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“A Song for My Warrior”

Page 11

by Justus Roux

  “I can bathe myself…” Alistair pulled her to him. “But I do know what you can help me with.”

  “Alistair…” Anne pushed out of his embrace. “You just woke up from basically a coma and you’re horny.”

  “Mmmm.” He licked his lips.

  “I don’t believe this, there is no way you could possibly want to…”

  He grabbed her hand and placed it on his hard cock.

  “Okay…I guess you can want to play…but…”

  “I want to feel your body on mine.” He pulled her to him again.

  She could feel that his grasp wasn’t as strong as it used to be. He needed to rest not get fucked. “Just lay there.” She gently pushed him back so his upper body was leaning against the stone of the bathing pool. She climbed onto his lap and let her pussy sheathed his cock.

  “That feels so good,” he purred, leaning his head back.

  She slowly rode him as she ran her hands over his strong chest. “Alistair,” she moaned.

  “I will not last long, my female, take your pleasure soon.”

  She moved her hips faster up and down. She watched his face as he fought to control his orgasm. “Come, my male, let me see your pleasure.” Her body quivered as he threw his head back even further and roared his orgasm. She leaned forward and lay against his chest. She felt his strong arms wrap around her.

  “I thought…” She started to cry. The relief she felt that he was going to be okay overwhelmed her.

  “Shh everything is alright now.” He caressed her hair with one hand as he held her to him with his other arm.

  “I thought I was never going to feel you like this again. I felt so powerless to stop what was going to happen to you.”

  “Don’t cry…everything is alright.” He held her tighter and nuzzled his cheek to the top of her head. “I am sorry you had to go through…I don’t want to know the torture they put you through, but I swear I will spend the rest of my life making up to you for my failure to protect you.”

  “Failure to protect me?” She looked up into his face. “You risked your life to save me.”

  “I should have…”

  “I don’t want you to feel like you failed me, don’t ever feel that way.”

  “You have to think less of me. I am your protector and yet…”

  “You are my protector and no warrior can even hold a candle to you.” She could see her words touched him profoundly.

  “I want to be your mate. I want to join with you.”


  “It is a ceremony in which we promise to love each other forever, we will be able to raise offspring and no other warrior will ever touch you again.”

  “You want to get married? I think that is what you are saying.”

  “Married? I don’t understand.”

  “Where a male and female promise to love each other, stand by and take care of each other forever. This is called getting married on my planet.”

  “Then marry me. I love you more than anything. Marry me Anne.”

  “Yes Alistair I will marry you.” That smile on his face, the glow in his eyes was worth more than any words.

  He pulled her back into his embrace and held her tightly. He had never been so happy before, never felt accepted like this. She was home to him.

  Anne clutched onto Alistair. She was engaged…she didn’t have to think about her answer at all, he is where she belong, be it on Malka or Earth. A warmth surrounded her that she hasn’t felt since her parents died. Alistair was home…her home.


  Alistair knocked on Tomar’s door. A large Rundal male answered the door. “I need to speak with Tomar if he can spare the time,” Alistair said.

  “Ah Alistair, come in,” Tomar called out.

  Alistair entered Tomar’s chamber. There were all sorts of maps and notes lying about.

  “I am glad you are feeling better. Demos told me you have been training for a week now.”

  “I have to get my strength back up to protect my female.”

  “What wonderful motivation.”

  “What are you doing?” Alistair looked at the star maps. He had no idea how to read them, but he saw markings all over the map.

  “I have wonderful news for Niro.”

  Alistair could see Tomar’s excitement in his eyes.

  “Look.” Tomar pointed to a planet. “This is the planet Loma.”


  “It is so similar to Malka. The scouts I sent have come back.” Tomar gestured to the two large Rundal males.

  “There are warriors on this planet?”

  “Oh yes, but not the warriors you are thinking of.”

  “I don’t understand.”

  “On Loma the warriors are all female.”

  “Female! All of them.”

  “I understand your surprise. It seems on Loma the females are the dominant sex. The males on this planet are like your weaker males. What is even more fascinating is that there is a shortage of males on this planet. Just like there is a shortage of females on this planet. It seems like your two planets could really help each other out. The only problem is the females seemed to only want the smaller males and I am not sure if the males on this planet would take to having females who are just as skilled as they are in battle.”

  “Are the rulers female as well?”


  “Have you told anyone else about the planet?”

  “I told Nina and Demos, both of them have volunteered to go as representatives of Malka. Of course I must talk with Niro first. Robin will be most thrilled about this news. The weaker males on Malka will be cherished on Loma. Oh but listen to me rattle on. What did you want to see me about?”

  “I wanted to ask a great favor of you…I ask that you allow me to take Anne back to Earth now. I know Niro said six months, but I don’t think my female can wait that long. You can leave us on Earth and come back and pick us up when you send the other ship in five months.”

  “What about joining the clans?”

  “Demos can handle it. Besides…these people see me as a half-breed, which makes them reluctant to follow me. I tried to tell Niro this, but he won’t listen.”

  “Demos is a good man. However he will be biased to the Larmat people. Nina will help him.” Tomar started pacing. Alistair has never asked anything of anyone before, so what he asked of Tomar must be very important. And Alistair is right the Larmat and Dascon people do see him as a half-breed. It wasn’t fair, but it was the way it was. Niro is trying too hard to change things too fast. You can’t change people’s prejudice overnight.

  “I have to take Anne back to Earth. She needs to find her parent’s killers. I have to find a way to make this happen.”

  “I have an idea, but I can’t guarantee that you won’t feel Niro’s anger when you return.”

  “I will endure any punishment Niro deems worthy. I have to do this for my female.”

  “I think you should appoint a Larmat warrior to help Demos.”


  “If you choose a Larmat warrior you will show that Niro does mean to join the clans peacefully. With only Demos as acting leader of the Larmat clan I am sure they would only think that Niro means to force them to comply.”

  “I wish Niro was still here.”

  “Don’t worry I will inform Niro what has happened when I head back to the Dascon village.”

  “Then you will help me.”

  “If you can get Demos to agree to a Larmat warrior as co-leader of the Larmat clan.”

  “I will do it.”

  “These two will take you to Earth.” He gestured to the two large Rundal males. “Their ship is just outside this city. It is very small and very fast so you will have to be put to sleep for the journey.”

  “Alright. Thank you Tomar.” Alistair hurried from the room.

  Alistair headed straight for the meeting room. He knew Demos would be in there today. He burst open the door and walked straight over to Demos.

  “What has happened?” Demos said.

  “What I am about to ask of you I know it will be hard for you to accept. I need to choose a Larmat warrior to co-lead with you.”


  “Please hear me out. I have to take Anne back to Earth now. It is so very important to her. The only way Tomar will take us there is if you agreed to co-lead with a Larmat warrior.”

  “Hell no,” Demos grumbled. “If a Larmat warrior gets even a little power I am sure a rebellion will fire up again.”

  “Demos…” Nina walked over to him. “It is important to Anne to go back to Earth. Wouldn’t you give me what I needed?”

  “Of course I would.”

  “Then why won’t you help Alistair give his female what she needs.”

  “Niro ordered you to rule these people, Alistair.”

  “Tomar will explain to Niro what has happen and I will endure any punishment Niro gives. I need to do this for my female.”

  “Which Larmat warrior?”

  “Only one name pops into my mind…Mace.”

  “You ask too much Alistair,” Demos growled.

  “He believes Niro’s words. He could have killed Anne but instead he saved her. He wants peace just like Niro does.”

  “I think I see where Tomar is going with this,” Nina said. She gently grabbed Demos’ arm. “If the Larmat people see a Dascon warrior ruling along side of a Larmat warrior what better gesture could there be. They would believe Niro’s words of peace.”

  Demos remained silent.

  “These people will never accept me. They see me only as some half-breed. I believe many of them are insulted that Niro put such an abomination as their leader.”

  “You doubt Niro.”

  “Of course not, but he doesn’t hear what these people say. I have told Niro my thoughts about this.”

  “I see what Niro wanted to accomplish by appointing you as the ruler of the Larmat people. If they could look beyond what you were and see what a fine warrior you are, then they would easily accept peace with the Dascon, for clearly Niro had already look passed the fact that your parents came from two different clans. What I wonder is why you haven’t looked beyond it.”

  “Demos…” Nina quietly said.

  “Why Alistair?”

  “Most days I don’t think about it. Sometimes it is hard to ignore the whispers and strange looks, especially now that I have a female. I have to think what will she endure once she is joined with me? What will my offspring endure? If you won’t help me Demos I will go to Niro and tell him that I am taking my female back to Earth to give her what she needs.”

  “I will agree to allow that Larmat warrior to help me rule.”

  “Thank you Demos.” Alistair hurried from the room.

  “Demos, I know it will be hard for you to do this. I am so very proud of you.” Nina wrapped her arms around one of his.

  “We have endured whispers and stares. It takes every ounce of my willpower not to slay every one of them. I know how much you want a child and it tears me up to hear those idiots snicker and gossip. I know what Alistair feels like. I would do anything to give you what you needed. I am sorry Nina that I can’t give you a child.”

  “Don’t say that it is not your fault.” Nina looked up into his face. “Tomar said we are both healthy and should be able to have children. Sometimes these things take some time. I don’t care what people say about us, let them talk. And when our daughter grows up and kicks the crap out of their sons then we will have the last laugh.”

  “A daughter.” Demos smiled.

  “Well of course. You make me so very happy and proud Demos, a female couldn’t ask for more.”

  “My flower.” Demos kissed the top of her head.

  Chapter Thirteen

  Anne eagerly awaited Alistair’s return. All he told her was that he had some very important things to take care of today. Her body craved his. Every time she thinks about his strong body and glorious cock her body would heat up.

  She was startled when the door opened.

  “What is wrong?” Alistair asked as he entered the room.

  “I missed you today.”

  Alistair smiled at her then his body instantly became aroused seeing that seductive look in her eyes.

  “Please sit down on the bed and promise you won’t move.”


  “Just do it.”

  Alistair did as she asked. She started to hum a most sultry melody. Alistair lowered his hands down to the bed and gripped the edge tightly when she started to sway her hips.

  “You have to sit there. Promise me.”

  “Anything.” His eyes couldn’t leave her hands as they journeyed down her body to the rhythm of the sultry melody. Slowly, painfully slowly she undid the ties to her covering. As her hips swayed her covering slipped from her body. Alistair gripped the edge of the mattress tighter. His cock was so hard it began to ache.

  Anne slowly walked over to him still humming the delicious melody. He reached up to grab her. “Don’t touch yet.” She playfully slapped his hands away. She unhurriedly came to her knees before him. She looked into his eyes as she licked her lips then she removed his loincloth. She lowered her head down and took his cock into her mouth—still she hummed her sexy melody.

  Alistair could feel her humming vibrate against his cock. He went to reach for her head but again she playfully slapped his hands away.

  “Sit still, my male,” she said as her tongue flicked over the head of his cock. She kept her eyes locked with his as she swallowed his massive cock still humming.

  “I can’t take too much of this. I am going to spill my seed,” he groaned.

  His cock popped from her mouth. “You’re not coming yet.” She stood up and began her sexy dance again.

  His hands ached to touch her. He needed to bury his cock deeply in her, wanted to taste her, to lick her until she screamed.

  She pushed him down onto the mattress then turned around. She straddled his hips giving him a nice view of her ass. Slowly she rubbed her pussy against his cock as her hand kneaded his balls gently.

  “I can take no more female,” he growled. He grabbed her hips and rolled over pinning her under him. He reached down and eased his cock into her as he laid on top of her.

  “That’s it Alistair fill me, oh yes fill me,” she purred. She loved feeling his body covering hers, loved his hard cock pumping in and out of her. After a few moments she felt him prop himself up with his arms. He reached one of his arms under her and lifted her hips up. Her body trembled for she knew what was next. She held her breath in anticipation. She felt his teeth sink into her shoulder. She heard his growls and grunts as he rode her faster.

  “Yes, yesssss,” she purred. Her whole body shuddered from her orgasm. As she laid there dizzy with pleasure she could hear him roar out his orgasm. He slowly pulled his cock out and then lay down on the bed.

  She rolled over then propped herself up on her elbow as she looked into his handsome face. He looked so sated.

  “Why do you look at me this way?” he said, seeing the puzzled look on her face.

  “First I want to say that was wonderful. But…”

  “You can tell me anything. Did I not please you? I thought you took your pleasure.” Alistair sat up quickly.

  “You did please me very much so, in fact. It’s just that I was talking with Nina this afternoon and well…this is kind of embarrassing maybe I shouldn’t say anything.”

  “What is it? Please tell me.”

  “Nina told me that when a warrior is teased too much that well…they turn into this wild thing…you know…they have to come several times before they stop.”

  “Oh…” Alistair looked away from her.

  “Alistair, maybe I didn’t tease you enough. I…”

  “Your dance…your touches…you teased me I could barely stand it I wanted you so much.”

  She didn’t like the almost hurt tone to his voice.

he Larmat warriors don’t have this sexual frenzy as the Dascon warriors do. Since I am part Larmat I am unable to obtain this frenzy.”

  “Oh, Alistair I am so sorry.” She gently touched his back. She was unsure of what to do. She hurt him, oh God that was never her intention.

  Alistair turned around and looked at her. “You don’t have to apologize, it’s me who should. I am sorry I have disappointed you.”

  “It’s just I don’t see you like these people. You are my male that’s all I see. It was stupid of me not to talk with a Larmat female first.”

  He cupped her cheek in his hand and smiled at her. This lightened her heart immediately. “My female,” he said gently, caressing her cheek. “I have most exciting news for you.” He wanted to change the subject so she wouldn’t have to think about what just happened.

  “Really, what is it?” She grabbed a blanket and wrapped it around herself as he reached down and put back on his loincloth. He sat down next to her.

  “We will be leaving for Earth tomorrow.”


  “I have arranged with Tomar to have one of his ships take us to Earth. When the other ship comes in five months they will pick us up and bring us back.”

  “Is this what you have been doing all day?”


  “But…what about all the important things you have to do?”

  “Seeing to your happiness is the only important thing I must do.”

  “What about the village?”

  “Demos and Mace will take care of that. Now we must prepare for our journey. Tomar said we will be put to sleep while we are in the ship.”

  “I wasn’t put to sleep when they brought me here.”

  “That was a much bigger ship. The one we will be taking is smaller and travels much faster. It will only take a few days to reach Earth.”

  “Holy shit that will be fast, I am kind of glad we will be asleep.”

  “Me too.” He chuckled. “I am looking forward to seeing your world.”

  “I can’t wait to show it to you. But…”

  “Finding your parent’s killers is our most important priority.”

  “Thank you Alistair. Thank you so much.”

  “Your happiness is so very important to me, my female.” Alistair opened his arms and she fell into his embrace. “I will do what I can to help you. When you find who was responsible for your parents’ death I will kill them for you.”


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