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Resilience Page 8

by Bailey Bradford

  with him, but he thought what he wanted and what Todd needed were two different things just then. Adam ran a hand gently down Todd’s arm then circled Todd’s wrist with his fingers as he smiled at Todd. “I think you’ll be all right in a few days. Take ibuprofen, and get plenty of rest.”

  Todd’s eyes were shadowed but his smile seemed sincere to Adam. “Thanks, doc.”

  “You’re welcome.” Adam leaned in and brushed his lips over Todd’s before moving

  back. “Now go, get some rest. Call me if you need anything.”

  Letting Todd go was one of the hardest things Adam had ever done, but he had a lot to think about, and so did Todd. Adam hoped they’d be able to have the special relationship he felt they could, if only they’d give it a chance. It seemed like there were so many road blocks, but Todd had started to remove some of them, hadn’t he? Maybe it was time for Adam to do the same.

  Chapter Thirteen

  Somehow Todd found himself kind of liking Mika even though he tried not to. And

  even though he got this weird vibe from Mika sometimes, like he was somehow emitting waves of power, which was just ridiculous. The guy was a full-blown macho man, alpha to the core. Todd wasn’t sure Gabe was telling him the truth about where they’d met—Gabe had been alone, then Mika seemed to just appear. But if Gabe wanted to keep who they met a secret, well, that was his business. Todd tried not to be hurt that Gabe didn’t confide in him.

  He knew it was juvenile on his part and so he tucked it deep down and did his best to forget about it. All that mattered was his friend’s happiness. It was evident Gabe was head over heels for the man, and, since Todd hadn’t ever seen Gabe so happy, he decided to back off and let Mika be.

  Plus, he had his own personal life to deal with. And his parents. He’d thought… Well, he should have known his folks wouldn’t just let him go. Even Kaufman seemed to be in on the new ‘let’s all stalk Todd’ plan. The result of which was he and Adam hadn’t had any time alone, not face to face. Some of the texts they’d sent to each other had made Todd’s cheeks burn—he couldn’t believe how eagerly he sent and read those dirty messages! He was half afraid of what would happen when he and Adam finally did get to be alone.

  Todd clenched every muscle from his calves to his belly. He knew exactly what was

  going to happen. And, hopefully, it’d happen soon since Gabe and Mika had some adoptions to deliver. Todd was going to take care of the other rescued dogs while they were gone, and he was thinking he might just sleep over at Gabe’s. He hadn’t asked but he didn’t think Gabe would mind since he’d told Todd he was welcome to crash there if he wanted.

  He just hoped Adam would be agreeable to coming out there. Todd sighed and finished

  filling out the last report for the day. Someone had vandalised the high-school gym the night before, and it’d been a damned mess to deal with. He stopped in and told Kaufman he was done then left before the jerk could tell him to do something else. Todd’s shift was supposed to have been over a couple of hours ago and he was more than eager to leave.

  His drive was empty, a miracle in itself. Todd hurried inside and made a beeline for the shower. He was hard as stone and even pulling his briefs off over his erection just about did him in. “Oh Geez.” Todd’s entire body burned with embarrassment then, a hot flare that shot through him as he considered his cock. Did he dare? Was he brave enough? Or was it a really stupid thing to do? After all, once he did it… But his face wouldn’t be in the pic, and—

  “And I’m gonna do it.” Todd might die from sheer mortification, but he was going to

  do it! He fished his cell phone out of his pocket. Todd’s hands were trembling with a mix of fear and excitement. He’d never, ever done anything like this, never thought he would, but here he stood, phone set on camera and his dick in hand.

  “Oh my God.” His heart was going to burst right out of his chest! Not that his erection was flagging at all, even though he was terrified. Nope, that cock was harder than ever, and there was a nice glisten to the crown where pre-cum had begun to leak out. Todd gave himself a stroke and moaned, his eyelids fluttering as he struggled to keep his eyes open. He stopped stroking, fisting his shaft right in the middle, spreading his fingers so that his thumb touched the sensitive underside just so. Todd almost couldn’t quit shaking and twitching long enough to get a decent pic, but then he did and he made himself send it before he could second-guess the action again.

  “There.” Todd shook his head because all sorts of doubts and fears were bubbling up in there and he wasn’t going to have it. He was so tired of hiding, so tired of being afraid. He knew Adam wasn’t the type of man who’d be anyone’s secret, and Todd thought he was

  willing to risk hell and, even worse, his parents and the condemnation of the town members, in order to be with Adam. It wasn’t just a physical need, either, although that was pretty damn strong. But Todd wanted a life with Adam, maybe a kid or two, the picket fence, all that stuff. If they had to move away to have it, so be it. Todd didn’t care anymore and thought it might actually be best for them.

  But, for now, he had to take care of one aching part of him. Wasn’t going to take very long, either. Todd looked at his reflection in the bathroom mirror. His cockhead was purple and wet, his balls high and tight. He hitched up a leg and propped his knee on the counter then eased a finger between his cheeks.

  Todd’s breath hitched when he found his opening, so small and sensitive. He hadn’t

  been brave enough yet to stick anything in there—no, that wasn’t quite it. He wanted Adam to be the first to penetrate him in any way, silly and romantic as it was.

  Yeah, he was curious as to what it’d feel like to finger himself, but he’d waited this long.

  Todd wasn’t going to ruin it now by going there when he could have the man he loved

  touching him.

  Besides, it felt so fricking good just to rub over that furled skin. He was so warm there, and his cock was so hard. Todd moaned and gripped his cock hard for a second or two, before he blew all over without even really getting started. Once he thought he could last for a few minutes—maybe—he started jerking his length at the same time he increased the

  pressure to his hole.

  The effect was mind-bending, and Todd wasn’t going to make it for even those few

  minutes. A strangled sound was torn from him as he stroked himself with hard, rough

  movements. Every time he rubbed his palm over his slit he gasped and twitched and

  clenched all over. He added a twist of his wrist and shouted in surprise as heat and pleasure burst from his cock to his balls. Todd pumped frantically, smearing pre-cum along his length and rubbing at his hole. It was so tempting, the idea of pushing his fingertip in, but he wouldn’t.

  No, instead he’d think of Adam, imagine him covering Todd, his bare chest pressed to Todd’s back. Todd moaned and closed his eyes, feeling it, seeing it. Adam’s cock would be thick, wet, slicked and ready to go. He’d growl and grip Todd’s shoulders, then spear him in one fierce thrust—

  Todd screamed, his mind blanking then as his orgasm tore through him. His balls

  ached and his cock spilled hot cum over his fingers and onto the countertop. Todd panted and stroked himself through it, then winced when his dick seemed to instantly become hypersensitive.

  Jesus, fantasies like that were going to kill him! He’d imagined a burning pain, like he’d read about in the few stories he’d been brave enough to check out online. He wasn’t looking forwards to that part, but the idea of Adam in him, filling him, claiming him, of that growling, thrusting, wild man… Todd felt lightheaded just thinking about it! He chuffled and prised his eyes open. “Get it together before ya pass out, dipshit.” His reflection smirked back at him. Todd blinked, surprised at how erotic he looked. Then he decided it was a good look for him, one he wanted Adam to see as soon as possible.

  Which meant he needed to get cleaned up—and wipe down the mess he’d
made on the

  countertop—then get his ass on over to Gabe’s. Maybe Adam would be there already. Todd checked his phone. No reply yet from Adam, but that was okay. Sometimes he had surgeries to do or appointments.

  Todd got in the shower, smiling and happier than he’d been in a long while. When he’d finished cleaning up and got into bed, Todd thought he’d have trouble going to sleep. He’d never done anything so bold as what he’d done earlier, and expected it to bother him. But it didn’t, and he was asleep within minutes of his head hitting the pillow. He woke up feeling good, almost like a weight had been lifted off his shoulders. Todd liked it. A lot.

  The day passed pretty quickly, until a few hours before he was supposed to—

  hopefully—meet Adam. Todd had sent texts to Adam throughout the day, texts that made his cheeks burn hot and his dick so hard he was tempted to jerk off again. He didn’t, because he was hoping Adam would touch him, let Todd touch him in return. If he came, he wanted it to be because Adam made him.

  Todd was thinking about the ways that might possibly happen when he went to feed

  and water the dogs out back. His mind was definitely in the gutter and his gaze was on the ground, which was probably why he didn’t see his father until the man stepped right in front of him.

  “Father—” he started, pulling himself up short before he ran right into him. Then Todd saw it, the long, dark piece of pipe in his father’s right hand. “What are you doing?” he rasped, fear clogging his throat as his pulse shot into warp speed. Years of terror at this man’s hands froze Todd to the spot before he remembered he’d stood up to him not that long ago.

  “You’ve become an embarrassment, and an unrepentant sinner,” his father said, his

  eyes blazing with hatred. Todd wondered why he’d never seen it before. “I won’t have someone like you for a son. The Bible is clear, children must honour their parents in order to live a long life. You have dishonoured me and your mother.”

  Todd glanced at that pipe then couldn’t look away from it. Surely his father was just trying to scare him? He wouldn’t seriously try to use that! “The Bible also tells fathers not to provoke their children to wrath.” Todd jerked his gaze up then, shocked that he’d said such a thing. It was true, but not what should be coming out of his mouth when he was faced with the situation he was in.

  His father canted his head slightly and studied him. “And are you angry, Todd? Is

  wrath not a sin?”

  Todd gestured at the pipe. “What you’re implying, threatening, that’s not a sin?”

  “No,” his father replied, and before the word had ended, he swung the pipe, hitting

  Todd’s thigh.

  “Stop!” Todd yelled, trying to stay upright and block a second blow. He hit the ground, screaming in agony, his ribs feeling like they’d broken in a dozen places.

  “What are the wages of sin?” his father said. “Tell me!”

  Todd couldn’t even breathe, much less speak. He raised his hands, knowing he had to

  try to protect his head. He didn’t want to die, not like this, not now, not when he was just getting started living!

  But the pipe came down on him again, his father asking his sick questions, and Todd

  found the breath to scream before consciousness was ripped from him when the pipe clipped his head, and Todd’s last thought was that he hoped Adam didn’t show up after all.

  Chapter Fourteen

  Adam was flustered as hell. Todd had sent him some very…shocking—in a good

  way—texts, and as luck would have it—of course—Jade had decided to peek over his

  shoulder once. Probably because Adam had made a sound like he was about to keel over, something between a gasp and a groan and a panting racket. Yeah, well, Jade sure knew which way Adam swung now. The fact that he’d growled and about snapped her head off

  had to have been a big clue. That and the hard-on he couldn’t have hidden if his life had depended on it.

  Todd had sent him a picture, a dirty, dirty picture! And, after that, he’d proceeded to send some texts that were just—“Whew!” Adam swiped at his brow. He was going to be one sweaty, smelly guy by the time he got to Gabe’s, but he doubted Todd would mind.

  Although Todd was obviously going to be clean, if that text about what he’d done in the bathroom was true. Todd detailed masturbating and washing the cum from his skin and

  Adam wanted to scream in frustration because he kept having walkins for stuff that wasn’t life or death. Still, he wouldn’t make the animals pay for his impatience, or for their owners’

  impatience, either. Although he did charge more for the walkins, unless he knew the owner was having a tough time financially.

  Anyway, he was almost at Gabe’s now. Adam patted his shirt pocket, reassured to feel the lube and condoms there. He had an irrational fear they were just going to flippin’

  disappear on him or something. Stupid, because there were other ways to get off, but knowing that Todd was—for lack of a better term—saving himself for Adam? It was an

  irresistible lure. Adam wanted to feel Todd’s sweet ass clenching around his shaft.

  “Oh, God, stop it!” Adam scolded himself. His dick was already so stiff it hurt like hell to sit and drive. He was surprised he could think to drive, for that matter. There couldn’t be much blood left upstairs.

  Adam whooped when he saw the turn-in of Gabe’s drive. It was dark out, but, as he

  pulled his car over to the right side of the parking area, he could see the glow of the barn-cum-kennel’s light. His headlights caught on something weird. “What the hell?”

  Adam’s vision swam and an ominous shiver rocked him. He told himself to quit being a twit. Still, something very like panic was skittering under his skin, setting his heart to beating in an erratic, harsh manner. What the hell? It’s not like I’ve never had sex before or… Adam rolled his shoulders. These weren’t those kind of nerves. For some reason, he was fucking terrified.

  He shut the car off and heard the racket as soon as the engine was silent. The dogs were going batshit in the kennels. His fear spiked up to terror, because he recognised the frantic sounds the dogs were making. Those were scared barks. Something was very, very wrong.

  And Todd was in there.

  “Okay, okay. Stop being a puss.” Adam blew the horn, just in case there was an

  intruder. Maybe that’d scare them off. Then he tried to call Todd. When he didn’t get an answer, Adam took a deep breath, told himself to grow some fucking balls, and he opened the car door. He dialled Todd’s number again—then slapped a hand to his chest. He couldn’t breathe, couldn’t make a peep as he stared at the object that’d caught his eye. It looked big, and…and human-shaped, like…

  “No!” Adam screamed at it, fury and fear sending him hurtling full-force, concern for himself forgotten as he realised it was Todd lying bleeding on the ground. He couldn’t tell how bad he was hurt, not even with the light from the kennels. All he knew was he was screaming, and Todd wasn’t answering, wasn’t even moving.

  “No, no, no, no, no!” Adam couldn’t seem to say anything else, couldn’t feel anything other than utter terror and his fucking eyes wouldn’t stop welling, he couldn’t see for shit!

  He dropped to his knees and reached for Todd, felt wet, sticky blood. “No, God damn it!

  Todd!” Adam blinked furiously and saw the blood, the swelling, and where he could see skin, Todd was so, so pale.

  “I’ll kill him, Todd, I swear I’ll kill the fucker!” It had to have been his father, or Kaufman, but no, the fuckwad sheriff had never beaten Todd before. And Todd had texted about wanting them to be able to be together—“What did you do, baby? Did you tell that fucking useless, hateful, pathetic—” Adam bit his tongue until he tasted blood. His ranting wasn’t going to help Todd. He felt Todd’s pulse, so relieved even though it was weak. “Hang on, baby, I’m calling for an ambulance.”

  Adam did so, then he spo
tted Todd’s phone. He leaned over Todd and grabbed it.

  Maybe it was interfering with a soon-to-be investigation, but Adam didn’t think it would be a problem. Kaufman sure as shit wasn’t going to go after Todd’s dad. Hell, he’d probably cheer him on or destroy evidence or something.

  “We’re gonna take care of you,” Adam rasped, his voice hitching despite his best

  attempts to sound reassuring. He smoothed the hair back off Todd’s bloody brow. “I won’t ever let anyone hurt you again, baby. I mean it. I will pure-dee kick some fucking asses.

  Starting with your father’s, and your mother’s, and the sheriff and anyone the fuck else—”

  Sirens wailed and the dogs went crazy howling and barking. Adam wished he could

  cradle Todd close, wished he could hold him and stay with him, but he didn’t know how bad Todd was hurt.

  Very bad. Any hurt is too much for him, sweet baby. Adam’s own mushiness should have shocked him, but, somewhere along the way in his budding relationship with Todd, he’d lost most of his cynicism. He’d owe Todd for that forever, because who wanted to end up a bitter old bitch? And that was exactly what Adam knew he’d have been like.

  The ambulance pulled in the drive, and Adam let go of Todd long enough to wave to

  the driver so they’d come on back. He thought they could fit between the house and Adam’s car, but if not, well, then they’d better fucking get out and run!

  Standing back while the EMS crew started checking Todd was the hardest thing Adam

  had ever had to do. He didn’t try to hide how worried he was, or how much Todd meant to him. He was positive the most dangerous person who could have known already did. Only Todd’s father would have dared to attack his own son with a metal pipe—Adam had nearly puked when he’d spotted it. Would have, except he’d been afraid he’d collapse too and the EMS guys needed to give Todd their undivided attention.

  “Gonna load him up.”

  Adam tore his gaze away from Todd’s beloved face to look instead at the burly man


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