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The Unfading Lands The Complete Set

Page 49

by Katharine E Hamilton

  Clifton chuckled as Elizabeth stuck her hand out for Isaac to shake in agreement of their challenge. “Indeed.” She said with amusement.


  Alayna paced. Her emerald silk dress dragging behind her as she turned from one end of her chamber toward the other. “You must hold still, your Grace.” Jessa’s voice held a slight warning as she tried to lift the train to Alayna’s formal gown so the future queen would not trip. “We must add your cape now. It is only a matter of time before King Anthony retrieves you for the ceremony.”

  Alayna paused, her nerves evident as she nodded stoically. She fingered her father’s letter in her left hand and briefly brought it up to her heart. A knock sounded on her door and Elizabeth poked her head into the room. Her sister walked inside with a slow grace, dressed in her Eastern colors of formality and gasped. “Alayna! You look stunning!”

  Alayna turned and found the smiling face of her younger sister staring at her proudly. “Father would be so proud of you, Alayna.”

  Alayna’s lips softened into a sad smile. “I wish he was here.”

  Sympathy flashed across Elizabeth’s soft face as she smiled. “Me too. We all do. But he is here in spirit.” She lightly squeezed Alayna’s hand and felt the letter. She pulled it from her sister’s grasp and felt the sweaty parchment. “I carry mine with me too.” Elizabeth reached into her cape pocket and withdrew her own letter. “We carry him with us. His strength. His encouragement.” She grinned as she slipped Alayna’s back into her hand. “I know you are nervous, Sister, but you are going to be a wonderful queen. This is the role you were always meant to fill.”

  Alayna shook her head. “No, it is Edward’s position. I am just a substitute.”

  “No. You are not.” Elizabeth stated firmly and led her sister to the chaise lounge to sit. “Look at me, Alayna.” She ordered. “You must stop second guessing yourself. No one else does. You were meant to have the role as queen. You are the one that is here, not Edward. Edward made his choice, now it is time to make yours. Are you going to lock yourself in your room and skirt away from your duty to this kingdom? Or are you going to raise your chin up, look destiny straight in the eye and meet this new role head on?”

  Alayna’s lips tilted in a small smile. “You honestly think I can do this, don’t you?”

  “I imagine I would be quite vocal if I did not, don’t you?” Elizabeth teased. “But yes, I do believe you are ready for this. And I also think there is no better person than you for such a time as this.” Elizabeth lightly squeezed her hand. “Now, I am going to let you finish dressing and I will go scrounge up my husband and make sure he is ready as well. We are all supportive of you, Alayna. Please remember that.”

  “I will.” She accepted the light kiss to her hair as Elizabeth walked away. She choked back her tears as she felt Jessa tie her cape around her neck and lightly place her tiara upon her head. She studied her face in the mirror. Golden hair, brown eyes and soft lips. She tilted her head and watched as her crown slightly slid. She reached up and adjusted the pin. This would be the last day she would wear her crown as princess. She would soon wear the crown that belonged to her mother. The crown of the queen. She lifted her shoulders and straightened her posture. Alayna, Queen of the Northern Highlands and of the Realm. She shrank back into her chair. Even the title weighed heavily upon her shoulders. She could do this, she told herself. Everyone was counting on her. The Realm was counting on her. She stood and softly brushed the wrinkles from her emerald silk dress, the heavy layers of lush fabrics glistening in the lantern light. The dress was beautiful, she thought, finer than anything she had worn before. But the symbol it represented had yet to rest comfortable upon her. Taking a deep breath and one last glance in the mirror, Alayna made her way to her chamber doors and slipped into the great hall to an awaiting King Anthony.

  He smiled as she accepted his arm to walk down the main staircase. She heard the voices of the villagers, those that were able to find a lucky spot within the castle for the ceremony. She rounded the corner and Ryle stood at attention at the bottom of the stairs. When his gaze found hers, she smiled shyly. She felt him studying her, every inch of her, and she wished she could read his thoughts as he obediently followed behind her and King Anthony. She felt his eyes upon her and hoped she did not trip or stumble under the load of heavy fabrics. She rounded the columns of the main hall and stood where Elizabeth had stood not long ago for her wedding. Only this march was to be queen. As she began her walk with King Anthony, everyone bowed as she went, the feeling odd and unfamiliar to her as she wished to tell them to rise and not to kneel. She was just a princess, but deep down a sense of calm washed over her as the sight of the throne, her father’s throne, appeared before her. King Eamon stood at attention and held her mother’s crown on an ornate pillow in his hands. Ryle moved from behind her and stood to the right of the throne and Elizabeth and Clifton stood to the left along with Isaac, Melody, and Samuel. She smiled at each of them before stepping onto the lowest step of the pedestal and bowed before King Eamon. She remained on her knees as he began the recitation of the king’s oath and the promises she must keep.

  “You may rise, Princess Alayna.” He ordered.

  She slowly rose to her feet with the help of two attendants and stood before him. He lifted the crown and held it above her head. “Do you swear your life and allegiance to the servitude of this Realm? Do you promise to lead with courage, dignity, and respect? And most of all, do you vow to honor the people as they will equally honor you?”

  “I do.” She stated confidently, though her insides were tied, no, more than tied in knots, more like constricted by a snake, she took a deep breath as she felt her old tiara disappear and appear in Elizabeth’s hands as King Eamon gently placed her mother’s crown on her head. The weight surprising but not unnoticed as she gracefully accepted the responsibility it demanded.

  “Queen Alayna of the Northern Highlands and of the Realm.” King Eamon’s voice carried throughout the great hall as cheers erupted and she turned to face her people. She noticed Elizabeth crying as she clapped and smiled and as Ryle stepped up to help her down the steps, she tightly clutched his arm, so he would not leave her to walk alone. He looked down at her and her imploring expression and nodded in understanding as he began leading her down the center aisle to accept accolades from the villagers. When they had circled into the quiet conservatory awaiting the rest of their family and friends, Alayna finally exhaled and sighed.

  “You did great.” Ryle complimented. She still held onto his arm and turned to face him.

  “I felt that I might vomit if I had to speak any more than I did.” The sudden honest outburst had Ryle laughing and Alayna blushing. “I am sorry, that was not supposed to come out.”

  He grinned as he brushed his knuckle over her cheek. “It just makes you more endearing, Queen Alayna.”

  “Please do not call me that.” She cringed at the thought of Ryle having to be so formal, but knew it was only in respect of his position.

  “It is what you are now.” He replied softly.

  “I know. I just—”

  “Just what?”

  “I just wish for us to have a familiarity between us. You are my Captain, and we should be friends.”

  “But you are my queen as well. Your position demands respect and I intend to give it.” Confusion clouded his face as she shook her head in disagreement. “Not from you, Ryle. You hear me?”

  His blue eyes held her gaze a moment longer and then he lightly bent his head and claimed her lips in a soft kiss. Alayna melted against him as she felt her hands slide up his strong arms and encircle his neck as he moved his lips over hers. He pulled away slowly, his gaze heated and torn. “I apologize, my Queen.” The gruffness of his voice belied the look in his eyes and Alayna briefly closed her own. She took a step back. “Do not apologize.”

  He grabbed her hand and brushed a thumb over her knuckles. “I do care for you, Alayna. I hope you know that.”

nbsp; “I do.”

  “Good. But we must remember our roles now.”

  “I am Queen and you are my Captain.”

  “Indeed. And a Captain does not belong with a Queen.”

  His last statement hung in the air as disappointment settled upon Alayna’s heart at the frustrating rejection. Voices carried into the room as Elizabeth swooped in and hugged her tightly. She lightly touched Alayna’s crown and squealed. “It’s so beautiful on you, Sister!”

  “Thank you.” Alayna replied softly, her gaze following Ryle as he stepped out of the way and allowed others to congratulate her. Katarina bowed before her and smiled. “You are the most beautiful queen I believe I have ever beheld.”

  Alayna smiled at the sweet princess and thanked her as she felt others pulling her in different conversations and directions. She continued to dash quick glances towards Ryle as he circled the room as well, her inattention to several conversations pulling the watchful eye of Isaac as he suddenly realized the slight tension in the room. He smirked as he lightly kissed her hand. “You are a vision in that dress, Alayna. Why if I were worthy, I would try to sweep you off your feet this instant.”

  She chuckled as he winked at her before slipping to Elizabeth’s side. Katarina appeared beside him as they watched Alayna interact with the others. “Do you sense what I do?” Isaac whispered in a hushed tone as Elizabeth nodded. “Oh yes. I imagine we interrupted something special.” Katarina listened to the two royals and her curiosity was evident. Isaac smirked and lightly elbowed Elizabeth. Elizabeth turned and grinned. “We believe there is a potential relationship brewing between my sister and Captain Ryle.” She whispered conspiratorially to Katarina. Katarina’s eyes widened as she studied the two unassuming targets of conversation. “Why do you say that?”

  “Oh it is a long story. Let’s just say they have a brief history that was interrupted by last year’s wars and Lancer’s threat. They are both extremely hardheaded and stubborn when it comes to love, but fully dedicated to their positions and roles in the Realm. It’s quite frustrating and fun to watch sometimes.” Elizabeth admitted, Isaac nodding in agreement.

  “Do you think it wise to discuss such matters?” Katarina asked.

  Both royals shrugged. “We are nosy.” Isaac admitted.

  “Indeed.” Elizabeth agreed with a soft giggle. “Besides, we only want them to be happy.”

  “Has a Captain ever married a Queen in this Realm?” Katarina asked.

  “No. There has only ever been kings who marry princesses.” Elizabeth stated. “They would be the first.”

  “If they were to marry.” Isaac added with emphasis. “But we both know that will never happen.”

  “It’s true. And sad.” Elizabeth agreed. “But you never know what these new roles will involve for the both of them. At some point, love pushes aside everything else and wins.”

  “You truly believe that?” Katarina’s eyes held wonder at the current conversation and the openness of Elizabeth and Isaac on such matters.

  “I do. I am living proof.” Elizabeth smiled and then turned her attention to her approaching husband. “My goodness, you have a knack for showing up in conversations when you are the topic.”

  Clifton’s brows rose. “Is that so? I’m sure it was all good things.” He smiled towards Isaac and Katarina as he lightly draped his hand around his wife’s waist. “We are to make our way to the ballroom.” He lightly nudged Elizabeth onward and Isaac and Katarina followed. The celebration of a new queen would last long into the night, and as Isaac passed Ryle and Alayna he smiled knowing the two were only torturing themselves and fighting off the inevitable.


  Alayna slipped off her shoes and rubbed her sore ankles as she balanced against the post of her bed. It was long after midnight and her first evening as queen went smoothly. Though she felt awkward with all the attention, she knew the excitement would slowly fade the longer she possessed the position. She was glad everyone seemed elated with her coronation, but the only thing she could think about was Ryle. Their kiss. That perfect moment that ended too soon and with disappointment. Surely, he did not believe in the words of his statement. Yes, he was a Captain, but he was also a former prince. A prince could marry a queen. She growled as she pulled the pins from her crown. Why was she thinking of marriage? Annoyed with herself, she tossed the pins onto her vanity and softly laid her mother’s crown inside its ornate storage box. Jessa would be arriving any minute to help her change, but Alayna only wished for solitude. She heard the knock on her door as she sat at her vanity, her chin in her hands. “Come in.” She called, her miserable expression not changing as she slowly continued pulling the pins out of her hair. A throat cleared, and she jumped in her seat at the masculine sound not expecting her visitor to be a man. She turned quickly, bumping into the vanity table and clumsily turned to straighten the few bottles that began to topple. She then turned to find a tense Ryle standing by her door. “Captain.” She stated. “To what do I owe the pleasure?” Her voice stuttered as he took a step towards her. He did not speak. Instead, he lightly cupped her face in his hands and kissed her heartily. Minutes passed, and he rested his forehead against hers. “I am sorry, Alayna. I… had to.” He flashed a nervous smile and then dropped his hands as he paced a few steps in front of her. “I do not know how to handle this, Alayna. I have thought only of you all evening. I had to constantly remind myself I was there to protect you, not to swoon over you. We are held to a standard now. A strict standard. I do not wish to tarnish your role as queen, nor compromise your safety due to my own failure of protecting you.”

  “How would you tarnish?”

  “By being a Captain. A guard. A service position. I am not worthy to court the queen. It is unheard of. Scandalous.”

  “But you are a prince of the East.”

  “Was. I was a prince of the East. I forfeited that position and right. I am royal by blood but not by position any longer.”

  Alayna reached for his hand and lightly threaded her fingers with his. “We do not have to rush into anything, Ryle. We can keep this quiet for the time being until we both figure out our new roles. There is no reason for us to fight what we both feel, right?”

  He held her creamy gaze and lightly kissed her forehead and sighed. “It is wrong, Alayna.”

  “No. It is not. I am Queen now. I make the rules.” She smiled haughtily, hoping her jesting would break forth a smile, but it didn’t. He continued to frown.

  “I would never put you in the position of compromising the respect of the crown.”

  “I know. And I do not believe you would be. Perhaps we could discuss this with your father.”

  “No. No, we should not discuss it with anyone. We should not even let this happen. I should not have even come to your room. What was I thinking?” He scolded himself as he hurried towards the door. She hurried after him. “Ryle, wait!” She called as she caught him by the elbow. Her eyes held a hint of desperation as he turned. “I do not wish for you to leave just yet. Please. We can figure this out.”

  He lightly removed her hand as Jessa knocked and walked in. Surprise evident on her face as she saw the Captain standing before Alayna. His gaze followed the servant a brief moment before finding Alayna’s. “It is time for me to, Alayna.” His voice was soft, and she felt the tears begin to cloud her vision. He brushed his hand over her cheek. “Sleep well, my Queen.” He held her gaze a moment longer before he departed with regret. Alayna turned to the sound of Jessa’s excitement and praise over the coronation as she quickly made work of helping Alayna ready for bed.

  Alayna sighed as Jessa finally left and she blew out the light of the lantern. Lying on her pillows in her luxurious bed, Alayna felt her heart slightly break at the thought of Ryle’s refusal. He battled feelings for her just as much as she did for him. Why did she give in to his kisses? Why did she ache for more, yet at the same time wish to never see his face again? The thought of both making her heart ache. She was not to be distracted by
thoughts of love. Did she not have a war about to be waged? A war against a fearful enemy who could ruin their Realm? Yes, her thoughts needed to focus upon the Realm, not her own selfishness. Her role as queen meant her life now revolved strictly around the safety and success of their Realm. She did not have a place in her life for love or a family of her own. Yes, her father accomplished both of those things. But times were different. Her time was different. Though her heart longed for more with Ryle, she knew he was right. Their positions demanded their attention and anything distracting could cause them to fail in the protection of their Realm. Though she hated accepting her fate of being alone, she knew it was right. And she would always do what was right. Her eyes closed, and she blocked out images of Ryle and the feelings his kiss stirred within her, and instead filled her mind’s eye with Lancer, his horse, his anger, and her desire to defeat him.


  Three days. Three short days had everyone traveling to the Southern Kingdom for Prince Samuel’s coronation. Samuel became the topic of conversation. Samuel became the focus of everyone’s attention. And Samuel was quiet, anxious, and terrified of what lay ahead as his carriage emerged in front of the Southern castle. It was as he remembered. Dark, foreboding. He took a deep breath as he stepped from the carriage. No one awaited him. No servants. No villagers. No guards. No one. All was quiet. Eerily quiet as the other royals emerged from their own caravans. Isaac walked up beside him and laid a comforting hand on his shoulder. “Do not be discouraged, my friend. All good things take work.”

  “Yes. I know.” Samuel replied quietly. “It is as I left it.”

  “And now you have returned to change it.” Isaac stated confidently. “With the help of friends. Come. Show me your home.”

  Samuel climbed the steps and opened the large wooden door. The creaking echoed throughout the vacant castle. The musky scent of dust, death, and abandonment hung heavily in the still air as Samuel’s hopes slowly began to diminish. Elizabeth stepped into the main hall and looked around. She walked over to the front windows and pulled back the heavy drapes, light flooded the room and caused everyone to turn her direction. “What?” She asked with a small smile. “The new king has returned. Let’s shed some light into this place.” Alayna smiled at her sister and followed suit. Katarina and Melody joining her as they quickly opened up all the remaining drapes in the main entry. “Much better.” Elizabeth swiped her hands together to shake off the grime from the heavy curtains. Her gaze surveyed the room. “It is a grand hall. The floors are spectacular.” She commented on the dirt covered floors that showed faint signs of intricate detailed paintings and engravings. “I imagine once we hire some servants, the floors will gleam.”


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