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Page 19

by Jessie Cooke

  Maz was torn between being proud that Elise loved him so fiercely and being angry with her for not giving Rhonda a chance. “So, you left…and Elise tracked you down later…and you promised her you still didn’t want me.” Maz said.

  “No, that’s not how it happened.” Maz did feel a flash of anger then and protectiveness.

  “So, you’re saying my maman lied to me?”

  “No, honey, I’m not saying that at all. I did promise her I’d leave you all alone. But that was weeks after I’d been in New Orleans. At first, she’d scared me and made me angry. But once I was home I kept thinking about that fire in her eyes. I knew that she’d die to protect you, and I knew that was what you deserved. You weren’t a baby anymore. She was your mother and I didn’t have the heart to try to change that.”

  Marissa reached over and took her mother’s hand. Rhonda smiled at her daughter through the tears that were pouring down her face. “I’m sorry I lied, Marissa. Giving up Zane was the thing I’m most ashamed of in my life and I never wanted you to know. I swore my own mother to secrecy about it…I’m so sorry.”

  Maz let go of Marissa’s other hand, pushed his chair back, and stood up. Both women were still crying, and he felt like he was as close as he’d come since he was a child to bursting into tears himself. He bent down and kissed Marissa on the cheek and whispered, “Je t’aime, ma chérie. I just need to go for a ride and get some air. I promise to call you later, okay?” She nodded and said:

  “Je t’aime, Maz. Be safe.”

  “I will.” He looked at Rhonda then and when he opened his mouth, he wasn’t sure what he was going to say. The words that came out surprised him and judging from her face, they surprised her too.

  “Thank you,” he said. “I can’t imagine what you went through, but I had a good life. So, thank you for making the decision to give that to me.”

  “Oh, Zane…I don’t deserve your thanks.”

  “Yeah,” he said. “You do. You did the right thing for me, and although it cost us both in a lot of ways, in the end, it was the right thing. And you did the right thing for Marissa, and because of that, I found mon amour.” He left then and when he got outside he realized that he felt lighter somehow. It was like the angst he’d carried around so long about being “abandoned” had been lifted off his shoulders. It was a good feeling, not being angry anymore. He got on his bike and for the first time in his life he realized that he finally knew exactly who he was.


  “So, you said you had something special planned tonight, mon amour, what is it?” A week had passed since Maz and Marissa and Rhonda had their talk. Things between Marissa and Rhonda were back to normal and they were getting less awkward between Rhonda and Maz…one visit at a time. It was weird to think that her boyfriend had the same mother as her sometimes, but Marissa didn’t think about it that way often. She did imagine having children with him someday and explaining it to them. It would be strange, but also a story that no one else they knew had to tell.

  Maz was leaving in the morning with Wolf and a group of the Westside Skulls for Boston. He didn’t tell her for what, exactly, but she got the feeling from being around the club that it was serious, and maybe dangerous. She was nervous about it even though Maz did his best to convince her she had nothing to worry about. The old ladies she’d met at the club so far all seemed to be calm about it, but she imagined they were used to it. Someday she’d be an old lady too…maybe she was already, she wasn’t sure…so she’d have to learn how to get used to it. At least for the most part, what Maz did was benign. He worked at the gym a lot as a bouncer and he did a lot of security/bodyguard for the fighters. Sometimes he had to work nights, but he always found time for them to be together. Marissa never imagined she’d love anyone so much, and she wasn’t afraid of being in love any longer, especially since Maz had already promised her a trip to the East Coast…just the two of them, as soon as he got finished with his work in Boston. She realized that being in love and being in a relationship…a good relationship…didn’t mean being held back. Instead it meant growing, together.

  “I do,” she said with a wicked smile. They were lying on his bed. They’d been kissing and touching, and things were heating up. Marissa still had all her clothes on. Maz was in a pair of sweats and he had his shirt off. He’d already pulled off his pump too, so he was ready. Marissa could feel “the snake,” as Maz called it, growing hard in his pants and pressing into her hip as he held her. Before she even got up to go get her “surprise” her panties had almost soaked through her yoga pants. “I think we should have company tonight.” She had rolled off the bed and was standing next to it when she said that. The look on Maz’s face was almost comical.

  “I know English is my second language, but I swear it sounded like you said you were bringing someone else into my bed tonight?”

  Still smiling she said, “I did. Do you trust me?”

  Maz admitted to her one night in the throes of passion that he’d experienced a threesome, more than once. It was always with two women and he also admitted that he’d never been one of those guys that shared women with other guys. She didn’t like hearing about the other women he’d been with, but she did want to know what his fantasies were. She wanted to fulfill every one of them…and she was secretly glad he’d already done the two-women thing, because she was as adamantly against sharing him as he was her…at least with almost everyone. Maz was making a face like it hurt him, but he finally said, “I trust you, of course I do.”

  “Good, then just lie back there and relax, I’ll be right back.” She picked up the bag she’d brought and Maz watched her with a curious look as she took it into the bathroom and closed the door behind her. With a tickle of sexual excitement growing into a fire in her belly she began to strip off her clothes. Once she was nude, she slathered her scented body oil all over herself and then slipped on the lace bodysuit she’d ordered offline. It was black and see-through and best of all, it was crotchless. She fluffed her hair and reapplied her lip gloss and then she reached into her bag and pulled out her “guest.” She’d brought Gregor. Since she met Maz, poor Gregor hadn’t seen much action. She had used him once while Maz was on a three-day assignment guarding one of the fighters, but she’d felt like she was cheating the whole time.

  She opened the door to the bathroom and Maz was still lying where she left him. If the look on his face could be bottled and sold, she’d make a fortune from all the lonely women who had never been looked at like they were his perfect idea of heaven. “You like?” she asked, turning around in a circle.

  “Mon cœur se sent comme il pourrait exploser putain bébé magnifique.”

  She smiled. “Something about your heart exploding and me being gorgeous?”

  “Wow, I’m impressed.”

  She winked at him, “I’ve been studying. And now, I’d like you to meet our third for tonight. His name is Gregor and he was mine before you.” She held up the large, fleshy, vibrating apparatus and Maz threw his head back and laughed.

  Putting his hand on his chest he said, “Oh, thank God, baby. I thought you were really bringing a man and I might have to kill him.”

  She walked over to the bed and sat next to him. “I promise, as long as you want me, no other man will ever touch me. But if you don’t mind Gregor…he’s been a little lonely and he’d like to show you what he can do.”

  Maz laughed again. Looking at Gregor he said, “Show her a good time, buddy…you’ve got a tough act here to follow.”

  Marissa lay down on the bed, with her legs in the direction of Maz’s head. “Oh, poor Gregor knows he’s no competition for the snake, but he says as long as we let him join every now and again, he can live with that.”

  Maz pushed up on his elbows so he could see her entire body. Licking his lips, he said, “Show me, baby.” Marissa was lying flat on her back with her hair fanned out all around her head. She felt sexy in her new lingerie; she could almost touch the desire Maz was sending her way while he watc
hed her. She turned Gregor’s vibrate button on low and began to slowly rub him up and down her swollen clit. She moaned and Maz groaned. “Oh, baby, you’re going to kill me.”

  She smiled at him, running Gregor down further, along her wet slit. Her eyes went to the front of his sweat pants and she smiled. “Looks like the snake could use a little tug…touch him for me, baby.”

  He looked surprised. She wasn’t sure why anything she’d say or do at this point would surprise him, though. “You want me to jerk off while I watch you?”

  She nodded and in a breathless voice she said, “Please.”

  He chuckled, but pushed his sweats down, exposing himself. She was almost jealous of the hand he used to wrap around it. She gripped Gregor tighter as she watched him, and as his hand slid across the wet tip of his cock and then down the shaft, she moaned again, bent her knees, and let Gregor find her opening. Dropping her knees open so that he could see everything, she began to work the fat, vibrating dildo up inside of her. She heard Maz curse in French as he watched her, and his hand moved faster and he stroked himself harder as she filled up her pussy with the vibrator. Once she had Gregor all the way inside of her, she slowly pulled him out, flipped the switch to high, and shoved him back in, hard.

  “Jésus, bébé,” he sighed. Gregor buzzed viciously when she pulled him out, but his sounds were muted inside of her warm, wet folds. She used her heels to push her body up further off the bed, rocking her hips with each thrust and watching Maz stroke that giant cock of his at the same time. Her body wasn’t just quivering, it was convulsing, she was so turned on. It usually took Gregor a while to bring her to the top of the plateau…but not this night. This night was like dinner and a show. The sight of Maz’s hand on his cock, the picture of his face in the throes of ecstasy, his eyes frozen between her legs with a fire burning in them as he watched her…it was all too much.

  She let out a deep, guttural moan as she exploded, flooding Gregor and the bedspread with her juices. It was a satisfying orgasm…but suddenly she wasn’t satisfied. As soon as her body began to relax, she wanted more…only this time she wanted real, hot flesh. She wanted Maz’s flesh. She pulled the still vibrating toy from her pussy and as she gasped for breath she sat up and used one hand to tug at Maz’s pants. Maz helped her push them down and she pulled them off his feet and tossed them to the floor. As soon as they were gone, she straddled his hips and still holding Gregor in one hand, she reached down and took him in her other one. While she stroked him gently up against her own hot flesh, she brought the toy to her lips. Maz’s mouth fell open as he watched her take a long lick of the shaft, rolling her tongue against the veiny surface. She stroked him a little harder while opening her lips and inserting the tip of the phallus between her lips. Slowly she pushed it in, sucking loudly as she did, adding sound to the visual effect.

  Maz was saying things in French that needed no translation and he sounded and looked so hot, she couldn’t stand it another second. Taking Gregor out of her mouth, she dropped him to the floor and pushed up with her knees and guided the snake to her pussy. She smiled down at Maz as she slowly impaled herself on his huge cock. His eyes were practically rolling back in his head as she took him in, inch by inch. She loved the way he filled her up. She rocked back and forth against him once he was all the way inside of her, grinding down into him, pelvis to pelvis. He was gasping and almost choking as she did. He reached up and took her breasts into his hands. While she moved up and down on his throbbing cock, he caressed and massaged her breasts. Using his thumbs, he began to roll her hard nipples, adding stimulation to her already overstimulated body. She leaned forward and found his lips with hers. She licked across them and sucked the bottom one into her mouth.

  Maz let go of her breasts and reached up to tangle his fingers in her hair. He pulled her face into him, kissing and biting at her lips so hard that she wouldn’t have been surprised if he drew blood. She wouldn’t care, though; she was insane with lust and the slight pain made it even more exciting. She was bouncing the bottom half of her body up and down on his cock and the sound of flesh slapping into flesh took over, drowning out all other sounds in the room. Maz slid his hands down her back, scratching her gently with his nails. They came to rest on the cheeks of her butt and he used his hold there to push himself deeper into her with each one of her bounces and his thrusts.

  She could feel herself racing toward another orgasm. Her entire body began to tingle, like her nerves were on fire, and just before she finally came, Maz let out a primal-sounding growl and she felt his body shake. The heat inside of her turned into a raging inferno, like someone had poured kerosene on it, and she gripped his shoulders with her fingertips and screamed as she came, riding the waves of ecstasy for as long as it lasted, and then finally collapsing against his chest. Marissa loved the feeling of his heart beating against hers. They lay there quietly for a long time before she slowly lifted her head and looked at his face.

  “Promise me you’ll be safe in Boston. I can’t imagine living in a world where you didn’t exist. I don’t think I could do it.”

  He smiled and kissed her forehead. “Je reviendrai toujours vers toi, mon amour.”

  “Does that mean you promise to come back to me?”

  He nodded with his sexy eyes half open. “Always,” he said. She softly kissed his lips and whispered,

  “Thank you. I’ll miss you.”

  “I miss you already, ma chérie. I was thinking about showering…care to join me?”

  Marissa giggled. “I thought you’d never ask. Shower sex – hot dog!”

  Maz threw his head back and laughed, heartily. “You’re a little minx.”

  “I know,” she said with a grin. “It’s your fault, you created this monster.”

  “Francisco de Goya said it best,” he said. Marissa had heard of de Goya, but she surely could never quote him. She was perpetually surprised and impressed by this sexy French-talking man. “Fantasy, abandoned by reason, produces impossible monsters; united with it, she is the mother of the arts and the origin of marvels.”

  “Perfect,” she said, snuggling back down against his chest.

  “Parfait,” he agreed, closing his eyes and pulling her in tighter.


  Maz loved the ranch that the Southside Skulls had built near Boston. It was a lot like what Wolf envisioned for them on their new property in the foothills. Theirs would just maybe be on a smaller scale. Dax Marshall and his crew managed to take the ragtag club he had inherited from his old man and turn it into something phenomenal. But after almost three days on the road, even the sight of the Jokers clubhouse looming ahead would have been appealing.

  Wolf checked in with the guy at the gate and then the twenty-two bikers he’d brought with him from California followed him and his VP in through the gates. Their Harleys shook the ground as they rumbled up toward the white brick clubhouse with the huge skull painted on the side. It was the same one the Westside Skulls wore on their patches, helmet and all. The only difference was the monogram. They made a line behind the Harleys parked in the already full lot and climbed off their bikes. Men in leather and jeans came out of the club and the shop to see what was going on. Maz recognized Dax right away; even if he hadn’t met him before he would have known it was him. He was legendary for his good looks and just his presence in general. His cool blue eyes filled with warmth as Wolf approached him. The two club presidents hugged and meanwhile men all around were shaking hands and slapping each other on their backs.

  When the greetings were taken care of Dax said, “Thank you all so much for coming. I know you’ve had a long, hot ride so for the rest of the evening, we’ve got a few tables of food set up in there and the beer and whiskey are flowing free – make yourselves at home. Just one hard and fast rule, our club is family-friendly so anything you wouldn’t do in front of your kids or your mother happens upstairs.” The guys laughed, but were silenced by a look from Wolf. “When you’re ready to bed down, or whatever, we’ve clear
ed out all the rooms upstairs, you should find everything you need there for the night. Plan on being ready for the meeting by eight a.m. Someone will show y’all to the Chapter Room when it’s time.”

  There were whoops and hollers all the way around as Dax opened the door to the club and the California chapter of the club filed in. Maz heard Ransom whistle through his teeth as he looked around. The Southies’ clubhouse was huge. The great room they were standing in had comfortable-looking furniture, tables, a twelve-foot-long bar, two seventy-inch flat screen televisions, pool tables. and dartboards. There was even a playset in the corner that looked like it had been handmade for the kids. Kids and women were as plentiful in the room as bikers and in that respect, it reminded Maz of home. Wolf and Dax thought a lot alike and their alliance had helped both clubs grow and prosper.

  “Maybe I’m in the wrong chapter,” Ransom said, his eyes falling on a dark-haired girl in Daisy Duke shorts and heels, serving a round of drinks to a few guys gathered around one of the TVs, watching the World Cup.

  Maz popped the kid on the back of the head and said, “Stay out of trouble.” As he walked away toward the bar where Ash and Sledge had taken a seat, he heard Ransom mutter…

  “So. Much. Temptation.” He shook his head and chuckled. They’d be lucky to get the kid out of here alive even before they met up with the Nikkas. Maz sat around and drank beer and BS’ed with the guys for a while. This was the part of club life he loved the most – the social aspect, the camaraderie. Even being separated by thousands of miles didn’t make the guys in Boston any less brothers.


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