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The Unfading Lands The Complete Set

Page 4

by Katharine E Hamilton

  “Come, Mary.” Elizabeth stated loudly, avoiding the prince. She turned towards the castle entrance. “It looks like King Eamon and his sons are arriving. I mustn’t be late.”

  Elizabeth heard the doors to the castle open and began to trot at a brisk pace. She lifted the ends of her skirts and hustled as fast as was polite. She wasn’t going to make it in time if she didn’t run. “Come Mary, we must hurry!” She began to run, her heavy skirts and cloaks restraining her usual speed. “Blasted dresses.” She mumbled.

  She entered the main hall just as King Eamon bowed before her father. She tried to slow her pace, but the waxed floor betrayed her. She squealed as she slid across the floor, her arms waving frantically through the air for balance. Several heads turned as Elizabeth skidded across the floor. Alayna watched in horror as Elizabeth slid and stumbled straight towards King Eamon’s son. The man turned just in time.

  Elizabeth slammed into the man’s arms, his strong embrace catching her and setting her feet correctly. She gripped his forearms, feeling the muscles beneath his crisp tunic. Her heart racing from her near fall, she slowly stood and straightened her posture.

  “And that would be my daughter, Princess Elizabeth.” Her father’s voice rang with amusement as he watched Elizabeth attempt to compose herself.

  “I am terribly sorry, my Lord.” Elizabeth reluctantly stepped away from the strong embrace and glanced up. She gasped as she stared into the greenest and kindest gaze she had ever seen. She blushed at her outburst and politely curtsied.

  The man chuckled. “I could not ask for a better welcome.” He bowed towards her. “I am Prince Clifton, my lady.”

  Elizabeth nodded and slid into position next to her father’s throne. King Eamon chuckled and bowed to her as well.

  “It is so very good to see you, my friend.” King Eamon stepped towards her father and hugged him. “You have two very beautiful, and spirited, daughters.”

  “Yes, indeed.” King Granton agreed with a chuckle.

  “Princess Elizabeth, may I introduce my sons, Prince Ryle and Prince Clifton.” King Eamon’s sons bowed once again.

  When Elizabeth caught the emerald gaze of Prince Clifton, she blushed under his scrutiny but did not glance away. His eyes danced in amusement as he stood awaiting further direction from his father. He stood taller than his father and brother by several inches, Elizabeth noted. His broad shoulders and lean frame accentuated his height quite nicely. His green eyes shone bright against his tan skin and golden blonde hair. Hair in much need of a trim, Elizabeth thought, but she found she liked the unruliness of his mane and the way it brushed his collar. His pale blue tunic, the colors of the Eastern Kingdom, shone calmly and he wore them well.

  His brother, Prince Ryle, stood tall as well, only a complete contrast in appearance with onyx hair and sharp blue eyes. Eyes, she noticed, that lingered upon her sister.

  King Granton motioned towards Tomas. “Please, allow Tomas to show you to your quarters. You three must be tired from your journey.”

  “Actually, King Granton,” Prince Ryle stepped forward, “I don’t feel in much need of rest at the moment, but I did notice your horse stables. I wonder if I might borrow your arena there for a few hours?”

  Pleased with the young man’s response, King Granton nodded. “Of course. Please feel free to help yourself to any of our amenities during your stay. Allow my daughter, Alayna, to show you the way. She has business to discuss with the stableman.”

  Prince Ryle bowed in thanks and then offered his arm to Alayna. Dressed in her pale pink surcoat with mauve skirts and cream corset, Alayna showcased an immaculate feminine beauty Elizabeth knew she could never obtain. Alayna politely took the offered arm of Prince Ryle not even noticing the Prince’s pleased expression, and they made their way out of the main hall.

  Elizabeth softly smiled as she watched her sister exit with the handsome prince, with good thoughts and wishes, she prayed her sister found his companionship more pleasing than her Renaldi proposal.

  “Elizabeth?” Her father called, bringing her attention back to their audience. “I trust you read the parchment from your sister?”

  “I gave it to Mary, Father. She has promised to keep me on schedule.” Elizabeth motioned to Mary, who shyly stepped forward.

  “What on Earth do you have in your hair, Mary?” King Granton asked, pointing towards the rose Elizabeth had placed there previously in the garden.

  Mary jolted and quickly fumbled to remove the flower from her hair. Elizabeth, dropping all formality, darted towards her attendant and grabbed Mary’s hand and draped her arm around Mary’s shoulders. “I placed it there, Father. Doesn’t it look lovely? Mary has the most beautiful hair, and how perfect a beautiful rose fits in it.”

  “It is most lovely, Mary.” King Granton replied in understanding and nodded towards Elizabeth in dismissal.

  Prince Clifton and King Eamon smiled at the exchange. Clifton, pleased the Princess seemed to value her attendant, found he wanted to converse with her more. It was not every day that royalty respected and enjoyed the company of their attendants.

  “Tomas, if you would, please show the King and Prince Clifton to their chambers.”

  Tomas stepped forward and motioned for the men to follow.

  Prince Clifton stepped forward then, causing Elizabeth’s father and his own father to stare at him with amusement. “My Lord,” he bowed. “I wonder if I might borrow your spirited daughter to guide me in the direction of your gardens? I find resting outside more favorable on a day such as this.”

  King Granton’s mouth twitched as he tried not to laugh at the young man’s obvious attraction and excuse to be near Elizabeth.

  “Elizabeth would be happy to show you the way.” He motioned for Elizabeth to step forward. She did not move until Mary lightly nudged her from behind. Clifton offered his arm, and Elizabeth shyly and slowly slipped her arm in his as she continued to gaze in his emerald eyes.

  She swallowed hard and prayed her voice did not betray her. “It is right this way, my Lord.” She whispered as she began to walk towards the castle exit.

  King Eamon and King Granton grinned at one another as they watched their children leave arm in arm.


  “You are quite an accomplished rider.” Alayna complimented as Prince Ryle halted his mare and expertly dismounted. Smiling he wrung his reins through his gloved hands. “Yes, well, years of practice and lessons must have paid off.” He began leading his horse towards the stables and Alayna walked leisurely beside him, the wind lightly teasing the golden curls framing her face.

  “Do you ride, Princess?”

  Alayna shook her head. “I’m afraid not. My sister does, quite well actually, but it is a skill I unfortunately did not learn.”

  Prince Ryle surveyed the Princess’s face as she sweetly ran her hand over his mare’s mane. Longing hid in the liquid caramel depths and had him stepping forward.

  “You just hold onto the saddle horn.” He explained.

  Alayna blinked, shaking her head from her thoughts. “I’m sorry, what?”

  Before she could think, Prince Ryle lifted her off of her feet and placed her into the saddle. She gasped and fumbled for a grasp, gripping the saddle horn. “W-what are you doing?” She glanced around the stables for an attendant but none were about. Prince Ryle swung into the saddle, his arms lightly wrapped around her as he took the reins. “Just hold onto the saddle horn, Princess. We are going to take a stroll.”

  “I-I do not wish for a ride. Thank you.” She challenged. “I-I’d like to get down. Immediately. Please,” she added softly as she realized Prince Ryle had no intention of setting her down. She watched as the ground moved beneath them and as her nerves slowly ebbed away, she raised her head to gaze at the rolling hills of fresh green grass.

  “It’s quite a different perspective, isn’t it?” She had almost forgotten the man behind her. She sat sidesaddle, her left shoulder grazing against Prince Ryle’s chest. She smelled the
light scent of masculinity as she brought her gaze to his and he smiled. He leaned forward slightly. “I won’t let you fall, Princess.” His blue eyes calm and kind, Alayna released a carefree smile. He led the horse around the stable yard and then back into the stalls. Alayna felt the slight flush to her cheeks from the wind. How invigorating it had been, riding on such a creature. Prince Ryle slipped from the saddle and reached up to grasp her small waist. He lifted her as if she weighed nothing and gently placed her on her feet. She brushed a hand down the front of her skirts. “Thank you, Prince Ryle, for the lovely ride.”

  Ryle grinned at the Princess. No doubt he had terrified her, but she had quickly regained her regal composure and he hoped, enjoyed herself. “You’re welcome, Princess. Thank you for the lovely company.” The compliment had her blushing until a throat cleared at the entrance of the stable. Prince Isaac stood firmly with his hand on the hilt of his sword. “Ah, there you are Princess. Your father sent me to find you. He wishes to speak with you.”

  Gone was the carefree spirit, gone was the beautiful blush to her cheeks, all replaced by a stony face of calm and expectation. Alayna bowed to Ryle and quickly exited leaving the two princes eyeing one another cautiously.

  “Prince Ryle, of the Eastern Kingdom.” Ryle bowed politely towards Isaac, knowing full well who the man was.

  “Prince Isaac, of the Western Kingdom.” Isaac stated and bowed in return. “I see you and the Princess had a brisk ride.” Isaac strolled into the stables over to the stall that housed his own horse and gently patted the animal’s nose.

  “Yes. The Princess wished to experience a ride.”

  “Is that so?” Isaac eyed him with curiosity. “Funny, Princess Alayna does not seem the type to wish for such frivolities when her duty is to remain at her father’s side.”

  “Yes, well, today she did.” Ryle lowered the stall door’s bolt and removed his gloves. “It was a pleasure, Prince Isaac. I’m sure we will be seeing much of each other the next few weeks.”

  “Aye.” Isaac bowed and watched as the eldest Eastern prince exited the stables, his eyes shooting arrows in his back. If anyone were to win the hand of one of King Granton’s daughters, it would be him, not some prince from the Eastern Kingdom.


  “So Princess Elizabeth, tell me, what do you love most about your garden?” Prince Clifton continued to hold her arm in his as they walked the pebbled path through the royal garden. Roses bloomed on every archway and along each path. The pinks, purples, yellows, and reds creating a menagerie of beauty that almost captivated Prince Clifton as much as the Princess on his arm.

  Elizabeth tilted her head in consideration of his question and grinned. “I’m not sure I could choose just one thing. I love the feel of the sunshine on my face, the smells of the different flowers, the butterflies, the dirt. It’s a number of things I love.” He noted the small dimple in her left cheek when she smiled and found it quite charming.

  Clifton listened intently to the princess, her confident voice strong and direct. She truly was a beautiful woman. Her dark hair braided neatly in a style he had not ever seen, hung over her shoulder. The sage green dress she wore made her blue eyes and creamy complexion stand out against what seemed, the rest of the world. He could not help but feel flattered it was his arms she stumbled into that morning. As he thought about her response, his brow furrowed. "Did you say dirt?"

  A light chuckle escaped her lips. "Yes, I did. I know it must sound strange, but I love the outdoors and all the different smells that go with it. Including dirt."

  Clifton smiled at her honesty and fresh outlook. "I see. I would have to agree with you, Princess. The outdoors possess a freshness about them that relaxes and inspires."

  Elizabeth gazed up at Prince Clifton's strong face as he looked over the horizon. Sensing her gaze, he glanced down into her bright blue eyes. Something hung in the air between them, Clifton could feel it. He wondered if the Princess felt it as well.

  “Oh!” Elizabeth startled, breaking the moment. “Mary!” She turned around quickly, removing her arm from Clifton’s.

  “Yes, milady.” Mary rushed forward. “Are you alright?”

  “Is everything okay?” Prince Clifton lightly touched her elbow in concern.

  “Yes, I apologize for the alarm. I just forgot something terribly important. Mary, would you please write a letter to my instructor and let him know I will not be at my lessons today?” Elizabeth narrowed her gaze at Mary, hoping she understood the meaning behind her words. She wanted her to leave a letter for Edward that she would not be at the boundary line.

  Mary nodded. “Of course, milady. But I am to stay with you. Whom would you like to deliver it?”

  “It must be you Mary. Only you.” Elizabeth stated. “I’m sure I can twist Prince Clifton’s arm into walking the garden another turn until you return.” Elizabeth glanced up at Prince Clifton, his smile making her heart do funny things. He nodded. “See? I will be in good hands. You must make haste.” Elizabeth watched as her attendant hurried away.

  “Lessons?” Prince Clifton asked as Elizabeth walked over to a yellow rose and snipped the bud away from the bush. She held it to her nose and then continued on her way.


  Clifton chuckled at her refusal to tell him what lessons she spoke of. “You are full of secrets, Princess.”

  Elizabeth laughed. “Not so, Prince Clifton. I just prefer to remain mysterious.”

  “Mysterious?” His wide smile and chuckle had Elizabeth smiling up at him. “Perhaps if I guessed?”

  Elizabeth shrugged. “I will give you three.”

  “Only three?” Clifton glanced up at the sky in thought. “Embroidery?” The small snarl of dislike that wrinkled her nose told him he was wrong. Laughing, he rubbed his chin. “Hmm… horseback riding?”

  “No. I am quite an efficient rider.”

  Liking her confidence, he nodded in consideration. “Alright, one more guess.” He studied her carefully as she clipped another rose and added it to the growing bouquet in her hands. “It must be an interesting talent if you wish for it to remain a secret. So, I am going to say… fencing?” He watched as her back slightly stiffened, but she quickly reset her shoulders and offered a smile. “No.” She walked back over to him and slid her arm back into his without invitation. Clifton beamed.

  “I fear you have used all your guesses, Prince Clifton.” Her blue eyes held a small glint of mystery that he found fit her perfectly. Mysterious, indeed, he thought.

  “Princess Elizabeth!”

  Clifton heard Elizabeth groan softly as she began to turn. “I fear, Prince Clifton, that I must make another request of you if at all possible?” Clifton leaned down to listen as she whispered. He watched as a tall man with an even stride and wearing the colors of the Western Kingdom made his way through the garden towards them.

  “Of course, Princess. I am at your will.”

  “I must not and will not be left alone with that man.” Elizabeth stated firmly.

  Clifton’s back straightened at the Princess’s comment and his smile faltered. “Does this man mean you harm?” He whispered.

  “I’m not sure.” Elizabeth answered softly and truthfully, her soft blue gaze hardening as the man drew near.

  Prince Isaac stepped forward breathless from his pace. “Princess, I have been looking everywhere for you.”

  “You have found me.” Elizabeth stated matter of factly, waiting patiently for Prince Isaac to respond.

  “Yes, indeed. Your sister, Princess Alayna has asked to meet with you at once.”

  “My sister? Whatever for?”

  “I do not know, Your Highness. I was just asked to bring you to her into the castle at once.” Prince Isaac flashed a non-apologetic glance towards Clifton.

  “I thank you for your messenger services, Prince Isaac. However, I feel my sister can wait, due to her currently being at the stables instead of the castle.” Elizabeth firmly answered and then turned away from the man.r />
  Clifton held back his smirk as he too, turned to leave.

  Prince Isaac reached forward and grasped Elizabeth’s arm forcefully, pulling her towards him. She gasped. “I must insist.” Isaac stated and stepped forward, just as Clifton stepped into his path. Isaac’s grip on her arm released immediately as Clifton looked down at him. At 6’4” Clifton held a good five inches on the man and with a practiced air, he stepped in front of Elizabeth. “I believe Princess Elizabeth has made her decision.”

  Prince Isaac stood straight and gently tugged the bottom of his red tunic. “And may I ask who your newest acquaintance is, Princess?”

  “Oh, of course.” Elizabeth smiled as she looked at Clifton. “Prince Isaac, I would like you to meet Prince Clifton of the Eastern Kingdom. Prince Clifton, this is Prince Isaac of the Western Kingdom.” Clifton bowed politely and waited to rise until Isaac did the same. Slowly Isaac bowed and then stood.

  “Well, I will see you back to the castle, Princess.” Isaac stepped forward again but Elizabeth held tight to Clifton’s arm.

  “I do not wish to be indoors at the moment Prince Isaac, but as soon as I am, I will send for you.” His firm gaze travelled over her face before he nodded and turned away at a brisk pace.

  Clifton felt Elizabeth relax beside him and felt himself doing the same. “Prince Isaac of the Western Kingdom… it is nice to put a name with a face.” Clifton stated. “My father has asked me to visit the King of the Western Kingdom and his children several times, but I have yet to make it out that direction.”

  “Perhaps now that you know Prince Isaac personally, it will make your journey there more pleasant.” Elizabeth suggested.

  “I highly doubt that.”

  Elizabeth looked to him in surprise as he chuckled. A small smile tugged at her lips as she turned away.

  “I assure you Prince Isaac is a valiant man.”

  “Are you so sure?”

  “No, but he has not given me full reason to think otherwise.”

  “Then why the fear of being alone with him, when you so freely walk the gardens with me?” Clifton asked, noting the soft flush that covered her cheeks.


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