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Black Diamonds: The Rise & Fall of an English Dynasty

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by Bailey, Catherine

  ‘I enjoyed …’: KK to RK, 9 May 1944, cited ibid., p. 589.

  p. 368 ‘As far as …’: JPK Jr to his parents, 8 May 1944, cited ibid., p. 587.

  ‘The family …’: McTaggart, Kathleen Kennedy, p. 163.

  ‘THE POWER OF SILENCE …’: JPK Jr to JPK, 7 May 1944, cited in Smith, Hostage to Fortune, p. 587.

  ‘MOST DISTRESSED …’: KK to JPK, 8 May 1944, cited ibid.

  p. 369 ‘Dearest family …’: KK, round-robin letter to family, 18 May 1944, cited ibid., p. 594.

  ‘I am feeling better …’: KK, round-robin letter to family, 23 May 1944.

  ‘[It] gets funnier …’: ibid.

  p. 370 ‘the most perfect month …’: KK, diary and scrapbook, 17 May 1944, cited in Kearns Goodwin, The Fitzgeralds and the Kennedys, p. 682.

  ‘May the Blessed …’: cited ibid., p. 679.

  ‘Kick Kennedy’s …’: Evelyn Waugh to Laura Waugh, 12 May 1944, The Letters of Evelyn Waugh, ed. Mark Amory, Weidenfeld & Nicolson, 1980.

  p. 371 ‘Darling Mother …’: KK to RK, 6 July 1944, cited in Smith, Hostage to Fortune, p. 597.

  p. 372 ‘Here it is …’: RK to KK, 30 June 1944, cited ibid., p. 595.

  ‘pillar of strength …’: As We Remember Joe, ed. J. F. Kennedy, University Press, Cambridge, Mass., privately printed, 1945.

  ‘I’m so sorry …’: cited in McTaggart, Kathleen Kennedy, p. 175.


  p. 373 ‘I’ve got a telegram …’: cited in Lynne McTaggart, Kathleen Kennedy, Weidenfeld & Nicolson, 1984, p. 185.

  ‘Before we go …’: ibid.

  p. 374 ‘A great cloud …’: cited in Laurence Leamer, The Kennedy Women, Ballantine Books, 1996, p. 379.

  ‘Mostly going to Mass …’: cited in McTaggart, Kathleen Kennedy, p. 186.

  ‘That evening …’: Leamer, The Kennedy Women, p. 379.

  ‘The amazing thing …’: Patsy White, cited in D. Collier and P. Horowitz, The Kennedys, Summit Books, 1984, p. 171.

  ‘My Darling Kick …’: the Duchess of Devonshire to KK, 13 September 1944, cited in Amanda Smith, Hostage to Fortune: The Letters of Joseph P. Kennedy, Viking Penguin, 2001, p. 600.

  p. 375 ‘so unworthy …’: Marquess of Hartington to KK, 4 September 1944, cited in Leamer, The Kennedy Women, p. 377.

  ‘During the attack …’: cited in KK, round-robin letter to family, 23 September 1944, cited in Smith, Hostage to Fortune, p. 602.

  p. 376 ‘The English losses …’: Frans Magelschots interviewed by Henriette Claessens-Heuten, cited in Nigel Hamilton, JFK, vol. 1, Reckless Youth, Random House, 1992, p. 862.

  ‘Two bodies …’: ibid.

  ‘So ends the story …’: KK, diary, 20 September 1944, cited in Smith, Hostage to Fortune, p. 601.

  p. 377 ‘I just feel terribly …’: KK, round-robin letter to family, 23 September 1944, cited ibid., p. 602.

  ‘I have been thinking …’: RK to KK, 25 September 1944, cited ibid.

  p. 378 ‘I never met anyone …’: cited in Collier and Horowitz, The Kennedys, p. 172.

  ‘Well, I guess …’: ibid., p. 171.

  ‘I have been spending …’: KK to her parents, 20 September 1944, cited in Smith, Hostage to Fortune, p. 601.

  ‘If Eunice …’: cited ibid.


  p. 380 ‘In the critical …’: Ralph Barker, The Blockade Busters, Chatto & Windus, 1976, p. 203.

  p. 381 ‘It is all just too …’: Maud, Countess Fitzwilliam, to Lucia, Viscountess Galway, 2 January and 16 May 1946, Galway Papers, Department of Manuscripts and Special Collections, University of Nottingham.

  p. 382 ‘Daffodil bulbs …’: Roger Dataller (pseud.), Northern Review, Spring 1946.

  ‘He lectured them …’: Roger Dataller (pseud.), A Yorkshire Lad, unpublished memoir.

  p. 383 ‘Writing to Lucia …’: Maud, Countess Fitzwilliam, to Lucia, Viscountess Galway, 2 January 1946, Galway Papers, Department of Manuscripts and Special Collections, University of Nottingham.

  ‘It would be a sad day …’: Sheffield Daily Telegraph,19 February 1943.

  ‘After the long storm …’: Hugh Dalton, The Fateful Years, Frederick Muller, 1957, p. 483.

  ‘In its manifesto …’: David Coates, The Labour Party and the Struggle for Socialism, Cambridge University Press, 1975, p. 43.

  p. 384 ‘Compensation was payable …’: J. M. Robinson, The Country House at War, Bodley Head, 1989, p. 14.

  p. 385 ‘Of all the major transfers …’: Peter Hennessey, Never Again, Jonathan Cape, 1992, Vintage paperback edition, 1993, p. 103.

  ‘I was hewing …’: Charles Grey, 29 January 1946, House of Commons, Parliamentary Debates (Hansard), 5th Series, vol. 418, HMSO, 1946, pp. 749–52.

  p. 386 ‘I was born …’: Frank Fairhurst, ibid., pp. 739–44.

  p. 387 ‘One would think …’: Charles Grey, ibid., pp. 749–52.

  ‘foolish, callous …’: E. Shinwell, MP, The Britain I Want, Macdonald & Co., 1943, p. 10.

  ‘In 1944 …’: E. Shinwell, MP, When the Men Come Home, Victor Gollancz, 1944, p. 5.

  p. 388 ‘Surely you are not …’: ibid., p. 26.

  ‘It was the most ghastly …’: author’s interview with Joy Powlett-Smith, August 2005.

  p. 389 ‘Every time …’: author’s interview with Bert May, June 2004.

  p. 390 ‘An undertaking …’: Colonel Landon on behalf of Peter, Earl Fitzwilliam, to Minister of Fuel and Power, 11 September 1945, Archives, Council for the Protection of Rural England.

  ‘The total quantity …’: Cabinet document circulated prior to meeting on 24 June 1946, National Archives, Kew, PREM 8/728.

  ‘Coal cannot …’: Colonel Landon, on behalf of Peter, Earl Fitzwilliam, to CPRE, Memorandum of Objections, CPRE Archives.

  p. 391 ‘The coal …’: letter and memorandum from W. Batley, Department of Fuel Technology, Sheffield University, to CPRE, 14 May 1946, ibid.

  ‘At the working place …’: ibid.

  ‘“Effective restoration” …’: William Batley, Department of Fuel Technology, Sheffield University, to the Georgian Group, 30 May 1946, CPRE Archives.

  ‘The verdict …’: letter and memorandum from W. Batley, Department of Fuel Technology, Sheffield University, to CPRE, 14 May 1946, ibid.

  p. 392 ‘It is sacrilege …’: Sheffield Daily Telegraph, 8 April 1946.

  ‘You could go …’: author’s interview with May Bailey, May 2004.

  p. 393 ‘Speciously …’: South Yorkshire Times, 13 April 1946.

  ‘claims made …’: report of E. Shinwell’s comments at Lord President’s Committee, 11 January 1946, National Archives, Kew, PREM 8/728.

  ‘Whatever might be …’: South Yorkshire Times, 13 April 1946.

  p. 394 ‘My purpose …’: J. A. Hall to Clement Attlee, 8 April 1946, National Archives, Kew, PREM 8/728.

  ‘Prime Minister …’: memorandum from Private Secretary to Prime Minister, 10 April 1946, ibid.

  ‘Nobody can possibly …’: Lord Rosse to Captain Noel-Baker,19 May 1946, CPRE Archives.

  p. 395 ‘It is a thoroughly unnecessary …’: Secretary of CPRE to Mr Spragg at RIBA, 16 April 1946.

  ‘The Economist …’: quoted by Dataller, Northern Review, Spring 1946.

  p. 396 ‘THE PRIME MINISTER …’: minutes of Cabinet meeting on 15 April 1946, National Archives, Kew, PREM 8/728.


  p. 397 ‘Shinwell’s reaction …’: author’s interview with Charles Booth, April 2006.

  ‘There were some …’: author’s interview with Ralph Boreham, August 2005.

  ‘The brutes …’: Maud, Countess Fitzwilliam, to Lucia, Viscountess Galway, 22 April 1946, Galway Papers, Department of Manuscripts and Special Collections, University of Nottingham.

  p. 398 ‘It is certainly …’: James Lees-Milne, Diaries 1946–1949, Caves of Ice and Midway on the Waves, John Murray, 1996, p. 44.

  ‘It would be a great …’:
Ministry of Town and Country Planning to National Trust, 9 July 1946, National Archives, Kew, HLG 79/614.

  p. 399 ‘Cautioning …’: ibid.

  ‘The Ministry of Health …’: minutes of meeting of National Trust’s Historic Buildings Committee, 9 October 1946, National Trust Archives.

  ‘Mabel was taboo …’: author’s interview with Joyce Smith, April 2004.

  p. 400 ‘It was frightfully austere …’: author’s interview with Joy Powlett-Smith, August 2005.

  ‘I was very close to her …’: author’s interview with Joyce Smith, April 2004.

  p. 401 ‘The funny thing was …’: ibid.

  ‘It was a wonderful …’: ibid.

  p. 402 ‘Lady Fitzwilliam …’: Lees-Milne, Diaries 1946–1949, p. 4.

  ‘I think my mother …’: letter to author from Lady Juliet Tadgell.

  ‘There were a lot of talk …’: author’s interview with Ena Bergin, March 2004.


  p. 403 ‘A thunderstorm …’: Final Report on Enquiry into the Accident, 27 October 1948, Bureau d’Enquêtes et d’Analyses (BEA), France.

  ‘It was late afternoon …’: Lynne McTaggart, Kathleen Kenedy, Weidenfeld & Nicolson, 1984, p. 235.

  ‘At about 5.30 p.m. …’: Final Report on Enquiry into the Accident, 27 October 1948.

  ‘It took the two men …’: ibid.

  ‘They came across …’: ibid.

  p. 404 ‘It was immediately clear …’: ibid.

  ‘The pilot and co-pilot …’: McTaggart, Kathleen Kennedy, p. 236.

  ‘Some said …’: ibid., pp. 244–5.

  p. 405 ‘I’ve found my Rhett Butler …’: cited in Doris Kearns Goodwin, The Fitzgeralds and the Kennedys, Simon & Schuster, 1987, p. 733.


  p. 406 ‘The ball at the Dorchester …’: Daily Express, 13 June 1946.

  ‘Kick was chairing …’: Queen magazine, June 1946.

  ‘It’s absolutely maddening …’: cited in Lynne McTaggart, Kathleen Kennedy, Weidenfeld & Nicolson, 1984, p. 204.

  p. 407 ‘It was overnight …’: cited in D. Collier and P. Horowitz, The Kennedys, Summit Books, 1985, p. 200.

  ‘As she talked …’: cited in Laurence Leamer, The Kennedy Women, Ballantine Books, 1996, p. 400.

  ‘Games of …’: author’s interview with Peter Diggle, November 2005.

  p. 408 ‘one girl …’: The Diaries of Evelyn Waugh, Weidenfeld & Nicolson, 1976, p. 488.

  ‘The smart set …’: ibid.

  ‘the indolence and ignorance …’: ibid., p. 491.

  ‘If you want to …’: cited in McTaggart, Kathleen Kennedy, p. 245.

  ‘Peter and Kick …’: author’s interview with Janie Compton, November 2005.

  p. 409 ‘Six months younger …’: Sally Bedell Smith, Reflected Glory: The Life of Pamela Churchill Harriman, Simon & Schuster, 1996, p. 142.

  ‘Stories of the Aga Khan’s wealth …’: Christopher Ogden, Life of the Party: The Biography of Pamela Digby Churchill Hayward Harriman, Little Brown, 1994, paperback edition, pp. 196, 198.

  ‘Diana Vreeland …’: cited in Bedell Smith, Reflected Glory, p. 142.

  ‘They called me …’: Leonard Slater, Aly: A Biography, Random House, 1964, p. 50.

  p. 410 ‘ … resplendent as …’: Michael Wishart, High Diver, Blond & Briggs, 1977, p. 105.

  ‘I only think …’: cited in Slater, Aly: A Biography, p. 4.

  ‘I once left …’: ibid., p. 123.

  p. 411 ‘I never imagined …’: author’s interview with Janie Compton, November 2005.

  ‘You don’t know him …’: cited in McTaggart, Kathleen Kennedy, p. 217.

  ‘Peter had all the charm …’: cited in Collier and Horowitz, The Kennedys, Summit Books, 1984, p. 201.

  ‘the total sum …’: Probate accounts, Peter, 8th Earl Fitzwilliam, Wentworth Estate Office.

  ‘As Kick confided …’: Doris Kearns Goodwin, The Fitzgeralds and the Kennedys, Simon & Schuster, 1987, p. 733.

  ‘Peter was mad about …’: author’s interview with Lady Barbara Ricardo, November 2005.

  ‘I remember …’: author’s interview with Ian Bond, April 2006.

  p. 412 ‘My father was against …’: author’s interview with Peter Diggle, November 2005.

  ‘My grandmother …’: letter to the author from Lady Juliet Tadgell.

  ‘It was how …’: author’s interview with Lady Barbara Ricardo, November 2005.

  ‘I liked Peter …’: cited in Leamer, The Kennedy Women, p. 402.

  ‘I think there …’: ibid.

  ‘David and Sissy …’: McTaggart, Kathleen Kennedy, p. 217.

  ‘My reaction …’: cited in Collier and Horowitz, The Kenedys, p. 203.

  p. 414 ‘Some weeks before …’: McTaggart, Kathleen Kennedy, pp. 222–3.

  ‘I want to do …’: cited ibid.

  ‘Negroes dressed …’: ibid., p. 224.

  ‘We all knew …’: cited in Leamer, The Kennedy Women, p. 407.

  ‘But, as Jackie …’: McTaggart, Kathleen Kennedy, p. 224.

  p. 415 ‘She never wanted …’: cited in Leamer, The Kennedy Women, p. 405.

  ‘One thing …’: KK to Lem Billings, 29 November 1944, cited in Doris Kearns Goodwin, The Fitzgeralds and the Kennedys, Simon & Schuster, 1987, p. 697.

  p. 416 ‘As Kick told Patsy …’: McTaggart, Kathleen Kennedy, p. 227.

  ‘I just don’t want to …’: cited in Collier and Horowitz, The Kennedys, p. 204.

  p. 417 ‘Before they fell asleep …’: Leamer, The Kennedy Women, p. 406.

  ‘She looked radiant …’: cited in Collier and Horowitz, The Kennedys, p. 204.

  ‘You are a …’: cited in McTaggart, Kathleen Kennedy, p. 228.

  ‘Repeatedly …’: ibid.

  p. 418 ‘When Kick came …’: ibid., p. 229.

  ‘The meeting …’: author’s interview with Janie Compton, November 2005.

  ‘Jean Oliver …’: author’s interview with Jean Oliver, August 2005.

  p. 419 ‘Peter said to him …’: cited in McTaggart, Kathleen Kennedy, p. 230.


  p. 420 ‘The ten-seater …’: Final Report on Enquiry into the Accident, 27 October 1948, Bureau d’Enquêtes et d’Analyses (BEA) France.

  ‘Waiting for her …’: Lynne McTaggart, Kathleen Kennedy, Weidenfeld & Nicolson, 1984, p. 231.

  ‘For the four-day …’: Final Report on Enquiry into the Accident, 27 October 1948.

  ‘Ilona Solymossy …’: McTaggart, Kathleen Kennedy, p. 231.

  ‘Peter had hired …’: Probate accounts, Peter, 8th Earl Fitzwilliam, Wentworth Estate Office.

  ‘Aged thirty-four …’: Final Report on Enquiry into the Accident, 27 October 1948.

  ‘The route …’: ibid.

  p. 421 ‘It was 12.45 …’: ibid.

  ‘As they headed …’: McTaggart, Kathleen Kennedy, p. 232.

  ‘Telling Townshend …’: ibid.

  ‘At 1.30 …’: ibid.

  ‘He was given a chart …’: ibid.

  ‘The pilot …’: ibid.

  p. 422 ‘At 14.20 …’: ibid.

  ‘Townshend was furious …’: ibid., p. 233.

  ‘Annoyed, Peter …’: ibid.

  ‘Why did Peter …’: author’s interview with Lady Barbara Ricardo, March 2006.

  p. 423 ‘at twenty minutes …’: Final Report on Enquiry into the Accident, 27 October 1948.

  ‘From a report …’: ibid. The report forms the basis of the account of the events leading to the air crash, pp. 423–5.

  p. 424 ‘Even modern 747s …’: author’s interview with Captain John Gaudy, May 2006.

  p. 425 ‘Both Townshend and Freeman …’: McTaggart, Kathleen Kennedy, p. 235.

  ‘All four passengers …’: ibid, p. 238.

  ‘the Mayor of St Bauzile …’: ibid., p. 236.

  ‘The police …’: ibid.

  p. 426 ‘Written by me …’: n.d., Joseph
P. Kennedy Papers/Kennedy Family Collection.

  ‘It was Whitsuntide …’: author’s interview with RowenaSykes, June 2004.

  p. 427 ‘Unsurprisingly …’: McTaggart, Kathleen Kennedy, p. 238.

  ‘As well as …’: ibid., p. 242.

  ‘Ilona Solymossy …’: ibid., p. 243.

  p. 428 ‘Joe had …’: The Times, 18 May 1948.

  ‘Responding to …’: McTaggart, Kathleen Kennedy, p. 241.

  ‘Dearest Moucher …’: JPK to the Duchess of Devonshire, cited in Amanda Smith, Hostage of Fortune, Viking/Penguin, 2001, p. 637.

  p. 429 ‘that airplane crash …’: cited in D. Collier and P. Horowitz, The Kennedys, Summit Books, 1984, p. 207.

  ‘Days before …’: McTaggart, Kathleen Kennedy, p. 245.

  ‘Somerset Maugham …’: author’s interview with Lady Barbara Ricardo, November 2005.

  ‘Time to Remember …’: cited in McTaggart, Kathleen Kennedy, p. 247.

  p. 430 ‘Independently …’: ibid., p. 245.

  ‘I can still see …’: Alistair Forbes, ‘Upper classmates’, Times Literary Supplement, 26 March 1976.


  p. 431 ‘He were a grand lad …’: author’s interview with May Bailey, February 2004.

  p. 432 ‘At the top of the road …’: Advertiser, 22 May 1948.

  ‘I don’t think …’: author’s interview with Lady Barbara Ricardo, March 2006.

  p. 433 ‘No one wanted him …’: author’s interview with May Bailey, March 2004.

  ‘Bottle by Bottle …’: Eric’s nickname derived from a popular children’s book called Eric Little by Little.

  ‘When Peter …’: author’s interview with Geoffrey Steer, August 2005.


  p. 435 ‘We were …’: author’s interview with Barbara Lock, May 2004.

  ‘We had to …’: author’s interview with Bridget Crawshaw, May 2004.

  ‘They would …’: author’s interview with June Wightman, May 2004.

  ‘He used to roam …’: ibid.

  p. 436 ‘He would …’: author’s interview with Godfrey Broadhead, October 2002.

  ‘I never saw …’: author’s interview with Ena Bergin, May 2004.

  p. 438 ‘I would like …’: Tom Fitzwilliam to Toby Fitzwilliam, 10 June 1949, Sheffield Archives, Unlisted Material, Wentworth Woodhouse Muniments, Box 343.

  ‘Riddled with …’: Toby Fitzwilliam to Tom Fitzwilliam,3 June 1949, ibid.


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