Brown, Berengaria - Vivienne's Vacation (Siren Publishing Ménage and More)

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Brown, Berengaria - Vivienne's Vacation (Siren Publishing Ménage and More) Page 3

by Неизвестный

He attached the clamp to the nipple he had been sucking then set to work on the other one, making it as hot and engorged as the first before attaching the clamp.

  “Beautiful,” he breathed, and he pulled her against him for more kisses. This time he used his tongue stud to tantalize her, dragging it over her sensitive skin, licking and kissing her shoulders and breasts, then moving down her belly.

  Eli dropped to his knees and undid her zipper then eased her jeans and panties down, kissing her belly and moving on down to her mons, once again dragging the tongue stud over her sensitive skin until her inner thighs were soaked and she was shivering with need.

  “I’m putting the clit clamp on now, okay?” He whispered into her skin as he sucked her clit until it was standing up so he could attach the clamp.

  “How does that feel, hotstuff?” he asked, looking up into her eyes, which were glazed with passion. “Oh, yeah, you like that.”

  Eli grabbed the beads of the clit clamp in his teeth and tugged very gently, watching Vivi shiver and shake. He wrapped an arm around her hips, pushing her cunt hard against his mouth, then drove his tongue into her channel while gently pulling on the chain of the nipple clamps with his other hand. Vivi shook even harder, and her cunt spasmed into an orgasm. Eli pushed three fingers into her pussy, curling them to press her sweet spot, then pushed the thumb of his other hand into her ass. Vivi gasped as a second, harder orgasm raced through her body, following fast on top of the first one. And if he hadn’t been holding her, she was certain she would have fallen over, her legs were suddenly so wobbly.

  Eli scooped her up and sat her on the end of the bed while he took her jeans, panties, and pumps all the way off, then pushed her flat onto her back while he kissed and sucked his way across her torso and on up to her breasts again.

  This time he played with the chain, gently tugging it this way and that until he was sure she was on fire with need again.

  “Roll over, hotstuff,” he instructed, gently pushing her side.

  Trembling, she obeyed, and he started kissing his way up her spine, rolling his tongue stud over her vertebrae, then reaching his hand under her body to tug on first the nipple chain, then the clit beads.

  Vivi’s body was flushed pink all over, she was shivering and trembling, and desperate to come.

  “Fuck me, please, Eli,” she begged.

  “Not yet, hotstuff. Your orgasms will be much more extreme if you have to wait for a while between them. Let’s raise the tension a little higher first.”

  He brought out the flogger and gently ran the tresses across her shoulders and back then down over her ass and thighs.

  He watched her shiver and said, “Oh, yeah, hotstuff, you like that, dontcha.”

  Gradually, Eli moved faster and used the flogger a bit harder, until he was actually spanking her ass and upper thighs.

  “Fuck me now, Eli. I need you to fuck me,” she cried, desperate with want from the pleasure-pain of the flogger.

  Eli flipped her over, unzipped his jeans, and pulled on one of the textured condoms almost in a single movement, then slammed his engorged cock deep into her clutching, weeping pussy.

  “Yes, yes,” Vivi screamed as Eli pounded into her.

  “Damn, you’re hot,” he gasped, tilting his cock to hit her G-spot and tugging on the clit beads as Vivi shattered into orgasm. Her cunt gripped his cock like a vise and milked it so that he exploded into the condom.

  Eli held her tightly as she shook with her release, then removed all the clamps and sucked first her nipples, then her clit to help the blood flow back into them.

  They lay side by side for a few minutes. Then Eli bounced off the bed, grabbing her hand to pull her up.

  “Come on. Let’s have a shower,” he said.

  She was so sated and limp after her orgasm, Eli had to pull and coax Vivi into the bathroom. He leaned her against the wall while he adjusted the spray and water temperature. Then he placed her right in the center of the cubicle. He left her there for a moment then returned with a handful of bottles, which he dumped on the shelf.

  “Lean against the wall, hotsuff,” he said, pushing her toward the back of the shower recess. After she obeyed him, he poured lotions onto her shoulders and massaged them, then smoothed the bubbles down her back, rubbing and soothing her tired muscles, massaging her butt, and continuing down her legs, soaping and soothing as he went.

  Finally, he turned her around and repeated his ministrations down over her arms, her breasts, her tummy, to her legs, and even her toes. Every inch of her was gently soaped, massaged, and soothed, until her body was completely relaxed and cosseted by his caring touch. He patted her dry on the huge fluffy towel provided by the hotel then carried her back to the bed, lying her on her side and spooning himself in behind her.

  “Rest now for a little while, hotstuff,” he whispered, and she soon drifted off to sleep.

  * * * *

  An hour so later, Vivi woke to find herself flat on her back, handcuffed to the headboard, her eyes blindfolded—with one of the scarves, maybe?—and something soft but arousing being dragged over her belly.

  “I thought you’d like that, hotsuff,” said the light tenor voice with a hint of a grin in it.

  “Mmmm,” was all Vivi could manage to say as the soft fabric swirled over her breasts and stomach then down her legs, and her skin started to tingle.

  As Eli continued to tantalize her, Vivi decided it must be the flogger tresses he was using, but they somehow felt different from earlier that evening.

  “See how the blindfold works, hotstuff? When one sense is taken away, all the others are heightened, and the skin is the most erogenous zone of them all.”

  Vivi nodded then gasped as he licked along her slit and then sucked her clit into his mouth. Then the clamp was on her clit again, and his tongue was in her channel, sliding along her walls and thrusting deep inside.

  Vivi tried to lift off the bed but was stopped by the handcuffs through the headboard. Her arms tensed, then she deliberately relaxed them and forced herself to concentrate on the intense sensations she could feel. Her brain was screaming for her to get the blindfold off so she could see what he was doing to her, but she ignored it.

  “Relax, hotsuff. Taste yourself on me.”

  And Eli’s tongue was in her mouth. Vivi relaxed into the experience. Her juices were a little salty and tart, but it wasn’t an unpleasant taste, and it was surprisingly arousing, erotic.

  “Do you lick your fingers after you pleasure yourself?” he asked, peppering kisses along her jaw line and across to her earlobe.

  “Yes. Once or twice I tried it. But it just seemed a weird thing to do. On you it is—different. Sexy. Hot,” she replied.

  “Oh, you’re definitely hot, honey. Why d’you think I’ve been calling you hotstuff? Your breasts are full and round. Just the right size for a man to hold,” he said, suiting the action to the words. Then he tweaked her nipples saying, “Your nipples are like hard little berries reaching up for my mouth like the fruit reaches up into the sunlight. Your belly is just a little rounded, as are your hips. Perfect to hold as I fuck you. No man wants to hold a bag of bones. Real men want real women in their beds.”

  He bent and licked her bellybutton then kissed his way down to her mons. “Your cunt lips are swollen and pink, and your clit looks delicious with the clamp on it.”

  He tugged on the beads gently, and honey seeped from her channel.

  His sexy talk combined with the kisses and touching was making desire curl in her core again. And not being able to see him, to know what he was looking at or about to touch next, was adding to the fire in her belly.

  Something hard and warm nudged into her cunt, slid down her channel. Filled her. It was not his cock. And she had not seen a dildo in the laptop bag.


  The handle of the flogger. That’s what it was, the penis-shaped handle of the flogger.

  Eli moved the handle in and out, from side to side, up and down, in figure eights
. Vivi started to move her hips. It was good, but she needed more.

  Then her legs were pushed back toward her chest by a strong arm, the dildo stopped moving, and a cool gel was squirted into her anus.

  “Eli, what—”

  “Oh, you know what’s going to happen next, hotstuff. I’m going to fuck your ass while my plastic friend here fucks your cunt. And let me just get these nipple clamps back on. We wouldn’t want those luscious nipples to miss out on all the fun, would we?”

  He lowered her legs and put her feet flat on the bed with her knees wide apart, sucked each nipple hard, then set the clamps in place, twirling the dildo from time to time to keep her cunt hungry for more. Then he slid his fingers into her ass, scissoring them, moving them around, stretching her tissues, and making her yearn for more than just fingers in her dark passage.

  By the time his cock was in her rectum, she was on fire with need, and little tugs from him on the nipple chain, the clit beads, and the handle of the flogger had her brain frying trying to guess what he would tease next.

  “Take the blindfold off. I want to see you. I want to see what is happening,” Vivi begged.

  “Okay, hotstuff, just for you.”

  Still with his cock lodged firmly in her ass, Eli leaned forward along her body, pressing hard on her sensitive breasts and sending streaks of pleasure-pain from her nipples to her cunt. He pulled off the blindfold—yes, it was one of the silk scarves as she’d thought—and unhooked the handcuffs from the headboard, freeing her wrists. While Vivienne was still blinking as her eyes adjusted to the light after being covered, he rubbed her wrists and shoulders to make sure the blood was flowing through them properly.

  Almost before she was aware of what was happening, he thrust deep into her ass and began moving the dildo in circles inside her cunt again, shifting his other hand from her hip, to her breasts, to her clit in a random pattern that had her totally on edge wondering what he would touch next.

  Vivi grabbed his shoulders and hung onto him as the sensations curled in her belly, tightening and strengthening with his every thrust in her ass. His hands seemed to be everywhere at once, twirling the dildo in her pussy, tugging on the nipple clamps’ chain and the clit beads, smoothing over her arms, her breasts, even her spine.

  He thrust hard and deep into her ass with his cock, leaning forward and using his pelvis to push the dildo in as far into her cunt as it would go, then held her head with both his hands and thrust his tongue into her mouth, using his tongue stud to tease the insides of her cheeks. Vivi felt her orgasm explode over her, seeming to come from her breasts, her clit, her mouth, and her belly all at once. Waves of fire flashed through her body as it convulsed in passion. She felt Eli’s cock jerk and twitch in her ass and knew he’d come, too, as he thrust a few more times to extend her orgasm.

  Then, still with his cock buried in her, he undid the clamps, sucking her nipples once more before feathering a few more kisses across her breasts.

  He slid out of her ass, removed the flogger from her pussy, and undid the clit clamp, sucking on her clit one last time to soothe it.

  Then he rubbed some lavender oil into her wrists, shoulders, breasts, and over her clit, dripping some gel into her ass, and tucking her under the comforter.

  “Enjoy your vacation, hotstuff,” he whispered into her ear.

  “Thank you,” she mumbled, drifting into sleep.

  Chapter Four

  Vivienne was tired of spending most of her time in the city, so she hired a car to drive out to the beach. It was about a two-hour drive, which gave her plenty of time to think over all her new experiences of the past week. She’d seen and done a lot of things she’d only heard the kids talk about. And she was awed by the powerful orgasms the men had given her. “I guess that is the best thing about having a professional to show me.” She giggled to herself. Each of the men had been quite different, and although she’d only spent a night with each one, she had sensed unique personalities to each of them.

  Vivi spent several miles trying to decide if Eli had made such a deep impression on her because he was different from the others or because he was alone and not accompanied by a partner as the other men had been. Her first glimpse of the sea through a gap in the trees drew her mind from him and onto her plans for the day.

  She’d bought a sandwich and some fruit plus several bottles of water from the snack bar at the hotel, had a romance novel with her to read, and wore the obligatory hat and sunscreen, so she was prepared to stay until dark.

  The clerk at the car hire desk had given her good advice. The beach was a “family friendly” one, which meant that as a lone female, she was safe there. But since school was in and it was midweek, the sand was not cluttered with kids running around screaming and shouting. People were lying on blankets or sitting on beach chairs far enough apart for some privacy, but not so distant as to provide a target for thieves or perverts.

  The golden sand was pristine, the water a deep blue-green, and the sky a clear blue. The sun was warm enough to make sitting on a towel in her bikini a pleasure and a swim cool and refreshing.

  Vivi stripped off her skirt and T-shirt, plopped her sunhat over her long brown curls, and stretched out on her towel with her book, ready to soak in the sun and relax.

  Later, she walked out into the water until she was chest-deep then swam parallel with the shore up and back the length of the beach half a dozen times, floated on her back for a while, and lay on the sand in the shallows.

  She ate her meal, drank some water, read her book, and finally, as darkness began to fall, headed back to the hotel, feeling refreshed, rejuvenated, and somehow much clearer in her mind about what she wanted to do with her life from now on.

  * * * *

  Vivienne stood at her closet, undecided about what to wear for her final night of sex. Frank and George. Originally she’d planned to be wearing just a lacy, caramel camisole and thong set, which would enhance the faintly sun-kissed color of her skin after her day at the beach yesterday. But then she thought maybe she should wear a dress, which meant wearing a bra instead of the camisole.

  What does it matter what I wear? I’ll be naked soon enough. But somehow it did matter. For some unknown reason, it was important.

  With just five minutes until the men were to arrive according to the clock on the entertainment center, Vivi flipped a coin. “Heads a dress, tails underwear,” she called as the coin spun in the air. Heads. Vivi slid into a sunshine-yellow dress just moments before the knock came on her door.

  Frank was slightly taller, slightly heavier, and slightly darker in skin and hair color than George, but they were both well built and heavily muscled. Very strong-looking men. And they were going to fuck each other while she watched. Vivi had heard several girls say it was the sexiest thing they’d ever seen, and Vivi knew men liked to watch two women fucking, so the idea made sense to her. But she wanted to experience it herself.

  George moved the chair away from the desk, placing it where anyone on it would have an uninterrupted view of the carpeted area and also of the bed. “Sit over here, Vivienne, and the show will begin,” he said, gesturing for her to move to the chair.

  Silently, Vivi nodded, and the two men came together. Staring into each other’s eyes and grinding their pelvises together, Frank and George began undressing each other. Vivi found herself breathing harder as polo shirts were wrenched over heads, shoes were kicked off, and jeans were tugged down muscular thighs.

  After a few moments of frantic activity, both men’s thongs were revealed, Frank’s a tiny leopard print and George’s black and studded. Frank grabbed George’s hair and pulled him closer, pressing his lips to the other man’s in a passionate kiss. There was nothing gentle about it. Tongues dueled and teeth clashed together. Their hips ground together, and George’s hand slid over Frank’s butt and into the crack, so Vivi had no doubt that a finger or two had plunged into his rectum.

  Their cocks had swollen hugely now and strained to escape from their
thongs. George pressed his pelvis and the studded thong hard into Frank, rubbing his cock up and down, and Vivi could imagine how the studs would feel digging into all that hot flesh.

  Looking at the bulging packages, Vivi felt her own thong grow damp and her cunt clench with the need to feel one of those cocks inside her—a feeling only heightened and intensified when the men stripped their thongs off and the cocks bounced free. George’s was very long and Frank’s extremely wide.

  Frank wrapped his hand around both cocks and, holding them together, rubbed up and down until Vivi could see pre-cum pearling in the tips of both. George maneuvered the men over to where the laptop bag was lying on the entertainment center, opened it one-handed, rummaged through the contents, and came out holding a string of condoms.

  Without saying a word or even seeming to give each other a sign, the men backed onto the bed, Frank dropped onto his back and lifted his legs up high and wide while George sheathed himself, and without any preparation other than the quick touch Vivi assumed had happened a few moments before, George plunged straight into Frank’s ass right to the hilt. George tilted Frank’s hips up and began a punishingly fast plunge and retreat while Frank’s hand gripped his cock, stroking it in the same rhythm.

  George leaned forward and began sucking and biting at one of Frank’s nipples, and Frank used his other hand to pinch George’s nipple.

  Vivi’s eyes were wide open, her breath was coming fast, and a hand slid under her dress and into her panties to touch her clit.

  The men’s bodies slammed together in a wild display of raw power, and Vivi plunged her fingers into her cunt, groaning right along with them. Frank’s cock erupted into spurts of white semen over both men’s groins, George gave one last thrust into Franks’ ass, and Vivi came right along with them.

  The men disappeared into the bathroom, and Vivi was left hot and shaking from what she had watched.

  “You liked that, didn’t you?” asked George when he came back into the room.

  “I’ve never seen anything so hot before,” she replied.

  “Oh, you will, you will. Give us a few moments to recover, and we’ll make you very hot indeed.”


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