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Dragon's Heart

Page 20

by LaVerne Thompson

  That’s impossible! Talon cried. My granddam, your mother destroyed him.

  Apparently not.

  Draakar’s anger and worry, at least for his son, dimmed as his eyes stopped glowing. Draakar welcomed Talon’s silence, unable to bring himself to raise a discussion about the death of Talon’s mother. Talon would have felt the loss of his mother’s link, and already know of her death. Draakar would wait for Talon to raise the subject of his mother. The devil lay in the details though.

  The car pulled away from the curb, heading past the campus’ entrance back onto a main road. The other occupants in the car had not been privy to the mental conversation between father and son. Draakar opened up the mind link so everyone could hear and introduced Talon.

  This is Talon, my son. Talon these are our Firsts. Robert is driving and that’s James next to him.

  Robert only glanced at him through the rearview mirror and said hello. James twisted around in his seat and stuck his hand out to shake Talon’s. “Good to meet you at last, laddie.”

  “Good to meet you also.” Talon spoke since James had spoken verbally to him “Communicating like this is interesting. I’m enjoying using my vocal skills.”

  “Well, where do we go from here?” Robert asked.

  Talon looked at his father. “I believe she’s somewhere in the Blue Ridge Mountains, maybe close to the Shenandoah. At least that’s where she was the last time I felt her.”

  What? Draakar sent. What do you mean ‘when you last felt her?’

  I have not been able to track her for some time now, but I know where she was before I lost her. I can take us there. He seemed to hesitate before he continued. I could feel her anger, Father, and her fear.

  Silently, Draakar contemplated what Talon just told him. Anger at himself and fear for Maya ate at him. He’d left her alone and she didn’t know how to harness her full powers yet. He still had much to teach her. Draakar regretted with each breath he took he had not immediately bonded completely with her. If he had, he would have been able to teleport; her life energy would have drawn him directly to her or in the right vicinity. At least now he had some direction. That combined with the information Mother Earth had at last given him would help him locate her. The betrayer no longer walked on Terra, which meant Maya may not be on Earth either. They weren’t on Akgon; the betrayer was banned from entering the Circle of Stones to access the portal. Even if by some chance he did, he didn’t have the power to open the gate.

  I think the bastard may have found a portal to another realm. That’s the only explanation I can think of why we cannot locate his life energy here and why we thought him dead. He’s got a bolthole somewhere, and probably using powers he’s acquired from another realm. Maya may no longer be on Earth, which is why Mother Earth can’t locate her either, Draakar sent to everyone.

  Father, how will we be able to find Maya if she’s in another realm? I’m assuming it’s not Akgon.

  Draakar looked over at his son, at eyes so much like his own and coloring so like his mother’s. Not you son. You only go as far as the portal, when we find it. The rest of us will cross over.

  But Father— Talon began to protest, however, Draagar merely stared him down using his power as Dragon Lord, his eyes glowing with emerald fire so Talon understood he would not change his father’s mind. Talon sighed. Very well. I guess I’ve caused enough trouble. I’ll wait for you.

  Beggin ya pardon, Lord, James sent, but how could Maya be in another realm? I thought the Stones where the only gateway, and that a lot of powerful magicks was needed to open the gate?

  There are many rips or tears in the fabric of space. These are places where dimensions can overlap or provide a connection to another realm. Powerful magicks can expand that rip, creating a portal or gateway between these worlds. Some portals, like the Stones, are gateways to many different realms. On Akgon long ago, before the first brethren came to Earth, we used lesser realms as places of banishment, but so rarely most don’t have a memory of it. It was something only the dragon lords controlled. I am only aware of two portals accessible from Earth but it is possible there are more. I think a lesser dimension is where the betrayer is holding Maya, and where he has been hiding.

  Well how will we find him? Robert asked.

  If Talon can get us near where Maya was last on Earth, I should be able to locate the portal, and then I can open it.

  Everyone remained quiet for a while, each in his own thoughts. When Talon turned to his father, he spoke to him privately. After we find Maya, I’m not going back, Father.

  I know.

  You do?

  Yes. I understand.

  I…I have to find her. I know she’s close, at least she was, but I will find her.

  Draakar debated whether or not to say anything to Talon about the child at the airport. He decided not to for now, unsure what it all meant. The girl was clearly a silver dragon, yet there had never been a female silver dragon in brethren memory. The Earth magicks had changed the old rules of power. He wanted to make sure no betrayer blood ran in her line. Even if she were of his line, he wouldn’t know for sure until she got older if she would turn out like him. For now she carried no hint of the taint of chaos. Until she matured he would wait and watch, so he said nothing.

  Meanwhile, I thought I’d get an education.

  Draakar raised his eyebrows. You already have knowledge beyond humans, Talon, why would you attend university? You could teach the classes.

  I know, but it’s one thing to have the knowledge handed to me, it’s another to discover it on my own.

  Draakar nodded his head. I believe I understand that, too.

  I want to learn for myself and since my mate is human—at least human brethren—I want to know what it is like to live solely as a human on Earth. I want to be able to understand the things she has to go through so I may better understand her. Be better prepared to help her adjust to me, to our way of life. Does that make sense?

  Yes, as a matter of fact, it does. I’m proud of you, son.

  Talon’s hesitation warned Draakar he would finally ask the question standing between them.

  How did it happen? Did she suffer?

  Draakar sighed. Time to tell him about his mother.

  I think you know now she was not my truemate, but I did love her and I love you. He glanced out the window, barely seeing the passing scenery then turned back to face his son. You are the image of her. You have her coloring and her features. The only thing of me in you are your eyes and height. Maybe some of my bone structure, but you have both of our stubbornness. She used her powers to help sustain the life energy of the brethren and when she started to weaken, she maintained a balance by sheer will alone. Your mother died so the brethren could survive. She sacrificed her life for us all and all brethren honor her.

  Draakar looked into his son’s eyes and lied through his teeth without an ounce of remorse. Your mother did not suffer. She died peacefully in my arms knowing I would find you and keep you safe.

  He gave his son the partial truth. After Sierran exhausted her magicks, she died in great physical pain. No way would Draakar tell his son that he and Akgon had literally sucked the life energy right out of his mother until only an empty shell remained, and finally not even that.

  What about Maya? Did Mother know about Maya? Did you?

  Thoughts of Maya raised his anguish, and sense of urgency. He had to find her. She had to be safe; he could not accept anything else. Draakar had let her down once; he would not do so again. If he could take to the air he would, damn who saw him, but he had to conserve his strength if he were to face a silver dragon. He already had to draw on the magicks of everyone in the car to ensure they traveled as fast as possible. No traffic lights stopped them, and they drove well beyond the speed limit. Still it all took time.

  He forced his attention back to Talon’s question. Not at first, I did not know of her first existence until you were born, and afterward I turned that part of myself connected to her

  At least he had tried to cut the connection but he never truly succeeded. She stayed always there on the perimeter of his mind. He could not cut himself off from the pain his truemate suffered each time she came into the world and each time she left it. He hurt with her, powerless to ease either of their suffering. At least he’d had Sierran and Talon; she had no one.

  After you left your mother confided to me she knew Maya existed on Earth in this time. She bade me find her and save the brethren.

  What about Maya, how does she feel about all of this?

  She felt betrayed.


  But I think she’s coming around.

  I do like her, Father. She helped me. She has a good soul and she’s a Dam, a powerful one.

  Draakar sighed. Yes, I know.

  You haven’t claimed her yet.

  No. But I will.

  I have every faith in you.

  And Talon, you are right to wait for your truemate and to want to stay here to be near her.

  Thank you, Father, your understanding means a lot to me.

  Robert glanced into the rearview mirror and caught Draakar’s eye. “We’re almost at the exit for the Shenandoah National Park. There’s more than one. Which one should I take?”

  Talon answered him. “Not this first one, take the second and just keep going through that entrance. I’ll tell you when to stop.”

  They drove for miles into the park, steadily climbing in elevation past beautiful scenery no one had time to appreciate before Talon told Robert to pull over on a little patch of gravel on the side of the road, barely wide enough to accommodate the car. “We have to go on foot from here.” Talon got out of the car first, his father right behind him. “Will they be able to keep up?” he asked his sire.

  Both Robert and James heard him and answered, “Yes.”

  “We’ll stay close to their pace,” Draakar replied with a small grin, “but I won’t be able to cloak us all, so we’ll hike at a normal human pace until we’re out of sight. Then you all will just have to keep up as best you can.”

  They had already changed clothing in the car to appear as though they were hikers, and quickly walked away from the road. Once the foliage engulfed them they ran. Talon took the lead, Draakar right on his heels, and Robert and James several yards behind. They ran, creating their own path, constantly moving upward to the top of the mountain. Talon came to an abrupt halt. Draakar stopped immediately beside him. Shoulder to shoulder, they waited for the others to catch up.

  This is the place I last felt Maya. She disappeared around here. I don’t see anything and can only sense that she had been here recently.

  Draakar walked around. There maybe an opening, a cave somewhere. Look around. James and Robert hadn’t reached them yet, but Draakar guided them and told them where to look. He gestured to his left to Talon. Move the bushes aside, see if you find some type of opening anywhere.

  They moved off and tackled different areas but Draakar found the cave. Here. I found it and I can smell him. At last! He was here, but I don’t believe he still is. The scent isn’t recent. Let me go first. Talon, go back to the car and wait for us.

  Father, please…

  No. I need you out of here. Draakar glanced up at the sky. An early evening blue sky with a star or two showing themselves lay over their heads.

  If we’re not back by dawn, go back to the city and find Ian at the hospital. Gather all of the Firsts together, as well as Maya’s parents, and go back to the Stones. Ask Mother Earth for help. Together with her help you all are strong enough to open a gate to Akgon. Return to Akgon, tell Valour what happened.

  No, Father. I will not leave you.

  I am your Dragon Lord and I command it!

  Draakar watched the play of emotions travel across his son’s features: anger, hurt, and finally reluctant acceptance.

  Yes, Sire, by your command. But may I just accompany you to the entrance to the portal so that I may see it for myself?

  Draakar softened a little. I need you safe Talon. If I fail, you are Akgon’s and Earth’s only hope. When the time is right, return and claim your truemate. Together you will be able to defeat the betrayer. We know who he is now. Draakar sent Talon the image of Justin as well as a pulse of what his aura looked like so he would know it.

  Chapter Twenty-Five

  No longer needing subterfuge, Arwan removed the glamour from around his eyes, revealing their true color. People who saw the handsome man get out of the car gave him a wide berth on the sidewalk, quickly looking away. Even if they didn’t happen to catch a glimpse of his eerily glittering gray eyes, self-preservation automatically kicked in, warning they did not want to draw attention to themselves. Isaiah, waiting for him on the sidewalk, thought Arwan’s eyes reflected the chill within his soul. A chill drawing him to the man.

  “Well, what do you have to tell me?” Arwan asked Isaiah.

  Isaiah, who could look any man in the eye and have him look away first, couldn’t quite meet Arwan’s. “I bin keepin watch on the room just like you asked and staying out of sight. I holed up in the room down the hall from ‘em near the elevator. Far’s I could tell, they ain’t left the hospital room, and Maya’s father showed up here with two more bodyguards while ago.”

  Isaiah saw no need to inform Arwan he had gotten bored and had fallen asleep for a bit. Man had to rest sometime. Besides, he probably didn’t miss anything important. He had above normal hearing and the sound of any footsteps in the hall woke him. And he made damn sure to clamp down on those thoughts.

  “Excellent! I’ll only need two of those bodyguards. How many of them are at the door?”

  “Two, a man and a woman. The two who come with her father stayed outside. The other man who was guardin’ before is inside the room with Draakar and Maya’s parents.”

  “I’ll take the two at the door and drain their energy, leaving Draakar fewer powers to call upon, but this time I’ll leave a trail that even an uninitiated could follow.”

  “What about the others in the room?”

  “We won’t need to worry about them. Draakar can’t sense me, and they won’t know what’s happened until it’s too late. By the time they find us, I’ll have everything arranged for them.” The smile on Arwan’s face reached his eyes and they sparkled like a thousand pieces of silver. “This time I win. I will finally rule all humans and brethren kind here on Earth, and you my friend,” Arwan said, glancing at Isaiah, “have served me well. You will stand at my right hand as my First.”

  Isaiah had learned years ago the man, who called himself Justin or Arwan, was not a normal man, not completely. He had psychic abilities, the kind Isaiah’d always sensed his sister and more recently his niece had. The kind of strength Isaiah craved and wanted desperately for himself, but only existed in him to a lesser degree. If Arwan wanted to use his powers to control the world, Isaiah had every intention of helping him achieve that end and be aptly rewarded for it.

  Together the two men entered the building. When they stepped off the elevator, Arwan stopped at the nurses’ station and spoke softly to them in a language Isaiah had heard him speak many times, yet could never understand. He knew Arwan made sure the nurses would not pay attention to anything they did by placing a mental suggestion in their minds. As far as they were concerned, the hallway stayed empty and all remained as it should be.

  Arwan continued walking down the corridor with Isaiah by his side until they were abreast of the man and woman standing on either side of a door. He recognized them from the mountain, awakened human brethren. Because he had to use energy to cloak his presence, as well as Isaiah’s, he couldn’t tell who remained in the room, but it didn’t matter. Draakar would come after him soon enough. Arwan turned his head and in the time it took for him to make eye contact with them, they were both slumping toward the floor. He grabbed the woman while Isaiah got the man, and quickly carried them to the empty room Isaiah had hidden in earlier.

  Time was of the ess

  Placing them on the floor side-by-side, Arwan knelt between them and laid his palms on their foreheads.

  Isaiah kept watch as Arwan’s hands glowed brighter, then quickly stopped. He wasn’t trying to kill them. Their deaths would have drawn Draakar immediately to him. He just took some of their life energy, enough to make sure they would be of no use to Draakar for a while. Arwan would need all the power he could summon to face the Dark Lord. The less power Draakar could access the better.

  When Arwan stood, Isaiah opened the door a crack and checked the hallway to make sure no one lingered. Both men walked to the elevator and quickly left the building. They got back in the car with Isaiah behind the wheel. Using the temporary powers from the stolen life energies and the powers siphoned from the white realm, Arwan cloaked the car as it sped through the city and highway toward the mountains, but left a clear trail for Draakar to follow. Unfortunately, in spite of the cloak allowing them to travel faster than normal speed, they had to slow down then come to a stop because of a traffic jam caused by an accident ahead of them. Fire trucks blocked all the lanes up ahead.

  The four men entered the cave opening. They all had to bend down to get through the entrance but once inside, the cave expanded and they were able to stand. There didn’t seem to be any visual sign anyone or anything had been there recently. The dirt covered floor held no footprints, and as caves went, there was not much to this one. It didn’t appear to have a large interior. Although the inside remained dark they could see all of it from where they stood with their brethren eyesight. The cave went no further into the mountainside than thirty feet, ending at a rock wall.

  Draakar inhaled deeply. “The betrayer was here and I can sense Maya now.” He walked to the farthest wall and placed his palm upon it.

  This is it. He sent to the others. There is a portal here that leads to another realm.

  Can you open it? Talon asked behind him.

  Yes, I can. Once we’re through, Talon, go back to the car and wait for us. Draakar turned to stare at his son. Remember, till dawn.


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