Brown, Berengaria - Vivienne's Vacation (Siren Publishing Ménage and More)

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Brown, Berengaria - Vivienne's Vacation (Siren Publishing Ménage and More) Page 6

by Неизвестный

  She thought that’s what they were leading to. They certainly seemed interested in her as a woman and said they shared a woman occasionally. They had even asked her if she’d ever slept with two men. But… Ah, shit! What to do, what to say, what to plan.

  And that was without even considering the whole issue of their ages. She’d recently turned forty-one. She now knew Ryan was twenty-eight and Boyd twenty-nine, which meant there were twelve and thirteen years between them. She wasn’t old enough to be their mother, but it was still a big gap. Life was so unfair. If she were the man and they the woman, no one would care about such a gap. But somehow, having the woman older was frowned upon.

  So I guess that makes me a cougar. A double cougar. Maybe I should practice my growl. She giggled to herself.

  “Go with the flow, Vivi. Just go with the flow.” Well, I don’t have any other option, do I? She sighed.

  * * * *

  The girls were a little shy around Boyd and Ryan at first. Both were big men, and some of the young women, Mikayla in particular, had good reason to be wary of large, charming men.

  The ice was broken, though, when Neveah asked Boyd politely, “How do you like your coffee?” and he replied, “In a big mug.”

  Vivi gently steered the conversation into a discussion of the range of teas she’d brought back from her vacation, some of which the girls had really enjoyed after they’d gotten over the shock of seeing “leaves and sticks” in the teapot.

  Ryan followed that with a description of the fruit juice shakes they made with their own fruit on the farm.

  “You grow the fruit? Like, on trees and all?” asked a disbelieving Payton.

  “Yes. We planted some of them as seedlings, so they won’t have fruit for several years yet, but we also pruned and treated older trees already on the property, and they give us lots of fruit now. We make a fruit shake with apples and oranges, a little bit of grapefruit, and a few strawberries. Everyone likes them,” added Boyd.

  “Serious?” asked Genesis, her eyes wide.

  “Absolutely,” he replied.

  The girls relaxed and peppered the men with questions about the lake, the ducks and chickens, and all the other projects.

  “Are there horses?” asked Neveah suddenly.

  “Yes, we have four horses, but they’re work horses, not like the sleek, fast racehorses you see on TV. But if you want to learn to ride, Andy or Basil will teach you.”

  “Who’s ‘AndyorBasil’?”

  “All the young people who come to the farm have to do an hour of reading and math each day. It’s not like school.” Ryan hurried on when he saw a few of the girls’ faces falling. “It’s useful things like working out how much rice you need for a recipe, how to read a bus timetable, how to know if someone is ripping you off on your utilities bill, how to plan where to stop overnight on a vacation trip, and how much you need to save each week to pay your cell phone bill.”

  Ryan looked around the table and saw the girls nodding and accepting what he’d said. He continued, “As well as that, if you want to go back to high school and graduate, we have makeup classes you can do.” He saw Rylee nodding and remembered Vivi had said she hoped Rylee would go back to school.

  “Yeah, but who’s ‘AndyorBasil’?” Genesis repeated.

  “Andy, and Basil, are our two teachers. They live in the farm house with all the rest of us. Andy teaches most of the indoor subjects and Basil most of the outdoor ones, but they can each swap over a fair bit, too. And Boyd and I also help out, as well. While you are there, Vivienne will be with you, and she will teach some things, too. And Molly, our cook, will teach you cooking if there is anything you want to learn.”

  “Ya know, that small engine mechanics thing. Pulling stuff apart and fixin’ it. I reckon I could do that. I hate school, and I’m never gonna be good at it. But I like tinkering with stuff. I once pulled a clock apart, and I got it back together, and it worked, too. Well, sorta worked,” said Chloe.

  Boyd smiled at her. “Basil will be happy to teach you. We do all our own maintenance on our equipment, and the boys have rebuilt a couple of old cars they use to drive around the farm. They’re working on a pump to bring water from the dam to the orchard at the moment.”

  Chloe nodded. “I think I’d like doing that.”

  The conversation became general again, and Vivi was quite surprised when the doorbell rang and she noticed it was ten o’clock. She was even more surprised to find the couple who stayed with the girls on her days off standing there, a small bag in James’ hand.

  “James? Gina?”

  “Since you’ll be moving to the country for six months, we knew you’d have a ton of things to organize, hon.”

  “So we decided to come stay with the girls tonight and give you a head start.”

  “Off you go, and grab your purse, hon,” added Gina, moving into the living room and hugging each girl in turn.

  James gave Vivi a wink as he followed his wife inside.

  Vivi turned to look at Boyd and Ryan, who were right behind her, ready to leave.

  “Better get your purse like the lady said,” echoed Ryan.

  “You’re a couple of smooth operators, now aren’t you?” she muttered softly as she went to her room as instructed.

  * * * *

  Vivi was squeezed between the two men on the bench seat of their SUV as they drove into town.

  “Where are we going?” she asked.

  “We’ve booked a room in a hotel,” replied Boyd, his deep, sexy voice sending chills and thrills right to her core.

  “And?” she queried.

  “It’s a little bit different, but we think you’ll like it,” was all he added while Ryan quickly changed the topic of conversation.

  They parked in a numbered space in the basement parking lot then were whisked up to the thirty-eighth floor in an elevator with mirrored walls and ceiling and a cool, green-tiled floor.

  The hotel room was more like a suite, having a small sitting area with windows the length of the wall overlooking the city and a separate bedroom on the corridor side of the room with no external windows. Vivi was just thinking how unusual this was when the reason became apparent. The men led her to the bedroom doorway, switched on the light, and stood waiting for her comments.

  The ceiling was painted a deep blue with stars, moons, and planets glowing and shimmering against the background.

  One wall was a forest of tangled plants among tall trees with tiny flowers peeping out of the grass and ferns and creepers entwined around the tree trunks. As Vivi stood and stared at it, she saw birds hidden in the foliage, a monkey up one tree, and a rabbit peeping out from behind a clump of grass.

  Slowly, she turned to the next wall. This was the wall in front of the bed, and it had more trees and grass leading to a waterfall, which fed into a deep pool. In the depths of the pool, she could see fish. A tiny frog perched on one of the rocks on the far side of the pool.

  Vivi swiveled slowly and saw how cleverly the rocks at the far side of the pool blended into the third wall, which had the rocks leading to a sandy path and down to a beach. The sand was a pure, pristine gold with waves lapping the shore. Out on the horizon were a few boats with multicolored sails, and about halfway between the shore and the boats were a few dolphins playing with a mermaid.

  Slowly, Vivi rotated a little farther, and the final wall was painted with trees and vines which seemed to surround and support the huge bed that backed into the wall. She noticed the painting blended seamlessly into the first wall she’d seen, the forest.

  “What a simply amazing room. However did you find this place?”

  “We contacted a company called Superior Vacations. They provide very special vacations, and when we said we wanted a room to impress a beautiful woman, they suggested this hotel. I can see you like it,” said Boyd.

  “Like it! It’s way beyond ‘like.’ I’ve never seen anything so amazing, so stunningly beautiful. Someone must have spent forever imagining this then
painting the murals. Wow! Just wow!” Vivi turned to Boyd and hugged him then repeated the gesture with Ryan.

  “We wanted our first time together to be something to remember,” said Ryan. “I know we haven’t exactly discussed it, but we thought, we hoped…” He trailed off, looking at her with a worried frown between his eyes.

  “Oh, yes. That’s what I want, too. I want you both so much. But I need to tell you that the time I had sex with two men at once—that was with Superior Vacations. I…” Vivi stopped and drew in a big breath. “I wanted to try out a few different things sexually but wanted to do it in a controlled environment, so I used Superior Vacations.”

  Vivienne looked searchingly at them both, wondering if they would think her a slut.

  But surprisingly, they both smiled. Ryan pulled her into his arms, and Boyd stepped up hard against her back, wrapping his arms around them both. “Oh, Vivi,” he said in his deep bass voice. “The times we shared a woman—that was with Superior Vacations, too. I guess you could say that company has brought us all together.”

  Vivi relaxed with relief that her secret was out and had not disgusted them. “So now we can fuck?” she asked.

  “No. Now we will make love,” replied Ryan.

  “Well, I suggest we all get naked then,” Vivi said impishly.

  With those few, simple words, sexual energy exploded in the room. All three of them had been lusting after each other for weeks now, and with the sharing of their lives, personalities, hopes, and dreams, had come a deep connection that demanded a sexual response.

  Boyd inched closer to Vivi’s back, and she could feel not only the hard wall of his chest pressed into her, but the equally hard ridge of his cock prodding the soft roundness of her ass.

  In front of her, Ryan placed his hands on her hips and pressed his pelvis against hers. His cock was just as large and hard as Boyd’s.

  Instantly, Vivi’s breath hitched, her heart pounded, and cream dripped onto her panties.

  “God, you’re both sexy,” she whispered.

  “We’re about to show you just how very sexy we can be,” murmured Ryan, gently pressing soft kisses along her jaw line. His lips moved to her forehead and whispered across it, tenderly kissing her temple, her eyebrows, her nose, and finally, her mouth.

  Desire raged through Vivi. She gripped his head with both hands and ran her fingers through his long, dark hair. She’d wanted to do this since the moment she first saw him, and his hair was as soft and silky as she’d imagined it would be. Touching him served only to crank the heat inside her up another notch. Her fingers trailing through his hair and massaging his scalp, she ran her tongue along his lips then nibbled at his lower lip.

  His cock jumped and grew even larger against her belly, and he thrust his tongue between her parted lips, using his long arms to haul Boyd hard against her, wrapping his arms around his partner and sandwiching Vivi between them so every muscle of Boyd’s was pressed against her back and her butt, Boyd’s cock was pushing against her ass, and her pelvis was wedged between hot, hard, hungry men. And she was on their menu.


  Boyd’s lips traced along her neck, sending erotic shivers up and down her spine, and Vivi wiggled with excitement. Her panties were soaked, need was burning in her veins, and tension coiled in her belly, demanding action.

  Without giving her any warning, the two men picked her up, still wedged between them, and carried her over to the bed. There, she was settled on the deep blue blanket, and four hands were suddenly undressing her. In the shortest possible space of time, her jeans, shirt, sandals, and underwear disappeared, and Ryan was pulling off his shirt while Boyd toed off his own shoes.

  Vivi rested back on an elbow and watched as the men shucked their clothing at lightning speed, leaving it in a tangled heap on the floor, which a distant part of her brain registered was a pretty, moss-green tile.

  Her mind registered broad shoulders, muscled arms, backs and chests, long, strong bodies, narrow hips, muscular legs. God, they look good. And they are mine. Well, at least for tonight, they’re mine.

  Then she was once again sandwiched between the men, and her brain ceased to function at all.

  Four hands stroked and caressed her ribs, her breasts, her arms, and her hips. Two mouths dropped kisses on her face and her breasts. Several legs tangled with hers. Silky black hair pressed against her chest, making her nipples tingle.

  Desperately, Vivi stretched out her own hands to touch and pressed her own lips to the nearest pieces of naked skin to lick and taste. Her cunt was dripping cream, quivering and clenching with the need to be filled. Her nipples were as hard as diamonds, pressing into the male chests leaning over her, demanding more stroking, demanding to be pinched or sucked or something, anything.

  “Enough foreplay. Just fuck me,” she begged.

  Both men reached for the nightstand simultaneously, almost tipping the three of them off the bed because their bodies were so intertwined.

  Vivi grabbed the nearest arm and held on as Ryan opened the drawer and Boyd reached for a couple of condoms and a tube of lube.

  “There’s a lot of good stuff in here. We’ll have to try it out. Later,” Boyd rasped, his voice hoarse with passion, as he rolled them all back into the middle of the bed.

  The three disentangled themselves a bit, then Boyd pushed Vivi onto her back while Ryan kneeled up and held her legs up and wide apart so Boyd could start lubing her ass. The two men worked very slowly and thoroughly, massaging the sphincter muscle until Boyd’s fingers slid easily inside her. Then he painstakingly smoothed the cool gel all around her walls, stretching and loosening the tissues, scissoring his fingers to make her opening wider and ready for a cock.

  Vivi stared at their cocks. Both were long and wide, but Boyd’s was definitely wider, the head broader and now a deep red with need.

  Ryan’s cock was wide, too, but not as broad as Boyd’s, and the head was sleeker, more streamlined. His cock was a little longer than Boyd’s, though, and it was almost purplish with intense arousal.

  With her body braced on her elbows to watch them and her legs in the air, Vivi couldn’t touch either of the men, but just looking at them, feeling their hands on her, was enough to keep her at an incredibly high level of arousal.

  Finally, they were satisfied she was prepared for them, and Boyd dropped the lube back on the nightstand, grabbing a scented wipe to cleanse his fingers before passing a condom to Ryan and rolling his own condom on. Then Vivi watched Ryan roll a rubber down his cock and squeeze lube on it.

  Tingles were racing up and down Vivienne’s spine. Her whole body was one giant erogenous zone trembling with desire to be filled. Just seeing these two men naked was almost enough to bring her to climax. She wanted to be possessed, filled, fucked so bad, but she was half afraid she’d orgasm the moment they touched her, she was so aroused just from being with them.

  Boyd and Ryan surrounded her, closing their arms around her, each one kissing her sweetly on the lips, first Ryan, then Boyd.

  “Are you ready? Do you want this?” asked Boyd, his deep bass voice rumbling through her body, making every nerve-ending scream with sexual tension.

  “Both of us inside you together?” clarified Ryan.

  The men looked deep into her eyes, and Vivi nodded, fully understanding that they were trying to be completely fair to her.

  “Yes, that’s what I want. I want you both inside me, both of you together. And I want you to do it now, dammit. I’m tired of waiting here!” she replied.

  As if she’d thrown a switch, both men moved fast. Boyd grabbed her legs and pulled her right into the center of the big bed then slid on top of her, pushing her legs wide with his hips as he slithered down her body.

  His fingers teased her clit for a few moments then slid into the warm, clutching heat of her cunt. “Oh, yes, you’re ready,” he said as he withdrew them and held his penis to the opening of her channel. He pressed deep inside.

  Vivi sighed with joy. He was ve
ry broad and stretched her to the limit. But she felt so wonderfully, joyfully filled. God, it was good to have a man inside her once again. Especially this man, these men, whom she’d been lusting after for so long.

  Boyd hooked his legs around her body and rolled them over so he was on his back and she was on top of him.

  Remembering her experience with Caleb and David, Vivi flattened her body against his chest and tilted her ass into the air.

  “That’s right,” soothed Ryan as he pulled her ass cheeks apart and dripped some more lube inside her before pressing his sheathed cock at the entry to her dark channel.

  Very, very slowly, a fraction of an inch at a time, Ryan pressed his cock inside her. It soon popped through the ring of muscles and slid easily and deeply into her. Because Boyd was already filling her pussy, Ryan’s penis in her ass was a tight fit, stretching her tissues and making her feel unbelievably full. But it was a good feeling, too. A slight burn, but mostly a feeling of intense possession. She felt claimed, adored, possessed, and was clutched so tightly between the two men, her every breath seemed to be a part of them. She could feel their hearts beating on either side of her, feel their breaths tickling her body, feel their cocks twitch inside her, and never had anything felt this good before.

  “Ready, sweetheart?” asked Ryan.

  “Yes,” breathed Vivi.

  Ryan took his weight on his forearms and lifted off her, gradually withdrawing his cock until only the head was left inside her. Then, as he pushed back in again, Boyd gradually pulled out. Their cocks rubbed each other against the thin membrane separating her channels, and Vivi shivered in ecstasy.

  When Ryan was fully inside her again and just the head of Boyd’s cock remained inside, the men reversed the process, moving in tiny increments at a time, drawing the process out in a slow, steady glide.

  Vivi lifted her breasts to press her incredibly sensitive, aching nipples into Boyd’s chest.


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