Bloomsbury's Outsider
Page 48
Morrell, Philip, 115, 117
Mortimer, Raymond, 192, 212, 285–6, 355, 513
and DG’s memoirs, 405–6, 459–60
Mosley, Diana, 461
Mosley, Nicholas, 384
Mosley, Sir Oswald, 384
Mottram, Vernon, 73–4
Mowat, C.L., 459
Munich Crisis, 316
Mussolini, Benito, 289
Nabokov, Vladimir, 424
Nash, John, 255
Nash, Paul, 255
National Fur Company, 184
National Gallery, 354
Natural History Museum, 68
Neo-Pagans, 35, 49–51, 60, 62, 69, 71, 73, 77, 105, 239
Nettancourt, 95–6
New Statesman, 192, 204, 261–4, 273–4, 280–1, 284–7, 308, 376, 383, 441
DG’s finest writing for, 332–4
review of Great Friends, 546–7
T.E. Lawrence review, 414–15
New York City Ballet, 260, 435, 449
Newnham College, Cambridge, 5, 127
Nhys, Maria, 90
Nicholson, Nancy, 229, 238
Nicholson, Virginia (née Bell), 434, 540, 544
Nickalls, John, 205
Nickalls, Rayne, see Garnett, Rayne
Nickalls, Robert, 13
Nicolson, Harold, 261, 421–2
No-Conscription Fellowship, 106–7, 109
Nolbandov, Sergei, 244
Nonesuch Press, 182–5, 197–8, 216, 218–19, 251, 272–3, 375, 383, 539
finances and salaries, 219, 230, 243, 251, 257
lasting importance of, 558
publishes Collected Works of Rochester, 206
publishes Conrad’s Letters, 224
Norton, Harry, 126, 135, 140, 206
Ocampo, Victoria, 462
O’Casey, Sean, 185
O’Connor, Frank, 549
O’Donovan, Joan, 549–50
Odyssey, 233–4
O’Faolain, Sean, 270
Ogden, C.K., 147–8
Olivier, Brynhild, 18, 50, 55, 62, 68, 72
Olivier, Daphne, 18, 81, 86, 556
Olivier, Margaret, 17
Olivier, Margery, 17–18
Olivier, Noel, 18, 81, 86, 127, 139, 258, 301, 328–9, 337, 344, 354, 493
death, 507–8
introduces DG to Rupert Brooke, 49–51
relationship with James Strachey and Rupert Brooke, 60–1, 508
and sexual emancipation, 556–7
Olivier, Sydney, 17, 111
Orwell, George, 356
O’Toole, Peter, 462
Paget, Lady Caroline, 288
pangenesis, 56
paper rationing, 375, 382
Parker, Dorothy, 260, 267
Parlade, Jaime, 533
Parlade, Janetta, 372, 514, 533–4
Parnell, Charles Stewart, 41
Parsons, Ian, 302, 403, 433, 438
Parsons, Trekkie, 510
Partridge, Burgo, 461–2, 465–7
Partridge, Frances (née Marshall)
and Birrell & Garnett bookshop, 149, 151, 171
and Burgo’s marriage and death, 461–2, 465–7
and Carrington exhibition, 513
and Carrington’s letters, 505
dedicatee of Pocahontas, 266
description of Alix Strachey, 127
description of Stephen Tomlin, 173
and DG’s appearance, 354
and DG’s capacity for friendship, 552
and DG’s manner of looking at people, 112
and DG’s marital relations, 472, 476–8, 481, 483, 490, 495
and DG’s marriage to Angelica, 357, 360
and DG’s memoirs, 407–8
and DG’s passion for farming, 386, 388
and DG’s recklessness, 55
friendship with DG (pre-war), 158, 167, 181, 205, 256
friendship with DG (post-war), 372, 379, 429, 432, 450–1, 454–6, 470, 501–2, 506, 514–18, 520, 523, 525, 527–8, 532–5, 537–8, 545, 549, 551
and Hilton Hall, 196, 504, 506–7
and Holroyd biography, 489, 497
marriage to Ralph, 269, 326
and Memoir Club, 393, 407
and outbreak of war, 330, 354
and Ray Garnett’s affair, 225
and Ray Garnett’s death, 341, 455
and wartime conditions, 363–4
Partridge, Ralph, 107, 205, 225, 256, 272, 359, 364, 372, 388, 419
death, 470
and DG’s marriage to Angelica, 357, 360
marriage to Frances, 269, 326
Partridge, Sophie, 465–6, 497, 520, 533, 550
Pavlova, Anna, 34
Peacock, Thomas Love, 211, 384–5
Pease, Edward, 13, 18
Pease, Marjorie, 18
Pease, Michael, 18, 239
Pease, Nicholas, 18, 239
Pelican Press, 182
Penrose, Alec, 187–8, 207, 212, 218, 260, 301, 479
and No Love, 240, 246
Penrose, Bertha, 207, 218
Penrose, Lionel, 218
Penrose, Roland, 187–8, 207–8
Penrose, Sheila, 207
Peto, Rosemary (Rosemary Hinchingbrooke), 396, 409, 428, 441, 472–3, 481, 490, 497, 501, 515, 523, 540, 547
Phibbs, Geoffrey, 225, 229, 237–8, 306
Philips, Magouche, 501–5, 508–10, 512, 514–15, 524, 526–8, 533–6
Phillips, Wogan, 278, 281
Picasso, Pablo, 211
Pirandello, Luigi, 307, 333–4
Plato, Symposium, 183
Plehve, Vyacheslav, 30
PN Review, 539
Political Warfare Executive (PWE), 347, 354–6, 360–4
official history of, 368–71, 375, 378–9
Pollard, Graham, 192
Popham, Hugh, 62, 68, 72
Potter, Stephen, Gamesmanship, 382, 401
Powys, T.F., 174–5, 188, 216–17, 222, 228, 237, 405
Powys, Violet, 188, 228, 237
Prentice, Charles, 192, 199, 212, 214, 216, 230, 235, 246, 248, 261, 281, 302, 373, 443
advice about publishing, 387, 400
death in Kenya, 391
Probsthain’s Bookshop, 139, 145, 149
Proctor, Dennis, 399
prostitutes, 87, 90–1, 229
Proust, Marcel, 397, 408, 460
Pryce-Jones, David, 468
Quakers, see Friends Relief Mission
Quaritch (bookshop), 192
Raban, Jonathan, 546–7
Radford, Dollie, 34
Radford, Ernest, 34
Radford, Maitland, 34, 54, 59, 86, 107
Ramsbottom, John, 68, 71
Ransome, Arthur, 144, 268, 376
Raphael, Frederic, 539
Raven, Simon, 469
Rawoit, Georges, 97, 528, 531
Raymond, Harold, 218, 297, 302
Redgrave, Michael, 399
Rees, Goronwy, 272
Rees, Sir Richard, 447
religion, organised, 191, 214–15
Rendel, Dick, 166, 169, 171, 207, 372
Rendel, Judy, 169, 171, 207, 372
Renoir, Jean, 492, 519
Restoration drama, 78, 558
Rhys, Brian, 185, 187, 246
Richards, Arthur, 337
Richards, Benedict, 497
Richardson, Samuel, 248
Riding, Laura, 229, 238, 306
Robbins, Harold, 519
Roberts, Andrew, 355, 379
Roberts, Ellis, 203, 261, 264
Roberts, General Frederick, 21
Roberts, Harriet, 262
Roberts, Warren, 476
Robinson, Robert, 494
Roett, Barbara, 433, 501
Rogers, Claude, 429–31, 433, 438–9, 443, 446
Rogers, Elsie, 429
Rohmer, Sax, 143
Rosenbaum, S.P., 489, 491
Ross, Alan, 548
Rothschild, Baron Philippe de, 411–12, 431
Royal College of Science, 40,
48, 56
Royal Literary Fund, 502
Royal Society of Literature, 365, 543
Rubinstein, Hilary, 519, 549
Rupert Hart-Davis (publishers), see Hart-Davis, Rupert
Russell, Bertrand, 108, 149, 258
Russell, Dora, 258
Russia, 8–9, 22–30, 56–7
Russo-Japanese War, 22
Sackville-West, Eddy, 330, 407
Sackville-West, Vita, 185
Sadler’s Wells, 383
St Bartholomew’s Hospital, 236, 308
St Denis, Michel, 431, 479, 485
St Petersburg, 4, 22–5
Sand, George, 413, 419
Sargent, John Singer, 149
Sargant-Florence, Alix, see Strachey, Alix
Sassoon, Siegfried, 34, 170, 185
Savarkar, Vinayak Damodar, 37–8, 40–7, 49, 438
Scott, Paul, 536
Second World War
conscription of single women, 352
DG’s work for RAF, 334, 336–9
outbreak of war, 328–31
prospect of war, 288–9, 316
and transformation of London, 334
US enters war, 361
Sedgwick, Adam, 56
Sedgwick, Ethel, 156
Shaw, Charlotte, 306, 314–15
Shaw, George Bernard, 5, 18, 315
Shawe-Taylor, Desmond, 523
Shelley, Harriet, 385
Shelley, Lillian, 70, 143
Shelley, Mary (née Godwin), 385, 409–10
Shelley, Sir Percy and Lady Jane, 385
Shelley, Percy Bysshe, 150, 180, 385, 391, 409–10
Shodeinde, Shope, 541
Shone, Richard, 524
Shove, Gerald, 79, 82
Shteven, Sasha, 23–5, 28–9
Sickert, Walter, 13
Sidney-Turner, Saxon, 79
Silchester Common, 71
Simon, Ruth, 392, 402
Singleton, Olivia Narney, 6, 16
Sinn Fein, 44
Skidelsky, Robert, 487
Sliepstov, Madame, 23
Smallwood, Norah, 421
Smith, Bernard, 519
Snow, C.P., 546
Society of Friends of Russian Freedom, 9
Soho, pre-war, 176–7
Sommeilles, 95–6, 99–100, 103–4, 110, 254, 395, 525, 528, 530
South Bank Show, 543–4
Spanish Civil War, 303, 464
Speechley, Mrs, 156
Spender, Maro, 504, 508
Spender, Matthew, 504
Spender, Stephen, 212, 423–4, 520, 543, 548, 558
Spiegel, Sam, 451, 462–3
Stalin, Josef, 46
Stansky, Peter, 464
Stark, Freya, 355
Stephen, Adrian, 59, 78–9, 83, 86, 212, 345
and conscientious objectors, 106, 109, 115–16
death, 391
Stephen, Karin, 345
Stephen, Sir Leslie, 454
Stephens, David, 356
Stephens, Mrs, 197, 273
Stepniak, Sergey, 8–9, 11, 15, 41
Stern, James, 406
Sterne, Laurence, 126, 248
Tristram Shandy, 179
Stone, Reynolds, 375
Strachey, Alix (née Sargant-Florence), 126–34, 156, 361, 489, 502
and Carrington’s letters, 506, 513
death, 528
Strachey, Christopher, 205, 212
Strachey, James, 59–62, 66, 73, 78, 81, 83, 86–8, 106, 212, 361, 454, 556
and Holroyd biography, 488–9, 497
and orgies, 61, 139
relationship with Alix Sargant-Florence, 127–9
relationship with DG, 61–2, 88, 126
relationship with Noel Olivier and Rupert Brooke, 60–1, 508
and Rupert Brooke memoir, 136
Strachey, Julia, 175, 196, 267, 433
and Carrington’s letters, 506
separates from Stephen Tomlin, 277–8
Strachey, Lytton, 79, 81, 97–8, 102–3, 105, 107, 122, 129, 137, 155, 202, 212
and Angelica Bell’s birth, 138–9
and Angelica Bell’s marriage, 138, 357–8
and Birrell & Garnett bookshop, 170, 176
and Carrington’s letters, 506
and censorship of No Love, 235
comment about Sterne, 126
death, 254–5
and DG’s marriage to Ray, 162, 164–5
and DG’s memoirs, 408, 421
Eminent Victorians, 136, 274, 370
and end of old Bloomsbury, 377
‘Ermyntrude and Esmerelda’ story, 307
featured in Great Friends, 546
and Hilton Hall, 196, 205
Holroyd biography, 424, 464–5, 486–7, 497, 505
and literary prizes, 188
relationship with DG, 87–8, 92–3, 117–18, 126
tribute to his friendship with Virginia Woolf, 274
Strachey, Marjorie, 59, 454
Strauss, Henry G., 274
Stravinsky, Igor, 435
Strong, Major General Kenneth, 368
Sutherland, John, 548, 559
Sutro, John, 288
swimming, 65, 208, 287
syphilis, 52–3
Taïtaï, Abdel-Ali, 504–6, 518
Tatlock, Robert, 132, 156–7, 163
Tedlock, Dennis, 476
Tedlock, E.W., 476
Tennyson, Hallam, 544
Tessier, Valentine, 81
Thomas, Edward, 33–4, 80, 108, 248, 258
featured in Great Friends, 546
Thornycroft, Hamo, 34
Thornycroft, Rosalind, 34, 36, 50, 62, 67–8, 141
Thorpe, Mrs, 229
Tiber (cat), 524–5, 527, 529, 537
Time magazine, 261, 406
Times Literary Supplement, 178, 204, 249, 441, 459
Tinniswood, Peter, 540
Toklas, Alice B., 397
Tolstoy, Leo, 27, 29
War and Peace, 115, 119
Tomalin, Claire, 538
Tomlin, Garrow, 193, 205, 211–12, 218
and crisis in DG’s marriage, 220–6, 230
death in flying accident, 252–3
Tomlin, Stephen (‘Tommy’), 181, 184, 186, 188, 220, 293, 435
and Barbara Ker-Seymer, 279, 281
his bust of Virginia Woolf, 196, 427
and Cranium Club, 211–12
death, 300, 309
dedicatee of Go She Must!, 215
friendship with DG, 173–6
separates from Julia Strachey, 277–8
Tonks, Henry, 87
Toomey, Philippa, 503
Trilling, Lionel, 448
Turgenev, Ivan, 10, 20, 413
University College School, 32–3
University of Southern Illinois, 446–7, 473, 491
University of Texas, 446, 448–9, 473–4, 491, 505
V1 and V2 rockets, 364–5
Vaughan Jones, Jennifer, 69
Victoria, Queen, 274
Victoria & Albert Museum, 72, 137
Viertel, Berthold, 244
Viviani, Emilia, 409–10
Volkhovsky, Felix, 7–8
Waldman, Milton, 399, 401, 403
Waley, Arthur, 399
Wall Street Crash, 243, 251
Walpole, Hugh, 268, 375
Walton, Tony, 457
Ward, Christopher L., 184
Ward, Dudley, 51
Warner, Sylvia Townsend, 174, 180, 193, 195–6, 407, 456, 479, 501, 541
her biography of T.H. White, 503
and censorship of The Flint Anchor, 413
death, 542
dedicatee of Purl and Plain, 526
DG’s influence on her writing, 216–17, 383–4
and DG’s marital relations, 481, 483, 490, 493, 495
and DG’s memoirs, 460, 522
her letters, 549–50
lifelong friendship with DG, 552
relationship with Valentine Ackland, 443,
Watt, Peter, 439, 450
Waugh, Evelyn, 370
Weidenfeld & Nicolson (publishers), 424
Weitzel, Frank, 255–6
Wells, H.G., 179, 268, 298, 308, 334, 381, 448, 491
White, T.H., 300, 326, 328, 359, 361, 363, 373, 389, 454
death and correspondence, 478–9, 503
DG’s influence on his life, 457–8
featured in Great Friends, 546
forms friendship with DG, 296–7
The Once and Future King, 457
Wickham, Anna, 69
Williams, Lieutenant Colonel
J.H., Elephant Bill, 389–91
Williams, Theodore, 63
Williamson, Henry, 185
Wissett Lodge, 110–19, 121–2, 196
Wolfe, Edward, 146
women, independence and emancipation, 143–4, 556–7
Woolf, Leonard, 82, 121, 149, 192, 212, 347, 354, 365, 402, 414, 427–8, 438, 494, 502
death, 509–10
and disposal of Hogarth Press, 373–4
his eightieth birthday dinner, 450
publishes memoirs, 459
sells Virginia Woolf diaries, 454
Woolf, Virginia, 35, 59, 79, 82, 116, 121, 123, 149, 245, 309, 427
and BBC broadcast, 494
commits suicide, 345
and DG’s journalism, 267–8, 273–5
DG’s review of Flush, 332–4
and end of old Bloomsbury, 377
featured in Great Friends, 546
Flush plagiarised, 273–5
and Heilbrun’s Garnett Family, 454
her legacy, 475
Moments of Being, 538
and naming of Amaryllis, 362
praises Lady into Fox, 179
sale of her diaries, 454
Stephen Tomlin’s bust of, 196, 427
US universities and, 447–8
Worthen, John, 66, 88
Wright, Ralph, 170, 212
Wyllie, Sir Curzon, 39
Yeats, W.B., 6
Young, Teddy, 375, 398, 401
Zeppelins, 113
Ziegler, Philip, 376, 387, 392, 399
Chapter One
1 Richard Garnett, Constance Garnett: A Heroic Life (London: Sinclair-Stevenson, 1991) p. 78.
2 David Garnett, ‘A Whole Hive of Genius’, The Saturday Review of Literature (New York), Saturday 1 October 1932.
3 David Garnett, The Golden Echo (London: Chatto & Windus, 1953), p. x.
4 David Garnett, ‘Memoir of Constance Garnett’, unpublished MS [Northwestern].
5 Quoted in James Fergusson, David Garnett’s Family Books: The Property of the Estate of David Garnett (London: James Fergusson Books and Manuscripts, 2009) p. 71.
6 DG, Echo, p. xi.
7 DG/Frances Partridge, Charry, 22 December 1972 [KCC].
8 RG, Constance, p. 50.
9 Quoted in RG, Constance, p. 76.
10 CG, unpublished memoir [Northwestern].
11 Barry C. Johnson, ed., Tea and Anarchy! The Bloomsbury Diary of Olive Garnett 1890–1893 (London: Bartletts Press, 1989), p. 72.
12 RG, Constance, p. 77.
13 CG, unpublished memoir.