Subversive Giants: A Supernatural Action Adventure Opera (War of the Damned Book 6)

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Subversive Giants: A Supernatural Action Adventure Opera (War of the Damned Book 6) Page 9

by Michael Todd

  Katie nodded and ran right out of her open balcony doors. She leaped off the side of the building and enjoyed a moment of free-fall. She spread her wings far and felt them catch air. She swooped high, not wanting anyone to see her leave that early. Luckily for her, the protestors and counter-protestors weren’t early risers.

  She glided along through the cool morning air and in minutes she was out of the city. She soared over the countryside, looking for a pleasant place to land. Katie spotted a large wooded area with a clearing in the center. She circled around to make sure no one was there and carefully landed in the soft moss.

  Pandora approved. Perfect. Now, let me drive.

  Katie sighed and sat down on the edge of a fallen tree. All right, go ahead.

  Katie dropped into the background, and Pandora took over. She experimentally rolled her neck. Man, I did a piss poor job on your neck. I’ll fix it later.

  I wasn’t going to say anything, but maybe you should have your license revoked.

  Pandora laughed as she stood up. She stretched her back and touched her toes, limbering up.

  Okay, is this yoga in the park?

  Leave the witty banter to me, bitch.

  Pandora concentrated hard. She extended her hands in front of her and demonic claws formed on her hands. She swiped her claws through the air, and reality tore with a guttural sound. A shimmering portal opened in front of her. She smiled at her handiwork, and before Katie could protest, she carefully stepped inside.

  Oh, boy, my favorite place.

  I can work better here. You know that.

  The energy seemed to roll through Pandora, and even in the background, Katie could feel it. Katie looked around, feeling a bit nervous. It was a desolate place, covered in dark, shimmering stone. She scanned through Pandora’s vision and realized they were high on top of a black mountain. Lava ran in rivers far below them, though the heat still managed to reach them.

  Pandora waved her claw through the air and a smaller portal appeared, almost like a window. The edges of the window wavered and flickered as though it was unstable. The window showed a calm, peaceful place.

  Where is that?

  Not where, but when.


  Angels and demons appeared on the peaceful plane, destroying the scene. They raised wing and claw and crashed together. The battle played out like a movie in front of them. Katie was getting more and more confused by the moment.

  Pandora put her hands on her hips, watching the angels and demons brawl. The demons have been fighting the angels for so many millennia that we lose track of the exact dates. Hell, I’d say it’s been about ten thousand years, but that’s what we all say when we mean a time long ago. We don’t know how long it was really.

  On the screen, angels donned their version of armor and wielded weapons forged by the hands of God himself. They came in waves of silver and gold. They swung their weapons mightily, and many demons fell before them. Then demon reinforcements arrived in vast hordes, screaming and wailing and slashing with claws and crude weapons. Katie winced as a lava ax cut a glorious angel in two. She felt the pain in her heart as she watched a row of angels perish at the hands of the vicious beasts. As many died, more were called to the killing floor. The battle continued.

  Kate heard a sharper sound over the sounds of war. What is that?

  The wailing?

  Yeah, it’s horrible.

  Pandora sighed, waving her hand and muting the window. Those are the sounds of the angels crying. Every time one of theirs is lost, it strikes them in their souls. It’s the pain you’re feeling, only its much stronger at the moment. God cries, too, when his angels are lost. That wasn’t just reserved for me, although I like to pretend that it was.

  Katie scoffed. Figures.

  Pandora ignored that. Anyway. When the humans came along, we demons saw how much God loved them. And we realized that hurting them was a way to hurt God. Like any good demons would, we jumped at the chance. We did horrible physical things in the beginning. The angels tried to protect them, of course. The battles we fought felled mountains and created canyons on Earth. The more we went after the humans, the harder the angels fought us.

  Katie listened patiently, astounded by the stories. But why don’t you fight like that now? We don’t see those battles. We don’t see those fights. If the ground shakes, it’s because of an earthquake or volcano. We definitely don’t go hiking in the mountains and find a bunch of glowing angels beating down the demons.

  Pandora chuckled. You don’t, and that’s for a good reason. The demons found out there were rules to God’s efforts, there were rules to what he could send the angels for. And there were rules regarding what types of punishments the humans could receive. He loves you all very much, but the bible isn’t joking. He can be a spiteful God. He created those rules himself, to protect your kind, but also to keep you in line.

  Katie looked through Pandora at the screen. Because he loved us.

  Pandora nodded. Right, because he loved you. Anyway, we figured that out. So no more direct assaults. We started possessing you meat sacks and using the humans to do our dirty deeds. When humans did them, even if it was through our control, the angels wouldn’t come down and kick ass. They knew if they killed us, the human would die too. Quite the conundrum. The humans ultimately became the perfect buffer between us and the wrath of God.

  Katie sighed. There’s always a loophole. Even when it comes to the creation of the universe and the essence of life, there’s a damn loophole. Is God a lawyer? He is, isn’t he? Or she?

  Pandora laughed. You know as well as I do that God is neither he or she.

  You keep saying “he.”

  That’s the patriarchy talking. I’m working on it.

  Okay. You were talking about loopholes.

  Right. No, God is not a lawyer. Lucifer has dabbled, though. Anyway, everything has limits. Your all-knowing God protected you from everyone with his rules, that means from demons and God himself. But we demons weren’t as dumb as he thought. The whole meat sack idea is pretty ingenious, really.

  Katie scrunched Pandora’s forehead. What does that all have to do with the war now? The demons aren’t even using humans that often. They are literally busting through portals and demolishing shit.

  Pandora crossed her arms over her chest and walked to the edge of the mountain. I know. For whatever reason, it seems that the angels are allowing the humans to get harmed pretty grievously. I fully expected to see them coming down in droves and battling the hell out of the demons. I expected that even before Incursion Day. It never happened, though. The only two angelic beings I’ve seen down here are you and Gabriel. That’s it.

  Katie let out a deep, frustrated breath. But they’re supposed to protect the humans. I know it because I feel that surging need to do it every time something bad is happening. Why aren’t they coming?

  Pandora shrugged, turning back to the window as Gabriel sliced through a demon on the playback of history. I don’t know, maybe because they can fight back? Perhaps they don’t have quite enough faith in this modern age, so the big man upstairs is offering up a little proof?

  A rock crumbled overhead and rolled past them. Katie watched it plummet over the edge. Where are we? This is nothing like the last two times. Even the heat is a bit less than before.

  Pandora looked around them. Yeah, it’s hell, but not the same as before. We are in one of the outer rings. There aren’t as many demons all the way out here. It’s not hot enough, and there’s really nothing to do. Demons are not quite the adventurers that you humans are.

  Katie was a bit worried. But they can still tell when an intruder is here, right?

  Pandora bit the inside of her lip and nodded her head. Mm-hmm. But it will take some time for them to realize anything’s happening. I’m able to block myself well enough to throw them off the trail for a bit. Then it takes time for them to get out this far. Of course, unless Lucifer suddenly starts to give a shit.

  Uh…and how
likely is that? I really don’t want to meet your ex-husband for the first and last time today.

  Pandora waved her hands. I doubt he’s even thinking about me. He’s probably three hos into a twelve-ho night by now. Shit depends on when he started. Old Luci isn’t as full of stamina as he was back in the day, if you know what I mean.

  Katie grimaced. Gross. I’d rather not think about Lucifer dicking anything, thanks. So which way to Baal or Moloch from here?

  Pandora smirked. Nice try. Their area is in the innermost ring, just before you enter the final circle.

  That sounds full of doom.

  You think? It’s not something we can do right now. Besides, I’ve never known an angel who could handle being in hell for that long. The heat coupled with the hatred, suffering, sin, and damning kind of gets to them. It’s not really their playground.

  Katie scoffed. I remember. Trust me, I remember. It’s not terrible up here, but that’s probably because you’re shielding me.

  Yep. That is precisely right. When I take over, my demon body acts as sort of a bubble for your human/angel body. You sit comfortably out there, and I take the brunt of it. I can feel your angel hurting a bit, but that’s more because of the inner turmoil and the suffering souls below than anything. Angels know the rules. They know the damned and sinners go to hell, but that doesn’t mean they like it. They tend to have soft hearts for that kind of thing. It makes them sad.

  Katie chuckled. Why do I feel like that’s the punch line for a lot of demon jokes?

  Pandora smiled. We don’t tell a lot of jokes. Demons are either raging assholes or self-loathing emo types. But yeah, you’re right. Every joke does end with some variation of “Angels are pussies.”

  Katie stared at the shimmering window through Pandora’s eyes. So we have fought wars, humans have fought wars, and now humans and demons are fighting a war.

  That’s exactly right. It’s been happening for a very long time.

  Katie thought for a moment, looking around. The problem is that we aren’t…

  Pandora perked up. She growled and slashed open a portal. Sorry, girl, time to go! Whoops, that didn’t take as long as I thought it would.

  Pandora stepped through the portal and slashed her claws, shutting it quickly behind her. Katie immediately switched places, taking her body back. She took in a deep breath of the cool air and watched the steam cascade off her hot skin. The breeze immediately cooled her down, but it was strange to her that until that moment, she hadn’t even noticed how hot it was in hell. Pandora really was a bubble for her human body.

  Katie let herself get her center of gravity back and suddenly realized she was standing on top of her apartment complex. What was that back there? Was it Moloch or Lucifer?

  Pandora laughed. No. If it had been Luci, we wouldn’t have been able to leave before he shut down the gate. Moloch is too slow to get there that fast. Think of him as a porky politician who used to be in the military way back when. He’s grown accustomed to fattening foods, comfortable chairs, and luxury. He still knows the tactics but getting up and running might take him a minute.

  Okay, so what was it?

  Oh! It was just a dire. Somehow, we caught one’s attention. They aren’t necessarily too bright, but they tracked you pretty damned fast. They must have been out on patrol after you and I were in hell last.

  Katie looked over the city. Should we be concerned that they’ll track us here?

  Pandora yawned. No, they can track inside hell, but they can’t track where gates open up. They may be able to smell that I was there, but other than that, nothing. They probably won’t tell anyone important either. They know if they reveal they were on my tail but let me get away, they will end up in the torture chamber for a good decade or so.

  Katie sneered. That sounds charming. Well, thanks for the trip and the information. Why don’t we go down and see if there are any leftover donuts? If not, we’ll run out and grab some.

  Hell, yeah. You know the way to my heart.

  Katie shook her head. Yeah, through my stomach.

  They both laughed as Katie opened the door to the roof. She headed down the stairwell and out onto her floor. One of the guards poked his head around the corner, and Katie smiled and waved at him. He gave her a shy smile and nodded his head, quickly disappearing back around the corner.

  Katie walked into the condo and immediately took in the smell of coffee. “Angie, I’m home! You’re the master at coffee making. I swear, how would I live without you?”

  Katie stopped in her tracks. Angie was sitting on the couch, frozen in place. She had the news on, and tears were streaming down her face. Katie hurried into the room, put her guns on the table, and wrapped her arms around Angie. “What is it?”

  Angie pointed at the television. “The demons. They attacked six places throughout the world.”

  “What?” Katie looked at the destruction and gore on the television.

  The newscaster came back on the screen. “Major incursions happened all over Europe last night. Portals opened one after another, releasing demons, causing death and chaos, and then closing again. Right now, we have reports from Manarola, Italy, Portree, Scotland, Bled, Slovenia, Bibury, England, Sintra, Portugal, and Giethoorn, Netherlands. The death toll is in the thousands and climbing. We will have more for you right after this commercial break.”

  Katie stood up, her eyes flashing from red to blue. “Those sons of bitches. They attacked all those places, knowing we wouldn’t be able to get to them in time. Goddamn it!”

  Pandora sniffled and then let out a high-pitched growl. Those bastards! This will not go unavenged, Moloch!

  Korbin stood on the salt flat around the entire base. To the right was an old runway, long enough to work for small planes. On the base were an older hanger bay and a helipad, perfect for when the general and the others flew in.

  In front of him were six large buildings, all made of brick, all square and boxy like the old military installations used to be. Stephanie walked up to Korbin and kissed him on the cheek. He smiled and put his arm around her.

  The guards were repairing one of the security outposts. Joshua was scanning the grounds around the new but temporary armory. There would also be a new supply building for all the ammo and weapons that were on backorder.

  Stephanie elbowed Korbin lightly. “What’s on your mind?”

  Korbin smiled. “This just reminds me of the old barracks and base when I was in the military. It’s crazy to me how much things don’t change. But I do have to say, after being in the underground bunker, I’m feeling really exposed.”

  Calvin walked up next to them. “That’s why we’re planning the perfect defense system here. We have to be ready for these bastards, even more so than before.”

  Korbin nodded. “I agree. We need ammunition, traps, better fencing around the perimeter, and reinforced defensive shields for all these buildings.”

  Calvin chuckled and crossed his arms over his chest. “Well, if we want to do all that, then we better get on it, boss.”

  Korbin shook his head and turned to Calvin. “I’m not your boss. Not anymore. You know that. I’m just doing what I’m best at.”

  Calvin smiled kindly and put his hand on Korbin’s shoulder. “You’re a leader, and for all of my infected life, you’ve been mine. Even when you were gone, I remembered all the things that you had taught me. I can’t help but follow you now.”

  Korbin glanced down at Stephanie. “How about this? How about we walk side by side into all of this? There are foggy things in my brain, and things you know I haven’t learned yet. The world is so different from when we left. Even this war is different, and we need everyone to help us ease into it.”

  Calvin agreed. “You got it. I’ll be right by your side the whole way. Now, what are your thoughts on the first line of defense systems?”

  Korbin turned to face the fence to his left. “I think we learned from the last incursion that we need several lines of fire, way more than we had befo
re. We need them to come way in toward the base and trap them. A good killing floor. Most of the demons won’t even realize it’s happening until we’re right on top of them.”

  Stephanie rubbed her hands together. “I like that idea. Fucking pricks need to learn their place is in the depths of hell, and I’m ready to send them back there.”

  The general stood at his desk and looked at the blueprints of the base the mercs were moving to. He had the base’s master armorer on the phone, going over the best place to have the entrance guard area. They would be fortifying it and making it basically impenetrable by anyone not authorized by the MA on duty.

  “So, what you’re saying is we need to lay concrete spikes all along the east side of the front line.” The general ran his finger across the length of the blueprints.

  “Yes, sir, that would be good, along with the firepower Korbin is relaying to us during the meeting later,” the MA replied.

  The general stood up and caught his secretary motioning to him from the door. “All right, chief, sounds good. I’ll be in touch, probably later today. Good work.”

  He hung up the phone and stared at the call blinking on his phone pad. “Who is it?”

  “It sounds like Katie, sir.”

  “Oh, good,” he replied, sitting down and grabbing the receiver.

  He pulled the phone to his ear and heard a loud gnashing sound. He chuckled. “You eating donuts?”

  Katie swallowed hard. “Sorry, sir. I was on hold for a hot minute.”

  The general smiled. “Not a problem. What can I do for you?”

  “I want to come and meet you at your base.”

  The general raised an eyebrow. “You know that’s like coming into the mouth of a lion.”

  Katie laughed. “Do they really want to harass a person who can open portals to hell?”

  The general snorted laughter. “Sometimes. I do wonder about them and where their common sense is.”

  Katie sighed. “Well, either way, I’m coming down there to meet you. No one is going to limit what I can do for the good of the world. I don’t care if they’re afraid of me or not. I have done nothing but prove my loyalty time and time again. They should know I’m on the right side by now.”


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