Edgar Cayce Guide to Gemstones, Minerals, Metals, and More

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Edgar Cayce Guide to Gemstones, Minerals, Metals, and More Page 5

by Shelley Kaehr

  Aqua Aura

  Aqua aura is a relatively new stone to hit the market. It is a manmade infusion of eighteen carat gold into quartz, yielding a beautiful turquoise-aqua colored stone. Aqua aura allows the user to tap into the powerful healing forces of gold without having to pay the high price for nuggets or gold-plated jewelry. Aqua aura has fast become one of my favorite stones. It brings feelings of joy, peace, and inner tranquility to the user and can be used to strengthen the immune system.

  Cayce Uses

  Gold is listed in the readings 4134 times in 1667 documents. Gold Chloride solution was a prominent prescription as part of the Wet Cell Battery regimen. Main uses for it were: (1) treatment of multiple sclerosis, (2) burns or skin ailments, (3) aid in pregnancy, gold was recommended internally “to aid conception, to produce greater ovulation,” and (4) any disturbance of the glandular or nervous system.

  Sample Gold Readings


  Begin, then, with the use of the low form of electrical vibration carrying the elements that are in their very nature reactory to the glandular forces of the body; that is, Gold—in a Chloride state, and Silver—in a Nitrate state.


  (Q) Is there any particular stone or stones I should wear?

  (A) Gold in the forms of circles or of many bangles, and the like, are greater to the entity than stones; save diamonds.


  For the entity was among those who had come from portions of Alabama and settled in what is now Arkansas (or Ar-Kansas as then called); and the entity was among those who panned for gold and found diamonds.

  Biblical References

  “And he made the vessels which were upon the table, his dishes, and his spoons, and his bowls, and his covers to cover withal, of pure gold. And he made the candlestick of pure gold . . .”

  Exodus: 38:16-17

  “My fruit is better than gold, yea, than fine gold; and my revenue than choice silver.” Proverbs 8:19



  Atomic Number 1


  Hydrogen is the most abundant element in the universe with the simplest atomic structure. Most of the earth’s hydrogen is found in the oceans, rivers, and streams.



  Water is considered to be one of the four elements of nature along with air, fire, and earth. It is the most powerful force on the planet, and the ocean accounts for most of the life on earth. In healing, the element of water is powerful for dealing with emotions, particularly with broken hearts. Water soothes and relieves the heartache, eases the pain, and washes it away, leaving a peaceful tranquility in its place, because water carries the frequency of the blue ray which is restful and relaxing to the nervous system. Water has a profound impact on you physically, as well, since it is the primary component of the human body. If you are ever feeling unwell, water can often be a key to the restoration of health. These days, most people are not drinking enough water and suffer from various states of dehydration. Water is essential if you want to feel rested, refreshed, and balanced.

  Water Readings


  Do not confuse rote, or mental growth, with spiritual import. It is true that the combination of H20 constantly produces water. It is true that the bow upon the string at a certain tone constantly produces C, or another note, to which the attunement is made to a first cause—as the H20 is to a first cause. But it is not always water that is wanted with hydrogen and oxygen. Neither is it always C that is desired upon the tune or tone of the instruments.



  Believe it or not, ice is actually considered the mineral form of hydrogen known to chemists as hydrogen oxide. Ice allows things of the past to stay with us to be used in the future. Ice not only reduces swelling and fever, it can also reduce feelings of being overwhelmed or the negative impact of bad news. Ice energetically puts a distance between you and your worries or concerns by cooling off the worry and calming hot tempers. Ice facilitates change ending old energetic patterns, yet keeps the knowledge and learning preserved for future use. In situations that were not positive, ice allows them to pass while keeping the lesson fresh in your mind.

  Ice Readings

  Among other things, Cayce suggested ice be used to prepare and cleanse the radioactive device before use, and to reduce nausea.


  (Q) Are these applicators in good working order?

  (A) When cleansed, yes. That is, the anodes, see? And when in ice, see, or on ice, and these should be on ice at least, or ice around same, for ten to fifteen minutes before attachment to body, see?


  (Q) Is manufactured ice preferable to ice made in an electric refrigerator, for the Radio-Active Appliance?

  (A) Either will do. The manufactured ice is preferable because it carries that which will make for more effectiveness. The preferable manner, of course, would be to use dry ice; but any of it is all right just so it makes activities for the system.


  (Q) Can anything be done to relieve the severe nausea after taking the sedative?

  (A) Ice upon the esophagus, or ice pack, with a hot pack upon the plexus at the cardiac portion of the stomach.

  (Q) Do you mean ice pack at the same time using a hot pack?

  (A) This would be better. Or if not ice, it may be a wet cold cloth over the cardiac or the throat, or vice versa.

  Cayce Uses for Hydrogen

  The source spoke about hydrogen often when explaining the forces of the universe, or the natural element of water.

  Sample Hydrogen Readings


  (Q) I was told that Death is separation just as death for a drop would be separation of its elements into hydrogen and oxygen.

  (A) Correct. Each force as manifested in the various stages, or states, being as that illustration of the various stages a life may manifest in its varied forms, either before combined in hydrogen and oxygen becoming water.


  (Q) Is all the hydrogen sulfide damage out of my system by now?

  (A) Refractions might be expected, but the massages and the increasing of the eliminations through alimentary canal should soon purify system and allow for normal reactions.



  Atomic Number 26


  Iron has played a major role in civilization since the beginning of recorded history. The Iron Age, which began around 1100 B.C., was a major advance in human history. As the most common of all metals, iron affects all of our lives on a daily basis.


  Iron is rarely seen on the earth’s surface naturally. When it is found, it is usually the result of meteoric activity. All occurrences of iron on the earth surface are actually alloys of iron and nickel. The true origin of these deposits is a mystery. It is speculated that another planet broke apart and continues to shower earth with iron-nickel deposits because our own planet has these two elements at its core.

  These specimens allow you to connect with universal energy and life forms on other planets, should you choose to do so. If you happen to acquire a piece, I recommend you store it in a way that it can be protected from humidity because iron is prone to rust.

  Iron Pyrite


  Iron Sulfide commonly mistaken for gold, pyrite is known as “fool’s gold.” Mined in several places, such as Colorado, Peru, Bolivia, Mexico, Romania, and Sweden, pyrite has a childlike energy that can activate and enhance the imagination. It is also a powerful psychic protector and will shield you from negativity, a trait of nearly all iron-based minerals.

  Iron pyrite has been one of my favorite stones since childhood. It helps you stay in touch with your inner child, to the creative uncensored part of the self. It is a wonderful stone for artists or anyone in a creative field because it keeps all the possibilities open while providing enough grounding to get the work finished. Pyrite is also a protective sto
ne for children. It wards off injuries and attacks and maintains the child’s innocence.



  An Iron Oxide, Hematite gets its name from the Greek word for blood, “haima” It is a powerful stone for repelling negativity and grounding. When used in healing it works to assist circulation through its magnetic properties, and when carried or worn as jewelry, it actually absorbs potentially hazardous vibrations and, if not cleansed regularly, will eventually crack.

  Hematite is a very common and inexpensive stone. You have probably seen it as rings in stores. When worn, it is used to repel negativity. A great friend of mine bought a piece and gave it to her husband to hold right after he just lost his job. Within twenty-four hours, the stone had cracked in two. Nearly every place I go to lecture on gems and stones, I undoubtedly run into someone who has experienced the effects of a cracking piece of hematite.

  Cayce Uses

  Cayce recommended iron-rich foods for people suffering with arthritis and reproductive organ weaknesses.

  Sample Iron Readings


  (Q) Specify foods containing iron.

  (A) These are they, as we find, as would respond with this body: Those of spinach, of cabbage, of turnips, of salsify, of radish, and of such natures. These add to the system. In the fruits, and for this body—well that pears be eaten. These add a characterization in iron that is well for any condition where there is improper fermentation. Some character of apples, those of lemons, those of oranges—especially those grown in certain localities. Those as found in Florida oranges carry more iron than those grown in California, while those of the southern states, or in the Rio Grande valley, carry more than those even in Florida.


  Use in the beginning not so much heavy foods, but rather the easily assimilated diet; soft or liquid or semi-liquid foods, but plenty of foods that carry iron. Plenty of figs, plenty of raisins, plenty of apricots, plenty of carrots; plenty of lettuce, red cabbage and the like.

  Biblical References

  “A land wherein thou shalt eat bread without scarceness, thou shalt not lack any thing in it; a land whose stones are iron, and out of whose hills thou mayest dig brass.” Deuteronomy 8:9



  Atomic Number 82


  The ancient Romans used lead to make pipes for delivering water to the people in the cities because it was inexpensive, easy to form, and did not rust like iron. This could potentially account in part to the fall of that once great empire, because as we now know, lead is extremely toxic to humans.

  Lead was used for making bullets in ancient weaponry, lead pencils were also used until they were replaced by graphite, a carbon-based substance. Lead was also used in paints because it created a protective coating that sealed in color and was resistant to erosion. It was used extensively in barns because it kept termites and other pests from eating the wood.

  Lead in mineral form is called Minium (Pb3O4), or lead oxide. Lead minerals are used for grounding and keeping out unwanted low vibration energies from other dimensions. There are several other interesting lead-based minerals. A few of my favorites are mentioned here.



  Crocoite is a red lead ore, or lead chromate. It has extremely fragile bright red crystals protruding in all directions and is found in Tasmania, Australia. The red crystals ignite a fiery energy to those who are in its presence. Crocoite is an excellent stone for those who need more motivation because it literally starts a fire under the user. Like its other lead-based counterparts, it is a toxic substance and should be handled at a minimum. It is a great stone to leave in a space needing more brightness and energy.



  Galena is a lead sulfide that occurs in cube-like formations on the side of calcite and other mineral deposits. It is a dark gray, shiny material that can be very grounding and centering to the user. It is a stone that should be used to ground energy in a space rather that on a person. Put it in a room with the intent that clarity and centeredness will prevail there. It can also bring states of clarity and feelings of peace by bringing calmness to the area. It is toxic, so should be handled rarely.



  Wulfenite is a yellow lead ore found in Austria, Czechoslovakia, the Congo and Namibia, Africa, and Pennsylvania and Arizona, U.S.A. Like its red counterpart, Crocoite, Wulfenite also has crystals protruding in all directions, although these are more in flat sheet-like formations. Wulfenite brings the energy of excitement, courage, and steadfastness to situations requiring concentration and commitment. When placed in a room, it brings a sense of total balance with the infusion of energy and excitement needed to make a happy environment.

  Cayce Uses

  Shortness of breath and elimination and heart problems are all credited to lead poisoning in the readings. Lead is also a critical component of the Wet Cell Battery.

  Sample Lead Readings


  There is seen, too, that this vein is at an angle, and that the lode divides into two distinct veins, a little distance from where the shaft would strike the lead, see? Or vein.


  And use the Gold solution in a larger container, with a coil of the hollow lead such as used for soldering lead in the small lengths, see?

  Biblical References

  “Thou didst blow with thy wind, the sea covered them: they sank as lead in the mighty waters.” Exodus 15:10

  “That they were graven with an iron pen and lead in the rock forever!” Job 19:24



  Atomic Number 3


  Lithium (Greek for “stone”) is an extremely reactive lightweight metallic element used in the treatment of manic-depressive disorders. It was first discovered in 1817 by Swedish chemist Johan August Arfvedson and is used in the production of vitamin A. Arfvedson made the discovery by accident while performing a routine chemical analysis on some minerals in a Swedish mine.


  In my book, Gemstone Journeys, I reported on the stone Lepidolite which is a lavender-colored mica used to alleviate insomnia and allow the user to experience fantastical out-of body journeys.

  My brother is particularly fond of the Lepidolite stone and after I wrote the book, I discovered it is primarily Lithium based. The interesting thing about that is he is autistic and I have noticed since then that the stone can be used for all types of mental distress, including depression and anxiety.

  Lithium Quartz

  One of the newer stones to become available is the Lithium Quartz, which has fragments of the element sprayed into quartz crystals. Currently, this material is being mined in Brazil, and similar to Lepidolite and other Lithium-based minerals, it provides the user with a sense of calm and peace. This should not be too surprising considering Lithium is used in the treatment of manic-depressive disorders. It creates balance and well-being and can enhance the release of endorphins into the system.



  Sugilite is another of the most important stones of the new age. It contains trace amounts of Lithium, and like Lithium Quartz and Lepidolite, it is also a lavender color. Sugilite is very high frequency and works to quickly open the third eye center giving you very profound psychic visions. It can be used by anyone wanting to develop the gift of clairvoyance. Because of the high spiritual energy of the stone, the visions it allows you to receive are of a very high spiritual nature and may occur in symbols rather than in the literal sense. Because of that, it is a stone prized by mystics and seers. The Lithium in the stone keeps the mental faculties of the visionary grounded in reality while the highest realms are looked into. It is particularly helpful in foreseeing the future of mankind and trends of humanity both to warn us about possible challenges and to give insights into opportunity.

  Cayce Uses

um is used to aid circulation, elimination, kidney and liver support and to cleanse the blood supply.

  Sample Lithium Readings


  At all times drink plenty of water. Occasionally—say once a week—put a lithia tablet in a glass of water and drink it. This will stimulate better circulation and set up better drainage through the whole of the alimentary canal, especially as related to the hepatic circulation; that is, the circulation between the liver, the kidneys, and the flow through the alimentary areas of the body.


  (Q) What mineral elements are lacking in the system?

  (A) Those of the proper building for the blood supply; iron, silicon, and as is given that of lithium.



  Atomic Number 12


  The seventh most abundant element on earth, magnesium, is prevalent in seawater and is one of the primary ingredients in Epsom Salts, discussed in the sodium section of the book. Milk of Magnesia is helpful in relieving stomach and digestive ailments, and assists in the absorption of calcium. In the plant kingdom, magnesium plays an important role in photosynthesis.



  Dolomite is a combination of magnesium, calcium, and oxygen. It is very soothing to the digestion, and heals ulcers and acidic stomach conditions. It will help make digestion regular and alleviates both diarrhea and constipation.



  Serpentine is quickly becoming one of my preferred stones to use in healing. There are many different kinds, each are various shades of green. These stones are used to alleviate massive pain—arthritis, cancers, spinal conditions, or any extremely painful condition can be relieved with the stone. One client had severe back problems and used a piece of African serpentine known as Infinite. He taped the stone on his back and within a day the stone turned black and the pain was gone, never to return.


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