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Alien, Awakening (Alien, Mine Series Book 2)

Page 29

by Sandra Harris

  This was the beginning of their life together and he needed to do it right. He may have passed the test sexually last time, but afterwards . . . Improvement was needed. He wouldn’t be able to keep a clear head if he continued to think of the way Kathryn’s beautiful brown skin glistened with water, how he longed to see her dewed with desperation for him. Anticipation heated his blood.

  g’Nel give me strength.

  He forced his attention to their recent accomplishments. They’d . . . They’d . . . What had they done? Oh, yes, saved a planet. The activation of the security net had been a matter of mere thought by Kathryn, Ssileela Shaharna, and himself, and if the heavy, though futile, bombardment of the net as reported by Masterframe was an increment to judge by, the Bluthen had not reacted well to the sanction. A grim, sardonic smile pulled at his lips.

  I hope that frustrated whatever devil they worship out of them.

  Eugen’s short, sharp campaign to liberate Labringal had, naturally, been successful, and some of the Bluthen women had accepted sanctuary, to the delight of Ssileela Shaharna. The treaty between the Alliance and the Masterframes would strengthen both parties. Satisfaction poured though his mind.

  More importantly he’d found his future and he’d do every damned thing in his power to not only keep her, but keep Kathryn happy. Yes, his motivation was basic and selfish. Her happiness meant his. Easy equation.

  While they’d been occupied maintaining the security net, Sandrea had been, as she put it, out stalking prospective descendants. She’d arranged for the humans and Gailings to be tested by New Earth, and she’d also put into action a plan to assess all willing members of the Alliance for any indication of the compassion gene.

  When the military action was completed, he, Kathryn, and Ssileela Shaharna had been relieved by three of the humans they’d rescued from Shalringfrey, as it transpired all of whom were descendants. His belief in the Masterframes’ intent not to cause harm to descendants proved correct. Kathryn had reported the BMI experience as pleasant and refreshing, she’d even expressed hope that her friend Xian might be coaxed into wearing the Masterframe’s BMI.

  Unfortunately using adjuncts to support the population of descendants was not a valid proposition. Since he’d nearly lost his mind, and the Masterframes considered him a strong-willed individual, they wouldn’t risk it with someone else.

  A roster had been drawn up to rotate descendants through Labringal, and Dave had organised on-call descendants for New Earth should the need arise. Apparently the New Earth security net towers were located beneath a vast jungle on the far side of the moon. They’d have discovered them eventually.

  Eugen had also set in motion a search for minor pillars, or as Kathryn called them, the Hail Mary pillars. It seemed they were designed as a final resort should descendants need to evacuate in an emergency, though they were not present on all Masterframe worlds. Security protocols ensured the disabling of any non-descendant or non-adjunct. Kathryn could use the HM on G’areen if the need arose for her to travel to Labringal, because today, today had been the finest day of his life. Victorious pleasure flamed in his soul. His Kathryn had moved into his home and his life. Fitting, as she’d moved into his heart some time ago.

  A soft noise fluttered to him from the new bathroom. He turned and there she stood, framed in the doorway. A small, beige throw draped from her shoulders highlighted the naked beauty of her skin, her elegant hands lightly clutched the sides together at her waist. Bountiful cleavage spilled from the folds and, he swallowed, the soft material just covered the juncture at her thighs.


  Her nipples pouted against the thin fabric. Long, bare, shapely legs called to something deep within him hither to unawakened. Very slowly, her fingers eased their hold. His heart kicked like a cornered grounddeer. Mischief twinkled in her eyes, something slipped from her hand and a set of soft-leather cuffs dangled from one finger.

  “Treat me as yours,” she demanded.

  Yes! No, wait, there’s something . . .

  Confusion wrinkled his brow.

  “Kathryn, I . . .” He cleared his throat.

  She sauntered towards him, hips swaying. Craving blistered through him. A smile of pure, wicked desire for him curved her lips. The need to deliver her what she wanted clawed at him. Her hands loosened their hold of the material. If it fell from her, revealed her in all her glory, he’d be lost. He’d not have this opportunity again.

  I have to do this right.

  Her fingers opened and he leaped on her, desperately grabbed the edges of the fabric and gripped them in a frantic hold. She frowned, bewilderment settled on her beautiful features, her head tilted a little.

  “T’Hargen? Is something wrong? And don’t tell me it’s you, not me.”

  He stared at her. The exquisite beauty of her soul, her body, just her, claimed him on a cosmic level. Her hand dropped to his heaving chest.

  “You’re breathing like you just stopped a freight train with your bare hands.”

  He pulled what he could of his muddled thoughts together.

  “Every time you go off alone, you discover some orphan or lone individual in need of help.” Confusion and uncertainty widened her eyes and he rushed to clarify. “First there was me, for which I eternally thank you, then Drone, then Ssileela Shaharna.”

  “Okaay. Is that a problem?”

  g’Nel, I’m making a hash of this.

  “No! No, I want us to do it together. As a team. You and me. And Drone.”

  “Rescue orphans?”

  He nodded. Her eyebrows lowered, eyes closed, then opened and she stared at him.

  “I’m sorry, I’m a little confused.”

  He ran a hand up and down one of her arms and offered a crooked, rueful smile.

  “My apologies, Kathryn, I’m not doing this right am I?”

  “Well you might be, but I’m not following you.”

  “It’s your fault you know, coming to me like this.”

  “I wasn’t supposed to?”

  “Well, yes, I’m overjoyed you have chosen me, but I wish to settle our future first.”

  “Our future?”


  She nodded slowly, her gaze dropped to his shoulder, and a distant look took her eyes as though she sorted through his words for comprehension.

  “I want us to start our life together in agreement,” he said.

  “We’re not in agreement for making love?”

  “Yes! Yes we are. Desperately so.”

  “But not as desperately as settling our future?”


  “T’Hargen are you saying you want me and Drone to come with you on missions?”

  “No, or yes.”

  She frowned. “I’m lost again.”

  “I want us to go on missions to follow your hypotheses and liberate Bluthen women.”

  Her eyes opened wide and beamed pleasure at him. “You would do that for me?”

  “Of course. It’s the perfect solution.”

  Laughter bubbled from her. “Oh you wonderful man! Here I was prepared to seduce you into agreeing to continue the operations you undertake because I understand it’s part of who you are.”

  “It doesn’t matter what the assignment is, my Kathryn, as long as I have you by my side.”

  “And TL can come with us?”

  “I would prefer it.”

  “Awesome! Now can we have sex?”

  He wrapped an arm around her waist and pulled her to his chest. “Try and stop me.”

  A smile of heart-swelling beauty curved her lips and brightened her eyes. “I wouldn’t dream of it.”

  He reached up, took the cuffs from her, and walked her backwards into their couch-room. Very slowly, he slid the throw do
wn her shoulders, caressed his thumbs over the soft skin lining her collar bones. Passion flooded his cranial ridges, his chest plates eased into eager suppleness. Kathryn’s hands gripped the material covering her and tried to rip it from his fingers.

  No, this time, my love, I want to bask in our joining.

  The fire in his belly smouldered and intensified, tendrils of hot need twisted and snaked down all the nerves in his body. He lifted her and gently laid her on the couch. With a sultry smile, she raised her arms above her head and stretched her lithe body with sensual abandon. The look in her eyes dared him not to restrain her.

  No way in g’Nel’s paradise would he refuse her. He secured the leather wraps around her wrists and hooked the joining cable to the same anchor that had held him fast.

  “You’re wearing way too many clothes, dear,” she murmured, a thread of mild displeasure in her tone.

  He leaned over her. The confidence, the trust, the approval, in her amber eyes shot a pulse of wonder through his soul.

  How did I attract such good fortune? Thank you, g’Nel.

  She writhed beneath his gaze, the glorious globes of her breasts dancing for him.

  “Dear, stop staring and start doing,” she demanded.


  “While I find your intent stare intensely arousing, I need your hands on me.”

  He grinned at her and rose slowly from the couch, enjoyed the minor torment he visited upon both of them by his unhurried movements.

  “Shall I remove my clothes first, or”— he ran a hungry gaze down her naked body—“caress you?”

  “I feel like you just did, but get naked, T’Hargen. Now!”

  Need spiked him in the sacs. He stripped. Clothes flew. He knelt on the couch then crouched over her, caging her beneath him between his arms and legs. His shaft distended, grew towards her as though seeking home. The sweet, musky scent of her arousal infiltrated his nose and invaded his mind. Exultation stormed through him.

  He lowered himself to her, inch by tormenting inch. His skin brushed hers. Her breasts cradled his chest and rapture sparked through his chest plates, radiating into his muscles. The sensitive skin of his shaft brushed her inner thighs, rapture boiling in his sacs. He closed his eyes, clamped his jaw, and willed the intense burst of pleasure into submission.

  Kathryn opened her legs, her intimate invitation a call to where he craved to be. Her frantic little moans of pleasure urged him on.

  He reveled in lying atop her, encapsulating her body with his, condensing her senses so he became her entire world. A wave of humble appreciation swept through him that he’d been given his opportunity to savour her, and through her, life. She was the connection that allowed him to appreciate all of g’Nel’s beauty. He’d worship her for it to the end of days.

  Kathryn’s body arched into him, her hips lifted in silent plea.

  “T’Hargen, I’m ready. God, I’ve been ready for you for the past week. Please, I need you.”

  “And I need you, my love.”

  He lifted a little, the head of his arousal kissed her hot, moist entrance. He eased forwards, almost frantic to feel her envelop him, and slipped on her slick folds. A groan of frustration burst from her lips.

  I know, my love, I know!

  He leaned on one arm, bowed his body, and took himself in hand. A trickle of release escaped down his pebble-lined shaft. He halted, held his breath, and willed his body into compliance. Carefully he pressed home. Her sex opened for him, drew him down. Slowly he stretched her sweet channel, anxious to avoid causing her any pain or discomfort. Effort and restraint shuddered through his muscles.

  Kathryn uttered a soft growl as her hips lunged at him and he sank into her heavenly depths. Raging euphoria detonated within him.

  “Agh, my Kathryn.”

  He pumped into her, again and again. Guttural whimpers of pleasure burst from her with each thrust. Need pummelled him. He ducked his head and brushed his passion-engorged cranial ridges against her soft, giving breasts. Thundering bliss almost tore him apart. Kathryn moaned. Her long legs wrapped his hips and rode him hard.

  The peaked crowns of her breasts taunted him, demanding his attention. He fell on her then wrapped his lips around her nipple. The little bud prodded his tongue. Some primitive, hitherto unknown need surged from deep within him, demolished his control. He suckled, drew her wildly into his mouth, ravaged her like a beast. He withdrew, then stared in appalled horror at the marks he’d left of her delicate skin. Her eyes opened. Ecstasy hazed them to gold. She writhed and bucked beneath him.

  “Oh, God, T’Hargen don’t stop, don’t stop, I’m nearly there.”

  Her inner channel squeezed him, her begging assured him of her continued race to satisfaction. He thrust. She moaned. Her hands clenched as though attempting to catch and hold the pleasure bearing down on both of them.

  “Again. Harder,” she demanded.

  He withdrew, slammed into her, burying himself deep and probed for just that right spot. Fiery trails of electricity shot like miniature lightning bolts from his pebbled shaft.

  “God, yes, T’Hargen!”

  Her body arched and her legs clamped tighter around him. She ground her pelvis into his, driving him to surrender. Primal pleasure blasted down his spine and jetted through his shaft.

  Kathryn screamed his name. Her inner passage throbbed around him and gripped him in greedy search of pleasure. Hot bliss scorched his body and flamed a wildfire in his soul. Then he slumped on his forearms and rested his head on Kathryn’s. He stared into her sparkling amber eyes and gloried in the slowly ebbing waves of intense pleasure that washed his body.

  “Sweet lady Sylph, Kathryn, my love, you are my home, my sanctuary.”

  Contented joy radiated from her.

  “And you are mine, my love.” She chuckled. “Damn we’re quick. We didn’t even kiss, but you get me so excited I can’t help myself.”

  “You have the same effect on me, dear.”

  She jiggled the restraints and gave him a lopsided grin. “So, is payback going to be a bitch?”

  “I do not understand.”

  “Are you going to leave me locked up?”

  He leaned down and kissed her nose. The love in his heart expanded, filling him with utter happiness, completing him. “No.” He pressed his lips against the corner of her mouth then rubbed his jaw plates against her cheek. “Because, Kathryn mine, my shining heart that lights my life”—he reached up and released the restraints—“I’m on your side.”




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