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“A Song for My Warrior”

Page 2

by Justus Roux

  “Oh geez, do you flippin mind?” Anne looked away from the couple. She heard Demos’ heavy footsteps leave the room.

  “What’s your name?”

  “It’s Anne.”

  “I am Nina.”

  “I want you to take me back to my home.”

  “I can’t do that.”

  “One way or another I am going to go back home.” Anne grabbed the perfume bottles on the vanity and started throwing them at Nina.

  Nina hurried from the room. She locked the door then leaned against it.

  “She will be most difficult,” Demos said.

  “That is an understatement.”

  Chapter Two

  Alistair sat in his chamber. This last year was tough. Trying to keep the Dascon males from taking the Larmat females had proved to be difficult. The Larmat males would often fight with the Dascon males, not to protect the females but more as a matter of pride. Alistair didn’t understand the Larmat way of thinking. A female was only property to these males and this mentality was rubbing off on some of the Dascon males. He wanted to just send half of his warriors home, but Niro wouldn’t allow it, especially now with the rumors of a Larmat uprising brewing.

  Alistair was eager to learn more about his father’s clan. However, the more he learned the more he didn’t understand his mother’s love of such a man. These Larmat people seemed so much more barbaric than the Dascon people. Less interested in what was good for all of Malka and more interested in what they could acquire. Was his father just like the majority of them, or was he somehow different? Is that what earned his mother’s love? These questions would have to wait. Now Alistair had to focus on bringing order to these lands. Niro entrusted him with the task and he wasn’t about to let him down. Niro was one of the handful of warriors who didn’t see Alistair as a half- breed and for this he was grateful. When Hakan died Alistair mourned him. He could never repay Hakan for his kindness to him and his mother. Alistair could still hear the grumbling voices of warriors wanting to kill him and punish his mother. Hakan’s loud voice silenced them all and forbade anyone to harm them. Years later when Alistair asked Hakan why he spared him and his mother all Hakan replied, “It was wrong to punish a female for loving her male. Besides Alistair I knew you would make a fine warrior. You symbolize what it should be, Larmat and Dascon living in peace.” From that moment on, Alistair swore his undying loyalty to Hakan and now to Hakan’s son Niro. Niro had the same vision for Malka…peace.

  Alistair looked up when he heard his chamber door open. A smaller Larmat female entered the room. Her long, golden blonde hair ran the length of her back, her face was sweet almost innocent looking. This female had just reached maturity.

  “Great leader,” she whispered as she slowly approached him. She came down to her knees before him. “I am from the village Exoida. I offer myself as tribute.”

  “Tribute?” Alistair stood up and looked down at the kneeling woman. He watched as she began to remove her clothes. “Stop.” He reached down and helped her to her feet. “You need not come to your knees before me or give your body to me.”

  “But great leader, my village sent me as tribute. I know Dascon blood also runs in your veins, but I am prepared to offer my body for your use.”

  “Dascon blood…”

  “Your Larmat blood is tainted with the Dascon blood.”

  “Half-breed, just come out and say it,” his voice boomed, causing her to back away from him. “Go back to your village, female. I will not have you sacrifice your virtue to bed a half-breed.”

  “Great leader…I didn’t mean to anger you.” She rushed to him and fell to her knees, she grabbed his leg. “I can’t go back, if you refuse me I will be an outcast in my village.”

  “Then you will know my plight.”

  “Please forgive my words…I didn’t mean to insult you, great leader.” She started moving her hands up his leg. “It would be an honor to bring you pleasure.”

  Alistair stopped her hand before she reached his cock. It had been so long since he had been with a female. When the people saw him as the Larmat leader each village sent their most beautiful female to belong to him. And each one of these females were just like this one, only doing their duty, they had no desire to be with a half-breed. He could see it in their eyes or they were as bold as this one is and just tell him. No, he didn’t want to take a female who didn’t want him, even if his body ached to know the pleasures of a female. He had only been with one female before after he was named one of the Grand warriors. But she too seemed repulsed to be with a half-breed. Larmat or Dascon none of their females wanted to give themselves willing to him.

  “I will not send you back, but I will not use your body either.” Alistair pulled her up to her feet. He walked her over to the door and motioned for the guard to come over. “Take her to the female quarters. Don’t touch her.” Alistair glared at the large warrior. The woman quietly followed the Dascon warrior. Alistair could only hope that the warrior would obey his command and not touch the female.

  There were no weaker males anywhere in the Larmat villages. They simply killed the males that weren’t strong enough to be warriors. They didn’t use them as outlets for their lust like the Dascon warriors did. With no weaker males, Alistair was finding it hard to stop the Dascon warriors that were here with him from taking the females.

  The Larmat warriors did honor their elder warriors this was one thing that the two clans had in common. Any warrior proving his valor on the battlefield could enjoy his life off the battlefield once he was too old to fight anymore. These warriors had mates by then, if they survived the countless battles they were entitled to a mate. Most warriors however didn’t survive the battlefields, so elder males were rare on Malka. A fact that Niro’s mate Robin recently noticed.

  Alistair liked Robin, she was good for Niro and she was a good mother, though her cause to improve the lives of the weaker males was not a popular thing with the Dascon warriors. Alistair admired her resolve. Niro’s son Zenos was growing stronger everyday. Alistair enjoyed seeing the little guy when he visited the main village of Dascon. Though now his visits were getting further and further apart. Niro was coming here to see how well Alistair was doing and help him out a bit. He doubted that Niro would bring Robin and Zenos with him. He hoped that Niro did bring Demos and Nina with him. It would be nice to see Demos again. He liked to spar with Demos. Nina…he was impressed by her battle skills, but more impressed by her refusal to be what is expected of a female. The fact the Demos allowed Nina the freedom to do this was amazing. Demos didn’t care what the other warriors thought, he never really did. He judged a person for who they were. Alistair had great respect for Demos.

  Alistair looked around the lush chamber. This was the chamber where Malin and then Rasmus had lived in. Alistair had gone to battle with both of these former Larmat leaders and now he lives where they once did.

  “Alistair,” a large Dascon warrior said as he entered the chamber.

  “What is it?” Alistair turned toward the warrior.

  “Niro has sent word that he will be arriving in four days, he will have his mate and child with him, and I assume that means there will be many Dascon warriors coming with him. He also said to tell you he had a surprise for you.”

  “A surprise? Is Demos and his mate Nina coming with them?” Alistair tried to imagine what the surprise might be.

  “Of course Demos is coming, Niro is bringing his mate with him. Alistair, if I may be so bold but to ask something?”

  “Go ahead.”

  “Why do you not enjoy the females that are given to you?”

  “I will not take a female that doesn’t want me.”

  “Why not, she is offering her body to you; why not take pleasure from her.”

  “I have my reasons. Tell the servants to ready the chamber for Niro and his warriors.”

  “Yes Alistair.”

  Alistair felt his mood lighten. He looked forward to Niro’s visit. Maybe Niro could help
him make sense of these Larmat people. This year he had little time to explore the Larmat culture, he had visited village after village letting the people see their new leader. He wanted to ease the people’s fears and assure them that he was no tyrant. Alistair wanted to understand the other half of himself, but he saw himself as a warrior for the Dascon clan. Just because Larmat blood ran in his veins didn’t mean that he would understand the people. The only thing he had to go on was what his mother told him about his father. After being around these people he had even more trouble believing her stories on how his father risked everything to bring her back to her Dascon village. How he stole moments to be with her, knowing if he was caught it would mean death. He barely remembered his father’s face. The only thing he remembered was his father’s long golden hair. He was only four when his mother took him to live with Hakan. His mother’s profound sadness when they entered the main Dascon village was the one thing that has been burnt into his memory.

  Alistair walked to the door. He had to clear his head and prepare for Niro’s visit. He could only hope that Niro would be pleased with the progress he had made so far bringing these villages together. What he needed now was to train until his arms and legs ached.

  Chapter Three

  Anne looked out across Dascon from her balcony. Nina had brought her to this chamber when they arrived at the village. Anne didn’t say much to anyone. This was all too bizarre, the spaceship, these barbarians, this planet…she was having trouble absorbing it all. Nina had tried to talk with her on the ship, but Anne just wanted to be alone. Now Anne was expected to meet the leader of these barbaric people. Perhaps she should have talked with Nina and at least learned more about this planet.

  She took a deep breath to calm herself. She was here now and she’d best figure out what here was. There was a strange peace to this village. She could see it, hell she could feel it.

  She couldn’t stop feeling anxious it was more than being swept away to this planet it was the thought of failing her parents. A year of her life dedicated to finding the people responsible for taking her parents away. Now she was stuck here on the planet of huge males wearing loincloths. It was so preposterous, this can’t possibly be real. She told herself this over and over in the ship, trying to talk herself out of believing this was really happening to her. But there was no denying it anymore. She needed to find a way to reason with these people. Perhaps talking with the leader of these people wasn’t so bad after all. He would have the power to send her back.

  She quickly turned around when she heard the chamber door open. Her eyes locked with the gorgeous green-eyed barbarian that stood in the doorway.

  “My name is Niro. I am the leader of the Dascon clan.”

  Niro looked at the brown-skin female. Never had he seen a female like this. He took a moment to appreciate her beauty, her full lips, dark eyes and shoulder-length dark hair. She was most beautiful and would make a very suitable match for Alistair, though to Niro no female was more beautiful than Robin.

  “Nina tells me your name is Anne.”

  “Yes.” Anne could barely speak. This man before her was the ruler of all these barbarian warriors. What if she did something to piss him off? How was she supposed to act? God she hoped he wasn’t expecting her to fall to her knees, kiss his hand or whatever rulers expect of their subjects.

  “You needn’t fear me.”

  “How do I address you?”

  “Address me?”

  “What am I suppose to call you?”

  “Niro.” Niro moved closer to her. Nina explained to him this female’s reluctance to talk with anyone. Maybe Robin could get through to Anne. “I would like you to come with me.” He turned and started walking out of the chamber. He looked back and was pleased that Anne was following him. Robin would have to explain to Anne about Malka. He didn’t want to bring Anne to Alistair before she understood what was going on. The other two Earth women were adapting well. He was glad he allowed Nina to go with Demos to Earth, this seemed to help the females adjust quicker. He would have to keep this in mind for future trips to Earth.

  Anne could hear a child crying as they approached the two large doors. The closer they got she heard a woman gently singing to the child. This brought her comfort. All forms of music eased her mind. She watched Niro slowly opening one of the large doors. He was trying so hard not to make any noise. This made Anne smile. She stood beside Niro when they entered the chamber.

  “The female is my mate Robin and she holds my son Zenos,” Niro whispered to Anne.

  Anne looked at the petite woman with long dark hair gently cradling the child as she sung a song Anne didn’t recognize. Judging by the size of the child he had to be at least two years old. She looked up at Niro he had such a warm smile on his face watching Robin.

  “You’re once, twice, three times a lady…and I love you…” Anne could hear her father’s voice in her mind. He loved to sing this song to her mother. The gentle way he held her in his arms as he serenaded her. The way he would kiss her hand then rush over to Anne when she was little and scooped her up in his arms and sing a little to her too.

  Niro looked down at Anne when she started to cry.

  “It’s alright.” Niro placed his arm around her and was surprised when she latched onto him. She didn’t care that she barely knew this man. The flood of memories that washed over wouldn’t stop. Niro looked over to Robin. He didn’t know what to do. He knew how to comfort Robin, but he was unsure how to bring comfort to this female.

  Robin placed Zenos in his playpen and hurried over to Niro.

  “What is wrong?” Robin grabbed Anne’s hand. She offered Anne the comfort of her arms. Anne released Niro and slowly allowed Robin to hold her.

  “Your singing just reminded me…” Anne held Robin tighter.

  “Reminded you of what?”

  “I would rather not say.”

  “That’s alright. Come on let’s sit down and get to know each other.”

  Zenos started to cry again. Niro went over to him and picked him up. Zenos quieted down right away.

  “He wanted his father,” Robin said.

  “Your son is very cute. How old is he?” Anne quickly pulled herself together. She felt like a fool breaking down in front of these strangers like that.

  “He is a year old.”

  “One year old, he is a big boy I thought he looked more like a two year old.”

  “Well, his daddy is a big man. Malka children are much bigger than Earth children.”

  “I am going to take my son to the training grounds. Anne you stay and talk with Robin.” Niro started walking to the door.

  “Whoa wait a minute, you are not taking our son to the training grounds he is liable to get hurt.”

  “Nina will be there. I want my son to see his father train. I promise he will be just fine.”

  “Niro, Zenos is only a year old. He won’t understand what he is watching.”

  “Niro, Robin is right. Zenos is much too young to watch his father train. He will only think you are hurting the other warriors,” Kelila said as she entered the chamber. She took Zenos from Niro.

  “Next year Zenos will start his training.” Niro went over to Robin and kissed her sweetly then he left the chamber.

  “I remember when Hakan wanted to take Niro out on the training grounds this young. Niro is so much like his father.” Kelila smiled over at Anne.

  “This is Anne,” Robin said. “Anne this is Niro’s mother Kelila.”

  “Alistair’s female?” Kelila asked


  “What does that mean?” Anne looked at both women.

  “You are very beautiful,” Kelila commented as she sat down next to Anne.

  “Thank you, but what does Alistair’s female suppose to mean.”

  “Robin will explain everything to you. Your skin has such a nice complexion are there more females like you on Earth?”

  “Kelila, Earth women come in a wide range of complexions,” Robin said.r />
  “Really, this is most interesting.”

  “Whoa wait.” Anne stood up; she tried to keep her voice calm as not to upset Zenos. “What does Alistair’s female mean?”

  “You were chosen to become Alistair’s mate,” Robin said.

  “Alistair is a grand warrior and is the acting ruler of the Larmat clan,” Kelila added.

  “Mate? As in wife?”


  “Hey, I don’t even know this Alistair and for that matter I didn’t ask to be brought to this…planet…and I want to know what in the hell is going on!”

  “Please calm down. Kelila could you take Zenos to your chamber?”

  “My pleasure.”

  Robin waited for Kelila to leave. “I am sorry you were taken from Earth. I was too a few years ago. Niro wishes there was another way, but his people are endangered of becoming wiped out. A strange illness killed most of the women on this planet and that stupid war killed many more. The Rundals, which you will be meeting their leader Tomar shortly, are the ones that found Earth and discovered that the women might be able to mate with Malka males. As you can see, Zenos is very healthy so it is proof that this is so. The only problem is that the Malka infants are so large that Tomar fears I will only be able to give Niro one child. This will not help Niro’s people.”

  “These people are endangered?”

  “Yes, with too few females there are not enough children being born and eventually their race will die out.”

  Anne sat down on the bed. “Why me? Why those other two women, why you?”

  “Random chance, but I am so grateful that Niro found me. I have never been so happy. I doubt I could have lived such a life on Earth. There is so much you need to know. I wish you would have let Nina talk to you on the ship.”

  “I have something I have to finish on Earth.” Anne hoped that Robin would listen. Robin seemed gentle and strangely she felt at ease around her.

  “What is it?”

  Anne sat silent for a moment. “My parents were murdered last year and their killers have still not been found. I have to find the scum that took their lives.”


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