Edgar Cayce Guide to Gemstones, Minerals, Metals, and More

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Edgar Cayce Guide to Gemstones, Minerals, Metals, and More Page 6

by Shelley Kaehr

  Serpentine is also used for raising kundalini, the serpent energy located at the base of the spine, discussed in Eastern texts.



  Talc is a magnesium-based mineral that is mentioned extensively in the Cayce readings. Talc is a gentle mineral used as the model for Moh’s Hardness Scale. This scale is how all gems are rated, and in the scale, talc is the softest mineral known.

  It is soothing to the emotions and to the spirit. In powder, it physically protects the skin, and spiritually, it protects the aura and energetic bodies from psychic attack.

  Cayce Uses

  Cayce recommends magnesia to be used internally to strengthen the body, as an aid during the final ten days before a woman gave birth, and to relieve tension in the gastrointestinal tract.

  Sample Magnesium Readings


  To give the strength then necessary, we would create within this body, those factors necessary to give elemental force to the body. They should have in their make up, magnesia, iron, sulphur, lithium, silicious [silicon], such as we would find in the spring, see.


  And in the diet there should be more of the milk and Milk of Magnesia; these will aid in these latter days in making for the better flow to the body and in relieving the pressures respecting the irritations in the intestinal tract, making for general conditions of a better nature.


  (Q) Would Milk of Magnesia help the acid condition?

  (A) Milk of Magnesia would be very good.



  Atomic Number 25


  Manganese is used as an alloy additive to harden steel. In healing it is a powerful stone for grounding and protection.



  Rhodonite is a beautiful stone ranging from pale to dark pink. It is a profound healer of the emotional heart, helping you to mend past hurts and look toward the future. My favorite pieces come from Silverton, Colorado, home of the old silver mines. It brings a peaceful serene energy and calms the nervous system, which is something greatly needed today. It can gently alleviate pre-Parkinson’s syndromes, Palsy’s or any disorder of the nervous system where tremors are involved.

  Recently several people have been stricken with various forms of nervous system disorders. Actor Dudley Moore died of Super-Nuclear Palsy; Roger Ebert has Bell’s Palsy, which is essentially like a stroke causing partial paralysis of the facial muscles and a drooping of one side of the face; Michael J. Fox has long suffered from his very public battle with Parkinson’s Disease. I believe all of these types of disorders are caused by the body’s inability to handle the rapidly changing environmental vibrational frequency shifts.

  Emotionally, it can represent the inflexibility of the body and unwillingness or fear of change.

  Rhodonite can assist the body to gently release the fear of the unknown and allow you to gently adjust to changes in the world around you while raising your vibration.



  A close relative to the rhodonite, rhodochrosite, the ore of manganese, is also helpful in heart healing and assists the nervous system of the body. Rhodochrosite is a pink and white stone with beautiful agate-like bands running through it that usually form circular patterns. While the rhodonite can assist with the energetic and emotional parts of healing the nervous system, Rhodochrosite acts on the physical and cellular level to bring about the necessary changes to the body that will enable it to heal. It will show the body the proper form to take to expand the capacities of the nervous system and bring about physically healing changes.


  One of the newer stones to hit the market is a combination of the purple third eye opening stone, manganese, with sugilite. This has been a favorite stone of mine that I have recommended to many people who have also reported wonderful results from its use. The Manganese ore allows the user to get a feeling of being profoundly grounded while the sugilite powerfully opens the third eye. By itself, manganese is a powerful grounding stone because it is a manganese with iron oxide. As mentioned earlier, iron is always a powerful stone for grounding and protection. The combination of manganese and sugilite allows you to stay focused on the physical plane while opening to high spiritual realms.

  Cayce Uses

  In these readings Cayce demonstrated his amazing ability to understand metallurgy in trance. He knew how earth elements were formed and how they could best be used. Truly amazing.

  Sample Manganese Readings


  (Q) What is the proper flux to use in melting and alloying our metals and what is the proper method?

  (A) With more manganese, this will make for a better gathering together of the atoms in the metal for a more perfect product, and will make for a better handling.


  First, as has been indicated, in the separating of the ore from slags and impurities (which is necessary for its usage), for a great period an ordinary ore of one form or stage has passed through a state of preparation by the heating to such an intensity that, with the addition of the chlorate, the manganese and the carbon, it has brought forth—by its natural settlements, or natural sediments being removed—a state, or gained such a state (the ore) as to turn to metal.



  Atomic Number 80


  Mercury is the only metal that is liquid at room temperature. Mercury is derived from the mineral cinnabar. The ore of cinnabar is heated up and when the vapor is condensed, it forms mercury. Most deposits of cinnabar come from Spain, where Mercury has been mined non-stop for the past 2000 years. As far back as 1500 B.C., mercury was discovered in Egyptian tombs.


  The gem enthusiast can experience Mercury though its ore, cinnabar. This is one of the most powerful stones on the planet for abundance. Unfinished, it is actually one of the most unattractive materials I have ever worked with. It looks like a white chalky-type substance with dark bright red streaks running through it. Samples can be found in Nevada. It is also found in China and can occur as beautiful deep red crystals. You have probably seen cinnabar necklaces and bracelets carved with ancient Asian symbols for prosperity. A well-known tool in the art of Feng Shui, cinnabar is used in ornaments and jewelry that are known to attract great wealth. Use this to bring more money into your life.

  Cinnabar Quartz

  The newest mineral find in the cinnabar family is cinnabar quartz found in Arizona. The stone is being cut in extremely attractive cabochons for jewelry and has colorful bright red streaks running through multicolored stone. It is very attractive, and again, is a stone you should wear if you want to attract financial abundance to yourself.

  Cayce Uses

  Mercury quartz lamps were recommended dozens of times by Cayce for a variety of disorders relating to the nervous system.

  Sample Mercury Reading


  (Q) In Health Light Rooms will the best practice use carbon arc or mercury vapor lamps?

  (A) These are two entirely different fields, and should ever be considered so. The mercury lamps are in one field, and are for those that offer the better elements for conditions of the nerve systems of the body; while the carbon will offer the greater developments for those that will aid deeper conditions and those that affect the structural portion of a body.



  Atomic Number 28


  Nickel is found in the ore of a mineral called millerite, a combination of nickel and sulphur. It was originally isolated from its ore in 1751 by Swedish chemist Axel Fredrik Cronstedt. In the ancient world, Nickel was used to color glass and other things green. Nickel is extremely resistant to corrosion and has several uses. You’re probably most familiar with the nickel coin, although these days, the coin is actually made up primarily of copper with a bit of nick
el mixed in. It is also used commercially in batteries, stainless steel, and in the heating elements of toasters and ovens.



  If you’ve traveled to Santa Fe lately or have been anywhere near Native American styled jewelry, you will see turquoise and coral in beautiful jewelry with a chartreuse, or apple-green colored stone. That stone is gaspeite. It is a nickel-based mineral found near nickel sulfide deposits. It is named after the area where it was originally located in the province of Quebec, Canada. Australia is another source for some of the best gaspeite.

  When used with other stones such as the ones mentioned above, gaspeite brings an air of harmony and cooperation and can help you do the same. If you are in a situation where you need to be a team player, gaspeite brings the energy you need to contribute to the group without becoming too passive or too domineering. The light green color provides an energy of warmth and fellowship.

  Nickel Magnesite


  I ran across a rare specimen of pale lime green nickel magnesite from Australia I have not let out of my sight since. It is one of my new favorite stones—I’m sure by now you can tell I love them all! When I am traveling, I like to create a sacred space in a corner of whichever hotel or place I am staying in to bring a sense of centeredness to my travels. My nickel magnesite piece is always a part of that configuration. It seems to bring an energy of happiness and belonging, so no matter where you are, you feel you are part of any groups you encounter. It soothes the soul in times of upheaval and uncertainty and brings a feeling of security and sameness to unstable situations. Extensive travel can be quite unsettling at times; yet with this stone, you will feel at ease.

  Cayce Uses

  As part of the Wet Cell Battery, nickel and copper plates were used on the device and recommended to people suffering from toxicity and other ailments. Cayce spent a lot of time explaining what we touched on briefly in the iron section—that iron and nickel occur together in nature, yet they are like polar opposites to each other so they can be used magnetically in the equipment.

  Sample Nickel Readings


  Prepare, then, the wet cell battery, with two applicators that carry atomic forces to the system. Make the anodes or poles one of copper, the other of nickel; also the anodes or plates that are to be attached to the body should be of copper and of nickel or German silver—nickel preferable.

  (Q) Is nickel applicator connected to nickel anode?

  (A) The nickel pole and the nickel applicator are on the same leads, you see. The nickel that goes into solution is in the middle of the lead. Use nickel rather than lead or other elements, for we need the change in the vibration to create the proper vibration to the body itself through the low electrical vibrations created.


  Attach the nickel plate to the umbilical and lacteal duct plexus—that is, four fingers from the navel center to the right and two fingers up from that point.


  (Q) Should both plates or anodes be of copper or nickel?

  (A) One is the copper (the positive), the other is the nickel (the negative).



  Atomic Number 78


  Platinum is a precious metal discovered by Charles Wood in England in 1741, and gets its name from the Spanish word “platina” or silver because of evidence it may have been used by pre-Columbian Indians.

  Currently, most of the specimens are being mined from the Ural mountain range in Siberia. Although it is popular and is known as the most durable of the common metals used in jewelry, it is very rare to find such specimens as those now being mined from the Urals. This new deposit was discovered inside a crater-like structure, known as an alluvial deposit, which is extremely unusual for platinum.

  I had the unique opportunity to meet with some of the people in charge of the mines in the Urals and got to hold a huge piece (by huge, I only mean about two inches long by an inch in diameter) in my hand valued at over $37,000US. It was quite a powerful stone, and I did not want to let it go! The platinum brings an energy that is bigger than life. It makes you feel grounded and cosmic at the same time. It is a metal of big dreams and aspirations, boosting self-confidence and the ability to see things through. Belief in self and belief that you can change the world are the energies of platinum. Because the metal is so tough, it also gives you the feeling that nothing can stop you from living your dreams; you are invincible and bigger than life. It is the kind of energy you had when you were a child, until the world got in your way and made you think dreaming big was foolish. Platinum can revive the childlike you to create a powerful future.

  Angel Aura

  Angel Aura is a relatively new manmade stone derived from electroplating platinum on to quartz, similar to the gold in aqua aura. Because platinum is often hard to find as a mineral sample, Angel Aura allows the user to tap into the powerful healing vibrations of this metal.

  Platinum creates a vibrational state of transformation. It allows the user to transcend negativity, becoming uplifted to new heights and realms. It is excellent to use when undergoing a career or major life change where you are directed to go off into entirely new and previously unknown situations. Its high frequency raises the users vibration to meet any challenge and is flexible enough to allow the user to practically shift gears to fit whatever is needed at the time.

  Cayce Uses

  For vibrational purposes, Cayce recommended someone wear it.

  Sample Platinum Readings


  In the material things—wear as an ornament, preferably a ring, the moonstone; and have the activities of all the influences of metals, especially the platinum, about thee. Their vibrations are in accord with that to keep thy animation in accord with the best thou may accomplish.


  (Q) What is the name of the ore?

  (A) Those in which it, the element sought, is next to—is platinum, or platinite—of gold, and arsenic.


  (Q) What elements would be combined to use in place of crystal?

  (A) Uranium, platinite—or platinum in its basic form, and gold (from which the arsenic is taken).



  Atomic Number 19


  Potassium is a very reactive silver-white metal that, like its counterparts Sodium and Lithium, is never found alone in nature. Like sodium, potassium is found most often in the oceans but is not as abundant as sodium because the plants use it for growth. It is another of the many elements first isolated from its ore in 1807 by Sir Humphrey Davy.

  Potassium is used in fertilizers for plants and trees, which is where humans used to get much of their potassium intake.



  Charoite, an extremely complex mineral, is only found in one river bed along the Chary River in Russia. It is an extremely rare stone because this is the only place where this type mineral has ever been found. It is a light purple colored stone with swirls of white and dark blue. Spiritually, Charoite is another great stone for opening up psychically and facilitates the gifts of both clairvoyance and clairsentience, or the ability to feel things psychically.

  You may find yourself drawn to this stone as a way to energetically connect to and heal past lives in Siberia. Certain people are inexplicably drawn to the stone, and what I have found is that often means that energetically the stone is assisting with healing karma from the place where the stone is from.

  I happen to love charoite, so I would imagine I probably spent a time or two in the cold mountains of Siberia at some time in the past. While holding a piece one day, I found myself going within and staring at a snow packed trail along a mountain range I have never seen in this lifetime. I can only assume that the stone is helping me with some aspect of that particular past life.

  Cayce Uses

  Mentioned over 1000 times, 905
of which refer to Potassium Bromide or Iodide. One is a sedative and the other a gland stimulant.

  Sample Potassium Readings


  Iodide of Potassium—acts directly to the glands of the body, specifically those glands relating to conditions (or a portion, or a system) in eliminating forces. Bromide of Potassium—rather a sedative, but such a small amount as to be a stimuli rather than sedative in its activity on the system. These elements will act with that outlined for the adjustment and manipulation osteopathically, in lumbar and sacral area—as well as in the upper cervical.

  499-1 Reports

  Potassium nourishes the muscular system, and heals injuries, reduces pain, balances the body and brain, causing versatility. Potassium attracts oxygen to the body, giving enthusiasm, activity, health, tone, and quick recuperative powers. Potassium is a curative, and when it is lacking the tissues and cells must be retrained to take it up by [eating a diet rich in natural plant foods], eliminating white flour, white sugar, pie, cake, pastry, and candy.



  Atomic Number 47


  Silver gets its chemical symbol from the Latin word for silver, argentums. Silver was important to the ancient Sumerians. Silver jewelry was found in graves there dating back to 3000 B.C. the Chaldeans were first to extract silver from its ore around 2500 B.C. Beginning around 900 B.C. the Larium mines near Athens, Greece were the biggest in the world for the next 1000 years. It is a favorite metal of alchemists and has been used as currency since biblical times. Later in the nineteenth century, silver became more affordable because of technological advancement and was popularized by Queen Victoria, who initiated the revival of Celtic designs in jewelry. Nevada produced millions of dollars in silver in the 1800s that continued into the twentieth century.


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