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Anton's Grace : Sci-Fi Dark Romance (Dark Tales)

Page 22

by Regine Abel

  “What do you want to do?”

  “I want to tell him, but I’m scared for my baby’s life. What if he doesn’t want it, Mar, and forces me to kill it? He owns this place. Maybe I should be off station when I tell him. Then, I can just come back if he’s ok with it. But if he’s not, I can go to Haven or one of the other sanctuary colonies that protect half-breeds.”

  Marcus recoiled. “I don’t think leaving is a good idea. How far along are you?”

  “Three months,” I said, tears trickling down my cheeks.

  Marcus took my hands in his and rubbed his thumb over my knuckles, soothing me. “Do you know what it is?”

  “I didn’t ask about the gender. But Dr. Farland talked about termination. Males are the only half-breeds Braxians terminate, so…”

  “Look Grace, let’s not make any hasty decisions. You’re not showing yet,” Marcus said, glancing at my belly. “Give me a few days to think about this. No one will harm you or the baby.”

  “One week, Mar… I only have one week.”


  “Dr. Farland will tell Anton if I don’t tell him before the week is up.”

  Marcus cursed under his breath.

  “The fucker wants to cover his ass. Ok. We’ll figure it out. For now, go home and relax. Stress can’t be good for the baby.”

  “But what about Anton? I don’t want to leave him, Mar. He took a big leap of faith when he released me from our contract. I owe him the same. But it’s not only about me anymore.”

  “Don’t say anything yet. Just act like business as usual. Anton cares a hell of a lot about you, Gracie. We’ll figure out the best way to tell him, alright?”

  I nodded, hope surging back in my heart.

  “Whatever would I do without you?” I said, hugging him.

  He returned the embrace and shrugged. “Probably get into even more trouble.”

  I chuckled. “Probably.” We held each other. “Well, I better fix my face and go home before Anton starts wondering where I am. And your guests are probably starting to complain there’s one less cock in the fray.”

  Marcus burst out laughing. “Not one less cock, sweetheart. The best cock is missing.”

  I shook my head and rustled his hair. “You’re hopeless.”

  * * *

  The next six days proved trying. Contrary to rumors about me being good at faking it, I sucked at it. Despite knowing my pregnancy wasn’t showing yet, I tensed every time Anton’s hands or mouth roamed over my stomach. He could feel something was troubling me and finally called me out on it. I brushed it off, saying it was just nerves at my upcoming debut. Thankfully, he bought it.

  Tonight, Risqué was packed. Many patrons got turned away unless they had reservations. While I wanted to believe people came to see me, I knew most only wanted to suck up to the big boss or to feed the gossip mill.

  However, right this instant, gossips and brownnosers were the least of my concerns. After many back and forth, Marcus and I agreed I would tell Anton tonight right after the show. Hopefully, it would be an extra cause for celebration. If not, I would use a stun dart on him to make my getaway. No one would question our absence for a few hours.

  With my face so well-known, sneaking out might become tricky. Marcus prepared a disguise for me. This weekend was one of the busiest of the year. It celebrated the creation of the Galactic Council, representing the Eastern and Western Quadrants of the known universe.

  With the celebrations, citizens from most of the planets in the sector gathered on Venus Hive for the countless events. Among them was a large delegation of Inugians. Inugi’s atmospheric pressure was much higher than most civilized planets. Although they also breathed oxygen, our lower atmospheric pressure would cause them to die from oxygen poisoning. So when they traveled off-world, they wore atmospheric suits which partially veiled their features.

  Marcus obtained a replica for me, as well as fake IDs, copied off those of one of his Inugian acquaintances whose family owed him a favor. She had arrived with the Inugian delegation a couple of days ago, so security wouldn’t question seeing her name on the departure list.

  Our region, the Eastern Quadrant, had mostly abandoned religion, in sharp contrast to the Western Quadrant who all worshiped the Goddess. However, right now, I wished I believed in some higher being that would help things work out with Anton. I really didn’t want to have to use any part of plan B.

  The first show would start in less than forty-five minutes. I needed to stop daydreaming and get ready. As I began undressing, a soft knock resonated on the door.

  “Come in,” I said.

  Zenia, one of the ushers at Risqué, poked her head in. “Sorry to disturb you, Ms. Hopper. There’s a man out back saying he needs to speak with you. It’s quite urgent. You would know what it’s about.”

  I frowned. The Inugian disguise was only supposed to be delivered after my first set to avoid the wrong eyes stumbling on it. Why did it arrive so early?

  “Be right there,” I said, adjusting my dress and putting my stilettos back on.

  I rushed to the back entrance which lay empty and silent. We planned to exit from here if plan B went into effect. Employees occasionally came back here to chat during their break. But with the show about to start and the patrons arriving, all hands stayed busy. I reached a hand to open the back door when the door to the utility room swung open, revealing a man I had never seen before.

  “Over here Ms. Hopper,” he whispered, gesturing for me to come join him in the utility room. I hesitated. “Hurry!” His urgency prompted me to comply.

  I stepped in. He closed the door behind me and shoved a pile of clothes at me.

  “Put this on, quickly,” he said.

  It looked like slave clothes found on some flesh markets, veil and leash included.

  “What is that?” I said, cold tendrils of dread spreading along my spine. “Where’s Marcus.”

  “Marcus is otherwise occupied,” the man said. His thin mouth twisted into an ugly sneer, revealing a row of crooked teeth. “Put it on now, you cunt, before I blow your fucking head off.”

  He shoved a blaster in my face. I squealed, recoiling in fear.

  What the hell is going on?

  He slapped me hard. I fell back against a rack of pristine tablecloths. It groaned under my weight. I pressed my palm against my throbbing cheek.

  “Make another fucking sound and I’ll beat you bloody,” he growled. “Now put the fucking clothes on.”

  Shaking, I obeyed. I pulled the sheer, short beige dress over my head. The dress was opaque enough that it couldn’t be called nude, but transparent enough to show the curves of my body and nipples. With it, a dark veil hid my face. Technically, it was to protect the identity of indentured sex slaves since they might not want people to know they whored themselves out for a period of time.

  I stole a glance at the man. He didn’t strike me as someone Marcus would hire to look after me. A strand of greasy brown hair fell over dark brown eyes. His beaked nose looked like it had been broken once or twice before. Broad and stocky, he stood only a couple of inches taller than me.

  “Take off that collar and put this one on instead.”

  I didn’t want to take the collar off. After Anton released me from our contract, I joked about not having to wear the collar anymore. It deeply disturbed him even though he tried to hide it. The collar meant a great deal to him. He had it made especially for me, with the gems a perfect match to my amber eyes.

  “Make me repeat,” the man said, “and I’ll punch your fucking teeth out. I don’t need you pretty.”

  I obeyed, choking back my tears. No sooner did I detach it from around my neck that he ripped the collar out of my hands. He stared, running short fingers with dirty fingernails over the gems. With trembling hands, I attached the new collar. The leash dangled to the floor.

  “Hand over the earrings.”

  Sniffling, I eyed his blaster still trained on me. I gave him the beautiful earrings part
of the bracelet and hairpin set Anton had given me. He closed a rapacious hand around them before tossing the veil at me.

  “Now put this on.”

  As soon as I was done, he tugged on the leash, drawing me to him. His face was only inches from mine and his breath stank of cheap whiskey. I held my breath, fighting the urge to gag.

  “You’re going to follow me quietly, like a good little slave.”

  I felt a sting in the side of my neck. Startled, I saw his right hand lower, holding a glinting injector. My own hand flew to my neck. I could feel a tiny bump under my skin.

  “What did you do?” I asked, terrified.

  “Just gave you an incentive to obey. You make a sound, try to signal anyone for help, I’ll detonate the implant. And I promise you, sweetheart, if this shit goes off, you will beg for death. Now move. There’s someone waiting to get better acquainted with that tight cunt of yours.”



  My Grace… In all the terrible years growing up on Braxia, I never imagined I could be happy one day. Keeping myself safe from harm had been my focus. After leaving Braxia, I deluded myself into thinking humans might welcome me. It didn’t take long to realize I didn’t belong there either. I had made peace with the knowledge mine would be a lonely life. At least, humans didn’t try to kill me just because I breathed. Plus, my wealth and power ensured my bed would never be cold. I was content with that life. Until Grace…

  I didn’t deserve her – not after what I did to her. And yet, I could never let her go. The way she looked at me, touched me, snuggled against me. Grace meant it when she claimed to be falling in love with me. It shone in her eyes, in the way she gave herself to me. I never dared to hope anyone would have such feelings towards me.

  From the first time I laid eyes on her, I knew she was the one. To think it was all almost ruined beyond repair over a teenage prank and my barbaric beliefs. Once again, I owed William. This time for forcing me to come to terms with my inner conflict. Braxia enslaved me my whole life. I almost allowed it to destroy my one chance at happiness. And I was happy, truly happy.

  I took a huge gamble releasing Grace from her contract. One I feared I lost when she confronted me about harming her. Had she walked away, it would have destroyed me. However, her display of strength, determination, and self-preservation had been impressive. Grace was coming into her own and showing the spine that had lain dormant. I took that bet because like she had with me, I was falling in love with her. No, I already loved her. If what we had was an illusion, it was better to end it now. She had no idea the extreme changes I was making so that we could have a future together. The Magnar’s interference simply forced me to move faster.

  Tonight would be Grace’s consecration. The first time I heard her sing on Jeruna, I knew she could be a star. Romero gave her the polish she needed. Grace hadn’t let me attend her rehearsals, feeling too self-conscious. It was odd considering she always hummed around the house. To my shame, I snuck in anyway and listened backstage. The sound of her sultry voice put me in a trance. It fell over me like a gentle caress with the warmth and sensuality of a lover’s embrace. Tonight, all of Venus Hive would fall at her feet.

  My woman…

  Dr. Farland strolled up to my private booth, interrupting my thoughts. He was as thin and dry as his personality. Although only in his mid-forties, the doctor already showed quite a bit of gray in his short ginger hair.

  “Dr. Farland,” I said.

  “Mr. Myers.” He gestured at the room crawling with patrons. “Successfully crowded night, isn’t it? Your consort’s debut show has the whole station buzzing.”

  “It does,” I said, puffing my chest with pride. “She will blow them away.”

  Farland didn’t usually make small talk. He wanted something and I wanted to muse about my mate. Clearing his throat, he cast a not so subtle glance at the couch of my semi-circular booth. I swallowed down my irritation and gestured for him to take a seat.

  “I trust Miss Grace’s ankle has fully recovered from Sunday’s sprain?” Farland asked, in an unassuming tone.

  My eyes narrowed. He was fishing, but for what?

  “I wasn’t aware she sprained her ankle. She’s been walking around with no limp. Clearly, it was either nothing serious or so well-treated she felt it unnecessary to bring it up.”

  “Ah yes,” he said with a toothy grin. “It was nothing some healing cream couldn’t handle. Thankfully, she didn’t need to postpone her show over a twisted ankle. Especially now, seeing how little time she has left to perform before her condition forces her to stop.”

  I froze.

  He’s not fishing. He’s here to tell on her.

  “Her condition?” I asked, playing along.

  “Well… hmm… You are aware that she’s pregnant, right?” he said, smiling.


  His smile faltered.

  He hoped to shock me.

  “Oh… Well, that’s good news. Since she hadn’t mentioned her twisted ankle, I wondered if she revealed finding out about her pregnancy that day.”

  I crossed my legs before leveling him with a cold stare. Grace’s pregnancy came as no surprise to me. I suspected for a while. Her breasts were fuller and far more sensitive to my touch. However, the night after we ran into Marcus on the walkway, my suspicions were confirmed. A woman’s scent changed once she became pregnant. At the beginning of the second month, her scent took on an earthy, woodsy aroma. That’s when I knew she was bearing our son. A daughter would have given her a richer, spicier scent.

  Now I knew why she seemed edgy all week. Why the distress though? Did she not want it? Did she fear I may not want it?

  “And so, Dr. Farland,” I said, my voice oozing with contempt, “you decided to take it upon yourself to rectify that possible oversight?”

  He stiffened at my tone. “Miss Grace implied she would keep her pregnancy a secret from you,” Farland protested in self-righteous outrage. “You had the right to know. Especially considering it’s a male. Since she’s already three months in, if certain decisions have to be made, you need to act now to respect Intergalactic Law. So I told her she had a week to come clean or I would inform you myself.”

  Farland didn’t realize how the table between us saved his life. Had he been within my grasp, I would have crushed his skull.

  “Let me see if I’ve got this straight,” I said, my voice dangerously low. “First, you threaten my mate to rat her out.”

  Beads of sweat pebbled on Farland’s brow. “Mr. Myers, it’s—”

  “I’m not finished,” I hissed over the table. “Second, not only do you break your professional oath by revealing her condition without her consent, you do so one day before your deadline.”

  The doctor, squirmed in his chair, visibly eager to get away. I stood up and leaned forward. My hands twitched with the need to break his scrawny bones.

  “Third, you dare imply that my son, my child, my flesh and blood, should be terminated – put down like a rabid beast? Is this what you think my father should have done with me?”

  Farland blanched. His jaw worked but he couldn’t form coherent words.

  “You have twenty-four hours to get your skinny ass off my space station. You are banished from any of my Hives. Now get the fuck out of my face.”

  Farland scurried around the table. He rushed to the door, almost toppling into a patron. People stared but I didn’t give two shits. My blood boiled.

  How dare he even suggest killing my son?

  No one would touch my child. NO ONE! He would not live in the fear I had, constantly looking over his shoulder, hoping he’d get to survive another day. Never would he wonder if he was loved or wanted. I sat back down.

  Grace… She wants him. She wants our child.

  Why else would she keep it secret from me? Deep down, I had hoped it would be the case. Marcus mentioned she wanted a family. Question was, did she want one with me? I wasn’t a pretty man and she was so beautifu
l. Although she had gotten over my face, would she want my features on her children?

  This was supposed to be her special day. That fucker ruined what should have been the most exciting week of her life with his threat. And why the hell did he come here to drop his little news? Why didn’t he wait until tomorrow and let her have this night? Did someone put him up to it?

  I looked through the crowded room, noticing Caleb. He was entertaining a few patrons. Marissa, a gorgeous woman with deep brown skin, shoulder-length dark curly hair, held onto Caleb’s arm. She owned Sade and was a very sought-after Domme. I couldn’t help wonder if she was Caleb’s latest squeeze or if he was hers. Caleb parted with Sheila nearly two months ago. Without him bringing her into the inner circles and her declining popularity, Sheila would soon find herself on the ever-growing list of has-beens.

  She is desperate and ruthless enough.

  But that wasn’t proof. I eventually found her by herself near the bar. Her eyes were drilling into me. I looked away. Yes, she might have fucked good old doc for this. The bastard probably never imagined dipping in her pussy would get him banished. Either way, her time here was at an end. Her performance had grown stale. I doubted she still enjoyed performing. That shone through and turned off the audience.

  And once my Grace blew them all away tonight, Sheila would be history. Speaking of Grace, I needed to reassure her about the baby. But when? I didn’t want her spending the rest of the evening stressing. However, if she didn’t want him, now wasn’t the right time to discuss the matter either. I rubbed my hands over my face in frustration. Why couldn’t everyone just leave us the fuck alone?

  Checking the time, there were still twenty-two minutes before the beginning of the show. I gestured at one of the waitresses nearby. She set a glass of brandy in front of me. I lifted it to my lips just as my personal com chimed.

  “Myers,” I said.

  “Anton, William here. Is Grace with you?”

  I stilled. “She’s backstage, preparing for her show. Why?”

  “Can you confirm that she is indeed backstage?”


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