Edgar Cayce Guide to Gemstones, Minerals, Metals, and More

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Edgar Cayce Guide to Gemstones, Minerals, Metals, and More Page 8

by Shelley Kaehr



  Atomic Number 92


  Uranium is one of the heaviest metals. Uraninite, commonly referred to as Pitchblende, is the major ore for uranium and can be found in Colorado and Arizona, and in England, France, and Portugal.

  Radium (Ra)

  Atomic Number 88

  Radium is an element formed by the decay of Uranium. Marie Curie isolated small amounts of radium from Pitchblende. It is highly radioactive and decays by emitting alpha, beta, and gamma radiation. Radium is used to kill cancer cells and is very toxic, easily destroying plant and animal cells.

  Radium Readings


  Hence the radial activity of radium, as well as the strengthening influences of gold the stabilizing influence of silver, are all a part of those elements that make for the transmission through the activity of the very vibratory forces themselves, and become to this body of great influence; for this entity is not only destined but rather prone to be thrown into those channels where all of such are necessary for usage in either the protection or destruction of mankind himself. As to which—the entity will choose, for it is within his own power.

  Cayce Uses

  Cayce helped a man develop a new kind of furnace and spoke of radioactive elements in the process.

  Sample Uranium Readings


  (Q) Will you explain in a little more detail the laws of attraction and repulsion?

  (A) There are atomic vibrations, and as there is the breaking up of each element in its forces and forms, there is produced the attraction or repulsion. As an illustration (this you can’t use, so we will give it as an illustration): All of uranium elements are an attractive force for those influences that produce same, you see—platinum and all mercury products are attracted by uranium. Uranium, then, will indicate those locations of such pitchblende as would produce some form of its same elements, or platinum or platnite [?]. In the one—platinum—this would swing across, see? In the others—of the pitchblende—circular.


  (Q) Will any success materialize for me from Salter’s electric furnace?

  (A) Uranium has something to do with it. Look to that end of separation—uranium; for you will find another element coming in, from the abilities of this electrical furnace, in this relationship. See? Not from the iron end, rather from the uranium—for we will make a new metal with this. Follow this out.

  Perhaps Cayce was referring to the discovery of Curium in 1944, a radioactive element that can easily be converted into heat and electricity.



  Atomic Number 23


  Vanadium is an extremely toxic element used primarily in the steel industry, because as an alloy it makes very strong steel, and in the nuclear power industry, because of its strength resistance, to meld with other materials.

  Originally discovered by Mexican mineralogy professor Andres Manuel del Rio in 1801, it gets its name from the Scandinavian goddess of youth and beauty, Vanadis, because of its many beautiful colors.


  Several years ago, I picked up a beautiful vanadinite specimen that I have kept in my home office ever since. It is an excellent stone for people who are sensitive to psychic energy, or empathic. Empaths, as they are sometimes called, are people who easily and sometimes unknowingly pick up energy from other people. Have you ever had an experience where you went into a meeting or party feeling great, then suddenly and seemingly out of nowhere began to feel sad, angry, or overwhelmed? This happened to me for many years until I finally realized what was going on. Because we are all connected at a spiritual level, it is easy to pick up what others are feeling. In healing work, this can be a gift, but if the gift is not treated properly or if you don’t understand how to use it, you can become crippled by it. Vanadinite helps you to maintain your empathy and knowingness of what others are going through so that you can be of service to them, while keeping from literally “taking on” symptoms or feelings of others. You can know how people feel, yet you can maintain a boundary so that you are strong enough to offer the help that is truly needed.

  Cayce Uses

  There are a few mentions of Vanadium in the Spectrographic Analysis of some of the patients, and other readings referred to the stock market and probably to the Vanadium Corporation of America, a prominent company in the 1930s that was run by Prescott Bush, grandfather of President George W. Bush.

  Vanadium comes from the ore of Carnotite, which is listed in the following reading report:

  “The Radio-Active Solar Pad is carefully constructed on scientific principles and consists of a heavy felt backing with a prepared rubber facing. The face of the Pad is treated with several coats of finely ground, high-grade Carnotite ore, Radium Barium Sulphate and Radiofied Calcium Sulphide.” (1866-8 Reports)

  Sample Vanadium Readings


  In the present situation, we find these—especially the R.K.O. and Vanadium will prove to be exceptionally good holdings, can they be held to until there is the general change as must soon begin, and were they held—even at this very low figure, even bought much higher—these will prove exceptional holdings.



  Atomic Number 30


  Zinc may have been used as early as the fifteenth century in India. Commercially it is used as a corrosion-resistant coating. Surprisingly, since 1981, the U.S. penny, although coated in copper to maintain its traditional look, is primarily made of zinc. Today zinc is an important trace element required for healthy plants and animals, and it can be found naturally in proteins such as fish, meat, eggs, and milk.



  Zincite comes primarily from a huge mine in New Jersey, although it can be found elsewhere; the New Jersey location is so abundant, it caused zincite to quickly become a primary ore of zinc. Zincite allows the body to absorb nutrients from protein and can help rebuild healthy tissue and muscle. It builds stamina both mentally and physically.



  Zinc is often extracted from the ore of Smithsonite, a zinc-carbonate. Smithsonite can be used to clear blockages in the heart and throat centers, fight the common cold and build the immune system. It is found in various parts of Africa, Greece, Russia, Turkey, and in Colorado and New Mexico.

  One of my dear friends gave me the most beautiful piece of Smithsonite from the Magdalena mines in New Mexico. She said it opened up her crown chakra and cleared her energy field. I agree. This is a peaceful stone with a beautiful loving energy that will help you connect with your source, and the gentle green color it emanates will help heal deep emotions and bring inner peace and harmony.

  Cayce Uses

  Recommended repeatedly for use in rash, dermatitis, shingles, eczema, psoriasis, and acne.

  Sample Readings


  For the rash, we would dust same with the Stearate of Zinc Powder with Balsam.


  When the solution refuses to make a spark or charge, in making short circuit at the poles, recharge; using the greater amount of the zinc . . . (849-43) The solution for charging the Appliance should be at least double strength, as indicated; that is, instead of the one and a half pounds to the gallon and a half of water, use three pounds. The zinc also would be doubled . . . (849-48) For, without sufficient of the acid and of the zinc, the others will not produce the proper vibrations. (849-61)




  Atomic Number 33


  Arsenic has an illustrious history, immortalized in the film Arsenic and Old Lace with Cary Grant about two women who poison their houseguests. It has been a great theme of many mystery writers. As little as one-tenth of a gram of this element is enough to kill, and amazingly, it was only recently that it could be detected in an autopsy, so many poisonin
gs could have potentially gone unnoticed.


  This is the major ore of arsenic and is currently flooding the gemstone markets. Arsenopyrite is made of arsenic combined with gold as an impurity. As different minerals are broken down, arsenopyrite is often discovered, and separating the arsenic from the gold, produces most of the world’s supply of arsenic.

  Because this amazing mineral contains the power of gold with the deadly poison arsenic, you can use the stone to repel negativity from you while you reach for a higher ideal. There are times when you may find yourself working on a project so dear to you that if you speak of it the energy of it may be ruined. Arsenopyrite can assist you in protecting the idea while allowing it to come to fruition and reach its highest potential.

  Cayce Uses

  Recommended for circulation, digestion, and kidney and liver cleansing.

  Sample Arsenic Readings


  In the blood supply, we find there is a heaviness and a lack of the activities through the circulation in the liver, as well as in the lungs, for the better or the more perfect purification of same.

  First we would begin with very small doses of Fowler’s Solution of Arsenic.

  The solution of Arsenic in the manner indicated acts upon not only the whole of the respiratory system but the liver and the kidneys as combined with the gastric flow from the gall duct, the pancreas and the spleen, in their activity to assimilation and digestion.


  (Q) Has this body been taking arsenic or any other poison deliberately or unaware?

  (A) Aware of those as taken. The arsenic is more as an acetate of arsenic, or that which is in a solution for thinning blood. This is more deliberate.


  (Q) Are there any recommendations for the diet, other than that which is being followed?

  (A) Let there be a tendency towards that of the vegetables being such as carry those of arsenic or such cleansing forces in the system, which are of the silicon derivatives—see?

  (Q) What are these vegetables, or those that carry these properties?

  (A) Onions, leeks, lentils, spinach, carrots (especially raw); the more of these that are taken raw, the better it would be.


  With the conditions that disturb the body, the food values will have much to do with creating—with these properties’ activity—the proper blood coordination in the system. As is understood, arsenic is a slow poison, in small quantities, as this, but it is also an element that will work with the gastric forces in the duodenum, and especially in the lacteal glands.



  Atomic Number 5


  Sir Humphrey Davy, the English chemist who is credited with discovering seven other elements, isolated boron from its ore in 1808. Boron is never found pure in nature. It is unusual because it is considered a non-metal, yet it behaves like metal. It is used in industry as a booster for rocket fuel, an alloy for many metals, in fiberglass insulation, and in transistors. In pyrotechnics, boron is used to produce a green color. Cosmetics, water softeners, and soaps also contain boron in the form of the substance known as borax, which is a mild antiseptic.

  Cayce Uses

  Boracic acid, as well as the Irish potato, is mentioned repeatedly throughout the readings as an external remedy for eye irritations or blindness. It was also recommended to relieve potentially infectious skin abrasions, dermatitis, and toxemia, and occasionally prescribed as an enema for intestinal problems.

  Sample Boron Readings


  Reduce the condition in cuticle by using the properties as would be found in chalk and of boracic acid to prevent the irritation, equal parts rubbed on body when irritation is severe.


  (Q) Should the Boracic Acid Wash be used with the Listerine for the throat?

  (A) That is what we have given. That is what we mean, that this should be used with it.


  Use the warm Boracic Acid Solution, preferably in eye cup, about twice a day.



  Atomic Number 17


  Chlorine is a poisonous gas naturally occurring mostly in dissolved salts in seawater and salt mine deposits. It was first seen by Carl Wilhelm Scheele of Sweden in 1774, but was not properly identified as an element until English chemist Sir Humphrey Davy did so in 1810. The name chlorine is from the Greek word chloros, meaning greenish yellow.

  Chlorine Quartz


  New on the gem market this year, chlorine quartz is coming into its own in the healing community. It is interesting to see this and the Lithium quartz taking such a role in healing now. I think this is a result of earth changes and the need to get back to basics at a deep subconscious level. This stone will cleanse you energetically, washing away all the old stuff, so you may be refreshed and ready to ascend to higher spiritual places in the coming years.

  Cayce Uses

  Recommended as a rinse for the mouth to prevent tooth decay.

  Sample Chlorine Reading


  (Q) Give care of teeth so I will have less decaying?

  (A) Use as a massage for the gums and teeth an equal combination of common table salt and baking soda; about once a month, add one drop only of chlorine to a pint of water and rinse the mouth with this. Do not swallow it, but rinse the mouth and then brush the teeth. This will preserve them, even aid in filling cavities.



  Atomic Number 9


  Although Flourine was first discovered in the late 1700s, Henri Moissan of France was the first person to create an elemental form of fluorine and won the nobel prize for his efforts in 1906. Fluorine is used in the dental industry as Sodium Fluoride, a key ingredient in toothpaste. It is also artificially linked with carbon to produce Teflon used in non-stick cookware.



  Fluorite, also known as calcium fluoride, is one my favorite minerals. It will help you focus and concentrate on complex issues and ideas and can serve as a relief for severe allergy sufferers. If you lay down and place raw fluorite on your sinus cavities, located on each side of your nose below your eyes, sinuses will drain and headaches will be relieved, and the positive byproduct is increased ability to concentrate after you wake up from the experience.

  These days, most fluorite, as well as many other colored gems, are mined primarily in Brazil, although southern Colorado has some spectacular fluorite specimens.

  Cayce Uses

  September 14, 1943, Cayce gave a reading to the man who may have invented Flouride toothpaste.

  Sample Fluorine Reading


  (Q) Regarding the universal approach: Is it true, as it is thought, that the intake of certain form and percentage of fluorine in drinking water causes mottled enamel of the teeth?

  (A) This, to be sure, is true; but this is also untrue unless there is considered the other properties with which such is associated in drinking water. If there are certain percents of fluorine with free limestone, we will find it is beneficial.

  (Q) Does too much fluorine cause decay of teeth, and where is the borderline?

  (A) Read what has just been indicated. It depends upon the combinations, more than it does upon the quantity of fluorine itself. There are many sections, of course, where fluorine added to the water, with many other chemicals would be most beneficial. There are others where, even a small quantity added would be very detrimental.

  (Q) Is the paste of sodium fluorine and lime that I have prepared safe to use for desensitizing erosion cavities, and could we seal it in cavities for desensitizing same, for drilling out decay and preparing teeth for restoration?

  (A) It could be used in ninety percent of the conditions.



  Atomic Number 2


elium (Greek for “helios” or sun) is unusual because it always exists in elemental form and cannot combine with anything, going completely undetected due to its colorless and odorless state. Next to hydrogen, helium is the second most abundant element in the universe, making up seven percent of all atoms. The mineral uraninite, an ore of uranium and radium, produces helium.

  Helium gives the gift of independence and the strength and courage to stand tall for convictions, the independence to work alone, and a feeling of being okay with solitude. Personal fulfillment, laughter and joy surround this light airy element. The laughter helium brings when it alters your vocal chords reminds you to play, have fun, and not to take yourself too seriously.

  Cayce Uses

  Cayce spoke about helium when describing a possible structure for air ships used in Atlantis.

  Sample Helium Reading


  As is seen at present, helium becomes the greater usage in containers that may be made; yet these themselves (This is working from the opposite side, see?)—but were those gases, or those metals used that the supply of helium itself becomes the container for the vacuum itself, see? this condensed, see? into a metal form, then the vacuum may be made that would lift without being lifted, see?



  Atomic Number 53


  Iodine is made from ashes of burned seaweed. It is an extremely reactive purple colored gas named from the Greek word iodes, meaning “violet-colored.” It is not found at all in the mineral kingdom, yet you can still tap into its energies through solutions such as those listed below.


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