Brown, Berengaria - Vivienne's Vacation (Siren Publishing Ménage and More)

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Brown, Berengaria - Vivienne's Vacation (Siren Publishing Ménage and More) Page 7

by Неизвестный

  She wrapped her arms backward to grab around Ryan’s waist and held him to her. When they were both midway in the maneuver, she swirled her hips in a quick figure eight, feeling both cocks scrape against her walls. It felt so delicious she did it again and again.

  Ryan hissed through his teeth, and Boyd grabbed hold of Ryan to unite the three of them together once more. “Fuck, you’ll get me off, and this will be over before it’s hardly begun.”

  Carefully, the men pulled Vivi into a sitting-up posture, their legs all tangled together and their three torsos pressed firmly into each other. The men wrapped their arms around each other so Vivi could hardly move, but they let her put her arms up so they were all three holding hands together, fingers as entwined as their legs.

  Now the two men moved together, pulling out together, pushing in together. Vivi was so stretched and full, so pressed between them she could hardly breathe, but her body was alive with sensation, and need coiled like a spring deep in her core.

  She could feel every twitch of their cocks, every little movement of their muscles, even Boyd’s eyelashes as he pressed his face into her neck. She had never felt so cherished before in her life, so adored and loved.

  Deep inside her, an orgasm was gathering. It boiled up through her limbs, firing along her nerves, building in her breasts and pussy and ass. But it was also exploding in her heart, as she knew for an absolute fact that she loved these men, both of them, and that she wanted a relationship with them for as long as they wanted her.

  The realization slammed through her mind just as both men thrust deep and hard into her body. Vivi threw back her head and screamed as an intensely powerful climax roared through every part of her and erupted, shaking her until she thought she would have broken into a million pieces if Ryan and Boyd hadn’t been holding her so tightly.

  She felt hot cum jetting into the condoms in her cunt and her ass as both men climaxed with her. The cocks kept moving in her as aftershocks rolled through them all, her orgasm going on and on as her body shook with its power.

  Chapter Eight

  Vivi sagged limply in their arms as the orgasm gradually slowed down. Their fingers loosed from hers as they let her relax. Ryan pulled out first and left the room.

  Oh, yeah. This room has murals everywhere. The bathroom must be off the living room of the suite.

  She was cuddled into Boyd, almost asleep, when Ryan returned and pulled her back into his arms, allowing Boyd to leave.

  She was dozing when she felt herself swept off the bed and carried out of the bedroom. She realized some time must have passed when they reached the bathroom, as a giant hot tub had been filled with water and the scent of lavender was in the air.

  The room was not quite as spectacular as the bedroom but was still very nice, with glass walls and sparkling white fittings everywhere.

  Ryan handed her into the hot tub into Boyd’s arms then rummaged through the bathroom cabinet for some lavender lotion and shower gel.

  She sank into the hot water and leaned back against Ryan. “Mmmm, nice,” she murmured.

  The men looked at each other over her head. “Are you ready to talk about the future?” asked Boyd.

  “Yeah, sure. I thought we’d pretty much settled what I would be doing on the farm when the girls and I arrive for our six months there. And the charity is happy for any of them to stay on longer if they want to go back to high school or complete a training course with you.”

  “What Boyd means is not talk about the future, but talk about our future,” clarified Ryan.

  “I sort of guessed having sex on the farm might be a big no-no,” said Vivi, turning in Ryan’s arms to watch their faces carefully.

  “Not exactly. Just as you do, we’re supposed to be modeling real life, but a way of life that is socially responsible and that contributes to the community. Boyd and I each have our own rooms, but we share a connecting bathroom, and at night we move back and forth between the rooms. Most of the young adults know we are together, but we don’t flaunt the relationship.”

  Vivi nodded. She understood what Ryan was saying, but her heart was pounding so hard it was difficult to think straight. She was sure they wanted her. They’d gone to so much trouble to make this good for her. But she couldn’t see where the conversation was leading, couldn’t guess what they would say next.

  Boyd grabbed the bottle of shower gel and smeared a generous dollop on the tile wall behind the hot tub. With one finger, he drew an outline of the front of the farm house.

  “This is the girls’ wing, this is the boys’ wing, and here are our rooms. We plan to build an extra room on at the front here, like a sunroom, with a big wall of glass out to the east. Plant a bunch of flowering shrubs to look pretty.”

  Vivi just nodded. It all sounded great, but she was confused. What the hell was his point?

  “The sunroom will be our private living room. Behind it will be an extra bedroom—yours.”

  “So each of our three rooms will have a separate entry from the corridor, but we can move from one to the other internally through the new sunroom. Plus it will give us some private space, our own retreat,” added Ryan.

  “And we can do a lot of the work ourselves, so it won’t be too expensive. Several of the young men want to learn carpentry, so working under a trained builder will be excellent experience for them. Even the glazing they may be able to help with. And certainly the interior fitting-out.”

  “But what happens in six months’ time when I leave?” asked Vivi.

  “Ahh, yeah, well, umm…” Ryan looked at Boyd, then the two of them drew Vivi into their arms.

  “We were hoping you wouldn’t leave. If you stay, we can expand the program for young women—”

  Ryan’s sentence was cut off with a splash as Boyd pushed him under the water. “Dumbass! You’re supposed to say we both love her first, then talk about the program!”

  Ryan rubbed his hands over his face and shook water out of his ears. “But you know we love you, don’t you? Don’t you?”

  Vivi could only laugh at the stunned look on his face. “I hoped. I guessed. But it’s nice to hear the words, as well. I’ve only just realized how very much I love you both.”

  Dramatically, both men kneeled in the water, and each took one of her hands in his. “I, Ryan—”

  “And I, Boyd—”

  “—love you, Vivi. And I—”

  “—We want you to move in with us.”

  “Yes, we do.”

  Vivi reached forward and drew them both into her arms. “I accept,” she said simply.



  Berengaria is a multi-published author of erotic romance: contemporary, paranormal (ghosts, vampires and werewolves) and Regency-set historical. She loves to read all different kinds of romance so that is what she writes: one man/one woman; two women; two men; two men/one woman; three men…. Whatever the characters need for their very hot happily-ever-after, Berengaria makes sure they get it.

  Also by Berengaria Brown

  Ménage Amour: Forever Yours 1: Intensity

  Ménage Amour: Forever Yours 2: Complexity

  Ménage Amour: Forever Yours 3: Eternity

  Available at


  Siren Publishing, Inc.

  Converted with Word to HTML.




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