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Freight Trained

Page 14

by Sarah Curtis

  With the feeling of violation at having a stranger in her house fresh on her mind, Abby had no problems with that plan. She smiled up at Cole. "Thanks."

  He gave her a kiss on her forehead, his lips lingering a few seconds longer than the kiss warranted before saying, "Anytime, Darlin'."

  * * * * *

  Cole tried not to let his anger show as they locked up Abby's house, collected Lucky, and got in the car, but he was fucking irate. Enraged that some asshole had set his sights on his girl, and he didn't know who he was or how to stop him. Cole was a man of action. He wanted to confront the little prick, put him in his place and tell him to leave Abby the fuck alone, but the guy was a coward, breaking into her house and leaving shit anonymously. He felt impotent and for a man like him—a man that always wanted control of every situation—the feeling left a twist in his gut and a bad taste in his mouth.

  He felt a renewed surge of anger and forced himself to relax. Relax his jaw muscles that currently had him grinding his teeth. Relax his hold on the steering wheel that currently had his knuckles turning white. The last thing he wanted was to upset Abby more than she already was. Oh, she was trying to hide her true feelings from him as much as he was from her, but he saw it. Had seen the unease in her eye at the realization that some stranger had invaded her space, her feeling of violation she hid behind a reassuring smile. He wanted, no needed, to take that look away, remove the shadow of it from her eyes, but he couldn't fight something he didn't know, so he was helpless until the asshole made a mistake or made himself known.

  But the one thing he could do was protect Abby. He didn't need to know who the asshole was to keep her safe. He would keep her close. His poor little mouse didn't know it yet, but he'd just made her stay in his house permanent. He wouldn't allow that chickenshit fuck to get near her.

  Still deep in thought, he pulled into the garage, put the truck in park, and turned off the ignition. They sat for a few minutes in silence, him staring out the front window until he felt her hand on his arm. "You okay?"

  He turned to look at her. God, she was beautiful. Soft, creamy skin, the red highlights in her hair, shining in the late afternoon sun coming through the open garage door, full, red lips, and her eyes, a blue so dark they almost looked purple staring at him now with such intensity, such trust. He cleared his throat before uttering a raspy, "No, but I will be, after."

  A cute little line settled between her eyes. "After?"

  He didn't say anything further. Just got out of the truck, went around to her side, opening the door, and scooping up Lucky before taking her hand. He led her into the house, putting the dog down after shutting the door. In the kitchen, he filled Lucky's food bowl to keep him busy then went back to Abby, claiming her hand again and leading her up the stairs to his bedroom.

  And all that was done without a word. He had one mission, one goal. His Neanderthal brain computing only one thing, screaming it loud and clear through his head. He needed to make Abby his. Claim her, mark her for all the world to see that she was his.

  The room was cast in shadows, the last rays of light finally giving up their fight to the darkness. He shut the bedroom door with his foot while flicking the switch on the wall, flooding the room with light and bringing a cooling breeze from the slow-moving blades of the overhead ceiling fan.

  Abby had stopped, planting herself in the middle of the room nervously looking at everything but him. That would change soon. He wanted to be her sole focus. His mind skipped forward a few steps, his dick hardening with the thought of how he would accomplish that goal.

  He slowly walked the few steps that separated them, quickly reaching out to snag the waistband of her jeans in a tight grip, and yanking her the remaining distance to him until their bodies collided. Her hands came up, clutching at his shoulders, her head tipping back, lips slightly parted. Now he had her attention.

  "Cole?" Her soft, sultry voice floated up to his ears, but he didn't pause to answer her unspoken question. Instead, he tangled his fingers in the back of her hair, crashing his lips to hers, branding her with a savage kiss.

  Her lips parted willingly at the demand of his tongue, yielding, surrendering quickly with a moan that Cole answered with a satisfied groan. His tongue tangled with hers, invading the warm recess of her mouth. He deepened the kiss, knowing nothing had ever felt better and unable to imagine how it would feel when he finally sank his cock through the slick folds of her pussy, entering her heat.

  He gripped the bottom of her T-shirt, disconnecting their mouths for the second it took to tug it over her head then his lips found hers once more unable to stay away. His hand traced a path around to her back, blindly finding and unfastening the hooks of her bra before his fingers slid down the smooth line of her spine. He felt her shiver and traced a path up her arm to discover goose bumps had broken out.

  He knew her nipples had to be puckered and needed to see them, taste them. Taking a step back, he ripped her bra down her arms. He wasn't disappointed. Twin puckered peaks met his greedy view, and he lifted her from under her arms, tossing her back on the bed before following her down, resting his weight on his elbows ready to feast.

  His loss of control unnerved him as he devoured, first one nipple—sucking, licking, biting—and then the other, repeating his actions until Abby was a writhing body of need, arching herself into his hungry mouth.

  He raked his fingers down her sides—his blunt nails too short to cause any damage—until he encountered the waistband of her jeans, his fingers quickly working the button and the zipper. Scooting back off the bed and falling to his knees, he pulled her to the edge, tugging her jeans and panties over her hips in the process.

  Knowing he would be hampered by her shoes, they were the next to go, followed by her socks. Then, finally, with a final tug of her jeans, he had her exactly as he wanted her. Naked and solely at his mercy.

  Without a second's hesitation, his hands were on her thighs, spreading her legs wide, making room for his shoulders. His fingers were soon on her, slipping through her folds, making way for his mouth. Her scent was like a drug, intoxicating and fogging his brain to anything but her pleasure. He had one goal in mind, her screaming his name while he made her come so hard, he'd imprint himself on her soul.

  The first swipe of his tongue had her bucking her hips and gasping. With an evil smile, he planted his hands on her ass, lifting her hips higher, restraining her movements as his mouth landed on her clit. His ears relished the low moan delivered in her sexy-as-fuck voice, and he doubled his efforts, sucking vigorously on her clit to elicit more of those cock hardening sounds.

  Her moans soon turned into heavy pants, and her fingers tangled themselves in his hair. "Cole."

  His fingers entered her as his head came up. "Yeah, baby, I'm right here."

  She raised her head their eyes colliding. "Please don't stop."

  He curled his fingers, hitting just the right spot, and her fingers clenched, tugging at his hair, making his scalp sting and his cock twitch. "Darlin', only one thing could stop me, and that's you telling me to."

  He attached himself to her clit once more, and she lost the fight with the muscles of her neck, her head crashing back down on the bed as her orgasm hit. Her fingers tightened in his hair as her muscles spasmed around his fingers but it was Cole who ended up groaning as he felt her wetness coat his palm.

  He stood then, staring down at her as he tugged at his fly, popping the buttons. Sitting at the edge of the nightstand, he tugged off his boots and socks before standing back up, his bare feet now soundless on the wood floor as he slid out of his jeans and boxer-briefs.

  Abby, having come up on her elbows, watched the show, her eyes widening as his cock was revealed and the state of its readiness. Cole took himself in hand, tightly squeez
ing his cock and giving it a few pumps. "This is what you do to me."

  She enticingly licked her lips, and he went back to her with a growl, planting his knee on the bed between her spread thighs. Capturing her wrists in his hands, he raised them above her head before claiming her lips for another desperate kiss. He ground his chest into hers, rubbing his cock through her folds but it wasn't close enough, felt he could never get close enough.

  He ended the kiss, raising his head enough to look her in the eye. He wasn't good with words, never had to be, but as he looked at Abby, he desperately wanted to convey what was in his head and heart. "You're mine, Abby. I don't ever want to let you go, and I plan on ruining you for all other men, so you won't want to."

  She tugged at his hand in a bid for him to release her wrist and reluctantly he let it go. She brought her hand to his face, cradling his cheek, rubbing the soft pad of her thumb along the sun-roughened expanse of his skin. Her eyes bored into his, shimmering with emotion. "Don't you know, you've already done that."

  The kiss he gave her next was gentle. Reverent. Wanting to impart everything he felt but couldn't say—all his longings, all his yearnings—as he tenderly sipped at her lips, cradling her face gently in his hands. He lightly kissed over her chin, down her neck, and across her collarbone, stopping to rest his forehead in the valley between her breasts, breathing deeply to bring himself under control. Never had he wanted anything as he wanted Abby. All the championships, the belt buckles, the prize money, nothing compared to the feeling he got while Abby was in his arms. He wanted to sink into her heat, pound into her so hard and deep, they wouldn't know where one ended, or the other began. Scary thoughts indeed, especially when he knew, for her first time, he wanted to be gentle. No, needed to be gentle, so her first time would be fucking perfect.

  Chapter Sixteen

  Cole had grown still and quiet, his forehead resting against her chest, his hands tightly gripping her waist. She ran her fingers through his thick, soft hair, watching the loose curls spring back over his ears and across his forehead. She wasn't sure what he was thinking, but his silence unnerved her, left her feeling vulnerable. She wanted to see his face, look him in the eyes and try to decipher his mood.

  "Hey," she said, giving his hair a small tug. He looked up then, and she saw all that she needed to know. His eyes held such apprehension, it was hard to miss. "Talk to me. Tell me what you're thinking."

  His hands tightened on her waist. His thumbs pressing against her hipbones, and his fingers digging into the muscles of her lower back. His eyelids drooped as his tongue came out to wet his lips, leaving them slightly parted. He looked drugged or maybe sleepy—so friggin' sexy—but she knew neither was true.

  Her fingers continued to run through his hair as she soaked up his beauty. Her sex clenched as the realization hit, this sexy, rugged, naked man was all hers, for now. She wouldn't allow herself any misconceptions, no matter what Cole said, she knew he was a hard man to pin down, his past relationships, or lack thereof, spoke volumes. And as much as the truth may pain her, cause her heart to squeeze painfully in her chest, she didn't want to be with him forever if his heart wasn't in it with hers. She would rather love him from afar than spend her life with a man who didn't love her the same way back. She deserved better than that. But now, alone together in his bed, she would relish the time they had together, however long it may last.

  Cole cleared his throat, bringing her mind back from where it had drifted. "Did you know that bronc riding and bull riding are considered the top two most dangerous sports in the world?"

  Abby shook her head not exactly sure where his question was leading.

  "And I did that, day in and day out, for years but at this moment, right now, I've never been so afraid in my life."

  Abby was confused, and it must have shown because Cole issued a humorless chuckle. "I've never been with a virgin, but I'm aware there's pain involved, and the thought of hurting you terrifies me."

  Hoping to lighten his suddenly morose mood, Abby gave him a smile and said for levity, "Hey, it's me that should be nervous, not you."

  She could tell her joke fell flat by the scowl that transformed Cole's face. "I want your first time to be perfect. Special."

  Abby took his face in her hands. "And it will be," she stated firmly, wanting him to know she was taking his concerns seriously. "How could it not? My first time will be with you."

  Cole closed his eyes. "Tell me you mean that," he said with a sigh.

  "Cole." She didn't say anything else until he opened his eyes to look at her. "Make love to me."

  He gave her a naughty grin. "Your wish is my command."

  And then he got busy. Hands. Mouth. Teeth. Tongue. Everywhere. Abby's body was on sensory overload. In a daze, she still felt his loss as he pulled away to reach into the nightstand drawer. He came back holding a little square packet.

  "I'm clean. It's been months since I've been with anyone and I've always used protection, but I still plan to go to the doctor to get tested. I refuse to put you in any kind of danger, and we won't be going without this until I'm one-hundred percent sure. You on birth control?"

  She shook her head as what he said sunk in. Necessary words, but not very romantic. STDs and babies kind of ruining the moment.

  "You might want to think about that. Go to the doctor, too. I plan on fucking you, a lot and don't want a barrier between us."

  Abby wasn't sure what to make of the whole conversation, never having dealt with any of these issues before, and her mind still in a "Cole's mouth had just been all over her body" fog, so all she could manage was a nod. She was sure her brain would catch up later, helping her make a rational decision but for now, she just wanted to get back to it.


  He picked up where he left off, quickly bringing all her already sensitized lady bits back to a peak. Every inch of her body tingled, even the tips of her fingers, which she pressed into the meat of his shoulders, holding on to him for dear life as she soared higher and higher.

  Vaguely, she felt the transformation from fingers to the head of his penis as he slowly entered her. She felt the stretch and a slight burn, but it wasn't too bad until he hit against something that made her whole body tense.

  "Are you okay?"

  His hands cradled her face as he lightly kissed her lips. "Yeah, just keep going."

  "I don't want to hurt you."

  "There's no helping that. Just do it and get it over with. I think the anticipation might be making it worse."

  Cole placed his forehead against hers and said, with a humorless chuckle, "When you first told me you were a virgin, I felt so damn pleased, knowing you'd never been with anyone, never been touched. You would be entirely mine, and my Neanderthal brain ate that shit up like candy. But the reality is, this shit is fucking stressful."

  Abby couldn't stop the small giggle that escaped, causing Cole to move inside her, hitting against whatever the heck hurt so badly. Her body tensed once more, the laughter dying on her lips.

  Cole growled, "Fuck, does it really hurt that bad?"

  "Please, Cole, just get it over with then neither of us have to go through this again."

  "Yeah, okay. Like a Band-Aid, right?"

  Abby smiled. "Yeah, like a Band-Aid."

  She felt him slide out before surging back in, breaking through the barrier.

  She tried to stop the gasp, wanting to remain silent so as not to worry Cole more, but between his swift action right before the sharp jab of pain, the shocked noise managed to slip out.

  Cole stilled. "You okay?"

  "Yes, it was just a bit of a shock, but I'm fine."

  He slowly pulled out then just as slowly pus
hed back in. "How's that, any pain?"

  The sensations weren't completely unpleasant, but she was sore. "No, it's good."

  He slowly slid in then out again. Not as bad this time. The pain was almost gone.

  "Still okay?" His voice whispered close to her ear.

  "Yeah, still okay." She moved her hips, pushing up with each thrust.

  "I don't think I can put into words how good you feel." Another slow glide in. Long pull out.

  Something started to build. He picked up the pace grinding his pelvic bone against her clit with each forward thrust, heightening the sensation. She dug her fingers into his shoulders and wrapped her legs around his waist, completely in sync with each of his movements.

  "Fuck, your pussy's so tight it's sucking my dick. I'm gonna come."

  He pushed into her again. The tingles were still there, but she wasn't close. The soreness was still there too, preventing her from climaxing. "It's okay, just go ahead. I don't think it's going to work for me. Too much pain at the start."

  He was thrusting harder now, head tipped back, and she didn't think she'd ever seen a more beautiful sight. His jaw clenched right before her name fell from his lips, and she knew she'd never heard a more beautiful sound than her name on his lips as he climaxed. She was glad it hadn't worked for her, so her attention was totally focused on Cole. His first orgasm with her, something she gladly didn't miss.

  * * * * *

  His face landed in the curve of Abby's neck as he took a moment to regain his breath. He was pissed at himself for coming before getting Abby off first, but he couldn't prevent it. The feel of being inside her, her scent surrounding him, wanting her for so damn long was too much that even thoughts of little old ladies couldn't stop the explosion of his release. And it was an explosion. He'd never come so hard. He breathed in her scent, rubbing his nose along the soft skin behind her ear. He could stay like this forever.


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