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Edgar Cayce Guide to Gemstones, Minerals, Metals, and More

Page 14

by Shelley Kaehr

  Through this and so many other cases of healing I have seen, I know bloodstone to be one of the very best protective and healing stones on earth. It is no wonder Cayce mentions it often in the readings.

  Bloodstone Readings


  (Q) What precious stone sends out the most healing vibrations for my body?

  (A) Those of the pearl and of the bloodstone.


  Do not lay aside the rosary! Have about the entity stones that are red; as the bloodstone, the ruby, or everything of that nature—in the stone but not in hangings or draperies.


  Hence, the bloodstone or the ruby is well to ever be about the entity, upon its body; so that the very vibratory forces of same give—with that of thought in constructive forces—creative environs or vibrations for the entity in its use or application.


  Hence we would wear especially the bloodstone, cut in the form of a triangle though ovaled on its edges. This about the body brings that vibration which will be beneficial; not merely as a “good luck” charm, not merely as something upon which to depend, but as an influence, a vibration about the entity.

  For, each soul, each entity, has within its inner being the sum of what it has done, is doing, about its relationships to the whole. And this is the stone to which the entity vibrates. This it is a helpful force physically, an encouragement to the mental, and vibrates upon the real or inner self.


  As to stones—the bloodstone, to be sure, is that which will bring more harmony as to vibrations, but in all it is the mental in self that must bring harmony—whether the entity applies itself in music or art.

  Blue Chalcedony

  Blue chalcedony is a very attractive light misty-blue-colored stone. It will help you ease any throat or thyroid ailment, calm nerves, and will help you get a restful night sleep. It will gently remove fears you may have about public speaking and allow you to express yourself gently when faced with conflict.

  Blue Chalcedony Readings


  For its greater vibration, the entity should have upon its body at all periods, the blue-green chalcedony.

  813-1 Reports

  In my life reading which you gave me in February I was instructed to wear a blue-green chalcedony stone for greater vibration. Well, there doesn’t seem to such a stone! The Zodiac Jewelry Company of New York who specialize in birth stones, charms, etc., advises me that chalcedony means blue and is a blue stone, that there is no such thing as a blue-green chalcedony. So now what do I do?

  8/2/35 Cayce’s letter in response: Now, about the stone you should wear, I don’t know what to say. The reading must have meant something definite when it said blue-green chalcedony. At the next opportunity, where we have a reading in which it would be permissible, we will ask just what this is and where it may be obtained, and under what name.


  Chrysoprase, biblically known as Chrysoprasus, is another member of the chalcedony family not mentioned in the Cayce readings. It is a light sea-green-colored stone that is very soothing to the heart. It will also calm the nerves and will help you eliminate worries about relationships and help remove fears about matters of the heart.

  Cayce Uses

  For chalcedony, Cayce recommended a blue-green piece to a woman who had some difficulties with her nervous system and throat. This is not surprising since the calming blue tones would create a sense of peace in a person and calm the nerves. Blue chalcedony is light blue in color which would help to heal the throat center. The fact that he recommended a bluish-green piece suggests the heart could be affected by nervousness, as well, and the stone would have cared for that. In correspondence after her reading, she could not find a blue-green piece and apparently passed away shortly after, probably never finding a blue-green piece.

  Sample Chalcedony Readings


  Hence red, as the ruby—or the onyx, or the chalcedony, that may be the color as stones or things of the nature should be about the entity in its closer activity.




  Coral is one of the organic stones you will see listed in this book. Organic means it was once part of a living organism. Today, the Great Barrier Reef in Australia is the largest life form on earth. The over 137,000 square mile reef on the northeast coast of Australia is considered one of the Seven Wonders of the Natural World. Famed British explorer Captain Cook called it: “ . . . a wall of Coral Rock rising almost perpendicular out of the unfathomable ocean.” The Reef has proven a deadly foe of sea explorers since grounding Cook’s Endeavor in 1770.

  Coral has become a bit controversial in healing lately. Some feel it is not right to use because it was once a living creature. I believe in the laws of cause and effect and that every living thing has choices to make and things to experience and learn here on the physical plane. If you and I have traveled many lifetimes and learned things, it could be said that all living organisms do the same. All minerals, metals and stones are alive to a certain degree—coral even more so. In the spirit of Native American and indigenous traditions, each item that comes to you should be blessed and thanked for allowing you to use it, with the idea that it is all a part of the plans of the creator. In this light, the coral you find to assist in your healing chose to help in that way; so honor it and all will be well.

  Coral is such a blessing it would be a shame not to tap into all it can offer. Because it is the skeletal remains of a carbon-based life form, coral will heal all issues relating to the spine and nervous system. Palsy’s, Parkinson’s disease, Muscular Dystrophy, and Multiple Sclerosis will all be aided by this natural wonder.

  Cayce Uses

  Coral is one of the most important stones of the Cayce readings, mentioned 82 times. Cayce said coral would tune people in to the healing forces of water, aid in creativity, or creation, protect highly intuitive or sensitive people from unharmonious vibrations, and bring quiet and rest to the body if it is worn on the body as a necklace.

  Sample Coral Readings


  (Q) Are there any colors or jewelry that I should wear in order to have better vibrations? If so what?

  (A) Any of jewelry or ornaments that are of coral would be well; for this is—as it represents, as it is in itself of Creative Forces, or from the water itself. Red, white or coral in any form.


  Coral should be about the entity at all times; worn—not as a charm, not other than the vibrations of the body as related to same. Because of the very nature of its construction, and the very activity of the soul forces of the entity, this (coral) would become a helpful influence in the experience of the entity.

  Through the very indications of that element as would be helpful in its experience (the coral), we find that the entity is highly sensitive to intuitive forces, spiritual aspects, spiritual imports.


  Ever wear about the entity rose coral. The vibrations of same, from same, may aid in the mental as well as vibratory urge to make those influences less of a disturbing nature which might otherwise become disturbing.


  The very red stones; as of coral, that is rather of the deep sea variety, and when this is worn about the neck or about the waist—or upon the arm—let it rest upon the flesh, for it will bring quiet to the body.


  (Q) Should the coral, as suggested, be any particular shape or carving?

  (A) No particular shape, just so it is mounted so that the coral itself may be upon the flesh of the body.

  Coral should be about the entity at all times; worn—not as a charm, not other than the vibrations of the body as related to same. Because of the very nature of its construction, and the very activity of the soul forces of the entity, this would become a helpful influence in the experience of the entity. Hence this we would wear about the body, but against the flesh.


  (Q) Are there any colors or jewelry that I should wear in order to have better vibrations? If so, what?

  (A) Any of jewelry or ornaments that are of coral would be well; for this is—as it represents, as it is in itself of Creative Forces, or from the water itself. Red, white or coral in any form.

  Biblical References

  “No mention shall be made of coral, or of pearls: for the price of wisdom is above rubies.”

  Job 28:18

  “Syria was thy merchant by reason of the multitude of the wares of thy making: they occupied in thy fairs with emeralds, purple, and broidered work, and fine linen, and coral and agate.”

  Ezekiel 27:16


  Calcium Phosphate


  Although it had been outlawed for several years, elephant ivory may once again become legalized soon according to the people of South Africa. Apparently the ban on elephant hunting has now caused a population explosion that is not only threatening the elephants themselves, but many of the other species of animals and plants in Africa. Because they live so long, eat so much, and wind up damaging everything in their way because of their size, lifting the ban on ivory may mean we will once again be able to use this once-prized substance. If that happens, time will tell if we can honor and respect the gift that it is, or abuse it as was once done with the poachers of the early twentieth century.

  Because at this time, ivory is not a substance in great supply it is difficult to find a piece to use in healing. Like coral, it is an organic substance. It will tap you into the vibrations of Africa and connect you with the animal totem of elephant. Elephants are known for wisdom and steadfastness.

  Cayce Uses

  Ivory is mentioned over 30 times the readings, primarily as part of the life readings because it is a powerful remembrance tool when recalling particular past lives. He also refers to the link between ivory and the spiritual virtues of elephant.

  Sample Ivory Readings


  (Q) If possible, please give information as to where I can find a design of King David’s seal, which it was suggested that I should wear?

  (A) Make as has been indicated. It will one day be uncovered in Jerusalem.

  (Q) Of what would it be best for it to be made?

  (A) Either of ivory, coral or gold; or ivory inlaid with gold; or gold with the raised figure of the rosette and the letter.


  (Q) Thursday morning, July 2, 1925. “I saw three elephants, one small, one larger and the third the largest of all. Cannon balls were coming out of their mouths from under their tusks. They seemed to aim the missile at a target. One elephant, the smallest, seemed to be in distress, owing to a burnt mouth, which he rubbed in agony on his ivory tusk.”

  (A) This in an emblematical way, as is seen oft to man, the elephant representing knowledge, power, incarnate in the animal kingdom.


  (Q) In continuing my own work in art—

  (A) (Interrupting) This should not be of the larger pieces, but more the smaller type—or miniature. And this may be done on ivory, cellulose or the like. These would be the parts to stress.


  Orientals, Oriental trappings—the love of these is the harking back to that experience of the entity; especially those things in carvings of ivory, and the like.

  Biblical References

  “Moreover the king made a great throne of ivory, and overlaid it with the best gold.”

  I Kings 10:18

  “All thy garments smell of myrrh, and aloes, and cassia, out of the ivory palaces, whereby they have made thee glad.”

  Psalms 45:8

  “Thy neck is as a tower of ivory.”

  Solomon’s Song 7:4



  Marble is sometimes called ornamental alabaster. It is an ancient stone used to line the tombs and coffins of ancient Egyptians. Today it is used to tile floors of palaces and luxurious hotels throughout the world.

  Marble is calcium based and carries much of the healing energies of that element. It is soothing to our soul to be near marble because it reminds us so clearly of our many pasts in the ancient world—Atlantis, Egypt, and Greece. IT is a stone of luxury and reminds you to take care and pamper yourself. You deserve to indulge a little and marble reminds you of the regal part of your soul.

  Cayce Uses

  Marble is mentioned 63 times in the readings, many of which speak of either ancient times in Greece or Atlantis, or they are more modern references to headstones from memorial companies. It is amazing to think the stones that surrounded the ancients is the same kind we use to memorialize the dead today.

  Sample Marble Readings


  In the one before this we find in the land now known as Grecian. The entity then in that capacity of the lover of art, and in the abilities of the entity many gained the understanding of that attempted to be presented in figures, in forms, in statuary, in those forces taking shape from soil, from stone, from marble, from iron, from brass, gold and precious stone.


  In the one before this we find in the Atlantean rule. The entity ruled well, developed much, until the again forces of the entering of others from other spheres, and through the warring of the nations then in that land, the entity became selfish in that last period. The urge from this is toward those of the arts and especially of that of the work in those of stone, marble, granite, or of elemental forces in same, for under this rule some of the most beautiful buildings were erected in that plane and the entity brought much to the peoples until those destructive forces coming from the rule in the Pyrenees brought the destruction in that land.

  Biblical References

  “Now I have prepared with all my might for the house of my God the gold for things to be made of gold and the silver for things of silver and the brass for things of brass and wood for things of wood; onyx stones, and stones to be set, glistening stones, and of divers colors, and all manner of precious stones and marble stones in abundance.”

  Chronicles 29:2


  Calcium Carbonate


  Pearl is another organic gem created naturally when an irritant gets into the shell of an oyster. To protect and heal, the oyster emits a secretion around it that later becomes a pearl. Cultured pearl is created when farmers purposely place a stone in an oyster and a pearl is born. It is not exactly correct to say that a cultured pearl is “man made,” because it is not. It is just hastened along by man.

  Natural pearls are virtually nonexistent, only being harvested in the Red Sea and Persian Gulf at this time, and yet throughout the ages, pearls have adorned the necks and heads of many aristocrats and rulers from many cultures.

  Pearls bring forth energy of chastity and purity. I had a client who went into a gas station to pay for her gas. The man at the cash register was busy, so she left the money on the counter and someone took it. She had to go to court over the whole ordeal and wore a single strand of pearls to further enhance her innocent energy. The judge threw the case out and ruled in her favor. So if you find yourself in a strange legal entanglement, use pearls. They work!

  Pearls are a popular wedding gift and natural pearls are a symbol of pure divine love from whoever gives them to you.

  Cayce Uses

  Cayce recommended pearl to one woman who wrote later about how it affected her:

  I felt nothing and noticed nothing personally but chemical forces within me did eat a sizeable hole in the side of the pearl. I take it from that, that I absorbed some portion of it. Finally, the entire necklace became so worn I discontinued wearing it.

  951-4 Reports

  Cayce also said the pearl can help relieve feelings of anger and irritation because the pearl is made from an irritant, it serves to relieve irritation in people.

  Sample Reading


  The pearl should be worn upon the body, or against t
he flesh of the body; for its vibrations are healing as well as creative—because of the very irritation as produced same, as a defense in the mollusk that produced same.


  From the sojourns of the entity in Neptune we find rather the influences of water, as well as things coming from water, area part of the entity’s experience. Thus, the entity should ever keep a pearl about the self or upon the person, not only for the material vibration but for the ideal expression.


  Thus the entity should ever keep a pearl about the self or upon the person, not only for the material vibration but for the ideal expression. For, it will be an omen—not only because of the vibrations that it may give to self but because of keeping the even temperament, yea the temper itself. For the entity can get mad, and when it is mad it is really mad!


  The certain combinations as indicated in the pearl—which has been produced by irritations. Hence the ability to build resistances is a natural influence that comes about same, and not as a talisman for preventing this or that—but that the vibrations created make for same.

  Biblical References

  “And the twelve gates were twelve pearls; every several gate was of one pearl: and the street of the city was pure gold, as it were transparent glass.”

  Revelation 22:21

  Stones from Lost Civilizations


  Among the greatest legacies Cayce left the world was a huge body of information about the lost continent of Atlantis. More than any other person since Plato himself, Cayce described the land, the people and the political and geographic climate of the lost civilization with such amazing detail, it has provided invaluable clues to how this land may one day be discovered.

  At this point, the one thing that would honor Cayce’s memory more than anything else will be the day the Atlantis myth is legitimized by a scientifically provable discovery of some of the buildings, structures, or artifacts. The A.R. E. is moving ever closer to this goal by conducting underwater explorations and by revisiting the readings that deal with each aspect of Atlantis.


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