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The Unfading Lands The Complete Set

Page 44

by Katharine E Hamilton

  “I can fight it.” Edward stated adamantly. “I will fight it. I only succumbed to it for the sake of the Realm.”

  “That is what has us worried.” Clifton admitted. “The fact you even have to think of fighting against it within yourself is an issue. At what point do you tire of such a fight? At what point does the darkness become too much for you and you give into it?”

  Edward’s face blanched at Clifton’s words. “You think me weak? You think me so weak that I cannot fight against the very enemy I have sworn to hate?”

  “Edward,” Clifton’s voice remained calm though he could see the Northern prince’s fists clinching. “We do not see you as weak. We see the darkness as too strong for any one man to contain and fight against. It has corrupted Lancer. It will corrupt you eventually, and then where will your true loyalty be?”

  “Loyalty?” Edward’s eyes glowered at the Eastern Prince. “Loyalty?!” He yelled, storming straight to Clifton and pounding a fist into the man’s chest. “I have risked everything for my Realm! Do not speak to me about loyalty!”

  Clifton held up his hands as he saw Samuel rise to his feet on the other side of the line. “Stay calm, Edward. I am just trying to share with you our concerns. If the roles were reversed, I think you could admit to possibly having the same thoughts. Your family loves you. Hearing of your consumption of darkness has them worried. They worry for your safety.”

  Edward took a few calming breaths and rubbed a hand over his mouth as he looked around. “I understand, Clifton. I do. But please, convince them I can handle this. I will fight to my death for my father’s realm. I do not want Alayna or Elizabeth questioning my loyalties to them. I only wish for them to be free of Lancer’s threat, and if allowing the darkness to enter me weakens Lancer and aids the Realm, then so be it. I am willing to risk my life for the sake of the Realm.”

  The two princes considered one another a moment. Clifton gave a curt nod. “Alright. I will speak favorably of your sacrifice. But you must know I still do not agree the darkness is a tool we must utilize. I like that Lancer is weakened, but we must not use the darkness for our own gain. It remains in you for the sole purpose of weakening Lancer and that is it.”

  Edward released a relaxed smile. “Deal. Thank you, Cliff.”

  The two men shook hands and Clifton waved to Samuel that all was well. “Now tell me, how are other things?”

  Edward eased onto a log and waved his hand over the clearing. “They are well. The Uniters have grown to great numbers. It is getting harder to keep their motives secret. I fear if we should have any more cross or convert Lancer will find us out. Any idea when the Realm plans to act?”

  “No. There are still too many uncertainties. However, Alayna has recently discovered that objects may now pass through the boundary line as well.”

  “Objects?” Edward asked.

  “Yes. Rocks in particular. But if rocks can cross—”

  “Then weapons can cross.” Edward finished with a slight edge of anticipation in his voice. “Would the Realm be able to provide weapons to the Uniters?”

  “We have not discussed that possibility yet.” Clifton continued. “As of right now we are still getting used to the idea that battle is even possible. Honestly we haven’t even thought about utilizing the Uniters.”

  “That’s what we are here for.” Edward replied automatically. “We serve the Realm. Should you need an army on the inside, we are here.”

  Clifton stood and slowly walked back towards the boundary line. “I will make note of it and bring it up at the next council meeting. Our time of reprieve may be short-lived.”

  “Also,” Edward added. “Lancer wishes for me to investigate the reasons behind his weakening power. I am to spy on the Realm for him. He has given me permission to patrol the boundary and converse with you all. When he faced Alayna, he did not like that he could not speak to her and see what was on her mind. I am to find out.”

  “I see. Well perhaps we can utilize that role of yours as well.”

  “Is there anything I can tell him?” Edward asked.

  Clifton pondered a moment and then a small smirk tugged at his lips. “Yes. Tell him we have found out his origins and that King Abner has been most informative.”

  “Abner? As in Abner’s Realm?” Edward asked the name causing slight recognition to surface within his eyes.

  “Yes. Prince Isaac visited and found that Abner’s Realm is where Lancer originally resided. I do not know more than that just yet but see how he reacts to that news. Isaac is to explain his visit tonight at the council meeting. I will bring you more information as I receive it.”

  “Lancer has not spoken of Abner before, so I will see what I can find out. Gauge his reaction to the name.”

  “Good.” Clifton nodded. “Until tomorrow, Prince.” They bowed towards one another and Clifton crossed back into the Realm. With a final wave, he and Samuel made their way out of Elizabeth’s clearing.


  Clifton and Samuel emerged back in the castle and wound their way to the conservatory. Alayna stood immediately. “Well, how was he?” She rushed towards them eager for a response.

  “He is fine.” Clifton stated, his gaze searching the room for Elizabeth.

  “She is in the gardens.” Isaac reported, knowing full well the look in Clifton’s eyes. Clifton nodded his direction in thanks.

  “I wish for a full report this evening.”

  Clifton bowed towards Alayna in acknowledgment. “Aye, and you shall have one. If you will excuse me?”

  He hurried towards the exit and out to the gardens in search of his wife.

  “Was Edward really well, Samuel?” Alayna asked, her worried expression ceasing when he nodded.

  “Yes, my Lady. He and the prince conversed for quite some time. Prince Clifton assured me that as of right now Edward seems to be immune to the darkness within him.”

  Alayna placed a hand over her heart in relief. “Oh, that is good news.”

  “Indeed.” Melody agreed.

  Samuel seated himself next to Isaac across from Melody and smiled shyly in greeting. Alayna and Isaac exchanged knowing glances and attempted to hide their own grins.

  “Is your father well this morning?” Samuel asked.

  Melody nodded. “Yes. He is answering a few letters from the west and shall join us shortly after.”

  “Is Princess Elizabeth well this morning?”

  “She is.” Alayna added. “She just wished for some time alone, as is her old habit.” Alayna turned and glanced out the window and spotted Clifton walking towards Elizabeth’s back as she sat on a bench in the rose gardens. A heavy sigh escaped her as she prayed her sister would receive his interruption kindly. After Elizabeth’s outburst in the council meeting over their father’s letter, she hoped Elizabeth could forgive Clifton for his added care.


  “I thought I might find you out here.” Clifton’s melodic voice filtered over Elizabeth and had her face breaking into a welcoming smile.

  “And I was anxiously awaiting your return. How was Edward?”

  Clifton eased onto the bench beside her and immediately wound his hand with hers as he nodded a brief greeting towards Mary.

  “He seemed well enough, though I will admit my concern for him still lingers.”

  Elizabeth studied her husband’s face and the keen sense of awareness in his eyes as he stared ahead at the gardens. “You are worried.” She confirmed.

  Breaking his reverie, Clifton turned towards her and forced a smile. “I am sorry, love, but yes, I am. I fear he may have good intentions, but none of us know the true strength of this darkness and the power it holds. I am worried. For all of us.”

  “You are a good man.” Elizabeth lightly kissed his jawline and brushed her fingers over his forehead to swipe away his unruly hair.

  “I am glad you think so.” Clifton added.

  “I do think so.” Elizabeth stated adamantly, making him smile. “And on that note, I
wish to apologize to you.”

  “Apologize? Whatever for?”

  “My behavior towards you in the council meeting.”

  “Ah.” He nodded as if remembering the scenario and Elizabeth felt her cheeks blush at the thought of her ghastly behavior.

  “I truly am sorry for lashing out the way I did. I was unreasonable. I should never have demanded my letter from you, especially in front of everyone. I appreciate you giving it to me despite my behavior.”

  Clifton peered into her pale blue eyes and saw the depth of her regret and he nodded. “I will admit, Elizabeth, I was taken aback and slightly disappointed. However, consider it forgotten. I should have given the letter to you as soon as you awoke.”

  “No. I think you were in the right.”

  His brows rose at that statement and had her slightly giggling at his reaction. “What I mean is, I think you did have my best interests at heart, and you were right to protect me from my own stubbornness. I know that whatever lies in this letter will strike a fire within my bones and make me wish to hop to the Realm’s defenses immediately. I couldn’t very well do that whilst bedridden, now could I?”

  “But you would have tried.” He added.

  “Exactly.” Elizabeth agreed. “I am glad you know me so well, Clifton, and that you protect me even when I do not realize I need it.”

  Clifton leaned back against the bench, his demeanor relaxing, and the worry etched onto his face eased. Elizabeth leaned against him and he gently brushed his fingers over her shoulder as he draped his arm around her.

  “So, speaking of this letter.” He invited. “Have you read it?”


  “No?” His flabbergasted expression made her laugh.

  “I wish to read it together.”

  Clifton studied her a moment and then kissed her softly, but passionately. “Thank you, love, for considering me.”

  Elizabeth held the letter out to him and he delicately unfolded the parchment, his finger sliding under her father’s wax seal and the page unfolding. “Read it.” She said softly, her voice already clouding with tears at the sight of her father’s handwriting.

  Clifton cleared his throat and began to read.

  My Dearest Lizzy,

  Oh my dear Lizzy how I will miss you and your smiling face. I pray this letter finds you in good spirits. I know Clifton will have given it to you, for he is honorable. I thank the stars in heaven you will be loved by such a man.

  I have also left a letter for Alayna, for which I hope will benefit her as I hope this letter will benefit you. You are on a new path, my dear. A path to be queen, a path we never expected for you. I have no doubts that you and Prince Clifton will serve the Eastern Kingdom well and be a loving king and queen, so I will not waste precious time on such subjects.

  I wish to write to you about your role in this Realm. Yes, it is changing, but I also wish to tell you to never change, my Elizabeth. Your strength has made this Realm stronger than you realize. Your love for the other kingdoms and the good you see in all of them will only help our Realm. Your very belief in someone’s character has caused a change in the West that will forever shape their future king. Your hope and belief in Samuel makes him stronger as well. Your faith in him encourages him to believe in himself, Elizabeth. Please continue to remain strong in your belief of a greater Realm and the goodness in others. For goodness is what our Realm needs most. Be watchful of your interactions with The Unfading Lands. I know you and Edward have a special kinship, but please, do not be blind to the Lands behind him. They are an ever-increasing threat. I pray your brother remains strong, however, I wish it most for you. You have a vital role to play in the days to come.

  Use your intuition. Use your sense of right and wrong. And use your friends where they are strongest. You see things in people that no one else does, Lizzy. Encourage Alayna to recognize those same strengths in them. She will need your help, Elizabeth. She will need your encouragement for her own strength as well. I know you will serve the Realm with your entire heart and being, and I am thankful you have found a man who will do the same. Lancer is a fool if he believes our Realm to be weak. For how can it be if we have people like you?

  I love you, my dear. I love you for your courage, your heart, and your strength.

  Your Father

  Elizabeth swiped her fingers under her eyes to claim the escaped tears as she sniffled. Clifton hugged her to his chest and lightly kissed her hair. “I agree with everything he says.” He whispered softly. “You are one of our Realm’s biggest strengths.”

  “I just wish he were still here. I know that is selfish, considering he was in so much pain, but I still wish it so.”

  Clifton gently rubbed her shoulder. “I know, love. I wish I had gotten to know him better. But we must not dwell on things we cannot change. Instead, we can only focus on what your father taught us and showed us.”

  “You’re right.” Elizabeth agreed. “I think he would agree that we must all hold tight to one another and be there for each other. I fear the Realm has yet to see true battles just yet. But I sense them on the horizon.”

  “Aye, me too.”

  Elizabeth turned to Clifton and gently cupped his face. “I try not to worry for you. I know you are strong and smart, but I still fear something happening to you.”

  He smiled tenderly and removed her hands and held them tightly in his own. “Do not worry about what has yet to come. We must not fear the future. We must prepare for it. The more we prepare, the better our chances of success, right?”

  “Of course.” Elizabeth nodded with a sad smile that Clifton attempted to erase with a delicate kiss.

  He pulled away at the sound of trumpets from the front of the castle. “Those are Eastern trumpets.” He said. “My father must be arriving.” He reached down to Elizabeth and she clasped his hand. She slowly rose to stand on her one foot and Clifton scooped her into his arms with little effort. Sighing, she nuzzled her head against his shoulder in content happiness as he carried her back into the castle to greet King Eamon.


  “My goodness is it not a blessed day indeed to see such a beautiful face?” King Eamon stepped towards Alayna and hugged her tightly. “It is good to see you, my dear. How are you holding up?”

  Alayna smiled. “I’m doing well. Your son has made sure of that.” She waved a hand towards an approaching Ryle and her heart flipped at the joy on the Captain’s face at seeing his father. No doubt Ryle had missed his family, she thought.

  “I believe you become more of a Captain every time I see you.” Eamon complimented as he slapped his hand on Ryle’s back after releasing him from a warm embrace.

  “Aye, I am doing my best, Father.”

  “I know you are.” King Eamon assured him as he moved onto the next person and continued his greetings. His eyes fell upon Elizabeth warmly and he hugged her tenderly as he did the same to Clifton. “Though everyone had just left, I feel as if it has been ages.” Eamon reported. He waved towards his carriage. “I must admit I had a stow away. He insisted on checking upon you, my dear.” Arnos stepped from the carriage and Elizabeth smiled. “I suppose we will forgive him this once.” She grinned as Arnos bowed.

  Alayna stepped forward. “Mr. Arnos, welcome to the Northern Kingdom. Your efforts and skills in saving my sister have not gone unnoticed. You are most welcome in our kingdom.”

  Arnos lightly flushed as he bowed to the future queen. “Thank you, Your Highness.”

  Ryle smiled at the old man as he followed several servants into the castle. “We are all under one roof again, Alayna, how do you feel?”

  Alayna turned towards him, her face glowing from the sunlight and sheer joy. “I am most happy.” She admitted softly, her eyes searching his. Ryle lightly brushed his fingertip over her cheek as he smiled, their eyes holding. Alayna felt her knees weaken as Ryle stepped closer to her. A throat cleared and had her hopping back quickly. Her smile transforming into a forced expression as she quickly gathered
her skirts and swished into the castle behind the others. Ryle shot an annoyed glance at Prince Isaac who leaned casually against the entry stairwell. “Do you not have anything better to do?” Ryle asked in irritation.

  “Not at all. I have yet to find anything to amuse me today until just now.” Isaac bantered, sauntering into the castle and leaving the former prince standing baffled on the stairs.

  Ryle entered to a bustling castle. Yes, his father had arrived, and with him a new wave of servants and attendants working to find their place amongst the Northern Kingdom’s staff. He followed voices into the conservatory as Eamon’s eyes widened. “Lancer can no longer cross? My goodness, what news.”

  “We have saved much of our discussion for your arrival, Father.” Clifton stated. “Tonight’s council meeting will be quite informative to you and we hope, to us as well.”

  Eamon nodded. “Yes, well, it sounds like there is much to discuss. Anthony, how goes the West?”

  “Ah, good.” Anthony stated. “We have recovered from the battles well enough and are working towards establishing a potential future queen for Isaac.”

  Eamon’s brows rose as he turned towards Prince Isaac. The young prince smirked and shrugged his shoulders. “I see.” Eamon stated. “Well I wish you the best in your search, Prince Isaac.”

  “Thank you, my Lord.”

  “It would seem I have missed much.” Eamon continued. “I do hope we can all catch up, but first, I believe I will fetch some rest from my journey and then meet you all at the dinner table.” He walked around the circle, hugging his sons and Elizabeth. He bowed to the remaining crowd and exited the room.

  “Do you suppose he will be up for tonight’s council meeting?” Elizabeth asked Clifton quietly.

  He leaned down to hear and lightly brushed his hand over her soft, dark hair. “He has no choice.”

  “Yes, but I hope we do not come on too strong asking about his past.”

  Clifton smiled tenderly as he swiped his finger over her worried brow. “Do not fret. He is a king. He has been through tougher situations than a heated conversation.”


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