Brown, Berengaria - Vivienne's Vacation (Siren Publishing Ménage and More)

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Brown, Berengaria - Vivienne's Vacation (Siren Publishing Ménage and More) Page 2

by Неизвестный

Oh, wow, perhaps I could have one of each of those, too. Then I could answer that age-old question as to which is better.


  Q75 Piercings: nose, eyebrow, tongue, nipple, cock?

  A tongue stud would be interesting. I’d like to kiss a man with a tongue stud. And a nipple ring, I might even consider having one of those myself. I’ll definitely think about that. A pierced cock—do I dare to fuck a man with a pierced cock?

  “Ma’am? Ma’am? Are you finished? It’s time for your interview now.”

  “What? Yes, thank you.”

  Vivi shook off the memories and climbed out of the tub, focusing on some sightseeing for the rest of the day. And a meal. It was nearly noon, and she was starving after all that exercise last night.

  Chapter Two

  After a lunch of squid in black bean sauce made with Chinese salted black beans in a Cantonese restaurant, Vivienne spent the afternoon wandering around Chinatown enjoying the sights and sounds. She pottered in and out of dozens of tiny, crammed stores and purchased herself a yixing zisha Chinese tea set and a range of teas, which she thought might be fun to try out with the girls.

  Now, she was dressed in her new, black lace camisole with a tiny black thong and strappy black sandals and ready for Caleb and David and some anal sex.

  She and her ex had tried anal a few times, but although it had been an interesting feeling of stretching and fullness and certainly not painful, she’d never experienced an orgasm that way.

  “Probably because in a female, the prostate gland is not next to the rectum like it is in a guy,” she muttered to herself as she glanced at the clock. “In fact, it’s not even called a prostate gland in a woman. It’s…it’s…Skene’s gland,” she remembered, congratulating herself as a knock came at the door.

  “Caleb and David, Superior Vacations, ma’am,” came a husky, sexy voice from the other side of the door.

  Vivi looked through the peephole, and sure enough, there was a man with long, dark hair and deeply tanned skin and another extremely hunky man with light brown, collar-length hair. Both wore black Superior Vacations polo shirts, and the darker one carried the laptop bag.

  She opened the door, and long-dark-hair said, “Hello, Vivienne, I’m Caleb.”

  “David,” added the other one, closing the door. “I have a Prince Albert piercing I believe you’re eager to see.”

  Vivi nodded and watched breathlessly as he kicked off his shoes and dropped his black jeans.

  Commando! A long, fat cock bounced out. The piercing went in at the ridge between the stalk and the head of his cock and came out beside the eye. And at the top of the ring there was a ball.

  “It will give you the most intense pleasure,” said David. “Even through the condom, the jewelry will rub against your walls with every stroke, heightening the sensations, bringing you ever closer to orgasm.”

  Vivi felt a gush of honey flood her panties as his sexy voice and words sent shivers up and down her spine.

  “Let’s get you warmed up so the party can begin,” added David, drawing her into his arms and rubbing his cock against her belly.

  As he sent whisper-soft kisses across her forehead, she felt a pair of hands pull her thong down, then rub gently up and down her legs.

  The shivers along her spine increased as warm fingers reached her butt and caressed her ass. She felt a mouth on her anus as David pulled her upper body forward and Caleb urged her to spread her legs wider. Then Caleb’s lips were kissing her puckered hole, his teeth gently biting around the rim, licking and kissing as he went.

  David kept kissing her face, her eyelids, her nose, her cheeks, and her earlobe, as Caleb’s tongue rubbed along her slit to her clit then back to her rosette again.

  Then a finger pressed cool gel into her ass as David thrust his tongue into her mouth.

  More gel went into her ass as a second finger joined the first there. Then Caleb’s other hand began to play with her clit.

  David’s hands moved to her breasts, palming them, smoothing over the rounded mounds, then reaching for her nipples. Meanwhile, his tongue was thrusting harder into her mouth.

  “Push out,” Caleb said as she felt a butt plug at the entry to her anus.

  She did, and it slipped easily inside.

  Together the men removed her camisole, which had bunched up to one side with their attentions, and gently drew her over to the bed.

  They centered her on the big bed, then each took a breast in his mouth, laving, sucking, kissing, licking, until her cunt dripped steadily with honey and her head swam with need and desire.

  She let her hands run through their hair—one’s short and one’s so long—and she realized not only that was David naked but that Caleb was wearing a lime green condom.

  “I want—” she began.

  “To come, darling?” asked Caleb. “Is that what you want?”

  “Oh, yes, please.”

  “Not yet, darling. Your orgasm will be much better if you can hold off for a while. Let it build up.”

  David took her hand and gently sucked her fingers into his mouth, one after the other, then pressed tiny kisses to her wrist and the palm of her hand.

  Caleb dropped down to her pussy and began licking and sucking her there, kissing her labia, sucking her clit, licking her slit then gently pushing his tongue on the butt plug, while David kept sucking her fingers.

  Need coiled in her womb, her nerves were on fire, and Vivi pushed her hips up, desperately seeking more pressure on her clit.

  “Please, I need to come,” she whispered.

  “Soon,” soothed David, rubbing his cock ring along her thigh, making the nerves there skitter.

  Caleb draped his long hair over her breasts, teasing her nipples with it, turning his head so his hair flowed over her breasts, lightly, sensitizing every inch of skin it touched.

  Then David lay on his back, his head at the foot of the bed, and pulled Vivi on top of him so her cunt was level with his mouth.

  “Mmmm,” he hummed, sliding his tongue along her slit. “Very nice. I do like a naked pussy,” he added, then sucked the edges of her labia into his mouth.

  Caleb kneeled, straddling her legs, and began playing with the butt plug, gently pushing it in, twirling it around, and pulling it out a little.

  With a pierced cock right by her mouth, Vivi gave in to temptation and ran her tongue around the head and over the little metal ball then licked under the ridge of David’s cock, feeling the metal bars with her tongue. Fascinating.

  She noted how he shuddered as she tongued the jewelry.

  The stimulation to his cock encouraged David to lick, nibble, and gently bite her labia, causing honey to flow from Vivi’s cunt and the familiar needy feeling to start gathering in her belly.

  Caleb pulled the butt plug right out and squirted gel into her ass.

  Where did that come from? Vivi swiveled her eyes to see the laptop bag was now on the nightstand instead of on the entertainment center.

  When did they…Then Vivi’s brain began to shut down as Caleb’s cock started to push into her ass.

  Very slowly, Caleb inched his way in, a tiny bit at a time, and Vivi could only feel. Feel the nerves around her anus tingle, her rectum open and accept the cock, her cunt dampen even more, and her belly clench with excitement.

  She ran her tongue around David’s cock some more, licking all over the piercing, tasting the flavor of him and his cum, noticing a slight metallic taste from the piercing.

  Then her brain shut down completely as Caleb sank balls-deep in her ass and David began thrusting his tongue into her pussy.

  Hands seemed to be everywhere at once, running up and down her sides, smoothing over her breasts, tugging on her nipples. Then fingers ran through her hair and started massaging her scalp.

  Goose bumps spread across her skin, and she began to shudder.

  Holy shit! I never knew that was sexy! Her belly clenched tighter in need.

  Together the two men thrust in and out of
her in perfect synchronization—in and out, gradually picking up speed and power. Fingers tweaked her nipples and pulled on them. Hands pressed over her ribs and deep into her scalp.

  Her hands ran up and down firm male flesh, but she was no longer sure whose flesh she was touching. She sucked on David’s cock, entranced by the feel of his Prince Albert. Both cocks were thick and stiff, drawing her closer and closer to orgasm. Then David began nibbling on her swollen and sensitive clit.

  And suddenly her orgasm was there, rolling through her body with speed and power. Fingers pushed into her cunt, pressing hard on her G-spot, and she exploded into release, only just having enough presence of mind to suck hard on David’s cock as she came, tipping both men over the edge and bringing them with her.

  The men kissed and petted her as she came down from her orgasm, but instead of cuddling up for a nap, Caleb bundled her into the shower and washed her carefully then spread more gel in her ass while David ordered a snack from room service.

  * * * *

  Twenty minutes later, they were all sitting on the bed, dipping French fries into ketchup and making faces on their plates using cherry tomatoes and pieces of cheese and lettuce. They chatted about holiday destinations—places they had been, places they would like to go—and it was only as David rolled the trolley back out into the hallway after their snack that Vivi realized how truly talented and genuinely nice these men were. She could have been talking to workmates or longtime friends, the conversation had been so warm and entertaining. There was no sense at all of being with men she had just met and who had fucked her very thoroughly for a fat fee.

  “Now, honey,” said Caleb, running his fingers through her hair, “are you ready for the main event?”

  Vivienne hesitated then nodded firmly. “Yes. Both of you at once. It’s something I’ve wanted to try for a long time.”

  David reached for the Superior Vacations laptop bag again and brought out two more lime green condoms and the tube of gel. Vivi watched closely as he rolled the rubber over his Prince Albert, and sure enough, it rolled on smoothly, leaving the ball outlined but perfectly covered.

  David lay on the bed and held out an arm to her. “Ride my cock, Vivi.”

  She crawled onto the bed and lowered herself over him, enjoying the feel of the metal sliding along her channel walls. When he was seated in her to the root, David pulled her down onto his chest so Caleb could add still more gel to her ass.

  Caleb ran his fingers around the rim of her anus, exciting all the nerves there, then settled himself behind her with his knees on either side of her butt and outside David’s legs and pressed his cock into her ass. It popped in past the rim then gradually slid in.

  “It feels so tight, so crowded with both of you,” whispered Vivi.

  “You are so hot, so tight, so welcoming,” breathed Caleb, “and it is so very sexy to feel each other through your wall.”

  When Caleb was all the way in, both men adjusted themselves so Vivi was pressed very tightly between them and their arms were around each other, forming a single unit with her as the filling in the sandwich.

  David wiggled so his chest rubbed against her nipples, and Caleb flipped his hair so it teased her neck and shoulders. Then they started moving. One pushed in as the other pulled out. Very slowly, they increased the pace, in and out, still synchronized but gradually getting faster. Then harder. Their strokes became more powerful, more intense.

  Vivi felt an orgasm building in her belly, then tightening, winding her higher and higher. Tension sparked in her breasts, her neck, her cunt. Her nerves tingled everywhere, from her toes to her head, sparking electrical currents throughout her.

  Then the men changed pace, pulling out and pushing in together. David’s Prince Albert jewelry rubbed against her pussy walls, intensifying his every movement.

  With one final thrust, she felt David’s cock hit her cervix, and the pleasure was so intense she screamed and shattered, her cunt spasming harder than she had ever orgasmed before. She felt David’s and Caleb’s cocks rubbing each other, and they, too, exploded inside her. The heat of their cum in both her channels burned into her, even through the latex. She collapsed forward onto David’s chest, and he gently kissed her face, her eyelids, her forehead, whispering, “Rest now, Vivi.”

  She was vaguely aware of the men pulling out of her, wiping her genitals, tucking the comforter around her, then nothing.

  * * * *

  Once again, it was midmorning before Vivienne woke up and staggered into the hot tub. Her thigh muscles were stiff, and her ass was tender but not really sore. Still, she felt a long hot soak in the tub might be the best plan for the morning. Accompanied by a tall glass of freshly squeezed orange juice, Vivi leaned back in the tub and thought about the previous night.

  “Well, I can tick another couple of questions off my list,” she chatted to herself. “It is definitely pleasure, not pain, when a cock touches the cervix, but that may have been because the guy whose cock it was is very talented. And a pierced cock definitely enhances the woman’s sensations during sex. And Caleb sure knew some sexy moves with his long hair. Women could borrow some of those.” She giggled to herself.

  Vivi leaned back, lifting her legs up onto the edges of the tub so the jets could massage her thigh muscles.

  She was booked to go on a walking tour of the city’s historical buildings in the afternoon, and she rather thought she might spend the evening lying by the hotel pool before having an early night. Hmmm…Will I dine in the hotel restaurant or just have a room service snack? She smiled at the memory of the room service snack of the evening before. Restaurant, I think. I don’t want to spoil that image.

  Chapter Three

  Vivi really enjoyed wandering around the old churches and seeing the houses where some early settlers had lived. From soaring roofs, stained glass, and carved stone, to tiny rooms, humble log cabins, and simple rag rugs, it all fascinated her.

  She also enjoyed poring over an extensive menu and choosing for herself without having to consider anyone else at all. It was seldom she had the freedom to do exactly as she wanted to without having to be sensible or set a good example by modeling mature behavior. Even so, she stopped at two glasses of white wine, one with a delicious chicken in lemon sauce and the other with a chocolate torte. The dry wine did not exactly go with the sweet dessert, but breaking the rules was half the fun.

  The following day she spent a long time choosing a movie to see. She was so used to seeing whatever the girls wanted to see—or whatever she thought they would go and see behind her back—that it was quite hard to decide on something just for herself. Finally, she settled on a futuristic action movie and enjoyed it greatly, even though she couldn’t help noticing several unexplained plot holes.

  Then it was time to prepare for her evening with Eli.

  * * * *

  She chose to start the evening fully dressed this time, so she was wearing her favorite jeans and a feminine pale blue shirt with navy blue pumps.

  Right on time, the knock came at the door, and a light tenor voice announced, “Superior Vacations, this is Eli.” She checked the peephole expecting to see the regulation polo shirt, but all that was visible was a pink tongue pressed against the glass with a tongue stud centered in the viewing screen.

  Giggling, she opened the door to see a delicious blond hunk with a cheeky grin and the tongue stud still very much on display. He was also carrying a bulging Superior Vacations laptop bag and wearing the expected black polo shirt and black jeans.

  “Hi there, Vivienne. We’re going to have so much fun this evening,” said Eli. “Love those jeans. You look really hot in them. Wanna see my toys?” he asked.

  Vivi nodded, but there were a few panicky feelings stirring inside her. What if this is too much? What if I don’t like the toys? What if…

  “Hey, hotstuff, don’t stress. This is all about you. You can stop it at any time. I brought a pack of cards. We can play poker all night if you want,” Eli rattled
on. “D’ya wanna see the toys, or would you like to play cards?”

  “Toys,” Vivi said, drawing a deep breath. I want this. I want to experience this. I want to know a little about BDSM.

  Eli flopped on the bed, dropping the bag beside him. “Come and sit with me and have a look,” he suggested.

  Vivi came over and watched while he unpacked a couple of silk scarves, a pair of fluffy pink handcuffs, a box of black condoms with different textures, a flogger with a dozen cowhide tresses and a handle that doubled as a dildo with a very realistic penis-shaped head, and a jewelry box containing nipple clamps joined by a chain and a beaded clit clamp.

  Eli saw her wide-eyed stare and picked up the clit clamp. “See, it is just like tweezers with rubber tips. By twirling the metal ring, you get a perfect fit. Wanna try it?”

  “Maybe the nipple ones first,” gulped Vivi.

  “Sure, hotstuff,” replied Eli, jumping off the bed. “Let’s just get you out of this pretty top first.”

  He stood in front of her and smoothed his hands over her breasts almost accidently as he pushed the first button through the hole to undo it. When he touched the second button, he leaned closer to her and brushed his lips lightly across hers as he released it.

  By the time the final button was undone, his lips were locked to Vivi’s in a passionate kiss, and his palms were pressed over her breasts, massaging them.

  He thrust his tongue deep into her mouth and pressed his cock against her belly, firing her nerves up to fever pitch.

  “You taste delicious, hotstuff,” he whispered, moving his fingers to her back and unsnapping her bra.

  His mouth moved down to her neck, pressing hot, wet kisses there, while one hand pushed her ass hard so her belly was against his engorged cock as he sucked a nipple into his mouth. Then both his hands were on her butt, squeezing and molding it, pushing her against his cock and rubbing his cock up and down her belly and lower down to her pussy. His teeth grazed her nipple, giving it tiny bites and making her groan.

  Then Eli stepped away and reached for the jewelry box, leaving her hot, wet, and panting.


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