The Unfading Lands The Complete Set

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The Unfading Lands The Complete Set Page 52

by Katharine E Hamilton

  “I will do my best, my Lord, so that you will have nothing to fear should he even come close to us.”

  “Good man.” Lancer smiled as he walked towards the door. He turned at the last minute and grinned. “I may not be back tonight Edward. I think I wish to take a journey along the boundary lines. The East, the West, and the North. I have surveyed the Southern line, but the others could use some attention. Should I not return, I will be back tomorrow. I wish to have a report for you in regard to the West.”

  “Thank you, my Lord. That saves me the journey.”

  “Well I want your attentions focused on our safety, so it is the least I can do. I thank you for your service, Edward. I know it must have been hard to see your family in the South, but I assure you your loyalty will only be rewarded.”

  “Thank you, my Lord.” Edward watched as Lancer’s retreating back disappeared out the door and down the hall. He slowly relaxed his shoulders and looked down at his palms. Again, he felt the tingling sensation from the sacrificial cuts, but the healing powers of the Lands had erased the wound completely. He knew it was the darkness that lingered within him. Tomorrow he was to meet Ryle at the Uniters’ camp, and he needed to warn him of Lancer’s journey around the boundary lines, so their weapon deliveries would not be discovered. By weeks’ end, a battle would commence. By weeks’ end he would be free, he kept repeating to himself. Free.


  “It feels nice to be back.” Elizabeth glanced around the Northern castle in a wave of nostalgia.

  “You were only gone four days.” Clifton reminded her.

  “I know. It’s just always nice coming back.” She tugged on the top clasp to his tunic. “Don’t frown, Cliff, I miss the East too.” She lightly kissed his lips and earned a smile.

  “I’m glad.”

  “You two love birds are seriously annoying sometimes.” Isaac bypassed them in a hurry towards the West’s wing of the castle.

  “What has his gait in a stumble?” Elizabeth asked curiously as Alayna entered not long after Isaac. “Oh.” She stated quietly. “They must have had words.”

  “Or the lack of words from Alayna may be bothering him as well.” Clifton added.

  “I worry about her tunnel vision.”

  “She will come around, love. You will see. My father spoke with Ryle and Alayna last night before his departure and they have both agreed to leave Isaac in the North as a precaution while we attack the Lands.”

  “But only to appease King Eamon, not Isaac.” Elizabeth pointed out.

  “Still, it is a small step and a much needed one. We will accept what has been given.”

  “I do not like the thought of you fighting within the boundary lines of the Unfading Lands. What if something happens to you?” Elizabeth looked up and lightly cupped his face. Clifton kissed the inside of her palm and smiled tenderly. “Then I will heal.”

  She lightly shoved him against the chest and groaned in frustration.

  “What was that for?” He asked on a laugh.

  “Because you can still die over there, Clifton. Do you not think Lancer knows that beheading you will kill you?”

  “I know, love, but that is not going to happen, so do not dwell on it.”

  “You do not know what will and will not happen, Clifton.”

  “You are right; however, I trust our guards. I trust my brother. I trust your brother, and I trust myself. We will all be careful and have our wits about us.”

  She sighed as she hugged him tightly. “You better, or I will personally come across that line and beat you myself.”

  She felt the rumble in his chest as he chuckled, and she smiled, breathing in the scent of him, the strength he seemed to carry in his very being.

  “Perhaps I may steal your prince a moment, Princess?” Isaac waited at the edge of the stairwell for their private moment to come to a close before he approached. Elizabeth raised her head and nodded. “I suppose, but not too long Isaac, for I have plans for my husband.”

  Both men raised their brows in surprise at her statement.

  She laughed. “Oh for goodness sake, not that. I meant with our current conversation… never mind.” She waved them away in a teasing gesture as she climbed the steps towards her personal chambers on a giggle.

  “Well,” Isaac cleared his throat and stifled a grin as Clifton laughed. “I did not mean to interrupt, no matter her meaning.”

  “It is alright, Isaac.” Clifton patted him on the back as they began to walk towards the conservatory. “What ails you?”

  “Ails? Is it that obvious?”

  “Quite so.” Clifton admitted.

  Isaac rubbed a palm over his tired face and then sat in a free chair as Clifton sat across from him. The Eastern prince carried his relaxed posture wherever he went, much like his father, and Isaac stemmed the slight peak of jealousy at Clifton’s ease and comfort he brought to every situation. “I wish to travel to the edge of the Northern and Western border tomorrow.”

  “What for?”

  “I wish to just check on… things.” Isaac finished.

  “You mean you wish to make sure there are no signs of Abner’s men?”

  “Yes. Though I wish to do this without the knowledge of anyone else in the castle. I do not wish to cause an uproar towards my suspicions.”

  “I see.” Clifton pondered Isaac’s statement a moment. “And where shall you be if someone asks? Because Ryle and I will be in the Lands tomorrow training guards with the new weapons.”

  “That I am out riding, I don’t know.” Isaac shrugged. “It’s not a lie. I just need to make sure that Abner has not already sent men through the Western Kingdom and into the North.”

  “And how will you know?”

  “I have people I trust that survey the borderlines. They will know if new faces have passed through. I figure it will then give us a firmer inclination of whether or not my hunch is correct.”

  “I do see that benefit.” Clifton stated. “I think it a wise move. However, I wish you would tell the Queen. I understand your reasoning for not telling her, but she would be furious to know you went without her knowledge.”

  “I do not believe she could be any madder at me than she is right now.” Isaac reminded him.

  “That is true too.” Clifton’s lips tilted into a slight smile as he ticked his tongue against his teeth in a thinking gesture. “Okay, I will not say anything. But set out early. I do not wish for the Northern Kingdom to be exposed too long without a military leader present.”

  “Thank you, Clifton.” Isaac shook his hand.

  “Now, if you will excuse me, I wish to go finish my conversation with my wife.”

  “Conversation… riiiiight.” Isaac baited earning the smirk from the Eastern Prince he knew he would receive as Clifton briskly made his way up the stairwell.

  Isaac chuckled to himself as he watched Clifton’s eagerness and shook his head. The man was a fool in love when it came to Elizabeth, and for once, Isaac did not feel jealous. He turned at the sound of footsteps and Katarina emerged, her face pale, and her eyes damp. He hopped to his feet quickly.


  Just her name made the princess melt into another fit of tears and she tried to swipe a hand over her face as Isaac pulled her against his chest. “What is the matter?” He pulled her away to look in her face, and he smoothed the hair back from her cheeks as her brown eyes implored him to believe what she was about to say. “I am sorry, Isaac.”

  “Sorry? Whatever for?” His gaze rose and spotted a messenger dressed in clothes from Abner’s Realm and he looked back at Alayna. “My father has sent me a letter, and I fear I do not know how to answer him.”

  “Is that all?” His voice was light, and he offered an understanding smile.

  She shook her head and his smile faded.

  “I fear that I do not know how to answer him, because I have failed him. But I fear of showing you its contents because I do not wish you to think ill of me.”

I never would, Katarina. Please.” He motioned for her to sit and eased down beside her. “Tell me what it says.”

  She handed him the letter with shaky hands and he quickly unfolded it and began to read.


  You have failed me. What is this first letter? It is nonsense! I sent you to bewitch the Western prince and you have failed. I sent you to learn more about Alayna’s Realm, and you have failed. I do not wish to read this fluff! What am I to use of this?! Nothing!

  I need to know where the boundary lines appear across each kingdom. I need to know the Realm’s intentions with Lancer. And I need to know the strength of their guard. How am I to plan anything if I do not have all the facts?! You stupid girl!

  Send me the answers to my previous demands and these or the messenger before you will die for your lack of loyalty. Should I receive anything less than what I’ve requested, he will not be the only one punished!

  Your Father

  Isaac glanced up and Katarina dropped her face into her hands and her shoulders began to shake. “Forgive me, please?”

  Isaac looked to the messenger standing in the shadows, his face ashen from the worry for his life. He then lightly smoothed a hand over Katarina’s soft hair. “Look at me, Katarina.”

  She slowly glanced up and he lifted her chin with the tip of his finger. “There is nothing to forgive. From the sounds of this, you did not do his bidding in the first place. Which means your task of spying on our Realm was a failure. A failure I am most grateful for, not only for the sake of the Realm, but for myself. It encourages me that your intentions are pure. That I… that I might mean something to you.”

  She tried to speak but he slid his finger over her lips to stop her words. “Will you trust me with this?”

  She nodded.

  “Good. We will present it at the council meeting tomorrow night. Together.”

  Her eyes widened in fear. “Oh please no, Isaac. I fear Queen Alayna will dispense of me immediately. I could not bear the thought of everyone thinking me a traitor.”

  “But you aren’t a traitor, Katarina. By giving us this letter, you have prepared us for a possible threat.”

  “I do not know if she will see it that way.”

  “I will make her see it that way.” He stated firmly. “Trust me. And trust that we will answer this letter so as to protect you and your messenger.” He nodded towards the scared man across the room. He squeezed her hand. “Are you willing to face the council with me?”

  He felt her hand shaking in his. Fear. Uncertainty. She nodded, and he softly kissed her cheek. “You are quite the princess, Katarina.” He whispered softly. “Come. Let’s take a stroll in the gardens before dinner to gather our thoughts and calm down a bit.” He stood and extended his hand to her, her acceptance of his gesture and her trust in his character establishing a new wave of appreciation between the both of them. A role reversal for him, he mused. He no longer felt the cad he had long been, now he had the respect of fellow kingdoms and the trust of a distressed princess. How long had it been since anyone trusted him with something so precious? A year ago, he would have said never. Now, the new turn in his life and character had seemed to gain the attention he had always hoped for and he prayed he was able to carry the new responsibility.


  Ryle and Clifton stepped through the clearing and Edward intercepted them with a broad smile and a quick wave of his hand for them to step into the trees, his eyes surveying the area behind them as if looking for intruders. The two brothers exchanged a cautious glance and then followed willingly into the Uniters’ camp. “I am glad you have arrived.” Edward’s voice was low. “Lancer is patrolling the boundary lines the next few days, so we must be cautious. Are all the weapons here or do we still have more deliveries?”

  “This should be all.” Ryle replied studying Edward closely. “You feeling alright?”

  Edward ran a hand through his dark hair and shook away his annoyance knowing the captain was genuinely concerned. “Yes. Well, I had to join Lancer in the reflection chamber last night. The darkness… it is difficult to contain. But I am fine. It just takes me a bit to catch my bearings afterwards. However, I must tell you that Lancer did receive some of the power last night. He said it was the first time in weeks the darkness has even emerged in the chamber. I know it was because I was in there.” Cecilia walked up to greet the two brothers and Edward paused in his conversation to smile at her. She fluttered away as quickly as she had come, and Edward inhaled deeply. “Lancer did say he did not feel completely back to his full power, but we must not underestimate what power he does have. The man is still powerful.”

  “Agreed.” Clifton stated. “It is imperative that the assault take place at weeks’ end. We cannot afford to waste the precious time he is weaker.”

  “The plan is before dawn on the eve of day after tomorrow.” Ryle explained.

  Edward nodded, his head bobbing faster and faster as he crossed his arms over his chest and tried to contain the excessive movement. His body uncontrollable at times due to the power wishing to surge through his veins. “I believe that will be a good time frame. A surprise attack is the Realm’s only hope. Should Lancer find out, there is no way the Realm can defeat his army. They are too strong. Right now, I have his focus targeted at Abner, so a blindside attack from the Realm is not even on his mind.”

  “Good. It sounds like things are lining up perfectly then. We have the routes planned, the guards are trained, and we feel confident.” Clifton nodded, pleased with the surrounding army and the plans that were falling into place.

  “I hope you two know that I will have to fight alongside Lancer’s army.” Edward reminded them. “I at least have to appear to be in his favor, though if opportunity arises I will take care of some of our guards as well. But he will be watchful, especially of me.”

  “We understand. We will ensure none of our guards assault you, only the other guards. That way you will not be forced to fight against a fellow Uniter.” Ryle placed a hand on Edward’s shoulder and felt the nerves radiating beneath his skin. “It will go smoothly, Edward. You have done well.”

  A relieved smile washed over Edward’s face and he looked to Clifton. “I am eager to be with my family again. I have missed them.”

  “And they you.” Clifton explained. “Elizabeth is beside herself wanting to join the fight and to also make preparations for your return.”

  Edward grinned, “Yes, well Lizzy was always my biggest champion.”

  “Hold onto that thought, because your coming days will be difficult. We can already see how the darkness is affecting you, Edward. There is no sense denying it. However, we have faith in your loyalty to the Realm. We know you will aid us in our victory.” Clifton noted the slight flush to the prince’s face at being called out, but that the reassurance in their belief meant much to him.

  “We are ready then.” Ryle confirmed. “Cliff and I will arrive back in the camp tomorrow night and we will be ready to ride out against Lancer and his guard at dawn. You are sure you can have his guard on the Western Boundary line?”

  “Yes. He already has me stationing guards there to keep watch over any potential movements from Abner, so it will not take much to convince him that I have seen more action on that side and we will need more troops.”

  “Perfect.” Ryle extended his hand and Edward shook it. “Until tomorrow night then, Prince Edward.”

  Edward nodded and caught Cecilia’s gaze from across the clearing. Her eyes held worry, and he attempted a smile that she slowly returned. He turned and watched as the two brothers made their way out of the camp and back through the boundary line. Two days. Just two more days, Edward told himself.


  Clifton returned to the castle late in the evening after conversing with Ryle in Elizabeth’s clearing for final military plans and strategies. Ryle had headed back towards the Southern Kingdom and Clifton walked into a darkened castle with only lanterns to light his way up towards the Council
meeting. He knew he was late and he prayed Elizabeth was not too worried for him. He stepped into the room and saw relief wash over not only his wife’s face but everyone else’s as well. He noted the presence of Katarina next to Isaac and greeted her with a nod as well. “I am sorry to be late. Last minute preparations took a bit longer than intended.”

  Alayna waved away his apology. “No worries here, Prince Clifton. We are glad to have you back. Everything ready?”

  “Yes. I believe so. We could not be any more prepared than we already are.”

  “Good.” She turned her attention to Isaac. “Prince Isaac wished to share something with all of us.” She sat in her chair and Isaac rose to his feet. He gently squeezed Katarina’s hand in reassurance. “I know Ryle and Samuel are not here to add their insight, but I feel I must share what news I do have so that we may be prepared for certain possibilities.” He reached for the letter Katarina had entrusted to him and he saw her visibly tense in the seat beside him. “Katarina received a letter from her father upon our arrival back in the North.” He handed it straight to Clifton, knowing the Eastern prince would read it with an open mind in regard to their previous conversations. “Abner had wished to use Katarina for information into our Realm, our military, and boundary lines and interactions with the Unfading Lands. She refused, and he is now threatening the life of the messenger and Katarina. I implore you all to see reason. Abner is no ally. He is a threat to our Realm, and I believe he is making plans for his own assault.”

  Alayna sighed heavily as Clifton handed her the letter from Abner. Isaac watched as her face remained stoic as she read. She lowered the letter and looked at him to continue. “He does not know of our plans to attack the Lands, but perhaps if he did he would join with us in the assault and it would divert his attention towards Lancer instead of the Realm.”

  “We do not know he isn’t already focused upon Lancer as well.” Alayna stated.

  “But he has always hated Lancer.” Isaac continued. “If he sees our Realm as weak, he will attack us first. Once he has overtaken our Realm, then Lancer is the only man standing in his way of taking over all the lands. It is us or Lancer first, but we will both face an attack sooner or later.”


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