus shoved his into his pockets and shrugged his shoulders.

  Like many of the soldiers Chase had met over the years, Marcus was uncomfortable with the attention. Most people served because it was a calling, not for the thanks. But Chase knew firsthand what this man had faced, and thanks was the least that he deserved.

  Marcus scanned the room where all but the last couple of sections of the back wall were framed. “You guys made great progress today. I’m normally right in here working with the crew, but I had an appointment today. Thanks for pitching in and helping out. This is gonna be great.”

  Serena snaked her arm around Chase’s waist. He wasn’t sure if she was sending a message or seeking comfort, but he wasn’t complaining. “We’re glad to help. This is such a great cause.” She turned her attention to Bryan. “I was thinking, Bryan. I run an animal shelter outside Cedar Hill. I bet some of the animals that come to me, with a little bit of training, would be great comfort animals to some of the veterans. Maybe we could work together and see what we can figure out.”

  Bryan scrubbed his hand over his jaw. “Wow. That sounds like a great idea. I wish I had thought of it. Make sure you have my information when you leave today and we’ll talk.”

  Serena nodded. Chase didn’t know what to say, although he shouldn’t be surprised. Serena had a giving heart and showered the animals that were in her care with love and attention. It only made sense that she saw how those animals could serve another need, and it would probably help her capacity issues at the shelter, too. Especially since she refused to put any of them down.

  “Well, I’ll leave you two to finish up. It looks great in here. I wanted to introduce you to Marcus. I’ve found a lot of volunteers really enjoy getting to know the veterans they’re working for.”

  “I agree. Thanks for bringing him by.” Chase didn’t want to sound dismissive, but now, more than ever, he wanted to get this work finished and Serena alone. Hopefully behind a locked door. With a soft bed close by.

  He and Serena framed the last two sections of the house as the sun was sinking behind the trees. After they packed up their tools, he rested his hand on Serena’s lower back and escorted her down the wooden slats that had been propped up to the house until steps were built.

  They stepped up to the makeshift work table where they’d first met Bryan that morning. He rolled his blueprints and shoved them into a tube. “Hey, guys. Great work today.”

  “Thanks. It felt good to help out.” But now Chase had other things in mind and being with Serena was top of the list.

  Serena smiled at Bryan. “I agree with Chase. Can I have your card so I can call you later this week?”

  Chase didn’t begrudge Serena the contact. After all, it was a good thing she was offering, but every minute they spent here was one less minute alone.

  Bryan dug into his pocket and extended his card to Serena as other members of the crew walked up.

  An older man approached them. “A bunch of us are headed in to FitzGeralds in Cedar Hill to hang for a bit. You two want to join us?”

  Chase nudged Serena’s back. “Thanks for the offer. Maybe another time.”

  Serena glared at him as he steered her toward his jeep. “Why are we rushing out? Maybe I wanted to go to FitzGeralds.”

  He rounded the front of his jeep, which afforded little protection from curious stares, but he couldn’t wait any longer. He lowered his head and covered her mouth with his, thrusting his tongue into her mouth as he pressed his erection against her belly. If she wanted to hang out with the crew, they would certainly do that. But first, he would make sure she knew what she was delaying.

  Her tongue met his thrust for thrust and by the time he broke the kiss, her breathing was ragged.

  “Did you want to go to FitzGeralds? We can go if you want.” He pressed his erection into her again. “Or we can go back to your house and finish what we started.”

  She shook her head, still sucking deep breaths in through her mouth. “I don’t want to go to FitzGeralds.”

  “I didn’t think so.” He deposited her into his vehicle and waved at the crew as he rounded the front. “We’ll see you guys another time. Thanks again.”

  Chase’s wheels spun in the dirt as he floored the pedal. He couldn’t get back to Serena’s house fast enough and neither of them spoke on the long-as-hell drive. His fingers gripped the wheel and he drew in deep breaths, willing his erection to calm or he was liable to pull off on a side road and take Serena right here in the jeep. He didn’t want his first time with her to be a quickie. He wanted to take his time. To explore every inch of her delicious body, bringing her to the top over and over before finally claiming her as his own.

  He finally relaxed his shoulders when he turned at the sign indicating “Helping Hands animal shelter”. The sign was crudely painted. That was exactly like Serena, not willing to spend money on something she could do herself.

  She’d been surprising him since the day he met her, or re-met her as the case may be, but she shocked the hell out of him when she picked up a hammer and framed the den like a pro. He had been underestimating Serena, and not just about construction. Every hour, every day, he spent with her was full of discovering new things about the intriguing woman.

  But right now, the only thing he wanted to discover is whether she would laugh when he licked her belly button. And how she looked when she came.

  Damn, Chase. You’re not even at the house yet. He squeezed his thigh muscles, like that could restrain his ever-growing cock that begged to be released. Soon enough. At this rate, they might not make it to her bed. Hell, he didn’t even need a flat surface. A little privacy would do. A couch, a chair, the counter, the wall. Any of those were good enough for him. Then they could move to her bed. Later, much later.

  Serena’s hand landed on his arm. “Are you okay?”

  He bit out a response. “Yeah. Just a little tense.”

  She drew in a breath. Damn. That wasn’t what he meant at all. He careened into a spot in front of her house, threw the jeep into park, and whipped off his seat belt. He grabbed her and pulled her across the console, settling her in his lap, her delicious crotch pressed into his cock. He took her in a punishing kiss and she thrust her tongue into his mouth as she dug her fingers into his arms.

  As quickly as he kissed her, he let her go, hanging his head and catching his breath. “That’s why I’m tense.”

  She tilted her head and studied him for a minute and her eyes widened as she understood. “Oh.”

  “Yeah, oh. So, unless you want me to take you right here in the front seat of my jeep, I suggest you climb out and show me the shortest path to your bed.”

  Serena jumped out quickly and her melodic laugh led him to her front door. She fumbled with the keys a minute and finally slipped one into the lock. He practically pushed her into the house and was ready to shove her against the wall when… they were mobbed by her pets.

  “Rascal, Roscoe, Curry, Toby.” Serena’s gentle voice greeted each of her pets.

  He leaned his back against the door and thumped his head. Again. And again. In his haste to get Serena into her house and naked beneath him, he completely overlooked the animals. They were so much a part of her that he was surprised he’d forgotten, but sometimes he could have a one-track mind. Like now.

  “Let me put Rascal and Roscoe out back. It’ll just take a minute.”

  He didn’t even open his eyes as he responded. “I’ll be right here. Trying to breathe.”

  There was that laugh again. He was glad she thought this was funny while it took every bit of his strength to will his cock to relax.

  An hour or two later, or at least it felt like it, he heard her enter the room. He righted his head and raised his eyes to look at her. “Everybody okay?”

  “Yeah. I shut the cats in their room with extra treats, so we shouldn’t be disturbed.”

  He pushed himself off the wall. “Are you hungry? Did you want to eat something?”

  She shook her head slowly as she stepped toward him.

  “What about a drink?”

  “No.” Her head shook again as she stalked toward him. “I want you.”

  “Thank God.” He spun her around and pressed her back against the wall, his hand braced on the wall above her head. He thrust his tongue into her mouth, his other hand cupping her breast, its weight heavy in his palm. He thumbed her nipple to a peak through her cotton T-shirt.

  Every muscle in her body relaxed against the wall as she gave herself over to him. There was no hesitation, no question, only an eager woman who gave as good as she got. She tangled her tongue with his, her hands rounding his hips to dig her fingertips into his ass, pulling his erection into her. He rocked his groin against her core and growled against her mouth. “Bedroom.”


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