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Vengeance Of A Black Knight (Iron Dogz MC, #4)

Page 14

by René Van Dalen

  The minute I looked down and recognised his bold slanted handwriting the page blurred as tears filled my eyes. Blinking to clear my vision I started reading.


  This letter is like all the others I’ve written over the years. I fucking hope I get to destroy it as well. I fucking miss our bonfires little sis, and if you’re reading this we’re never going to have that again.

  I’m so fucking sorry I left without telling you about the dark shit constantly churning in my head that made it impossible for me to stay. I was so fucked up I disregarded the bond we have and ran before talking it out with you. I’m so ashamed of the stunt I pulled with Sherri. But I just couldn’t do it. I couldn’t doom a child to grow up with the fucked up man I am. Please take care of them for me. I know you always have done and I’m so fucking grateful you stepped up when I left. I trust no one else to do what’s best for them, not even Ren. The fucker.

  I love her and my baby girl, Leo, I always will but there’s no way I can subject them to the man I’ve become. Please forgive me even though I can’t forgive myself.

  My memories were and are still fucked up. It feels like I’ve lost all of the good stuff and only the bad was left behind. I’ve lied to you and Mama and Daddy. I’m not any better, but I’m shit hot at pretending that I am. My club brothers aren’t aware I’m not playing with a fucking full deck. They believe the mask I show them is who I am.

  After I left I became lost in the darkness in my head. I thought finding the whore who is my mother would help, it fucking didn’t. Then I found something better to focus on. My club and the Harrison Syndicate. After what was done to my Prez and VP’s old ladies I knew I had to do something. The shit in the lockbox is for my Prez, he’ll know what to do with it.

  I love you, Leo. You’re my other-mother twin, my little sister, and the only one who ever really got me. Know that I’ll be watching over you, always. I’ll be waiting for you in the next life Lee.

  Tell Ren if he doesn’t treat my girls right I’ll fucking haunt him until the day he dies. I told him that in his letter but I can just see his face when you do the same. We always did know exactly how to piss our big brother off.

  Take care of yourself little sis.

  Until we meet again.


  My hands shook as I let the letter drop onto the bar and Chris slid another shot in front of me. I downed it and shuddered at the burn sliding down my throat. It was only when I breathed in that I realised I had been crying and my nose was running. I rubbed my hands over my face, swiping the tears away and sniffled. A box of tissues appeared in front of me and I grabbed some tissues wiped my eyes and blew my nose, dropping the soiled tissues in the small bin Chris held out to me.

  “That must have been freaking difficult.” DC said softly.

  All I could do was nod as I withdrew another tissue and dried my still leaking eyes. Clearing my throat I balled it up in my hand and touched the letter with the other. And tried to explain.

  “Reid and I, we were more than just brother and sister. Losing him means I’ve lost the other half of myself.”

  DC and Chris both drew in shocked breaths.

  “What do you mean?” DC stared at me with wide eyes and I suddenly realised what my explanation had sounded like. Like freaking incest.

  Giving her a tiny grin I shook my head. “Shit, that came out wrong. We were twins in every way but by birth. We were born five days apart to different mothers. And no Game of Thrones type twin shit.”

  DC and Chris chuckled and I grinned and gave my eyes another swipe with the tissue.

  Chris crossed her arms on the bar and leant towards me. “So, the brother you came here with? How are you related?”

  “We have the same father but different mothers.”

  DC nodded. “I have that with my siblings too. My dad is a dog.”

  I shook my head. “My dad isn’t, he was young and stupid and made a very, very bad mistake while he and our mama were separated. She took him back and adopted us. He hasn’t looked at another woman since. They are sickeningly and sometimes embarrassingly in love with each other.”

  I shook my head and sighed. “Reid was her favourite even though she says she loves all her kids equally. He has a special place in her heart because he needed her more than the rest of us. Him dying like this, all alone with none of his family around him, is going to haunt her for a damned long time.”

  “Army was a good guy but he always kept his distance from everyone, not physically but he kept that distance mentally. The only one he let get close to him was Bullet. Maybe because Bullet wouldn’t allow him that distance, I don’t know, he was his best friend.”

  Chris looked right into my eyes and I saw what she was trying to say.

  That my brother had not been alone, that he had had someone watching his back.

  His best friend.

  She had no idea how much that hurt.

  Because at one time his best friend used to be me.

  I nodded, picked up the letter then carefully re-folded it and slipped it back into the envelope. Words I couldn’t say to either of them sat silently on my tongue as I slid the letter into the inside pocket of my jacket.

  “I think I need to change to water before I fall off this chair.” I tried to joke.

  “No problem.”

  Again Chris moved quickly and set a bottle of water in front of me.

  Cracking it open I drank thirstily before I set it down.

  “What are your plans now that you are here?” DC’s eyes were direct and very dark.

  “I don’t know but I’m sure the guys will inform me of them as soon as they’re done with church.” I shrugged as if it didn’t matter and hoped like hell she couldn’t see that I wasn’t telling the truth. I didn’t know her, didn’t know how things worked at this club. I wasn’t going to be giving out opinions before talking to Dive, or Maniac and Dad.

  She opened her mouth to say something when we were interrupted. I looked up and into those mesmerising eyes that had caught mine earlier and watched to see why he had come out of the meeting.

  It was what he did next that had me losing my breath in shock.

  He curved his body around mine and slid his arms around me as I stiffened under his touch. He gave me a little squeeze and his breath puffed against my ear as he whispered.

  “Play along, Leo, for your own safety you have to play along.”

  It took everything in me not to frown as I slowly relaxed against him. Wolf, I read his name on his kutte, slid his arms around me and lifted me from the bar stool and up against his chest. My arms snapped up around his neck as he straightened and looked down at me. I looked up and into the most amazing eyes I’ve ever seen. And everything went kind of hazy for a moment.

  It was DC’s voice that drew me out of my haze.

  “What the hell are you doing, Wolf?” DC asked sharply.

  And what he said immediately pissed me off.

  “Collecting my old lady, DC. Prez asked me to bring her in. I’m sure he won’t mind if you tag along.”

  “Your what?” I hissed at him angrily.

  Wolf tightened his arms around me in warning, turned and walked back down the passage towards their chapel with me still in his arms.

  Over his shoulder I saw DC following close behind us. She actually stomped along looking pissed as hell. Her dogs followed behind her, their tags jingling merrily.

  Right before we reached the doors of the chapel he dropped his head against the side of my head and whispered softly.

  “Listen to what they have to say and give our plan a chance, Leo.”

  What the hell was going on here?

  I found out shortly afterward as the president of the Iron Dogz laid it out for me.

  Apparently the clubs have been infiltrated by the Harrison Syndicate and I have been targeted, specifically. I totally got why they would go into protection mode. It was standard procedure at most clubs. But having an Iron Dogz MC Lieutenant clai
m me as his old lady? Wasn’t that just a little step too far?

  “I don’t think claiming me is really necessary. Gear’s a total asshole, everyone knows that, but do you really think he’ll go so far as to grab Lori to force me to go to him? I don’t think so.” I frowned as my brother gave an angry grunt.

  “Did he or did he not grab you in our common room and left marks on your arm?” He snarled and the thighs I was sitting on, and yes the bastard had me on his lap, went hard as steel and an angry rumble resonated in the chest against my back.

  But my damn brother wasn’t finished.

  “Did you forget that Prez ordered me to beat his fuckin’ ass because he put his hands on you? And before you ask, he wasn’t the only one. We delivered a beat down to him and his fuckin’ friends and now our Prez informs me that they are missing. Not a fuckin’ trace of any of them. We’re not takin’ chances with any of our women and children, Leo. Not after what we’ve learned here today.”

  His angry tone suddenly changed to soft and imploring.

  “Please, Leo, listen to reason and do this for our peace of mind and your safety. Mama and Dad can’t stand to lose another child, it would kill them to lose their baby girl, sweetheart.”

  I frowned and shook my head. “Why would he kill me if he needs me to get him and his followers seats at the table? It doesn’t make any sense.”

  “It makes every bit of sense.” A guy I didn’t know the name of said roughly. “If they have you they can force your club to vote shit in that none of them would ever have brought to the table. The first thing they would put on the table would be their sex trafficking ring and once the club’s involved in that shit all the rest will follow.” He gave me a hard look. “And while the people you love are getting dragged into dark shit trying to save your life, you will be at the mercy of those bastards. Once they get done with you they will pass you onto whoever wants a piece of you next. And by the time they return you to your family, if they return you, there will be nothing left of the person you used to be. You will be a drug addicted whore who would sell her nearest and dearest for her next fix.”

  “Jesus, Kahn, that’s fucking harsh, brother.” Wolf growled behind me.

  The guy he called Kahn shook his head sadly. “It might be harsh, brother, but am I lying? You know I’m not. We’ve seen first-hand what these bastards do to women and children. We can’t sugar coat shit for her. She needs to know.”

  The Iron Dogz’ VP sat forward and pinned me down with his ice blue eyes. “The Syndicate targets what they think are our greatest weakness, our women and children, to force the club into their dirty business. They abducted DC and we were very lucky she survived. My old lady was shot and the lives of my unborn children were endangered. Beasts’ old lady, Tori, was in the SUV your brother was protecting when they were ambushed. She escaped serious injury because of the sacrifices made by our brothers that day. Now they’ve got their sights set on you. We all know they aren’t going to stop until we find a way to wipe them from the face of the earth. And if Wolf claiming you keeps you safe then that’s what’s going to happen. I won’t accept any other outcome.”

  Silence settled over the men as they waited for my answer. After hearing the horrors that this club’s women had been subjected to, I had no other option. I couldn’t ignore the very real danger that was now stalking me and my family back home.

  Fucking Gear and his creepy-ass friends.

  I twisted around and looked up into Wolf’s eyes. He watched me expressionlessly, his eyes ice cold and hard. He did not look happy about any of this claiming shit.

  “Okay, I agree to being claimed by Wolf. But today belongs to Reid. How do we do this and not take the focus from him?”

  There were slow nods as they looked at each other, obviously thinking about how to answer my question. It was the brother about to become my old man who answered.

  “That’s easy, Leo. During the speeches we announce that I’ve claimed you but we had been waiting for Army to recover before going public.”

  Okay, that sounded like it might work but there was one thing we didn’t have that was going to throw a spanner in the works.

  “What about a kutte? There’s no way to get something put together on such short notice.”

  Their president suddenly laughed. “That’s the fucking least of our problems right now. But saying that, don’t worry, Leo, my aunt will sort it out tomorrow. For tonight we go with announcing that you’ve been claimed and Wolf sticks close to your side at all times making it clear you belong to him.”

  All sign of hilarity cleared from his face and it became hard as stone. “As of right now the Iron Dogz, Shadow Wraiths and Devil’s Spawn are allies in the war against the Harrison Syndicate. Tomorrow we’ll call a meet with the presidents of the Road Warriors and the Sinners Sons and lay this shit out for them. But today, today we celebrate the life of our fallen brother with his brothers, family and friends.”

  He was silent for a beat before he spoke again.

  “Tomorrow we start planning the eradication of the scourge that’s attacking our clubs. We will meet at two, no excuses accepted. Attendance will be mandatory for all members excluding those on guard duty. Those on duty will be given an update by Kid when their rotation ends.”

  Looking around the room he gave an almost imperceptible nod.

  “We’re done here. Let’s get out there and give the day the attention that our fallen brother deserves. One final word before we leave, don’t let your women out of your sight. Keep vigilant.”

  Picking up a silver hammer he smashed it down on the block of steel in front of him, stood up, grabbed his old lady’s hand and pulled her up and drew her into his side.

  Wolf’s big hands grasped my hips and lifted me off his lap, setting me on my feet next to him as he stood. His big arm curved around my shoulders, drawing me into his side as he made his way over to where my brother stood watching us. He had his arms crossed over his chest and looked pissed. Why would he be pissed? He wasn’t the one who had been claimed by someone he didn’t freaking know.

  I didn’t have to wait long to find out why he was pissed.

  “I’m only goin’ along with this shit to keep my sister safe. You keep your fuckin’ hands off her or I’ll fuckin’ cut them off for you.” He snarled as we got close.

  I couldn’t help it, I laughed right in his face. That pissed him off even more.

  “I’m how old? Hang on a second, let me just count on my fingers.” I said sarcastically as I held both hands up pretending to count on my fingers. His scowl would have scared anyone who didn’t know him as well as what I did. “Oh, that’s right. I’m thirty two, not twelve or twenty two, nope, thirty two.” I widened my eyes as if shocked. “I think that means I can pretty much do as I please and you have no say about who I f...”

  I didn’t get a chance to finish because a big hand engulfing the entire lower half of my face cut me off.

  “As she said, she’s a grown woman, not a little girl who needs your protection. She’s my old lady and anything we do or don’t do is our business. I’ve given my word I will keep her safe that’s all that needs to concern you.”

  “You fuckin’ do that.” Dive growled angrily and stalked off with a smirking Lure right behind him. Magic and Breaker looked at me, then at Wolf and gave that typical alpha male chin lift and followed my brother.

  Sighing I allowed my stiff shoulders to sag a tiny little bit. And that’s when I realised that none of the Iron Dogz had left the chapel. They were all still here and were looking at me expectantly.

  What the hell were they waiting for?

  It was only when Wolf took me over to his waiting president that I realised what was happening. He was introducing me to his brothers.

  From Hawk down to Spider who seemed to be the joker in the group and an aloof Kid who didn’t smile at all. The sweetest of them all was their Chaplain, Bulldog, the man was a big ole papa bear who hugged me and welcomed me to the family.
/>   When we walked out of the chapel and into the common room there was a group of women waiting for us. Ugh.

  Again I went through introductions. DC didn’t need any introduction but I felt her cool eyes on me the entire time. I was introduced to River, their VP Ice’s old lady and liked her instantly. Bulldog’s old lady, Suzy, reminded me so much of my Mama that I felt my throat thicken with tears but I willed them away and smiled as she introduced me to her daughters, Gail and Genna with a G. Genna with a G looked like a little bit of a wild child judging by the wink and grin she sent my way. Beast’s old lady didn’t need an introduction. I knew who she was instantly. I had seen her face on billboards at home when the ballet came to our city. Victoria Keating, a superstar ballet dancer. Her greeting was very sweet and a bit shy.

  The introductions followed one after the other. I met Penny, another sweetie, she was a brother called Rider’s girl and baby mama. Slim was the sister of a patched member by the name of Buzz and Harmony was the wife of one of their prospects. Most of the women were okay with me except one.

  She was an older woman, about the same age as Suzy, and she watched me with her arms crossed under her tits. Meeting her eyes I was confused about the anger in them. What was her damned problem?

  Hawk put his hand on her shoulder and drew her forward. “This is my Aunt Beryl she’s in charge of the clubhouse. Anything you need just talk to her.”

  No way in hell. The old battle axe would explode before giving me anything. I was going to avoid her as much as possible. Fuck knows what her damage was but it certainly wasn’t my problem. If she was the one who was supposed to organise my kutte I knew without a doubt there would be no kutte coming my way, not for a while anyway.

  I don’t know if Wolf noticed the coldness between us but he ushered me away from her as soon as the introductions had been made.

  Leading me outside I wanted to go straight to where my brother and his crew were standing obviously waiting for us to come outside, but Wolf held me back.

  “We have one more thing to do before we can go next door.” He stood me in front of him and held onto my shoulders, forcing me to look up at him.


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