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Seduce Me

Page 5

by Kelly Elliott

  A knife pierced my heart … or at least it felt that way. Charlie had admitted to my sister she loved me?

  “How do you know she told Lily that?” I asked.

  Terri shook her head, disappointed at my reaction to her little bomb she had just dropped.

  “Lily told me. She told me the real reason Charlie ran that morning. It’s a damn shame you never let her back in to tell you or answered any of those calls and texts, but then again, maybe you really didn’t care about her that much. Maybe it was your fucking ego that was wounded. Whatever it is, Tucker, she cares about you, and you just treated her like shit when she needed you the most. I hope you’re feeling good about the pissing contest you just won.”

  She slammed the door behind her and I jumped.

  Walking over to my desk, I dropped into my chair and rubbed my neck. I stared at my degree that sat on my desk. What was it doing there? Picking it up, I turned and hung it back on the wall. My eyes caught the security system I had.

  A strange feeling came over me. Opening up my laptop, I pulled up the video footage for my office and went back a few minutes to where Charlie and Terri had walked in. Lifting my headphones to my ears, I hit the play button. As I sat there and listened to Charlie and Terri speak, my anger grew more and more. Pulling off my headphones, I leaned back in my seat and stared at the screen, infuriated. I’d paused it at the part when Charlie started crying. My heart ached for her, but after hearing the little plan she had concocted that involved me, whatever sympathy I had for her turned into full-on anger.

  After pacing in my office for thirty minutes, I finally stopped. The corners of my mouth slowly moved up until I let out a roar of laughter.

  “You want to play dirty, Charlie? Oh, I can play dirty. Game fucking on.”

  “JIM, HOW MUCH has Charlie had to drink?” I asked as I watched her talk to some douchebag.

  The way he kept placing his hand on her leg was driving me up a fucking wall. Of course, what guy wouldn’t want to put his hand on her leg with the way she wore that little red dress. It showed off every amazing curve of her body. I might have been pissed off at Charlie more than ever, but I didn’t want to see another man hurting her when she was in such an emotional state.

  Douche. What you mean is you don’t want any other guys hurting her, but you’ll gladly hurt her any chance you can get.

  I ignored my inner thoughts. After fuming in my office about Charlie’s plan to seduce me, I decided to turn the tables on her. I’d seduce her, ask her to marry me, and then do what she did to me. Leave her. It would be a dick move, but revenge was the only thing on my mind right now.

  Jim shrugged. “No clue. It’s girls’ night, and I was banned from the table. Terri said Charlie was on the hunt for a one-night stand. I ain’t standing in the way of any of that. According to Terri, it’s been years since Charlie was laid. Dude, do you know what years of sexual frustration can do to a woman when she’s on the prowl? That’s like being in the crosshairs of a lioness on the hunt.”

  My face tightened and my pulse sped up at the thought of her fucking some guy tonight. “Don’t you think she’s a little emotionally unstable to be hooking up with someone tonight?”

  Jim stared at me with a blank expression. “Since when do you care what Charlie does? Wasn’t it you who practically delivered her Sam, even when you knew he had a girlfriend? He was one of the only guys I know for sure Charlie has dated since the … incident. Which, by the way, if Terri and Lily ever found out you did that, shit would hit the fan.”

  A grin moved over my face. “Karma is a bitch.”

  “Dude, she never cheated on you.”

  I shrugged. “Whatever. All I’m saying is she looks pretty toasted. Maybe y’all should take her home.”

  Jim let out a roar of laughter. “Right. Like Charleston Monroe would go for being told what to do.”

  Throwing down the dishrag, I let out a string of curse words. “Well, I’m not going to let her leave with a stranger when she got drunk in my fucking bar. I’ll take her home.”

  “What? You’re leaving?” Pam asked in a panicked voice.

  I turned and smiled. “I have to take a friend home who drank too much. I won’t be long. Hold the fort down for me?”

  Her face beamed with pride. “Of course!”

  Walking around the bar, I headed over to Charlie’s table. Stopping in front of her and the dickhead, I cleared my throat. She looked up, frowned, then focused back on him. His hand slipped a little farther up her leg, and I was happy to see she had the sense to push it back down.

  “Charlie, I think you’ve had enough to drink. Why don’t you let me take you home now?”

  The guy stood up. “You her boyfriend or something?”

  Popping up, Charlie stumbled but grabbed the table. “No. He is most certainly not my girlfriend.”

  Flashing her a confused look, Charlie covered her mouth and laughed. “Boyfriend. He’s not my boyfriend.”

  Without taking my gaze off of her, I added, “I’m her friend though.”

  Narrowing her eyes, she shot me a serious go to hell look. “Friend? Is that what you call ignoring me for the last seven years.”

  There was no way I was getting into this with her here. “We’re friends, Charlie, and I’m worried you’ve drunk too much. With your declaration of wanting to get a strange dick tonight, I’m thinking that might be a bit dangerous.”

  Her mouth dropped open and the guy next to us said, “Well, hell yeah. I knew we had something going on, baby.”

  Charlie looked between the both of us. She must have done it one too many times or too fast because she started to sway.

  “I’m feeling … funny.”

  The guy next to me took a step back. “Dude, you can have her. I don’t do the ones who throw up.”

  I watched as he took off toward the bar, stopping to talk to the blonde I had been talking to earlier.


  When I looked back at Charlie, she was really swaying. “Come on, Pumpkin. I’ll get you home.”

  She held up her hand to stop me, but quickly dropped it. “I think … I may throw up.”

  Sweeping her up and into my arms, I headed down the hall to the back of the bar. One of the waitresses called out, “You leaving, boss?”

  Calling back over my shoulder, I replied, “Just taking a friend home.”

  “Yeah. Right. Don’t forget a condom!”

  With a roll of my eyes, I pushed the back door open that led to the small parking area reserved for the managers and me.

  “Hold on, Charlie.”

  She covered her mouth. “Oh God. Tucker. I’m going to be sick.”

  Stopping, I set her down just in time. She leaned over and puked everywhere. I’ve worked in enough bars to know how far to stand back when someone hurls. And boy was Charlie hurling. Fucking hell. She must not have eaten a damn thing today.

  “Jesus. I think I’m dying,” she mumbled.

  Another round and she had nothing else to throw up. She stood and looked at me. Even after throwing up, the damn woman made my knees weak.

  “Hey, Tucker?”

  Her voice was so soft and innocent it made my stomach jump in delight.

  “Yeah, Charlie?”

  “Why is everything going black?”


  And just like that her legs gave out, and she fell right into my arms. I stood in the parking lot behind my new bar with a passed-out woman in my arms. Glancing around, the only thing I could do was laugh. For seven years I had hoped for another chance to have Charlie in my arms, and here we were. Lifting her up, I put her over my shoulder. The short red dress she had on rode up, and her perfect tight ass was right in my face.

  “Why, cruel world? Why?” I mumbled as I walked to my car.

  ROLLING OVER, I pulled the covers over my head and moaned.

  “Oh shit,” I whispered. Even my whispered words hurt my head. I hadn’t drunk like that in a long time.

e to self: Give up alcohol. Except wine. Wait. No. Never ever give up wine.

  With my head still buried, I tried to think back to last night. The last thing I remembered was talking to that guy … Brad. No Billy. Bobby? Brady?

  Who cares? I need aspirin.

  I pushed the covers over my head and went to get out of bed. I froze when I saw the sheets.

  Oh. My. God.

  These aren’t my sheets.

  Turning, I looked at the bed.

  This isn’t my bed.

  Glancing down, I gasped.

  I’m not wearing any clothes.

  Covering my mouth, I jumped up. “I didn’t. Oh God, please tell me I didn’t. Terri! I’m going to kill her.”

  Frantically looking around, I saw my purse on the chair in the corner. Rushing over to it, I dug through it until I found my phone.

  As I waited for that whore to answer her phone, I mumbled, “She broke the number one girlfriend code. Don’t let your friend leave with a guy when they’re drunk!”

  “Hey, girl! So? Did you get laid like you wanted? Please tell me yes ’cause this would make a great story.”

  My heart jumped to my throat as a small sound came from my lips. “Wh-what? Why? How could you? You let me go off with him? What if he had killed me!”

  She laughed. “Hardly. But then again, you do drive him up a wall, and he has mentioned snuffing you out a time or two.”

  My finger and thumb went to the bridge of my nose. “What are you talking about?”

  Terri muffled the phone, then laughed. “Hello? Terri! I’m at a strange man’s house, I don’t remember anything, and I’m naked.”

  “Wait. You’re naked?”


  “Oh, wow. Shit just got really interesting. Where’s Tucker?”

  Tucker? How in the hell would I know where Tucker was?

  “I don’t know! I don’t care. Terri. I don’t know where I am. He could come back any minute, and I’m standing here naked. Oh my God. Do you think I had sex with him?”

  “Do you feel like you had sex?”

  Stopping, I jumped around a bit. “No. I’d be sore if I did, right? Fuck if I know, it’s been so long.”

  Terri sighed. “It really has been that long. You’ve done forgotten how it feels, huh?”

  “Aww, hell, Mr. Pootie!”

  “I’m sure he’s fine. Let’s get back to what happened between you and Tucker last night.”

  I shook my head as I glanced around the room for my clothes. Dropping to my knees, I looked under the bed.

  “Why are we talking about Tucker? I have bigger problems.”

  Then I heard a male voice clear his throat.

  “Oh God,” I whispered. “He’s in the room, Terri. I’m naked! I can’t find my clothes.”

  Terri laughed. “Okay, well, have fun. Tell Tucker I said hey.”

  My brows furrowed, and I was about to say something when the line went dead.

  It was then I felt the change in the room, and everything from last night came crashing back into my poor brain, causing my head to pound harder.

  Slowly lifting up, I peered over the bed, only to find Tucker leaning up against the doorjamb. He wore a shit-eating grin on his face, and fuck me, he looked so gorgeous.

  Oh no.

  I swallowed hard. “Um … I can’t, um. Well, it appears I am … you see, I can’t find my, ahh … the dress I had on.”

  Jesus. Why do I act like an idiot around him? Why!

  “Your clothes had throw up on them. They’re almost dry.”

  My stomach dropped. “Did we … ?”

  He smiled. Full on dimples and all.

  God, I want him. Even in my current hungover condition, I’ve never wanted this man more than right now.

  Wait. No. I don’t!

  Yes … yes, you do.

  Crap. What if I already had him? And I don’t remember. I’m going to be so pissed off if we had sex and I don’t remember it.

  “No, we didn’t sleep together, and for the record, you got yourself undressed.”

  Relaxing, I let out the breath I didn’t realize I held in.

  He pushed off and pointed to his dresser. “Find something of mine to put on until your clothes dry. I put them in the wash last night but fell asleep and forgot to move them to the dryer. I washed them again since they sat in there for a few hours.”

  My heart skipped a beat. Why did I think that was so sweet? Jesus. I really did need to get laid if I thought Tucker washing my puke-covered dress, not once but twice, was sweet.

  “Um, thanks.”

  He nodded. “I’m making omelets if your stomach feels up to eating.”


  It was all I could say. When he shut the door behind him, I dropped my head onto his bed.

  “Shit! Shit! Shit!”

  I’m naked. I’m in Tucker’s house. And I’m hung the hell over.

  My father would be so disappointed in me. This was not the behavior of someone in control of CMI Consulting.

  It was, however, perfectly normal for a twenty-eight-year-old single woman. Wasn’t it?

  Racing over to his dresser, I opened the second drawer to the top. It was filled with T-shirts. I smiled as I ran my hand over them. They were neatly folded and organized by color. God, that was sexy as hell. I was going to smuggle one of these out of his house after I sprayed his cologne on it.

  I groaned. New level of pathetic I’d reached here.

  Chewing on my lip, I picked out a blue one. It was my favorite color, after all.

  Slipping it on, it fell mid-thigh. Smiling, I shook my head as I pulled the next drawer open. Thoughts of Tucker telling me how sexy I looked wearing only his T-shirt seven years ago filled my memory. The second drawer contained sweatpants and workout stuff. I reached in and took out a pair of black sweatpants. It would be sexy as sin if I walked out in only the T-shirt. Too bad I wasn’t trying to seduce him.

  With my foot up and ready to slip into the leg of the pants, I stopped.

  Tucker. Business degree. Three months, six days.

  The idea I had last night came rushing back as I put my foot down and held up the pants.

  If I was going to have to be married to someone, why not be married to someone I knew and had feelings for? He would barely be tolerable but easy to look at every morning and night, and at least I’d get some good sex, not to mention a lot of orgasms, out of the deal since we had to stay married for a year at least.

  My body shook at the idea.

  Then my phone buzzed on the bed. I put the pants back in the drawer, shut it, and then dove across the bed and swiped my phone to answer it.


  “Charlie! Hey, I forgot to tell you. Some guy named Paul Ricker called your cell last night. You were kind of already two sheets to the wind, so I said you were helping a friend move some furniture. He asked that you return his call this afternoon.”

  Paul Ricker? What was that weasel doing calling me on a Friday night, then expecting me to call him on a Saturday?

  “Did he say what he wanted?”

  “Nope. Said it was business.”

  “Uh-huh. Okay, well listen, can we meet for lunch later? I really need to finish talking to you.”

  Flipping over, I stared up at the ceiling in Tucker’s bedroom. The most amazing crown molding was on display. Sitting up, I took everything in. If I hadn’t known any better, I would have sworn I was in my own home.

  But I wasn’t.

  I’m in Tucker’s bedroom. Half naked and ready to implement a plan so crazy I was sure I needed to have my head examined.

  “Sure. Is everything okay, sweetie? You haven’t been acting right. I mean, I know you lost your parents and that’s somewhat expected, but yesterday in Tucker’s office you seemed a bit … off. And that crazy plan to seduce Tucker?” She laughed. “You were kidding. Right?”

  With an evil smile, I stood and walked to the window. The view of the river took my breath away.
  “No. Everything is totally not okay, but I have to go, Terri. I have some serious flirting to do.”

  “Oh no, you weren’t kidding.”

  “Nope!” I said, popping my P.

  “Oh God. Let’s make it an early lunch. I’m dying to hear how this turns out.”

  Ending the call with Terri, I rushed into the bathroom. I pulled my hair out of the sloppy ponytail and fixed it. Splashing my face and thanking God for waterproof mascara, I pinched my cheeks and set off to find Tucker.

  Opening the door, I realized I was on the second floor of a house. “Tucker has a house?” I asked no one. Why did I not know this? I saw the man at least once a month, if not more.

  Looking down the hall, I followed the smell of eggs. My stomach rolled, and I had to cover my mouth. The smell made me feel sick.

  I walked up to a beautiful grand staircase. My fingers moved lightly down the mahogany banister while I slowly walked down the old stairs. If this had been seven years ago with Tucker, I would dare say this would be romantic.

  My eyes were everywhere. Taking every single thing in. The house was for sure historical. The decorations clearly matched the time period the house was built. Until I walked into the kitchen. It was state of the art and blow-me-over amazing.

  Note to self: If I make this work with Tucker, we’re living in his house.

  I continued to walk in as my gaze scanned every square inch. Then I saw him and froze.

  Oh Lord, give me strength.

  He was leaning against the sink with a smile that said he liked my outfit pick. His intense stare kicked up my libido.

  Okay, don’t panic. Act sexy. You can do this! You have to do this. It is time to seduce the shit out of Tucker Middleton. Forget all about the last seven years and how much the two of you hated on one another. It’s show time!

  Trying out my flirting skills, I smiled and went to tell him how sexy he looked when I walked right into the barstool and toppled over it, landing with a thud onto the tile floor. My hands stung and both knees throbbed.

  “Shit Charlie, are you okay?”

  I was on all fours staring at the light brown travertine floor; my cheeks burned with embarrassment.


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