Edgar Cayce Guide to Gemstones, Minerals, Metals, and More

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Edgar Cayce Guide to Gemstones, Minerals, Metals, and More Page 17

by Shelley Kaehr

  Go ahead and sit in a comfortable spot with your feet flat on the floor and your hands placed comfortably in your lap.

  Close your eyes and take a deep breath in through your nose, and blow it out your mouth. Good. Do it again. Deep breath in through the nose, and out the mouth. Very good!

  Now I want you to imagine there is a beam of pure white light coming down, in through the top of your head. You can see it, feel it, or just allow it to be there. Imagine this white light is moving very slowly down through the top of your head, into your forehead, your eyes, nose, jaw, down into your neck, slowly, slowly down through your shoulders and into your arms. Imagine the light is relaxing you, just carrying away any tension and concerns you have, just melting them all away.

  Imagine the light is moving through your shoulders, into your arms, your elbows, into your hands and down, down, down, into your fingertips. And imagine the light moving into your neck and down, down, down the spine, moving between your shoulder blades, through your chest and stomach down to the base of the spine.

  Imagine the light continues to move down your legs, into your thighs, knees, calves, and down into the soles of your feet. Feel your feet tingle as the light passes through them and goes down, down, down into the earth.

  Imagine this white light is like a waterfall just carrying away any tension and concerns you have and moving them down, down, down and out the soles of your feet and into the earth.

  Imagine the light becomes so overpowering it begins to just pour out your heart, creating a golden ball of light that surrounds you by about three feet in all directions. You can see it, feel it, and just know you are totally protected by this beautiful golden light.

  Imagine yourself floating inside this beautiful golden ball of light, totally safe, totally secure, feeling very peaceful and protected as if a big blanket were wrapped around you. Know that inside this golden ball of light only that which is of your highest good can come through.

  Now I want you to imagine there is a doorway in front of you. Again, see it or just allow your unconscious mind to know the door is there. Open the door and walk inside a beautiful room.

  As you step inside, there is a table in front of you with a comfortable chair. Look around and see what’s there in the room. Feel the good vibrations of this peaceful space. You feel very relaxed and peaceful here. Imagine you can walk up and sit down in that chair and begin to notice what is on the table in front of you.

  Walking slowly toward the table, you begin to see it is filled with stones and metals of all kinds—many of those you have been reading about.

  Imagine you can sit in the comfortable chair just relaxing and looking at all of the beautiful stones and gems.

  Which ones are there? Can you name them? What colors are they? Imagine you can touch them and see how they feel. Very good!

  As you stare at the assortment in front of you, I want you to turn your attention for a moment to another doorway at the back of the room you are in.

  Notice this doorway and now it is opening and someone is walking through. It could be a guide, or a friend, or someone who you have never met before. You may see the person, or you may just feel the warm, loving presence as they come to greet you. Imagine whoever it is has come to help you today. Say hello as they come and sit with you at the table.

  Imagine you can ask this special someone to help you today as you learn which stones, gems, and metals would be best for you at this time. Know they can help you pick up to three to use today.

  See, feel, or imagine the person beginning to reach out to the assortment on the table and handing you one to hold.

  Reach out and, by the time I count to three, imagine you take the stone and hold it. One, two, three—you are holding the stone now. Very good!

  What is it? Do you know its name? What does it look like? What does it feel like? Imagine you have an inner knowing of exactly what it is. Good!

  Does your friend need to tell you anything about your connection with the stone and why it can help you at this time?

  In a moment I want you to imagine you can pick up the stone and bring it inside your energy field, as if it can be totally absorbed by your body.

  When I count from three, you will pick it up and bring it totally inside. Three, two, one—you are bringing it inside right now. Good!

  Feel the energy of it as it travels up, up, up, through your heart, up into your shoulders, your arms and hands, up into your neck and head, and down into your stomach, into your legs and feet.

  Feel the energy as it totally becomes integrated now.

  Have your friend tell you the significance of this. Is this healing a past life? If so, which one? Can it aid with health issues? If so, with what?

  Now imagine your friend can hand you another item from the table and will do so when I count to three: one, two, three. See it and notice what it is and go ahead and reach out to pick it up.

  What is it? What does it look like or feel like?

  When I count from three, you will bring it inside and into total integration: three, two, one—you are now bringing it inside. Into your heart, up into your neck, shoulders, arms, hands, and head, and down through your stomach, your spine, and into your legs.

  Good! So what does your friend tell you about this stone? What is it going to help you with? Imagine you are totally aware of all it can do for you and any energetic ties you have with it from the past.

  Now imagine your friend can help you today with one more item from the table. Whatever would be most for your highest good.

  When I count to three, you will see the item and begin to notice what it is: one, two, three.

  Notice what it is. What color is it? What healing properties does it have? Very good! Now imagine once again when I count from three you will pick it up and integrate it with your energy. Three, two, one—picking it up and feeling it as the energy rushes from your stomach, into your heart and head, your arms and legs. Feel it as you become totally integrated with the energy of this latest piece and notice how healing it is to your entire being.

  Now ask your friend if there is anything you need to know about this item. What is your connection to it?

  Now ask your special companion if there is anything else you need to know today about any of the three items you selected, or anything else relating to gems and stones and how you should use them.

  Thank them for being with you today and imagine they can walk back through the doorway where they came from.

  Now begin to once again focus on the peaceful and serene surroundings of the room one last time and go ahead and get up and walk back through the doorway where you first came in.

  Now you are back where you started. Remember you are still surrounded by a golden ball of light and inside that light, only that which is of your highest good can come through.

  Imagine there is a brown grounding cord of light that is coming down through the top of your head. Feel it as it moves down through your head, into your neck, and begins to travel down, down, down to the base of your spine. Imagine it is traveling down through your legs and out the soles of your feet and into the earth.

  Imagine you can take all of the energy you need to feel wide awake and refreshed but any excess energy will begin now to travel through the brown light cord and into the earth.

  You are grounded, centered, and balanced and in a moment, when I count from five, you will come back into the room feeling wide awake and better than you did before.

  Ready? Five, beginning to come back now, four, grounded, centered balanced, three, remembering all you learned on your journey, two, knowing you will continue to process this information in your dreams tonight, one, wide awake and back!!!

  How to Give a Healing Session with Metals, Stones, and Gems

  Now that you have selected the stone, metal, or gem that is right for you, you are ready to learn how to give a healing session.

  First, you might want to look back at the section about chakras. Because each chakra is corres
ponding to a particular color, you can sometimes use the stone of a particular color to open that chakra.

  For example, green stones, such as emeralds, are excellent to use on the heart center, while blue stones such as Lapis or Sodalite are great for the throat.


  First you will learn self-healing. Using the stones you picked during your meditation, take them and find a relaxing place to lay down.

  Next you will begin to lay the stones on your body. If they are of a particular color, ask your higher self, or inner voice, if they should be placed over the corresponding chakra. You may find the answer to be “no.”

  Begin then to take each stone or metal and very unconsciously and intuitively take the stone or metal and put it on your body in the first place you are guided to.

  Once you have placed the gems on your body, lay there for about twenty minutes. At first, you will probably not feel anything, but after a few minutes you may begin to feel a surge of energy rush through you. When that happens, continue to rest until the sensation dies down. That is when you will know you are through with the healing. This usually takes about twenty minutes, but it could take longer.

  If you cannot feel the energy, that’s okay! Just allow yourself to relax and close your eyes as if you are going to take a little nap. Allow yourself to totally drift off to sleep and you will be amazed to find in about twenty minutes you will wake up feeling refreshed. That is when you know you are finished with your session.

  Healing Others

  One of the most rewarding things you can do with your new knowledge is to share it with others through healing sessions.

  To heal someone else, ask your higher self or intuition the question: what stones, gems, or metals does this person here before me need today to heal? Allow your mind to show you either through an internal picture, a sound, or a feeling which items are needed. You may be drawn to a particular stone, so use that! Use whatever you are guided to.

  After selecting the stone or metal, again allow your conscious mind to step aside as you intuitively place the items on the body of the person you are working on. There is no right or wrong here, so just do whatever you feel guided to do.

  Now, leave the minerals there for as long as you feel they should stay on the body and you can take a larger stone and give an energetic boost to the energetic bodies by waving the larger stone over the subtle energy fields while imagining all energetic bodies to become clear and open.

  Use whatever stone you feel is best for this. I like to use amethyst to cleanse the aura because its soothing yet high frequency is great for removing all kinds of energetic blocks.

  Gently remove the stones and end the session with a silent prayer for the well-being and continued healing of the person.


  The Dream Revealed

  (Q) Is it correct when praying to think of God as impersonal force or energy, everywhere present; or as an intelligent listening mind, which is aware of every individual on earth and who intimately knows everyone’s needs and how to meet them?

  (A) Both! For He is also the energies in the finite moving in material manifestation. He is also the Infinite, with the awareness.


  Again, months had passed since I saw Cayce in the cavern with the treasure chests of precious gems. I thought the dream was over until one night I found myself in that space a third time.

  Cayce was standing there, humble yet of the essence of someone who has a vast knowledge within. The gems glittered as they had done so many months before, and I stood there for a moment thinking that was all there was to it.

  Just then, the rest of the dream was revealed as the back of the cavern blew open to expose vast open space—outer space. I found myself floating among the stars out in the universe with an incredible feeling of the connectedness of all things.

  The voice of Cayce was all that lingered as he said, “It is all within, it is all one.” And with that, I knew the answer to the puzzle.

  As we explore the readings and philosophy of the world’s greatest psychic, we are reminded again and again of the magnificence of all of creation and that true power can only come from the Source within each of us.

  Like the seekers who placed all their faith in a worthless statue of a bird, the true treasure could only be found by going within.

  I hope the previous chapters have opened your mind to further exploration of the wonderful world of metals, elements, gems, and minerals.

  Fulfill that, ever, ye have promised thy God within—if ye would be true to self.



  Acid—any substance that can act with metal to form salts and forms hydrogen when dissolved in water.

  Aggregate—a mixture of minerals.

  Alloy—mixture of two or more metals.

  Anodize—to coat a metal with an oxide coat to decorate or protect the metal.

  Atomic Number—the amount of protons in the nucleus of an atom.

  Base—reacts with acids to form salts.

  Brass—alloy of copper and zinc.

  Bronze—copper and tin.

  Carbon Steel—an alloy of carbon and iron.

  Clairaudience—ability to receive psychic information through the sense of hearing.

  Clairsentience—ability to receive psychic information by feeling.

  Clairvoyance—ability to psychically see, through visions, events from past or future.

  Clay—a sedimentary material with extremely small grains.

  Compound—a substance with two or more elements that cannot be separated by physical means.

  Endorphins—a group of hormones in the body that reduce pain and enhance emotions.

  Gem—any stone prized for its beauty, hard enough to be cut and worn ornamentally.

  Igneous rock—rock formed by hardening magma beneath the earth’s crust.

  Magma—molten lava from volcanic activity.

  Matrix—solid matter in which rock or crystal is embedded.

  Metal—group of positive elements, usually with a shiny surface, that is a good conductor of electricity.

  Metallurgy—process of separating metals from their ores to make them more usable that was developed in the late eighteenth century by Slovakian chemist Josef Bachman.

  Metamorphic rock—rock naturally altered by heat and pressure from the earth.

  Mineral—solid naturally occurring substance with a specific hardness, color, and crystalline structure.

  Moh’s Hardness Scale—a comparative scale used to determine the hardness of various minerals. The scale takes commonly known minerals and rates them by number on hardness, and all other minerals are rated against the list to give gemologists and geologists a standard for comparison.

  The scale is as follows:

  1 Talc

  2 Gypsum

  3 Calcite

  4 Fluorite

  5 Apatite

  6 Orthoclase

  7 Quartz

  8 Topaz

  9 Corundum

  10 Diamond

  Non-metal—any substance that lacks the properties of metals.

  Non-organic—non-living substance lacking carbon and hydrogen.

  Ore—a mineral or aggregate containing a valuable substance, usually a metal, that can be extracted.

  Organic stone or gem—a once-living carbon-based substance that has hardened and formed a stonelike shape or form.

  Oxide—compound of oxygen and another element.

  Oxidize—any time an element reacts with oxygen.

  Precious metal—any metal with high economic value.

  Precious gem—any gem with high economic value.

  Processing (ore or metal)—extracting the valuable metal or mineral from others of less value to create a pure substance.

  Programming (crystal)—Telling a crystal at a subconscious level what its function will be.

  Refine (metal)—to remove impurities to make a pure and more valuable substance such as a met

  Rock—hard naturally forming mineral.

  Sedimentary rock—rock formed from consolidation of clay.

  Stone—another name for rock that has been shaped or rounded.

  Trace element—an extremely small amount of an element required in the diet to ensure health.

  Transitional element—precious metal.


  Aldersey-Williams, Hugh. The Most Beautiful Molecule: The Discovery of the Buckyball. New York, NY: John Wiley & Sons, Inc. 1995.

  Asimov, Isaac. Asimov on Chemistry. Garden City, NY: Doubleday & Company, Inc., 1974.

  Balibar, Francoise. The Science of Crystals. Poughkeepsie, New York: McGraw-Hill, Inc., 1993.

  Bauer, Max. Precious Stones: A Popular Account of Their Characters, Occurrence, and Applications, with an Introduction to Their Determination, for Mineralogists, Lapidaries, Jewellers, etc. Rutland, Vermont: Charles E. Tuttle Company, 1969.

  Betts, Gavin. Teach Yourself Latin. Coventry, England. Hodder & Stoughton Educational, 2000.


  Broad, William J. The Universe Below: Discovering the Secrets of the Deep Sea. New York, NY: Simon & Schuster, 1997.

  Bullis, Douglas. Crystals: The Science, Mysteries and Lore. New York, NY: Crescent Books, 1990.

  Campbell, Dan. Edgar Cayce on the Power of Color, Stones and Crystals. New York, NY: Warner Books, 1989.

  Cayce, Edgar Evans. Mysteries of Atlantis Revealed: The Century’s Greatest Psychic Confronts One of the World’s Oldest Mysteries. New York, NY: St. Martin’s Press, 1997, 1988..

  Erickson, Jon. Marine Geology: Undersea Landforms and Life Forms. New York, NY: Facts on File, Inc., 1996.

  Finster, Elaine. Larimar Coming to America: The Story of Larimar. Crystal Pathways Magazine, Volume II Issue I, Summer 1989.

  Friedhoffer, Robert. Light. New York, NY: Franklin Watts, Inc., 1992.

  Harris, Stephen L. Agents of Chaos: Earthquakes, Volcanoes and Other Natural Disasters. Missoula, Montana: Mountain Press Publishing Company, 1990.


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