Edgar Cayce Guide to Gemstones, Minerals, Metals, and More

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Edgar Cayce Guide to Gemstones, Minerals, Metals, and More Page 16

by Shelley Kaehr

  I thought if the zircon was a stone native to Arizona, then I might be on to something, particularly since the stone is often green. I cannot prove that it is though, because zircon is unique in that it does not contain copper and it is obviously made of the element zircon. Cayce’s stone was clearly one that contained copper, was green colored, and could be found both in the areas where civilization unfolded in the Middle East, and in modern-day Arizona.

  There is another stone, though, that may fill the bill and hold a key to the mystery called Linarite.



  In addition to Ligurite, there is also a another fairly rare stone called Linarite which is a hydrous lead copper sulfate found primarily in Spain that is a distant relative to turquoise and malachite. After I began looking into the stone, I discovered there are some deposits of it in New Mexico and Arizona in the Southwest. I wonder if these were the ancient versions of the lapis ligurius stone that Cayce mentioned in the readings. When I finally saw a piece of it, Linarite looks just like azurite with malachite, yet it is chemically different and more likely to have been found in the areas near the middle east. The Source originally called it by its ancient name, which makes me think it could be the true identity of Lapis Ligurius. The reality is that this would be difficult to prove because all of these stones are so chemically similar. The real difference between Linarite and malachite is that Linarite has lead in it and will not react at all in hydrochloric acid—it is a tougher stone than malachite or azurite.



  Malachite is a powerful, yet often fragile, dark-green stone found near copper deposits and usually coexists next to azurite and turquoise. It is known as one of, if not the most, powerful abundance stones on earth. The most important current deposits come primarily from the Congo in Africa and are dark green with swirling bands throughout. Queensland, Australia, and Arizona also have deposits. The Arizona specimens are much different in appearance, as are their azurite counterparts. The color is much richer and there are less banded inclusions in the stone. You may enjoy one kind more than another because, aside from appearance, the two are very different energetically as well.

  Malachite Readings

  (Q) This stone contains malekite and azurite. Is the lapis linguis either of these?

  (A) The azurite.


  Lapis Ligurius Readings

  1931-4 Reports

  Still trying to locate lapis ligurius but has yet had no luck. The names given in the readings are in the language of a century ago, says Mr. Green, and it is difficult to find them in modern books. However he is still trying. The stone I am looking for is green instead of the blue lapis according to the readings.


  For, as indicated from the influence of the lapis ligurius, there is the need for not only the copper ore, that is a part of man’s own development in many fields, but the need for the very combination of its elements as protection to not only the material benefits but the bodily forces necessary for the transmission of benefits through its own physical being.

  Lapis Linguis

  So, in this stone lapis. Lapis linguis is that one that has been in use or in touch with those whose vibrations or emanations or auras are of such natures as to have given those vibrations in the nature that any portion of such a stone may give off that which may be heard, see?


  Of the three varieties of Lapis, the Linguis remains the most controversial to date. I say controversial because nobody can say for sure what it is. Cayce first mentioned it in January 1934, and since then, scholars have worked to identify the stone. Because Lapis Linguis was only mentioned specifically just 15 times during life readings, nobody knows for sure what it is (although scholars have some pretty good ideas). Today, seventy years after it was first mentioned, several New Age advocates claim their stone is the one used by Cayce.

  Because of that, I thought it would be of interest to take a look at each of the potential candidates to discuss why they may or may not be the lost Lapis Linguis stone.




  Azurite gets its name from the Arabic word for blue. It is a highly visionary stone that allows the user to free the unconscious mind from clutter so high level guidance can come forth, stimulating intuition. It is also used by writers “as-you-write” as an aid for clarity in the writing process, and can stimulate any type of creativity. I received a piece from a friend and keep it near my computer when I write. I thanked her for it, and reported how well it works. Again, I wonder about what we discussed in the beginning of the book—does this stone help me write, or do I just think it does? Either way, the result is the same, as far as I am concerned.

  Spleen, spine, and throat are all affected by it, and it increases memory. Azurite can also ease the pain of arthritic conditions, probably because of the copper content in the mineral.

  Cayce Uses



  Many various characters of this lapis may be found . . . will be found in the nature where the greater portion of the azurite is evidenced in the immediate vicinity.



  Chrysocolla is a beautiful blue-colored stone—a cousin to turquoise, malachite, and azurite because it is found near copper deposits—with small flecks of malachite within it. One variety mentioned in the Cayce readings found in Arizona has deep royal blue tones, while the other that is mined in the Congo in Africa, is a striking turquoise color.

  This stone can be used to purify the air like an all-natural air freshener. It can also clear the air in arguments, creating an energy of forgiveness and restoring trust and balance.

  It is not named in the readings but is considered to be one of the possible identities for Lapis Linguis.




  Larimar, known as blue pectolyte in the gem trade, is a stunning blue, white, and sometimes green stone found in only one mine in the world. Discovered in the early 1970s, Larimar can only be found in the Baoruco province of the Dominican Republic, the eastern half of the island of Hispanola. Larimar was not introduced to geological circles until the mid to late 1980s, and since then has quickly become an internationally known gem, prized by psychics and healers throughout the world.

  The name Larimar comes from “Larissa,” the name of a miner’s daughter, and “mar,” meaning sea. My friend Charles Mark has been a major influence in spreading the word about the rare blue gem and was one of the first people to discover the treasure within the Domincan mines.

  When Charlie first brought Larimar to the states, a psychic got hold of a piece and began to write about the amazing powers of the stone. Later it was hailed by others in the gem healing community as a lost Atlantean stone—possibly the lost Lapis Linguis stone of the Cayce readings.

  After several psychics channeled the possible connections of Larimar to Cayce, Charlie decided to mention Cayce in a magazine advertisement he was running about Larimar. In passing, his mother happened to see the ad and had some amazing news for him.

  “Honey, don’t you remember I told you your father and I rented a home from Edgar Cayce before you were born?” Apparently, while Charlie’s father was away in World War II, the family lived in his rental property in Ohio and sent the rent check to Mr. Cayce in Virginia Beach. Quite an amazing coincidence, or was it?

  Could Charles Mark have been led to this discovery through some soul connection to Cayce himself? We can only speculate.

  In this lifetime, I have loved Larimar more than any other stone on this earth. I cannot begin to describe the profound healing to my heart and soul this stone has afforded me, so I would certainly be one of the first to want to conclude, as Elaine Feister did in her 1989 article on the subject, that Larimar is without a doubt, the stone Cayce called Lapis Linguis. Unfortunately, base
d on my extensive research on this project, I have seen no evidence to support Cayce ever mentioning this stone at all.

  I do believe the stone has ties to Atlantis, though, based on the experiences of hundreds of people I have talked to personally, many who have deep connection to Atlantis, dolphins, and the Caribbean.

  When I bought my first piece of Larimar a few years ago, I remember meditating with it and having deep and profound dreams of swimming in the ocean with dolphins. It has such a high frequency, I lost a few pounds over the next couple of days just because of the impact it had on my metabolism. Then, the crying began, as the stone cleared very old and deeply unconscious emotions. When the crying stopped, there was a feeling of peace and healing unlike any I had experienced from any other stone.

  Now with my clients, I see this happen all the time. I will be out at a tradeshow with the Larimar, and I love to just sit and watch the reaction people have to it. I can watch as some people perk up and practically run over to my table, unsure of what it is that is attracting them. Others are totally repelled by it—although they are few and far between.

  As a hypnotherapist, I do lots of past-life regressions and the people who are attracted to Larimar, nine times out of ten, are people who seem to have lived lives in Atlantis.

  So whether Cayce mentioned it by name or not would not exclude it from being a powerful part of the Atlantean existence. In fact, I believe some pieces are energetic record keepers of that period in history and subconsciously download that information to us.

  The mystery of blue pectolyte is that nobody can understand exactly what it is and why it is the way it is. I recently read a paper on it from a student who said there is only one other stone like it and that is in the Kona Peninsula of Russia. There is a white pectolyte there, but blue does not exist. In the student’s samples, there was no trace of copper, a metal known to color the stones Cayce mentioned, so there was no logical explanation for the color. The conclusion was that the stone is colored by a blue gamma ray, similar to the way our sky appears blue to us, which would explain why so many metaphysically minded people have said Larimar is a carrier of the Blue Ray.

  I spoke with my friend Charlie at length about the lack of copper in Larimar, and he told me that lately there have been darker green deposits found in the samples that do have copper in them. That would make those samples more related to the other Cayce copper stones.

  The new theory he speaks of as to how Larimar got here is that it could be a replacement for logs or wood. I recently acquired some pieces that show both the high copper content and the remains of what could be a petrified log, hollowed out by the forces of nature and replaced with the pectolyte material.

  Just so you are clear about all this stone will do for you, first, it is a deep heart healer. It brings up old emotions and allows them to energetically break free of your physical shell, so you can hold more light in your body. It heals the heart both spiritually and physically, correcting heart problems and allowing you to be open and receptive to new love. It is linked with the dolphin, an animal totem that allows you to master the art of telepathic communication and sound, and is called the broadcaster’s stone because it opens the throat and allows truth to be spoken from the heart.

  Who knows what will be discovered in the future about this amazing healing stone. It is an interesting mystery, to be sure, and when Atlantis rises again, we may find the definite answer.



  Although mentioned extensively in the section on the breastplate, turquoise could very well have been the Lapis Linguis stone because of its chemical composition and the localities where it is mined.

  There is a series of readings concerning Lapis Linguis from a man called (440). In trance, Cayce told him he was to go to Arizona and find this linguis stone and Dr. House was to go with him. Cayce wrote House a letter to tell him about the reading and encourage him to go on the trip, but for some reason he couldn’t go and told Cayce to go himself, which he did on February 27, 1934.

  (Q) Where will I find this stone in Arizona?

  (A) As indicated, about the place as given—in a ranch—a hundred to a hundred and twenty-five miles north to northwest of the place. Many various characters of this lapis may be found in Arizona, as may be of other stones in the same vicinity of a semi-precious value or nature . . .

  While in Arizona, Cayce and (440) apparently visited the Bisbee mines in southern Arizona. This area of the world is one I am deeply familiar with because my father worked in the turquoise mining and jewelry industry for many years in the Bisbee mines and the Kingman mines. The primary production from these mines, at least in the 1970s when we were there, is turquoise. The Bisbee turquoise is some of the most amazing in the world. It is a rich dark-blue color and has the best energy of any I have ever seen.

  In one reading the Source speaks about another stone called azure, Greek for blue:

  (Q) What type of lapis would you use in the box as a sample?

  (A) Azure.

  (Q) Azurite or azure?

  (A) Azure.


  Could the azure stone he is referring to actually be turquoise? It is certainly possible.

  Conclusions About the Lapis Family

  For most scholars, the final decision about the identity of the Lapis stones comes directly from the readings:

  (Q) In relation to the lapis, I found a 9000 lbs. stone enclosed in a glass case, etc. Is this the one referred to?

  (A) . . . As there is in the mind of the body, [440] confusions respecting lapis and lapis linguis—it has been given the lapis linguis . . .

  (Q) This stone contains malekite and azurite. Is the lapis linguis either of these?

  (A) The azurite.


  As the Source said, azurite is the stone mentioned by name so it is most likely Lapis Linguis. Or is it? After all, these are merely the names used to describe this family of stones all related to copper.

  When looking at most stones Cayce recommended, I am inclined to think about those that would have been relevant both in biblical times in what is now the Middle East, and those that are from Arizona and see which ones are common to both areas. That is why I am particularly curious if the linguis and ligurius stones could have been either different versions of turquoise, because it is a stone more likely to have been around in biblical times than azurite, and it comes in all colors of greens and blues. It could also have been the stone called Linarite, because both turquoise and Linarite are much more durable than the delicate azurite and malachite.

  Again the translation of names through the seventy years since Cayce mentioned them as well as the thousands of years since terms like “linguis” and “ligurius” were even used make for a perplexing set of clues.

  The other question that remains is this: why was the Source so insistent on people traveling to Arizona to get these stones? As I mentioned in the last chapter, this was an area Cayce cited as part of the lost Lemuria. Perhaps these stones were connecting people with that time and place energetically. Cayce himself was drawn to go there. There must be something significant about that particular place because it is mentioned so many times.

  Yet there is a repeating theme present about Arizona which is so prevalent, I have to conclude there is much more to it than just a quest for stones. Cayce said himself over and over again that it is not the stone one should be concerned with, but the vibrations they bring to the user, so the question is posed here: What were those vibrations? Could it be a link to Lemuria? Will that civilization or any evidence of it turn up one of these days? At this point, it is merely speculation.

  The quest to discover answers to the unknown has intrigued and inspired man since the beginnings of time. This mystery will continue to do so for many years to come.

  Part Four

  Vibrational Healing for Self and Others

  Healing with the Stones

  As promised, this is the part where you wil
l have an opportunity to select the stone, metal, mineral, or gem that is best for you.

  Cayce’s readings were primarily to assist people in finding out which stone or metal was right for them, usually to somehow energetically heal or support the soul vibrationally from a past-life perspective.

  Unfortunately, you are not in a position now to seek Cayce’s advice in this matter, but there is a way that we will explore next for you to connect with the Source yourself and see energetically which stones you should be using.

  For the exercise, you will want to find a comfortable chair to sit in. I would prefer you sit and not lay down because you will want to stay awake for this process, so you can remember all that happens.

  You may want to consider recording this meditation and playing it back for yourself. That way you can use it several times; since your soul is so vast, there is always more to learn about yourself each time you do this. Also, your unconscious mind enjoys and responds to the sound of your voice.

  One more thing before we start. Remember to allow information to come to you however it feels best to you. You may get pictures and see everything, and that is great. You may have trouble visualizing, and if so, that is okay. Remember you can get psychic information in a lot of ways. You may get a feeling about things, or you may hear someone tell you something, or you may just have an inner knowing or gut feeling. Any way the information comes to you, just allow it to be whatever it is and know there is no right or wrong.

  Let’s get started now.

  Journey to Select the Stone That Is Right for You


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