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Chasing Trust: A Small Town Steamy Romance (Harper Family series Book 3)

Page 18

by Nancy Stopper

  “Well, sis. Izzy and Alexis have already met everyone, I think, so let me go through the introductions one more time. You know Sawyer?” Justin motioned to Rachel’s fiancé.

  Serena nodded at the quiet man at Rachel’s side.

  “These two guys are Lucas.” He gestured to the man holding the baby and then the younger one beside him. “And Joey. Two of Rachel’s brothers.”

  “I’d shake your hand but little Colin here is still asleep.” Lucas smiled. He was handsome, but the butterflies didn’t go crazy in her belly like they did for Chase.

  She gazed at the sweet boy with the pudgy cheeks resting on his father’s arm. “He’s adorable. How old is he?”

  “Six months today.”

  Joey tapped the dark-haired woman on the shoulder and she stood up and turned around. “And this is my wife, Brittany—”

  “Carlson.” Serena’s eyes grew wide. “You were at the work site last week.”

  “Yeah, I work full time for Jayden’s Hope. And you were there with…”

  Serena linked her arm through Chase’s. “Chase Foster. He’s actually the one who found your group. I just came along for the day.”

  Chase extended his hand and shook Brittany’s. “You guys do great work. I’m glad I could join you. Maybe I can help out again.”

  Serena shook her head, amazed at the way her worlds had collided. “This is a small world. I had no idea you were part of Rachel’s family. You don’t go by Bennett?”

  “Carlson is my professional name. I may still change it, but we just got married. Two weeks ago.” She leaned back into Joey who wrapped his arms around her from behind.

  Serena raised her eyebrows. “Really? Rachel didn’t tell us.”

  “That’s because we eloped.” Joey nuzzled Brittany’s neck like the newlywed that he was.

  “Well, congratulations you two.” Serena envied the intimacy she observed between the two. For a long time, she didn’t think she was capable of letting anyone get close enough to her to feel that intimacy, but now that she’d been with Chase, she was rethinking that position.

  Izzy dragged the women she had been talking to up to their group. Lucas wrapped his free arm around the blonde. “This is my beautiful wife, Sarah.”

  Sarah smiled at Serena. “And our daughter, Lily is out running around with Justin’s kids. It’s so nice to meet you. I think it’s great that you wanted to host our big, crazy family. You’re Serena, right? Rachel told us you were twins but I think I can tell you apart.”

  Serena liked Sarah already. “That’s right. And this is… Chase.” She wasn’t quite sure how to introduce him. Was he her boyfriend? A man she was seeing? A friend… lover?

  Sarah motioned to the redhead. “And this is Maggie and Delilah. Michael’s wife and daughter.”

  Serena looked behind the woman. “I don’t think I’ve met him yet, but my head is swimming. Maybe we should have used name tags.”

  Maggie laughed. “I felt the same way when I first met Michael’s family. There are a lot of them. It’s nice being here. I used to live nearby in Philadelphia.”

  “Is that right? What made you move to Oak Grove?”

  Maggie looked lovingly at the slender, medium-brown haired man who was crossing the lawn to them. He had to be the last of Rachel’s brothers. “I’d like to say it was true love, but that would be a lie. There was a job opening and I was looking forward to the slower pace in a small town, but then I fell in love and had this little one.”

  The man stepped up beside Maggie. “Not necessarily in that order. Hi, I’m Michael.”

  There must be a funny story behind Michael’s comment because the rest of Rachel’s siblings laughed.

  Serena’s nerves about today had been blown completely out of proportion. The Bennetts were a great family, all of them, and Rachel had been lucky to grow up in such a loving environment.

  Not that Serena didn’t have love. She did. It was just doled out from her father in dribs and drabs, made up for by Mom and her siblings.

  The huddle that had formed as Serena met Rachel’s family dispersed, the smaller groups reforming as the adults got to know each other and watched the kids play in the yard. Serena lingered where she was, hoping to get a quiet moment with Justin. A few minutes later, he stepped away from Rachel’s brothers and slung his arm around her shoulder. “What’s going on, sis?”

  Serena gestured across the yard where Alexis and Mom had taken up position at one of the picnic tables, drinks in hand. “I’m worried about Mom. How’s she doing with all of this?”

  Justin sighed. It wasn’t lost on any of the Harpers that the reason Rachel and her family were here was because their father had been unfaithful. To have that fact thrown in her face couldn’t be easy for Mom. “I talked to her this morning before anyone else arrived. She’s doing well. I think knowing about Dad for so long has enabled her to accept this entire situation. In a lot of ways, easier than some of us."

  He gestured to Alexis, who tipped up the blue plastic cup she was drinking out of, drained it, and then climbed up from her seat and headed to the coolers near the base of the deck. “Alexis has been by Mom’s side since she got here, but I’m worried about her. That’s the third drink she’s had since Rachel’s family showed up.”

  Serena closed her eyes. She had been worried about Alexis, too, but she hadn’t shared those concerns with the rest of the family. She didn’t want to betray her twin that way, and as long as Alexis kept talking to Serena, she felt like she could keep an eye on her goings on.

  It wouldn’t do any good if they all sat around fretting about Alexis and no one did anything about it. Finally, her concern for Alexis outweighed her twin-bond. “I’m afraid it’s worse than that. I’ve stopped by her place a few times in the middle of the day and she’s barely climbing out of bed.”

  Justin crossed his arms, his brows furrowed.

  Serena laid her hand on Justin’s forearm. “Now, don’t go over there, guns blazing, in big brother mode. Right now, she’s still spending time with Mom and she’s here. It could be worse.”

  “I’m just…” Justin sighed. He didn’t need to finish that sentence. They were all worried that Alexis was turning into Dad.

  “Not today. If she’s doing what she needs to get through this pow-wow, then leave her be. There’ll be enough time to deal with her after today.”

  “I guess. I just don’t have to like it.”

  A few minutes later, Justin let out a huge whistle and held up his hands until everyone, kids included, turned in his direction. Maddie sidled up beside him and snaked her arm around his waist. After the troubles they had earlier this year, seeing them together like that warmed Serena’s heart. They were flourishing as a couple and a family. “I wanted to take this opportunity to thank everyone for being here today, and for the Bennetts for coming all this way. It may have been unorthodox in how this barbeque came about, but in the end, it’s all about family. And I for one am thankful for every one of you. I hope this is the first of many get togethers to come.”

  Lucas stepped up beside Justin, his arm around Rachel. “And on behalf of the Bennetts, we want to thank you for opening your home and your hearts to Rachel. It goes without saying that it has been, shall I say, an interesting few years for all of us. We’re thrilled that Rachel ultimately reached out to you and are so thankful that you welcomed her and all of us into your family.”

  A rouse of hear, hears and claps echoed throughout the yard, and a few of the women, Serena included, dabbed at their eyes. Chase slipped his arm around her waist. She’d felt his quiet presence since she arrived but he seemed to know exactly when she needed more. She smiled at him and swiped at the tear trailing down her cheek. Who would have thought that something so great could come out of something so terrible?

  Serena looked around at her brother and sisters, at Rachel’s siblings and their spouses, and knew that, in the end, she had gained more than she had lost in discovering her new half-sister.

Everyone crowded around Rachel, sharing hugs and laughter.

  Joey put his fingers in his lips and whistled. The crowd around him covered their ears. He laughed and flung his arm around Brittany. “That’s enough of the crying. I say we get to the important stuff—eating.”

  “Fine by me,” Justin added.

  For the next few minutes, food was piled on plates, kid’s portions were made, drinks were poured, and everyone sat around the tables to eat.

  As soon as everyone settled, Rachel stood. “I have one more announcement to make.” She grasped Sawyer’s hand and he smiled up at her. “We’ve finally picked a date. Sawyer and I are getting married next October. The third weekend. And everyone here is invited. I really hope you’ll come.”

  Hoots and hollers went up around the table. As everyone laughed and joked, Bennetts and Harpers intermingled, Serena couldn’t help but smile. She never would have predicted when her world was shattered with the news of Dad’s affair and the existence of her half-sister that these two families would be sitting down together, sharing a meal. She studied Lucas as he smiled at his wife and talked to Justin across the table. This family had been dealing with the fact that their mother had been unfaithful with her father and yet they could sit here with the family of the other man so comfortably.

  Serena couldn’t take any more of the togetherness right now. She needed a break to process the enormity of what this moment meant. To her family. And to her. She leaned over and whispered to Chase. “I forgot a drink. I’ll be right back.”

  He nodded as Serena leapt up. As she made her way across the yard, Lucas fell into step beside her. “Serena, right?” She nodded and he continued. “I sensed you had something you wanted to talk to us about. This has to be weird for you, right?”

  She breathed a huge sigh. Someone else that understood that this wasn’t as easy as they all made it look. “Yeah. It’s pretty bizarre. I’m trying hard to take it all in, but I keep coming back to the fact that Rachel is here because my dad was unfaithful to my mom.”

  “It was hard for us at first, too. We grew up with Rachel as our sister. We had no idea she wasn’t our full sister until not too long ago. My parents were separated at the time. It doesn’t make it right, what your father or my mother did. Dad took responsibility for his role in the rift in our family. They obviously worked it out and have a strong marriage. And he raised Rachel as his own from the day she was born. None of us like the circumstances, but Rachel is our sister and we love her.”

  “That’s a great perspective. I love Rachel, too. I’m having trouble getting over what my father did.” And the impact that her dad’s infidelity had on her trust in men.

  “It takes time. But it’ll happen, I promise you. I’m really thankful to your mother for opening up her heart and allowing us to come here today to get to know Rachel’s other family. You have a great family who I know will support you as you process everything.”

  “Thanks. I appreciate that.”

  He nodded, paused for a moment, and then wrapped his arm around her shoulder and squeezed. Rachel was lucky to have Lucas as a big brother.

  Serena grabbed a soda from the cooler and then glanced over at Justin, who was having an animated conversation with Joey and Chase. Her brother had welcomed Chase like he’d welcomed the Bennetts… and Tanner when Izzy had introduced him to the family.

  She crossed the yard and sat back on the bench, slipping her arm around Chase. He snuggled her into his side without stopping his conversation with Justin and Joey.

  Justin shot her a smile. “Chase was just telling us about some of his adventures.”

  Chase smiled as he picked up where he’d left off in his conversation about the Great Wall of China. His face glowed with deep happiness when he talked about his travels, about the places he’d seen around the world, even amidst the heartbreak.

  Could he even be happy here with her, if he considered staying? She wasn’t sure. Would he tire of her and need to leave? And was she willing to accept only seeing Chase part-time if that were the case?

  A few hours later, when the food and conversation had been depleted, the Bennetts reluctantly said goodbye for the ninety-minute drive back to Oak Grove. Serena drove Chase back to the cottage, her body exhausted and her mind racing. A few times, she snuck glances at Chase. He smiled at her, but the smile didn’t meet his eyes. Had he been overwhelmed by her large family or was it something else? Right now, she was too tired and too emotionally spent to figure it out.

  “Can I come in for a few minutes?” Chase asked when she pulled up to her house.

  She sighed. She was all talked out and for once, was looking forward to some quiet reflection but she couldn’t deny the conflict in Chase’s eyes. “Sure.”

  He followed her in and stood by the door while she loved on Rascal and Roscoe before letting them into the backyard. “Can I get you something to drink?” she yelled from the kitchen, hoping to forestall whatever conversation Chase wanted to have.

  “No, thanks.”

  She slammed the refrigerator door shut and meandered back into the living room. Chase was perched on the edge of the couch, his hands hanging between his knees, his fingers clenched into fists. She sank into the cushion beside him and groaned. “Whew. Today wore me out.”

  He pulled her feet onto his lap and dug his thumb into the arch. “I like your family.”

  She moaned. God, Chase’s hand on her feet felt really good. “Uh-huh.” She didn’t have the energy for much else right now. Even with a sexy man sitting beside her.

  “Well, uh, I have something to tell you.”

  Her head snapped up and her feet thumped to the floor, her mind more alert than it had been for the past hour.

  He lowered his head and cleared his throat. “I have to leave again.”

  She sucked in a breath. She knew this was coming, but hearing the words was like a stab to her heart.

  “The calendar is finished and my publisher assigned me that project in Los Angeles.”

  She stiffened. He talked about the shoot in vague terms last week, but she’d gotten the impression that he didn’t want to accept the assignment. Being that he was Chase Foster, he could write his own ticket to some of the best locations around the world. So why was he taking this one? Right now, when they had found each other again.

  This wasn’t his home, but she had fantasized about him living a life with her here, taking care of the dogs together, maybe considering a family of their own in the future. But that’s all it was. A fantasy. The reality was that Chase didn’t stay in one place for long. He’d warned her about that. She’d just chosen to ignore that fact. “When do you leave?”

  “Tomorrow morning. My publisher booked me out of Philadelphia.”

  “Well, have a nice trip.”

  Chase’s hand landed on her knee.

  She flinched. She was doing okay with the news… as long as he didn’t touch her. But feeling the heat of his hand through her jeans, the spark of awareness building in her body, all her emotions flooded to the surface.

  She refused to cry in front of Chase. She wasn’t ready for him to leave but more importantly, she couldn’t help the wariness that crept in.

  “I want to come back.” He cleared his throat, like the words were stuck. “I plan to come back. I warned you when I first came to Cedar Hill that this is who I am. This is what I do. I go where the opportunities are and I shoot photos of stories that need to be told.”

  “I know you told me. I think maybe I forgot that for a while, but I won’t make that mistake again. I promise.”

  He took her hand in his. “I was hoping to spend one more night with you. Before I have to go.”

  She sighed. Her body begged to be next to his, to feel the intimacy of his touch one more time but she was afraid that if she did, she would beg him to stay. And she knew that he couldn’t. It was better for both of them if this ended right now. She didn’t know when he planned to return, and she didn’t have the strength to risk the h
urt if he didn’t. “I’m really tired. It’s been a long day. I think it’s better if you go.”

  Their gazes locked and he didn’t say a word, his thumb whispering over her knuckle for a minute. Then he nodded his head, rose to his feet, and left without another word.

  Chapter Sixteen

  Chase slung two cameras around his neck and shoved three extra battery packs in the pockets of his vest. It may be cliché, but there was a reason photographers wore vests with lots of pockets. They needed the storage.

  He tried to laugh at his own joke, a defense mechanism he’d come to recognize emerged before he walked into a difficult assignment, but today even his best material fell flat, because of Serena.

  Not Serena, exactly. How they left things. He hadn’t wanted to ruin the cookout with her family, not when she was so happy to see him when he arrived on Saturday morning, so he’d saved his news about the photo shoot until the end of the day. Then she was emotionally spent from meeting her half-sister’s family. Serena may put on an outgoing front, but that much time around other people, having to be “on” every minute, wore her out and she needed to recharge.

  But he couldn’t wait any longer to tell her. He’d put off the shoot as long as he could.

  Their relationship was up in the air when he left. Well, not exactly up in the air. She’d made it clear that she was finished, but he refused to accept that. Not yet. He was far from done. As a matter of fact, spending the day with her and then having it end the way it did actually helped solidify his feelings.

  Now if he could find a way to show Serena that he was serious about making it work.

  But he couldn’t worry about that now. He had a job to do and by the looks of the lot in front of him, the job was not insignificant. It was up to him to put a face on the families that had been forced to live in the tent cities that popped up around Los Angeles and many other large cities in the United States.


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