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The Unfading Lands The Complete Set

Page 2

by Katharine E Hamilton

  Elizabeth’s mouth dropped open. “But I do not wish to marry right now.”

  “Then perhaps you should talk to Father about that.” Alayna turned and continued on her way towards her wing of the castle, her pale, pink dress sashaying behind her.

  Elizabeth sighed and began walking towards the kitchen. She needed one of Gretchen’s sweet jam tarts to remove the sour taste in her mouth that lingered from her conversation. Marriage?! Yes, she had thought of marrying one day, but not right now. And certainly not to a complete stranger. When the time came, she wanted to marry for love. And like Edward, she would fight for that right.


  The nerve. How dare his father forbid him from seeing Cecilia?! Edward paced along the cool, stone floor of his bedchamber and realized he needed to see Cecilia and talk with her. He needed to see her soft, blonde curls and sky blue eyes, her easy smile and delicate features. He fiercely wanted to retrieve her from the Unfading Lands. They had tried for two years, testing different methods, passing tokens to and from one another, but to attempt her own passage— Perhaps they should try tonight. He needed to make haste considering his father’s plans to pursue him a mate from the Western Kingdom had recently been the newest topic of discussion. Time was limited. Time was of the essence. In a matter of months, he and his two sisters would be married off to the prospective kingdoms, and his time with Cecilia would be gone. He gently rubbed his palm over his heart anticipating the heartache that would ensue. No. He could not let that happen. He would not.

  He wanted Cecilia. Only Cecilia. He loved her. Edward paced towards the mahogany bureau across the room and snatched his leather satchel. Quickly packing a pair of trousers and a shirt, he grabbed his journal, and stuffed it into the small pocket inside his brocade coat. He opened his door quietly, the rusty hinges creaking in the still night air. He donned his emerald cape and retreated into the shadows. Knowing most everyone in the castle had retired for the night, he quickly made his way down the vast hallway to the back stairwell, careful to walk in the cover of darkness and away from the lanterns that shined light amongst the halls. No guards would stand at the foot of the stairwell, he knew, for he had made this same escape many times in the past. Cecilia would be at the boundary line waiting for him. He knew it. She seemed to always know when he would be there.


  Combing his way through the thickened tree line, the moonlight glistened off of the Rollings River, the smooth surface spotlighting the moon’s beams. No lantern needed, he mused. He stepped onto the river’s banks and walked down the shoreline to the boundary between his father’s kingdom and the Unfading Lands. The river, divided perpendicularly in half by the boundary, rippled onward downstream, the sound fading into the distance. The cloudy haze of the boundary, more transparent at night, allowed a clearer view of Cecilia’s face as it reflected the moonlight. She was there. He smiled as he spotted her. He spotted a small bunny hovering nearby in a clover patch and thistles. Stalking quietly over, he quickly reached into the shrub and snatched it. He eased onto the large boulder next to the river and tore a piece of paper from his journal and wrote to her eagerly, tying it to the back of the rabbit. He then placed the small creature on the ground at the base of the boundary line. The young rabbit sniffed the air and turned to run away, but Edward caught him, giving him a firm nudge to hop across the line. The rabbit stopped as soon as it crossed. Cecilia bent down to retrieve the letter, stroking the young rabbit and softly nuzzling her cheek against its downy fur in thanks. Hoping and waiting she agreed to attempt to cross, Edward waved her forward in love. She read the letter, her eyes widening in surprise.

  When she gazed up at him, her radiant eyes filled with love. She visibly took a deep breath and stepped forward. She gently raised her hand and pushed it through the fog. A bolt of light, fierce, electrifying and bright, rippled along the boundary wall and Cecilia flew back with such force Edward prayed for no injury. She landed on her back several yards away, Edward’s heart pounding in his chest as he waited for movement. She slowly stood up and cowered in pain. A tear slid down her cheek as she shook her head. She could not cross. The boundary was too strong. Edward paced. What was he to do? He loved her. He thought about his Father’s harsh words and the unfortunate marriage he would be forced into for the sake of the kingdom. Did no one care if he were happy? He wanted to be with the woman he loved, not with a stranger. If his Father would help him find a way to break down the barrier instead of fearing it, then all kingdoms could unite, including the Unfading Lands. The people would be free of its curse! Perhaps if he crossed, his Father would then want to help. Then he could also work from inside the Lands against Lancer, overturn his rule and perhaps break down the boundary from the inside out. He could also see Cecilia every day and speak to her every day. Oh, how he longed to hear her voice. He looked into her sweet gaze and then pointed at himself and to the boundary line. Cecilia’s face changed from love to horror. She vehemently shook her head and waved her hands “no.”

  But Edward would not be swayed. He pulled out his journal and began to write a letter to his sister, Elizabeth. He knew she would be the first to discover his absence, and she would also know just where to look for him. He would wait on the other side of the boundary for her in the morning, to watch her and make sure she retrieved it. She was the only one who knew where to find him. He would figure out how to restore the Unfading Lands, whether his father wanted to help him or not.

  He tied the letter to the limb of a nearby tree and then stepped close to the boundary. Cecilia stood with her hands over her heart as she worried her bottom lip in anticipation and nervousness. His toes tingled the closer he stepped, the sensation seeping through his feet, up his calves and into his chest. A deep breath later, Prince Edward of the Northern Highlands Kingdom and of the Realm, crossed the boundary into the Land of Unfading Beauty.



  Elizabeth sat warily, noting the discomfort that lingered about the table and the room at the sight of her father’s empty chair. The elaborate dining table extending the length of the room always seemed a lonely place when not everyone feasted. She plucked the seam at the edge of her lace-cuffed sleeve and waited patiently for the attendants to finish delivering the dishes. She sat quietly by herself as dish after dish of food was brought before her to the table. The smell of the breakfast breads making her nauseous, she reached for her water goblet instead.

  “What do you mean he is not in his chambers?” Alayna demanded as she walked into the room, her burgundy dress incessantly swishing and adding a flair of drama to her entrance. She sat in her seat at the end of the table, opposite the end her father would normally occupy. “Father should not be up and walking around. He is ill.”

  Tomas, their father’s most loyal attendant bowed politely, his aged frame looking frail beneath his emerald, satin trimmed coat. “Yes, Princess Alayna. However, your father requested a stroll in the garden. He needed fresh air this morning.”

  “Tomas, you should not leave him unattended. Please see to the King and that he makes his way back inside the castle.” Alayna ordered sternly without glancing up from unfolding her napkin and laying it delicately in her lap. Tomas bowed obediently and walked away.

  “You should not be rude to Tomas, sister. He is only doing what Father asks of him. Plus, it is not going to hurt Father to retrieve some fresh air.” Elizabeth stated softly to her sister. “If anything, I believe it will help.”

  “I appreciate your input, sister, but I politely reject it.” Alayna replied with determination, her jaw set defiantly against the world. “Father must learn that he needs to stay indoors.”

  Elizabeth looked away from her sister and to her plate in frustration. She pushed the food around with her fork as she tried to muster up an appetite. The tender egg yolk burst and began to seep across her plate, the yellow puddle normally a temptation to dip her bread in, only reminded her of her childhood. Her father had introduced her to th
e delicious combination of bread in yolk. She took another sip of her water to wash away the sudden sadness that fluttered through her heart. Her father’s health was failing. It had been since Edward’s betrayal of crossing the border into the Unfading Lands. None of them had ever really been the same. Alayna attempted to fill the void of their brother by stepping into the role of successor to their father. But the transition placed tremendous pressure on her sister’s shoulders, the result usually being an indignant attitude. Elizabeth’s defiance to everything her sister recommended did not help matters either, she admitted to herself. Not that she did not believe her sister capable of the position of queen, but that accepting her sister as queen meant dismissing her father as king, and she could not bring herself to do so just yet.

  Alayna cleared her throat and fluffed her skirts to sit comfortably in her chair. “So, we will have visitors coming in all week long and staying at the castle. Our friends from the Eastern and Western Kingdoms will be arriving starting tomorrow. Remember, Elizabeth,” Alayna waited to continue until Elizabeth glanced her direction. “Remember we are attempting to establish a renewed alliance with both of these kingdoms, so it is important we remain open to the possibilities of a merger.”

  Elizabeth rolled her eyes. She escaped her father’s ploys of marriage years earlier and had finally convinced him to refrain from the pursuit of a mate for her until she was ready. Her sister, since stepping into the leadership role, seemed to have Elizabeth’s love life as her top priority.

  “Don’t roll your eyes at me, sister.” Alayna chuckled as she spoke causing Elizabeth to relax. “I’m just saying I would like for you to keep your eyes open amongst all the gentlemen that will be here. You never know, perhaps one of them will catch your eye.”

  “And what of your eye, future Queen?” Elizabeth teased, her blue eyes dancing. “Does our kingdom not need a king before they do a prince?”

  Alayna grimaced. “Yes, well, perhaps that is a just question; unfortunately, I believe my fate has been decided. Father seems to think it is in our best interest if I align with the Renaldi’s of the South.”

  “The Renaldi’s?!” Elizabeth choked on her sip of water, her attendant Mary stepping forward to aid in her recovery by lightly patting her on the back. Elizabeth waved her off and patted her chest to clear her airway and then gaped at her sister with eyes wide in shock and mixed with horror. “You cannot be serious? Why? They are horrid, barbaric, our enemies. Why would Father ever subject you to that kind of cruelty?”

  Alayna’s caramel gaze softened at Elizabeth’s concern. “Yes, we know. However, think about it. The strength of the Unfading Lands has grown considerably in the last five years since Edward crossed. As Father weakens, Lancer strengthens. Think of how strong we could be if we not only renew allegiances with the East and West, but also become allies with the South. Lancer and the Lands would not be able to withstand that unification and shifting of power, and the Lands will weaken. We cannot afford for that boundary to keep moving over our lands. We have lost considerable ground the last few years as the boundary has pushed its way further up the river.”

  Elizabeth sat stunned, wracking her brain in an effort to wrap her mind around the idea of her sister marrying into the most despicable kingdom. “But the Renaldi’s? There has to be another way. I want you to marry for love, not obligation.”

  “And I appreciate that, Lizzy.” Alayna lightly squeezed her hand. “But I have come to terms with my fate. I know what I must do, and I will do it for the sake of the kingdom. It is the best decision for me.”

  “No. It is the best decision for the kingdom. Not for you.” Elizabeth corrected with a tinge of annoyance in her voice.

  They heard a shuffling noise filter through the room as footsteps neared the dining hall. Tomas walked back into the room, followed by their father. Elizabeth bolted from her seat to her father’s side. “Father! It is so good to see you up and about this morning.” She flashed him a warm smile, the small dimple in her left cheek emerging briefly before he lightly cupped her cheek. “It is good to see you as well, sweetheart.”

  He eased himself into his seat his cheeks flushed with the exertion from his walk. He flipped his napkin from its home on his plate to place it in his lap. He ate heartily, his appetite greatly improved from the previous days. Elizabeth sat back in her chair and began to eat with a heartier appetite as well, but her concern for her sister’s future engagement twisted her heart. “Father, is it true you wish to align Alayna with a Renaldi?”

  King Granton looked up from his plate from one daughter to the next. “It is.”


  “Elizabeth!” Alayna scolded. “It has been decided.”

  “Father—” Elizabeth continued as if Alayna’s interruption meant nothing, “I must protest. The Renaldi’s are a cruel family and the Southern Kingdom has been a nuisance for years. How could you ever desire one of your daughters to marry one of them?”

  King Granton listened patiently, his tenderness towards his daughters evident in his light blue eyes. “My dear Elizabeth, Alayna and I have discussed multiple options, and we both feel her betrothal to a Renaldi could aid in our defense against the Unfading Lands.”

  “I understand that, but—”

  King Granton held up his hand, warding off any further comments from Elizabeth and causing her to frown. “That matter is settled, Lizzy. Unless you would like to discuss alignment plans for yourself.”

  “No, thank you.” She answered firmly, her temper rising within her chest and flushing her face.

  “Very well then.” King Granton sipped from his goblet as he watched his eldest daughter filter through some papers. “How goes the preparations for our guests, Alayna?”

  “Going well, Father. I believe the Eastern Kingdom will be arriving tomorrow. King Eamon and two of his sons will be joining us. The following day, the Western Kingdom will be arriving with King Anthony along with his daughter and son as well. It seems we will have a full house. No word from the Renaldi’s as of yet.”

  Her father grunted as he took a bite of oat cake. “It will be good to see Eamon. It has been too long since I last saw my dear friend.”

  “I believe he feels the same way, Father.” Alayna smiled. “His letter was quite attentive and sweet. I will have Tomas bring it to your chambers after breakfast.”

  The King nodded as he continued eating his breakfast. "And what of you, Lizzy girl?" He asked tenderly as he gazed at his youngest daughter, forgiveness of her previous outburst evident in his voice. "Are you ready for some male companionship the next few weeks?"

  Elizabeth felt her face heat as the blush colored her cheeks. "I do not see why I would have male companionship the next few weeks, Father. However, I do intend to help Alayna with whatever she needs."

  King Granton chuckled at the defiant tone in his daughter's voice. "Allow me to clarify, Lizzy. King Eamon is bringing two of his sons… His two unmarried sons. King Anthony is bringing his unmarried son as well. I am sure they will all have intentions of courting you over the next couple of weeks. You’d best be prepared."

  Elizabeth forcefully laid her hands on the table. "How many times do I need to repeat myself? I do not wish to be courted! Can I not enjoy my youth? Why do they not court Alayna? She is the eldest, after all."

  "Your sister is potentially betrothed to another. We have already established that." King Granton replied with patience.

  "Potentially being the key word, Father. The Renaldi’s have not even replied to our invitation. Should that not give us some inclination to where we rank on their priority list? Besides, would you not rather have one of your daughters aligned with your dear friend King Eamon's kingdom?" Elizabeth's pleading gaze caused her father to smile.

  "I wish that very much, Lizzy. I think a marriage between our kingdom and Eamon's would continue our hearty friendship and alliance to the greatest degree. But it is you that must be open to the possibility. Alayna is spoken for."

the Renaldi’s show up and sweep her off her feet, I refuse to believe we have aligned ourselves successfully." Elizabeth crossed her arms over her corset and exhaled in a deep sigh. "I'm going for a ride." She abruptly stood from her chair and quickly walked over to kiss her father's worn cheek. "I shall return later."

  King Granton watched her retreating back in dismay and shook his head.

  “She will come around, Father.” Alayna eased.

  “I hope you’re right, Alayna. I hope you’re right.”


  Elizabeth hurried up the stairway to her bedchamber and slammed her door behind her. Renaldi’s?! Marriage?! She quickly changed into her riding pants and braided her thick waves of dark hair. Feeling refreshed, she gazed in the floor length mirror beside the vanity table and giggled. She would never get used to seeing herself in trousers. However, they did make riding her horse much easier, as well as her lessons. She headed down the stairs again, passing through the dining hall. She heard her sister’s loud gasp.

  “Lizzy! What are you wearing?!”

  Elizabeth froze and a slow smile spread across her lips as she stood proudly with her fists on her narrow hips. “They are trousers. Like them?”

  “No.” Alayna simply stated. “They are scandalous. Women do not wear trousers. What on Earth were you thinking?”

  Elizabeth shrugged her shoulders. “I like them. They make riding more comfortable.”

  “You must change at once. No one must see you in those. Who made you those horrid pants?”

  “I asked Mary to make them for me.”

  “Mary!” Alayna called loudly, her shrill voice making Elizabeth cringe. Elizabeth’s attendant quickly made her way into the room and bowed.

  “Yes, milady?”

  “Did you create my sister’s terrible trousers?”

  Mary’s face blanched and she nervously glanced at Elizabeth. “Yes, milady.” She answered softly, her gaze shifting to her feet.


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