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Dark Embrace (Principatus)

Page 12

by Couper, Lexxie

  With a low moan, Ezryn lifted his head. “Dark Ones, I want to taste you, Inari Chayse.” He dug his blunt nails into her inner thighs. A small smile, hesitant and wretched at once, played with his lips, revealing the whiteness of his teeth. Teeth, not fangs. “I shouldn’t, but I do. I want to taste all of you.”

  Inari stared down her body into his midnight-ink eyes. Her two violent orgasms still echoed in her center, even as the thought of his fangs piercing her flesh rapidly built a third. She clenched her jaw, denying the insane want. “You will not bite me.”

  A red shimmer flashed in Ezryn’s dark stare. His nostrils flared. He slowly rose from between her legs. Sliding his hard body up hers, he pressed her back to the bed, pinning her to the mattress with his hips, his erection digging into the spread folds of her sex. “I will bite you, Inari. But only when you beg me to do so.”

  Inari shook her head, her heart thumping and her mouth dry. “Then you’ll be waiting for a long time.”

  An ambiguous tension crossed his face. It was there and gone in less than a heartbeat. His eyes shimmered again. “I’m a vampire. I have all the time in the world.”

  Her pulse quickened, the thought of an eternity being pleasured by the master vampire almost undoing her. She shook her head again, forcing the intoxicating idea away. “Not if someone stakes you.”

  Ezryn chuckled, a low, arrogant rumble that made his cock nudge harder against her pussy. “Trust me, Principatus, I will taste your blood before I am dusted. On that I give you my word.”

  His proclamation stole Inari’s breath. She parted her lips, knowing she should tell him to go to hell, but he leaned back onto his knees before she could make a sound and gazed down at her with that same unreadable intensity. “I am cold to touch, Inari, but curse it, you make me burn inside.”

  Her gaze fell on his chest, on the sublime muscles coiled beneath his pale skin. A damp beat shuddered between her legs and she licked her lips, her fingers itching to touch his smooth perfection.

  Your fingers? Don’t you mean your lips? Your tongue?

  Her blood roared in her ears. Her stomach knotted. She pushed herself upward from the bed, slid her arms around his butt and pressed her mouth to his chest.

  His skin was cold. She knew it would be, but she wasn’t prepared for the hot shard of excitement the icy temperature sent into her pussy. She sucked in a quick breath, and the subtle scent of still mist curled into her nose. She’d smelled many vampires before—their lifeless scent made them easy to track—but Ezryn’s was different. It spoke of death and timelessness, and yet at the same time it spoke of unending energy and power. That very contradiction terrified and excited her, and she caught her bottom lip with her teeth.

  He moaned, his hands fisting in her hair to hold her still, his cock twitching against his hard, sculpted abs. “I want you to suck my nipples,” he stated, the waver in his voice making Inari’s pulse quicken.

  She moved her mouth to his right one and flicked its hard point with her tongue. He hissed in a sharp breath, gripping her hair tighter. “I said suck.”

  His growled order should have made Inari angry. Instead, it aroused her more. God, what was it about Ezryn that made her so damn horny? So damn lustful?

  “Yes.” The word slipped from him in a ragged groan.

  She sucked harder, wanting to hear the word again. Wanting to hear the pleasure she gave him in his deep, growling voice.

  “Fuck, yes,” he moaned, the fists in her hair balling tighter still. “Your mouth feels so fucking good.” With a low snarl, he jerked her head up and captured her lips in a punishing kiss. His fangs cut at her flesh, and then he forced her head to his left nipple. “Again.”

  She took it into her mouth and suckled on its tiny form. Her heart slammed harder, faster. Her clit ached.

  “Dark Ones, Inari. That feels so fucking good. How am I to…”

  His words turned into a strangled groan and Inari’s head swam. There was nothing stopping her destroying him now. He was at her complete mercy, and all she needed to do was rip his throat out. In the time it took him to press his hands to his severed neck, she could retrieve her stake from the floor and drive it into his chest. Piercing the exact spot on which she now pressed her lips.

  “I can’t,” Ezryn moaned. “Dark Ones, I can’t. Curse me, but I can’t.”

  She pulled away from him, the tortured contempt in his voice stirring something in her soul. “Can’t what?”

  He closed his eyes and lifted his face to the ceiling. His jaw bunched. He loosened his fists in her hair. A little.

  “What can’t you do, Ezryn?” she asked, her breath shallow, her hands resting on his chest. She was so close to coming, and yet she had to know what he couldn’t do. Her soul demanded it. As did her heart.

  He stared at the ceiling, a low growl rumbling under her palms before he returned his gaze to her face, his eyes burning with an emotion she couldn’t comprehend. As if he was haunted by something. Torn apart.

  “I can’t deny who I am, Principatus. I can’t deny what I am.” He tightened his fists in her hair again. His eyes smoldered red heat. “What I want.”

  For a moment, he didn’t move, his face etched with that strange, unreadable tension. And then, with a guttural snarl, he snatched her wrists in his fists and yanked her hands away from his body. “And what I want right now—” he shifted slightly, moving her empty hand to the junction of her thighs, “—is for you to touch yourself.”

  She stared at him, her gut telling her the words of his growled claim were not the words he’d intended to say. There was something else, something he kept from her.

  Something dark and foreboding. Something that explained the haunted look in his eyes. Something that made her heart beat faster.

  By the Powers, what have you got yourself into, Inari? What does he truly want?

  “I told you,” he murmured, pressing her fingers to the smooth mound of her sex. “I want you to touch yourself. Now.”

  Her body’s aching want took over. Who was she to question him now when the need to touch herself ripped through her muscles? Her own body was powerless to deny Ezryn's request.

  Stare still locked on his, her wrists still gripped by his strong hands, Inari stroked her folds with her fingers. Another whimper vibrated low in her throat, and this one she could not hold back.

  Ezryn’s nostrils flared. “Fuck yourself with your fingers.”

  She did as he ordered, spearing one finger, two, three into her pussy. Tight muscles gripped them, sucked at them with greedy lust. She thrust deeper, Ezryn’s inescapable grip on her wrist guiding her action, feeding the lascivious hunger consuming her.

  “Harder,” he growled.

  She plunged her fingers into her sex. Ground her knuckle against her clit. Spears of exquisite pleasure shot through her body, and she whimpered. She was going to come. By her own hand.

  Ezryn watched her, his jaw bunched. “A depraved vampire would find other far more enjoyable uses for the silver stake you threatened me with, Principatus.”

  A dark shiver rippled through Inari at the suggestion behind his growled statement. Fear laced through her. Fear and something more powerful still. God, Inari, could you refuse him if he told you to…

  “I am not depraved,” he whispered, eyes flickering red desire. “Just…” His grip on her wrists lessened and he slid his hands up her arms, over her shoulders. “Keep fucking your hand until I tell you to stop.”

  She wriggled her fingers, pushing them deeper and higher into her sex, staring into Ezryn’s face as she did so. Oh, God, she was going to come again. Again, and he hadn’t even penetrated her.

  “Do not move,” he murmured, lowering his head to the curve of her shoulder. “Until I tell you to, you are not to do anything but fuck your hand.” He brushed his lips against her throat, their cool softness like a brand on her flushed skin. “Fuck your hand and imagine it is my cock.”

  The command made Inari’s mouth turn dry. His cock. B
y the Powers, what would his cock feel like inside her? God, what would it—

  Teeth scraped her flesh, just below her ear.

  Inari came. Her sex slammed tight around her fingers, pulses of wet tension rocking her to the core. She cried out, arching her back, unable to control the shudders of carnal pleasure claiming her.

  “Yes,” Ezryn murmured again, seconds before he hooked one arm around her waist and crushed his mouth to the base of her throat. He sucked on her neck, savage pressure sending shards of glorious pain into her body. Joining the spasms in her pussy.

  She cried out once more, engulfed by a pleasure so elemental she could not bear it. And still, she fucked her hand. Still, she worked her own sex with her fingers, Ezryn’s lips on her neck, so close to her jugular it only heightened the wanton lust scorching through her.

  Yes, yes, yes.

  She closed her eyes, threw back her head. If he bit her now she could not stop him. Control had left her. Deserted her. Replaced instead with a need she could not understand.

  Fangs scored her throat and she cried out again, bucking into her fingers, wanting them to be the master vampire’s cock. She wanted him inside her. Stretching her. Filling her. Fuck, she wanted—

  “Everything,” Ezryn whispered into her ear. “You want everything I can give you.” He shoved her back onto the bed, grabbed her wrists and pulled her hands from her sex. His cock jutted upward from his pubic hair, long, thick and rigid, its distended head bulbous and blood-purple. Inari gasped and her heart hammered against her breastbone. “Everything I am going to give you.”

  He moved above her, a dizzying blur of color. He grabbed one of her legs and jerked it upward, ramming his shoulder beneath her knee. She bit back her cry, fisting the sheets beneath her instead, unable to look anywhere else but his eyes. His burning, black eyes.

  With a curl of his lips, fangs flashing at her in the muted light, he slammed his hands beside her head and plunged his cock into her sex.

  “Fuck!” Inari screamed, searing heat claiming her. She arched her back, the action taking Ezryn deeper into her pussy. His balls slapped her ass, and she heard him growl. The sound vibrated through his body and into hers seconds before he closed one hand over her right breast, palmed it, squeezed it. He pinched her nipple, hard, echoing the savage caress with his punishing cock, thrusting into her with a rhythm both powerful and forceful. She rolled her head from side to side, every nerve ending in her body on fire.

  “Dark Ones, you are so tight,” the vampire growled. He thrust harder into her, his hand squeezing her breast, his eyes dancing red flames. “So fucking tight.”

  His nostrils flared and, with the same blurring speed that should have alarmed her, he dropped his head to her other breast and claimed its nipple with his mouth.

  Wicked pleasure shot through her, straight into her core. She arched beneath him, scraped at his shoulders and his arms with her nails. A whimper sounded in her throat, raw and desperate. It had never been like this. Three hundred years of being a creature whose very existence demanded sex, and not once had it felt like this. Twenty years of denying herself that which her first three hundred years had solely required, and not once had she ever believed it would feel like this.

  Rapture and completion and potent life. Unlike anything she’d experienced or remembered.

  Teeth nipped at her nipple, sending exquisite pain into the pit of her belly, and she cried out. God, how did he make her feel so on fire?

  Ezryn lifted his dark head and stared straight into her eyes, slamming his cock deeper into her sodden sex. “Because I am your master.”

  “Fuck you,” Inari gasped, angry tension knotting in her gut at his arrogance. Her body didn’t care. A sizzling tension gripped her spine and her ass clenched.

  “I can make you come by sucking your breasts, Principatus,” Ezryn murmured, his penetrations slowing. “I can stay embedded in your sweet pussy without moving, without letting you move, and make you climax just by sucking your nipples.” His eyes flared red again, his shaft filling her with motionless possession. “Sucking them, pinching them, biting them.” He curled his lips into a smug smile as Inari groaned. His fangs caught the room’s light. “Would you like that? Would you like me to make you come that way?”

  Inari glared at him, hating him even as her sex squeezed his unmoving cock buried deep in her drenched center. “I want you to fuck off.”

  He chuckled, the motion making his intimate occupation of her pussy jerk a little. The barely felt vibrations ricocheted through Inari’s body and, before she could bite her lips, a moan escaped her and her pussy pulsed.

  Ezryn’s nostrils flared again. “No, you don’t.”

  His arrogance flayed her fraying control. She bared her teeth at him, willing his sexual enslavement of her body to hell. “Yes, I do. You may be the master of my body, you may be able to make me wet with just a single word, make me come with a single touch, but you are not the master of my mind. And my mind tells me everything about this is wrong.”

  “I don’t believe you.” His stare drilled into her, holding her imprisoned. “I can hear your thoughts, Inari. Remember? They whisper to me with such wanton hunger. Your mind wants the exact same thing your body wants—for me to make you mine.”

  “Screw you.” The words burst from Inari in a strangled moan. She had to fight him. She was the master of her body, not him. He could not do this to her. “You don’t hear all of them.”

  He chuckled again as if he found her futile rebellion humorous. “Your climax is close, Inari.” He slipped his cock ever so slightly from her pussy. “I can feel it building.” He withdrew a little more. “Mounting.” His eyes shimmered red and a low growl rumbled deep in his chest. “Tell me you are scared of me, of what you feel between us, and I will let you come.”

  Inari hitched a ragged breath. By the Powers, she wanted him inside her. Was this what it was like to be a prisoner to lust? To desire? Was this what her victims had felt when she was succubus?

  Ezryn’s cock penetrated back into her folds with slow force. “Tell me, Inari.”

  “Why?” She panted, every molecule in her body tuned to the connection of their sex. Straining, aching.

  “Because I want to know.”

  She tried to move, tried to slide her pussy deeper down his cock. “So you can use it against me?”


  The single word sounded…confused. She stared at him, hungering the feel of his penetration and hating herself for it.

  Dark eyes looked back at her, an emotion she couldn’t decipher flickering in their black depths. “Tell me,” he whispered, “please.”

  “I am scared of this.” The confession slipped from her before she could stop it.

  Ezryn’s nostrils flared. “Don’t be.” He lowered his head, pressed his lips to her throat and thrust back into her sex with slow ease. “There is nothing to fear but denial.” He withdrew again, an inch, another, another, before sinking up to his balls in a long stroke. His tongue touched her skin and she trembled, unable to do anything else. “Denying what this is, denying what it will become.” His lips charted a line up to her ear, exploring the dip at her jaw with languid worship. “Tell me to bite you, Inari. With two little words from you, I can not only make you wet, I can make you mine.”

  Make you mine.

  His statement flooded her with complete and utter happiness. And that petrified her. She could never be happy with a vampire. She couldn’t let herself think otherwise.

  Make you mine.

  She had to stop this lunacy. Now.

  She swung her fist into a tight curve, a mere heartbeat before he grabbed her wrist and pinned it to the mattress.

  “Why did you do that?” he whispered, grinding her wrists to the bed beside her head.

  “You know why,” she snarled back, her pulse pounding. She had to get away. She had to clear her head and gather her defenses. She had to—

  “Because I scare you?” he whispered, fangs glintin
g. He shoved her legs wide with one knee, and Inari choked back a cry as the undeniable musk of her juices threaded through her breath. “Or because what I awake in you scares you?”

  She glared at him. “Get off me, vampire.”

  Black eyes flickered red fire. “No.”

  He smoothed his hand down her body, over her waist, skimming his fingers over the curve of her hip with teasing purpose. She shifted beneath him, trying to escape his touch, trying harder to make his cock sink deeper into her folds. Nothing made sense anymore. One moment she wanted to kill him, the next she was laughing with him, and now here she was wishing him to hell even as she wished he’d take her to heaven. “This is not right,” she moaned.

  His stare shimmered red heat again. “I know, but I can’t stop.”

  She closed her eyes, a whimper catching in her throat. “I don’t want you to.”

  “Look at me.”

  His murmured command caressed her control. She opened her eyes and gazed up into his face.

  He rolled his hips, sliding his cock farther into her heat with steady force until he was buried completely inside her. She pulled in a slow breath, arching into his thrust until she felt his balls against her ass cheeks. “By the Powers,” she moaned, the feel of him stretching her to the limit already an addictive drug. “This can’t be wrong. Not when you feel so right inside me. If we are meant to be enemies, why do you feel so right? How can fate treat us so cruelly?”

  An unreadable tension pulled at Ezryn’s face. He grew still, his muscles tensing. For a split second, his expression contorted with wretched confusion and his eyes were haunted once more. Then a dark glint filled his eyes. “So, does this mean I’ve won, Principatus?”

  Inari frowned. “Won?”

  His lips curled into a slow, cold smile. “I’m not dust, Inari, and in case you’ve forgotten, I pulled that silver stake of yours from your fingers and have been using your body for my own gratification since.”

  Cold shame punched into her stomach. Sickening and chilling. She glared at the man still buried in her sex. “You bastard.”


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