Edgar Cayce Guide to Gemstones, Minerals, Metals, and More

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Edgar Cayce Guide to Gemstones, Minerals, Metals, and More Page 7

by Shelley Kaehr

  Argentite—Silver Ore


  Silver is one of my favorite metals to wear. It is the metallic equivalent to the divine feminine and carries the healing energies of water to all who wear it. Silver also carries lunar energies and deals with secrets, the shadow self, or hidden talents and energies. It can be used to cool the body from fever, alleviate rashes and hives, and reduce swelling. If money is tight, silver can be used to assist you with collecting necessary funds to make ends meet. It creates a feeling of knowing that everything will be okay and there is plenty to go around. Silver is like the yin to the yang of gold, and because it is feminine, it is a nurturing energy that creates a feeling of emotional security, while its counterpart gold brings in aggressive masculine energy.

  Cayce Uses

  Calms nerves when combined in a Cayce formula called Silver Nitrate.

  Sample Silver Readings


  While, as of those of the silver cord that makes for that transmutation of impulse from the brain to the organs of the body, sustaining—as it were—that spark of life itself in a material plane.

  1800-24 Reports

  Silver nitrate is a nerve stimulant and would be beneficial in any condition relating to the nerves.


  (Q) Are there any particular fixed specifications for the following elements? Nickel silver: Its kind, percentage of Nickel and Copper and its temper?

  (A) As indicated, the German Silver is preferable. Ordinary German Silver, or the German Silver for watch cases, you see; German Silver for platings that are used for the basis for silverware, or the like. Not plated, but just a German Silver.


  Many of the conditions as are existent in alcoholic stimulants, as have been applied to system, that has destroyed the tissue in central portion of the body, destroyed tissue in the re-creative forces in generatory system, destroyed tissue in other portions of the system, even into brain itself, give these, and gold or silver, or both, would add and rebuild, rejuvenate, as it were, in the system. Give these, for they are good.

  Biblical References

  “For the merchandise of it is better than the merchandise of silver and the gain thereof than fine gold.”

  Proverbs 3:14

  “The hooks of the pillars and their fillets of silver; and the overlaying of their chapiters of silver; and all the pillars of the court were filleted with silver.”

  Exodus 38:17



  Atomic Number 11


  Sodium is the sixth most abundant element on earth and an important element in seawater. Energetically it will help you connect with energies of the sea, and in healing it is a powerful tool to ward of negativity.

  Aside from the salts you will read about below, one of my favorite ways to get the benefits of salt is with a salt lamp. The lamps create positive ionization in the air and bring a warm peaceful feeling to your home or office. Cayce often recommended different kinds of lamps for people to use, and salt lamps are gaining popularity and are an affordable way to reap the benefits of light and sodium.


  In the readings, Cayce recommended lye be used for unwanted hair removal.


  (Q) What is the condition of his eyes?

  (A) These, as any other reaction from the sensory system, show the effect of irritations at times. More close attention should be paid to the bathing of the eyes morning and evening with a solution that will cleanse them, see?

  (Q) What solution would be suggested for this?

  (A) A solution for the eyes; don’t use lye or any of those things that are detrimental, but those that will work with the activities of the secretions themselves, see?


  (Q) I am especially anxious to find some treatment for the removal of superfluous hair which is on my body, especially the face. I have tried electrolysis but the growth is too profuse to be removed successfully in this manner. Can you advise treatment for this condition?

  (A) Better be glad you’ve got it, than to have other things that would cause a great deal more trouble by trying to remove same! But if ye pray right, live right, ask for it to be removed and ye may wash it off with lye soap.

  Baking Soda

  In the readings, Cayce recommends a mixture of baking soda and castor oils to remove growths and warts, and to correct nerve damage from alcohol.


  We would begin first (even with the cleansed system, in a manner) with broken doses of Castoria, after having flushed the system with two small doses of common baking soda, see? That is, this soda in the system—about a quarter to less than a quarter teaspoonful in three quarters glass of water. This will produce an alkaline condition in the system so that when the properties in Castoria are taken they produce a different effect on the body from that of entering an acid or a poison-ridden system.


  (Q) What is the best treatment for the corns on my left and right little toes?

  (A) The application of a Soda and Spirits of Camphor solution. Wet the Baking Soda with Spirits of Camphor and massage these night and morning. In the evenings these may be bound with same. At first it will produce a little soreness, but after the second day this will disappear—the soreness. Then we will find the system, with the corrections osteopathically, will absorb—and these will disappear.


  Table Salt


  I have long been singing the praises of salt for a variety of medicinal and spiritual uses. It is important to understand that salts are not all created equal. Each variety has a totally different chemical structure and can do different things.

  Aside from flavoring our food, common table salt can be used as a powerful protector of the energy field around your home. Take the saltshaker or container outside and consciously sprinkle it around your house with the intention of placing a white light of protection around the entire perimeter of the property. Ask that the home and everyone in it be protected.

  There is something very special about salt because for some reason, nothing negative can break through it. By protecting my home in this way, I have noticed fewer solicitors coming to the door, and the ones who do visit are very polite.

  Once I was outside after dark with a salt container and a candle walking around the yard. My neighbor happened to notice me, yet said nothing. If he had asked, I could always say I was protecting the yard from the destructive habits of snails, which are also deterred by salt.

  Table Salt Readings


  Also, at least three times each week, just before retiring, take a good pinch of table salt dry on the tongue. Don’t drink water afterwards. If it is necessary during the evening or night, this is well; but this will add sufficient to the salivary glands, to the condition in the stomach, as to prevent this entanglement that occurs oft in the sleep.


  Massage the thumb, or the hand, or those extremities of the body that show there has been tautness in the muscular forces from the attempt to eradicate conditions, with equal parts, or a saturated solution, of salt and vinegar. This may be massaged into the hand once each day, or every other day—just so we overcome these conditions. Pure apple vinegar and saturated solution with salt—table salt, see?


  Well that the body would use for this occasionally, when these become troublesome (as at present), equal parts of salt (common table salt), soda (baking soda) and Cream of Tartar in sufficient warm water that this may be snuffed up the nostril, until it is carried through to the mouth, and increase the length or time of the vibration from the violet ray forces along neck and back of neck, and around throat. This, we see, will keep these eliminations going from the system, prevent the trouble re-occurring in shoulder and in neck and trouble in throat. Do that.

  Sea Salt

  Sea salt is a powerful combination of bits and pieces of everything that lives in the oc
ean. In fact, nearly every common element known on earth is found within it and because of that, it is a very powerful healer to the body when used in a bath. When you soak in this substance, all the positive vibrations from all the sea creatures are absorbed in the physical body. It is very restorative to the entire system.

  Particularly those who are drawn to Atlantean past lives or the ocean can greatly benefit from frequent exposure to sea salts.

  Cayce mentioned sea salt 73 times in the readings.

  Sea Salt Readings


  . . . respecting the menstrual periods. When these are severe, the use of hot packs—especially of heated heavy sea salt—would be the greater relief for the body.


  (Q) Is salt in diet injurious?

  (A) Use kelp or deep sea salt instead of the regular table salt.


  When the pain is severe across the back, or hips, it would be well if the body would be sponged with a saturated solution of bicarbonate of soda and heat given in warm water of heated sea salt applied to this portion of the body. Do that.

  Epsom Salt


  Epsom Salts are my personal favorite. They are inexpensive and easy to find. If you’ve ever had a sports-related injury you may have used Epsom salts to relieve your pain. They are excellent for reducing swelling and inflammation. They are also powerful and effective tools for raising your vibration by cleansing the aura. The magnesium is also good for you and this is one way to help you assimilate it quicker and easier.

  Epsom Salt Readings


  We would find that using daily Epsom Salt Packs would be very helpful. Take a hand and an arm on the same side of the body, wrap this in hot Epsom Salt water; this made almost a saturated solution. And this is to be followed by a rub, and rub toward the body at all times.


  We would begin first with Epsom Salts packs, or baths. These we would take at least three times each week, for one week. If the packs are taken, saturated solution should be used—this applied over the lower portion of the spine, from the sacral region to that just above the kidney area—this applied as hot as the body may well stand, three times each week, one application at the time. Were this taken as salts baths, there would be about three to five pounds of salts in twenty gallons of water—this warm; or the salts dissolved in the tub, the body immersed in same, gradually heat the water by the addition of more hot water, see—slowly, as much as the body may stand. This will be more weakening than the packs, but would be more active in correcting the condition if the body rests for eight to ten hours after such ministration—see?

  Sodium and Your Pet

  Pets can benefit from your use of salt, too. Have you ever noticed sometimes your pets suddenly react negatively to you and do not want to be near you? You may have noticed it always happens after you make a big change in yourself, or after a move. If you are going through a lot of energetic changes, that can be tough on your pet since your pet is really a mirror reflection of you. Help your pet out by sprinkling a tiny bit of table salt on their food or put some on your hand and have them lick it off. It helps them to integrate the changes they sense in you more quickly.

  Cayce Uses

  Salts address everything from tight muscles, growths, and menstruation pain, according to Cayce.

  Sample Sodium Readings


  (Q) Should Calcium Chloride or Sodium Chloride be added to the sea water?

  (A) Calcium Chloride.


  (Q) Shall I continue with my research work with dimethyl cellulose, sodium bicarbonate and salt solution?

  (A) Continue with same. This will not be for a universal use, as indicated, but for the greater portion—yes.



  Atomic Number 38


  In 1787 Strontium was first separated by William Cruikshank, and in 1790, Adair Crawford named it. Strontium is found in the ore of strontinite (SrCO3) and Celestite.



  Celestite is a beautiful stone that forms baby blue crystals currently found in Madagascar, off the coast of Africa. It is extremely dense and heavy. Spiritually it is said to have ties to angels, helping us communicate with them. It can also be used as a gift to give someone you love and respect, like a parent. I gave a piece to my mother for her birthday. In healing, I have used it to cleanse the energy fields of clients who I feel may have broken hearts. One particular case that comes to mind is a woman who was grieving her mother. Celestite can assist in the healing of grief and the mending and soothing of the heart.

  Cayce Uses

  Used as a sedative.

  Sample Strontium Readings


  (Q) Is the strontium bromide recently prescribed helping me, and should it be continued for the time suggested?

  (A) As we find, this is rather the tendency for a too much of a sedative nature upon the nervous system.



  Atomic Number 50


  As early as 3500 B.C., bronze, an alloy of copper and tin, was used in ancient Egypt, making tin one of the first metals to be used by man. Pewter is a well-known alloy of tin, copper, antimony, and bismuth used widely by colonial settlers in the early Americas.

  Cayce Uses

  Cayce sometimes recommended tin as a rustproof container for the remedies.

  Sample Tin Readings


  (Q) If cans were made of Tin, Brass, Copper or Zinc and Chromium plated after fabrication, would it be as satisfactory as the 18-8 Stainless metal?

  (A) As indicated, make these of copper and tin, you see, so they do not rust.


  Stir well together. Preferable that this never be put in tin, but rather in the porcelain or glass . . .


  Put about a teaspoonful of the crushed seed in half a pint of boiling water, or pour the hot water on same, you see—in a crock container, not in tin or aluminum ware—and let it steep as ordinary tea, for ten to fifteen minutes. Then this taken warm, or as hot as the body can drink it, will be the more preferable.



  Atomic Number 22

  Transition element


  Titanium is a silver-gray metal used as an alloy with iron and aluminum. It is found in Rutile and some iron ores. It is used to construct jet aircraft and medical equipment because it is lightweight and resistant to corrosion. Particularly within the past decade, Titanium bicycles have become more prevalent in competitive situations due to the lightweight nature of the material, yet they are extremely expensive. Titanium does not react with human tissue, making it an important metal in surgical pins used to repair broken bones.

  Titanium Crystal


  Titanium is often electroplated on quartz and sold as crystals. The metal is interesting because when it combines with oxygen, it looks multi-colored, connecting you with the childlike joy of the rainbow spectrum. It can be used to supercharge and activate each of the seven primary chakra centers and bring tremendous energy and enthusiasm to any situation. It is a great gift for children.

  Rutilated Quartz

  Rutile is a stringlike shiny metallic mineral and one of the only natural sources of Titanium. It is most often found in quartz deposits, often known as the “Hair of Venus.” The gold-colored strings shoot out in all directions like Fourth of July fireworks, and will help you ignite new projects or endeavors. It can also help you get motivated to make a needed move and help you take the next step toward a major life change.

  Cayce Uses

  Titanium shows up briefly because it was found as a trace element in a blood analysis. It was not mentioned much at all, but is an important element for you to consider using.

  Sample Titanium Readings


  In the blood sup
ply, as we find, there are indications of there being the lack of the full purification of same through the pulmonary system. Spectographic analysis also shows present in trace amounts: barium, lithium, silicon, strontium, titanium, copper, boron.



  Atomic Number 74


  Tungsten is the product of two types of ore, Wolframite and Scheelite. It was discovered by two Spanish brothers Juan Jose and Fausto Elhuar in 1783 after isolating it from Wolframite. In some parts of the world, Tungsten is referred to as Wolfram, which is where the elemental symbol comes from, yet the origin of the name may be Swedish from the words tung stem which means “heavy stone.”

  Seventy-five percent of the worlds supply of Tungsten is thought to exist in China and because of that, this element reunites us with our past in Asia and can assist in healing any karmic blockages from those times. It can be particularly useful in aiding ailments of the feet, many of which are karmic and relate to a past life in which the feet were bound in aristocratic Asian cultures. The energy of wolframite helps the feet to expand, feeling free, and enables them to get the required circulation. Pains from bunions and bone spurs on the feet are also alleviated as the stone works to smooth out the sore spots and restore balance.

  Cayce Uses

  Raises the vibration of the one using it.

  Sample Tungsten Readings


  These massages should be osteopathically administered, followed with an oil rub—using one part tungsten oil [GD’s note: I think he means lamp oil or plain kerosene] and five parts peanut oil. Shake these thoroughly together and massage especially in those areas where the plates to the Appliance are attached to the body. This should be done at least every other day.


  And attunement is made through such vibrations, just as there may be with the tungsten in a portion of a vacuum that may raise those sound waves that through their relativity of activity of the electrical vibration that makes for the activity of the atomic forces in same give that which is gathered from the ether waves. So may numbers and those vibrations from stones as given, with metals such as come in the lapis lazuli, make for the raising of the attunement in self through meditation. But know these, my child, are but means—and are not the God-Force, not the Spirit, but the manifestations of same.


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