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Vengeance Of A Black Knight (Iron Dogz MC, #4)

Page 16

by René Van Dalen

  She visibly shrank into herself and blew out a sad breath.

  “Fine, but we need to go now. I can’t be here, not for another minute.”

  “No problem, Kitten. Let’s get out of here.”

  She grumbled angrily at him sounding very much like the little animal he called her.

  Wolf pulled her up, holding on to her hand as she said her goodbyes to Genna, Gail and Suzy and gave a little wave to the other women at the table. Genna hopped up, hugged her and whispered something that had her smiling a little.

  Dive chose that moment to lean past him and slowly draw a finger down Genna’s cheek while she stared up at him in a daze.

  “I’ll see you tomorrow, baby. Take care, don’t stay too late and sleep well.”

  Leo stared at her brother with narrowed eyes before looking at Genna who was smiling wide and bright while her cheeks were flushed a rosy red.


  The sooner they got out of there the better because if Ice, Spider or Bulldog saw this shit there was going to be hell to pay.

  Gathering his woman in the crook of his arm he led them out of the marquee, down the road and back into the compound.

  Later as he rode in the middle of their small pack with the small woman tucked in tight against his back he had to wonder at the hand that fate had dealt him today.

  If he was honest with himself he had to admit that he was attracted to the woman on the back of his bike, but she was going to go back to the US. There wasn’t a future for them at all. The US was where her family lived, where her life was. She was a club princess in a one percenter club, not somebody he would ever have given his attention before today.

  He frowned as the thought ran through his head.

  Her club was fucking dirty and were involved in shit none of them wanted to get drawn into.

  Not that the Iron Dogz were squeaky clean, they weren’t. But they weren’t outlaws anymore. Hadn’t been for a very long time.

  The best thing he could do for himself was shut this attraction down. Shut it down before it became more.


  He shut his mind down and concentrated on the road and everything around them.

  Now was not the time for these heavy thoughts.

  There would be more than enough time for that shit later.



  I was on the back of a man’s bike. I had given in to the pressure from him and my brother. If I had to be totally honest with myself, and I always tried to be, I was grateful I didn’t have to ride. I was exhausted, physically and mentally.

  The day had kicked my ass properly. First the horrific news that my brother was dead, followed by attending his funeral immediately after receiving the news. Then came the meeting with the Iron Dogz and Wolf claiming me as his old lady to keep me safe. And the weird animosity from the old bitch and the sudden freeze out from some of the women. Not from Genna and the women in her family though. They had been friendly and supportive. God knows what the other bitches’ damage was but really, they could go straight to hell for all I cared.

  The worst was the fucked up speech from their president. He made my brother sound like a good ole boy who was the life of the party. That was not who he was. And I will fight to the end to make them realise the man they thought they knew wasn’t the brother I had grown up with.

  For fuck sake. With what had been found in the lockbox and fucking left with them, how had he not realised that my brother hid the real man behind the façade he showed them?

  Trying to calm the shit in my head as we rode did not go well so I cleared my mind and focused on the ride instead.

  On being on the back of a man’s bike. A first for me.

  Well, not really. I’ve been on my dad’s bike and on those of my brothers but I’ve never ridden with anyone but my blood family.

  His back was broad and warm and I held on tight. My hands clasped over his rock hard abs. Every now and then he would clasp his hand over my thigh, as if to reassure me, holding on for a few minutes before he let go again. I felt the heat of his hand through my jeans and tried very hard to ignore it. The man made no secret of the fact that he wasn’t into me, claiming me as his old lady was a job he was doing for his club. I had better remember that and not get side tracked by his lick-worthy thighs and pretty smile.

  I never rode on the back of Gear’s bike because it would have given him the wrong idea. Hell, he still got the wrong idea but riding with him would have made it ten times worse.

  And here I am, on the back of a man’s bike and I’m not trying to jump off at the first set of lights and running like my ass was on fire to get away from him.

  And that, that right there, was what was scaring the shit out of me.

  I wasn’t running from him.

  Instead I was holding on to him like he was my damned lifeline.

  As we rode I suddenly remembered we had been supposed to tell everyone at the party honouring Reid that Wolf had claimed me as his old lady. Shit. I blew that one out of the water by wearing my kutte. And thinking back, I had been wearing my Property of kutte when I was introduced to the bitches at the clubhouse. Hmm. Maybe they took offence to fact that I was an outlaw with a one percenter badge on my kutte.

  If so, fuck ‘em. I was proud of who I was and where I came from.

  Tomorrow was another day and judging by the way today had gone I didn’t hold high hopes for it to be any better.

  The bikes slowing and gearing down alerted me to the fact that we had reached our destination. After we parked Wolf slung his saddlebags over his shoulder, grabbed my hand and followed Dive and Lure into the elevator. We silently rode up to our floor. Extracting my hand from Wolf’s grip I pulled out my key card when we reached my door.

  “Meeting in Leo’s room in fifteen minutes. We’ll order room service and talk. Shower or whatever the fuck you need to do.” Dive ordered before he disappeared into his room with Lure.

  Reaper and the brothers from the Devil’s Spawn opened the doors opposite ours. They had apparently gotten themselves rooms on our floor as well. It meant they wanted to be close should shit hit the fan.

  Sighing I opened my door and walked inside. My bag was open on the bed with clothes exploding out of it. My dirty clothes in a heap on the floor. I hadn’t been in a state to clean up after we received the news about Reid this morning. Was it only this morning? Didn’t feel like it.

  “Excuse the mess, I was in a hurry.”

  The door clicked shut behind me as he walked around the room checking the bathroom and closets. His voice was rough, cold and impersonal when he spoke.

  “No need to apologise. Let’s get you showered before everyone joins us. I’ll take care of the room while you’re in the shower and take my shower once you’re done.” Wolf threw his saddlebags onto one of the chairs.

  I didn’t argue, just extracted a pair of shorts and a tank top to wear to bed. Before I could move he reached over and removed the garments from my hands and dropped them on top of the mess that was my bag.

  “Nope, you’re not wearing that in front of the men. Not going to have those fuckers looking at your tits and ass and not paying attention to what’s important.”

  Give me strength I thought silently. But, unfortunately, he was right.

  “Fine.” I grumbled as I grabbed leggings and a t-shirt. And again he stopped me, drew the tee from my hands and replaced it with one he had pulled out of his saddlebags.

  “Wear this one, it’s bigger and will cover more than that one would have.” He growled.

  “You are so annoying.” I snapped at him and retreated to the bathroom before he decided on exchanging the leggings for something else. God, I hated controlling men, especially damned bikers.

  The shower was hot and exactly what I needed. I didn’t wash my hair because I still had my charms braided into my hair. I had clipped the mass up and out of the way before getting in. I stood under the spray and let the hot water soak the tension fr
om my neck and shoulders. After washing the day from my body with my favourite body wash I felt more like myself again. Drying off quickly, I moisturised all over, got dressed and leaving my hair clipped up walked out of the steamy bathroom.

  Wolf rose from the bed where he had been sitting and not saying a word disappeared into the bathroom, closing the door behind him. While I had been showering he had tidied up the room and put our bags away. Sitting on the side of the bed I pulled on a pair of thick socks then hopped up. I was too damned curious to not investigate what he had done.

  Checking in the cupboard I found our jackets and kuttes hanging side by side. He had unpacked our clothes and put it away in the drawers. It meant that he had handled my panties and bras. I didn’t know how I felt about that. Opening a drawer I grinned and I used my index finger to move his socks and boxer briefs from one side of the drawer to the other.

  There. Now we’re even and I felt better. He had touched my underwear and now I’ve touched his.

  “Is there a reason why you’re checking out my underwear, Leo?” His curious voice came from right behind me.

  He laughed as I jumped in reaction.

  Slapping my hand on my chest I gasped for breath. “Holy crap, my heart just about jumped right out of my chest. You gave me a fright.” Words vomited out of my mouth. “You’re supposed to be in the shower, not scaring the crap out of me.”

  The word vomit was caused by the half-naked man behind me. He stood there with his jeans hanging low on his hips, leaving the rest of him, all those delicious muscles, on display. My eyes widened as I took in sun browned tattooed skin stretched tight over hard pecs and abs. And that V, holy shit, that very prominent and lickable V, that led down to a package cupped and outlined by faded denim. He had full sleeves with a snarling wolf on his right pec and what seemed like co-ordinates on the back of his right hand. The best part though was the script peeking out from behind the waistband of his low slung jeans that I wanted to investigate, very badly. God, this man was dangerous to my peace of mind.

  I was in so much trouble here.

  Wolf laughed. “I wasn’t trying to be quiet. I walked right up to you and you didn’t notice. You were too interested in checking out my underwear.”

  I gasped in outrage.

  I was about to answer when several hard knocks sounded. Wolf moved me out of his way and pushed me towards the bathroom.

  “Stay right here while I check and open the door. Okay?”

  These alpha males were the same the world over. Only they can stop a threat, no one else. With a sigh I crossed my arms and let him have his way. The bastard frowned at me as he went and checked the peephole then opened the door.

  That’s when I saw it. Holy shit he had a full back piece, his club tattoo was the centre piece but there was more around it that needed much closer inspection. But now wasn’t the time.

  My brother walked in with a scowl on his face and I narrowed my eyes at him. Hopping onto the bed I settled myself against the headboard as the men crowded into our room. Reaper growled something at two of his men and they left the room only to return shortly afterward with two chairs each. Lure used the connecting door between our rooms to bring more chairs through.

  Once everyone was settled Dive picked up the room service menu and passed it to me. “Let’s order some dinner before we talk about today and what we are gonna do goin’ forward.”

  I looked over the room service menu and ordered our food after a short discussion. While we waited for our food and drinks to arrive talk turned to bikes, obviously. When dinner arrived Magic and Crash took the service carts and pushed them into the room then tipped the wide eyed waiters. I don’t know what they thought was happening in a room filled with dangerous looking men and one woman. Poor guys. At least they were tipped well.

  I saw my brother’s eyes narrow when Wolf made himself comfortable next to me once we had our food. He had made sure I was served my cheeseburger with fries (which they called chips) and set a bottle of water on the bedside table on my side before he took his own. Silence descended as we ate. Once we were done the leftovers and empty plates were stacked on the serving carts and pushed back out into the corridor where the staff would collect them.

  The atmosphere in the room changed. It became strained and filled with tension.

  “You’re not gonna like what I’ve got to say, Leo, but give me a chance to finish before you bite my fuckin’ head off, okay?”

  I frowned in confusion and nodded.

  “We have to play along with this claimin’ bullshit if we’re gonna keep you safe. And before you say anything Wolf, just keep in mind she’s my baby sister, don’t give a fuck how old she is she will always be the baby in our family. Your job is to keep her close and safe. That said, I know my sister, she’s stubborn as hell when somethin’ matters to her, and Reid mattered to her. We need the two of you to stay close if we want everyone to believe Leo’s been claimed for real.”

  He raised his eyebrows waiting for me to interrupt but I just shook my head and kept quiet. There would be more than enough time to jump all over him later.

  “Tomorrow we’re takin’ Reid’s paperwork to the US Embassy to find out what exactly we need to do to take him home. I don’t know if there’s gonna be shit because he’s been livin’ here under an assumed name and has been ridin’ with an MC. We’ll just have to wait and see what happens. He was a US Marine, maybe his years of service will count as somethin’ and they will expedite the paperwork for us.”

  My brother was strung as tight as a guitar string as he sat with his elbows resting on his thighs, his hands clasped between his knees.

  “Reaper and his brothers are stayin’ to help with the investigation into Reid’s death. They’ve heard rumours that the slut posing as his mother has somethin’ to do with him dyin’.” He waved Wolf to silence as he started to speak. “We’re not gonna discuss shit tonight, Wolf. I’m just lettin’ you know where my head’s at. Hawk wants us back at the clubhouse tomorrow to keep him in the loop on the arrangements with the Embassy. We’ll head over after lunch, which should give us enough time to see to our business.”

  Dive gave me a look that made my gut clench in apprehension of the bomb I knew he was about to drop on our heads.

  “The club got back to me about Gear. He, and several unidentified men, flew out on a private jet from a private airfield, no destination filed. Maniac thinks he’s gone back to New York but has no proof. What it means for us is we keep our eyes open when we leave the hotel and stay alert at all times. Leo is on the back of Wolf’s bike at all times.”

  I started to protest but Wolf clamped a hand over my mouth to shut me up.

  “He’s right, Leo, we can’t take the chance of you being separated from the pack when you’re on your own bike. You know how easy it is to do that, so we can’t take that chance.” The bastard explained jerking his hand away from my mouth as I tried to bite him.

  “Stop shuttin’ me up with your dirty great big paw over my mouth.” I hissed at him before looking at Dive. “Fine. But I want y’all to know I don’t like it.”

  Dive grinned. “You don’t have to like it, darlin’, as long as you go along with the plan we’re good.”

  I snorted. “Yeah, you’re good ‘cause you bastards are on your own rides. I don’t ride bitch, not ever, and here I am doin’ just that. It sucks.”

  “Bullshit, Leo.” Lure snorted. “You’ve ridden with the Prez and VP a time or two. Remember, you rode bitch with Maniac to that bike show in Atlanta last year.”

  I pulled an ugly face at him, he knew the only reason I rode with him was because my bike had been in the shop and it hadn’t been ready by the time we had to leave.

  “Only because my bike was in the shop you ass.”

  “I’m not the ass, you are because you said you never ride bitch. I just proved that it’s a lie, you do ride bitch.”

  “Riding with Grave or Maniac is not the same as ridin’ with someone else.”

  “It is too.”

  “Is not.”

  “Jesus!” Dive snarled. “Don’t you fuckers start one of your stupid bickerin’ sessions, just shut the fuck up and let’s get this fuckin’ talk done.”

  He gave both of us a dirty look and rolled his neck. The sounds it made had me cringing and pulling a worried face at him.

  “You need a massage, Dive, your neck sounds awful.”

  “No time for that shit now, darlin’, maybe later.” He said on a sigh. “I fuckin’ hate bein’ the one in charge but I can deal. And because I can deal so can you. You’ve been claimed, you ride bitch with your ol’ man until further notice. You got me?”

  I knew not to push my brother any further. His blue eyes were blood shot and filled with darkness. Today hadn’t been easy on him either.

  “I got you, Raigan.” I used his name to tell him that I understood.

  Reaching over he closed his big hand over my foot and squeezed.

  “Good, baby girl. I’m goin’ to get some sleep. Breakfast at 7 tomorrow mornin’, we’ll go to the embassy after. Everyone okay with that?”

  Yeah’s sounded from the guys.

  “We need to exchange numbers.” Reaper pulled his phone from his pocket. “Never know when we’re gonna need backup or just lettin’ everyone know where you’re at.”

  The exchange of numbers was quickly accomplished then Dive stood and stretched, his back clicking ominously.

  “Okay, we’re done here. Get some sleep and I’ll see everyone at breakfast.”

  The men slowly started filing out of our room, taking their chairs with them. Dive and Lure were the last to leave, but before they did I stopped them.

  “Seriously, Raigan, you need to book a massage or if you don’t want to go to the spa I’ll do it for you. You’re going to seize up if we don’t take care of it.”


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