The Unfading Lands The Complete Set

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The Unfading Lands The Complete Set Page 53

by Katharine E Hamilton

  “We must not count our chickens before they hatch, Prince Isaac.” Alayna interrupted. “I highly doubt Abner would attack our Realm while his precious daughter is staying with us. Yes, he threatens to punish her, but not to kill her. This letter shows him to be a disappointed parent.”

  Isaac’s eyes widened at the absurdity and his jaw tightened. “Your judgment is clouded.” He forced out through gritted teeth. Alayna stood swiftly and raised her chin. “We have no other proof of Abner’s threat, until we do, our focus remains on Lancer!” Her voice rose, and she tossed the letter towards the middle of the table.

  “I do have proof.” Isaac combatted. “I traveled the borderlines of the Western and Northern Kingdoms this morning and spoke with various watchmen. There have been several groups of Abner’s men that have made it through. My father did not make it back to the West in time to implement border barriers. Abner has successfully moved troops into our Realm. It is only a matter of time before his target is chosen.”

  Alayna shook her head. “No. We will not let anything interfere with our plans against the Unfading Lands. We have waited too long for this opportunity, we will not pass it up.”

  “My purpose is to protect our Realm while Clifton and Ryle lead the fight against the Unfading Lands.” Isaac interrupted her, and he could tell she did not like it, but he continued. “How am I to do my task if you will not see reason?!” He slammed his fist on the table and began to pace.

  “You are just angry that I will not let you fight in the Lands.” Alayna began, but her voice stopped when she saw the venomous gaze Isaac shot her way, a chill passing over her arms at the anger she saw lurking beneath his eyes.

  “How dare you think I am of childish jealousy when I am trying my best to awaken you to the possibility of an attack!” He rounded his chair and began walking towards her, his finger pointed towards her face. Clifton rose and slipped between them. “We must all calm down for a minute.” He softly ordered and lowered Isaac’s hand and then turned towards Alayna himself. “I believe we must take Abner’s threat seriously, Alayna.” Clifton slipped back towards his chair once Isaac did the same. “Though our attention will remain on our current battle plan against the Unfading Lands, I believe it wise to allow Isaac to establish some precautionary plans for protection just in case Abner were to make a move while our attentions are diverted.”

  “I agree.” Elizabeth added.

  “Me too.” Melody stated.

  Alayna’s eyes bounced around the room and landed on Katarina. “And what of her?” She pointed to Katarina. “Are we to forget she was sent here to dig up our secrets?”

  “And she has refused.” Elizabeth reminded her sister. “Perhaps we can all put our brains together to draft a letter to her father. One that will spare the messenger’s life but also Katarina. It may be an opportunity for us to divert Abner’s intentions.”

  “Alright.” Alayna sighed. “I will leave that in your care, Elizabeth, with the help of Isaac. Clifton, I do not want you distracted by this. Your attention is Lancer.”

  “Yes, my Queen.”

  “Come tomorrow evening, we may have an entirely different Realm in our care.” Alayna allowed a smile to break through. “The boundary line will fall, and Edward will return. Let us sleep on those hopeful thoughts for tonight.”

  Everyone nodded in agreement as they headed their separate ways towards their chambers. Elizabeth lightly gripped Isaac’s elbow in the hall until he turned. “I will see to the letter, Isaac, and to Katarina. I wish for you to make plans for the safety of our kingdom. For if Abner attacks, it will be here. And if he is days ahead of us, I would not be surprised if his men have already immersed themselves within our villages. His target will be the castle.”

  “Those are my thoughts as well.” Isaac muttered. “His only aim is to overcome and kill. He wiped out Lancer’s entire family, I see him easily wishing to do the same here. That would be the quickest way to stake claim to a Realm.”

  “I agree. I trust you with this.” Elizabeth offered an encouraging smile. “Now trust me with her.” She nodded towards Katarina, and he nodded. “I do, and I will. Good night Elizabeth.”


  Lancer watched as several men appeared along the other side of the boundary line of the Western veil of the Unfading Lands. They could only be Abner’s men. It had been ages since any of the Western villagers came so close to his boundary line. The thought of Abner made his blood run cold. He could not overcome him again. He had created this Land and he would not let anyone take it from him. The darkness was his. The power was his. He clicked his reins and continued onward towards the Northern boundary line. The journey through his lands always lightened his spirit, but lately the weighted cloud of uncertainty hovered over him. He was weak, and it had been so long since he had that feeling he wasn’t sure how to handle it. The only reason could be a surge in power in the Realm. The unification after last year’s war must have built a temporary burst in their strength. He knew it would eventually fade. And though the boundary line had shifted further in and he had lost some ground, the loyalty of his people remained strong. As he neared a familiar path along the line, he spotted a familiar blonde head that he had not seen in quite some time. An uncertain smile flashed up at him as she curtsied. He halted his horse and dismounted. “It has been a long time, Cecilia.”

  “My Lord.” She greeted.

  “You fall in love with my Captain and I never hear from you again.” He teased lightheartedly as he peered through the fog of the line and spotted Cecilia’s mother washing linens in a large basin of steaming water. “Your mother is hard at work I see.”

  “Yes, she is.”

  “Does she see you often?”

  “No, my Lord. She never looks towards the line.”

  “But you come to watch her?”

  “Every now and then to check on her.” Cecilia admitted.

  “That’s an honorable trait.” Lancer breathed in deeply as he continued to watch Cecilia’s mother scrub the grime away from whatever filth lingered upon the delicate cloth. “Do you miss your old life?”


  She answered quickly and with a firm disposition it made him smile. “I am glad you have found the Land of Unfading Beauty a great place to be, Cecilia.”

  “It is the reason I came here today. Edward had mentioned you would be riding around the boundary lines to help him.” She made sure to offer praises within her language so as not to cause unwarranted anger towards Edward. Lancer grinned. “I have been keeping him busy.”

  “So he has told me.” She looked up at him. “I wished to speak with you in regard to some movement I have seen along the boundary line. I have yet to mention it to Edward, because he seems so adamant to protect the Lands against Abner. I do not wish to distract him.”

  “And what have you seen?” Lancer’s brow rose as he walked towards a large boulder and sat so that Cecilia would feel more comfortable in sharing with him. The petite woman often shrank back from imposing figures and he was pleased that Edward had fallen for one of his most faithful followers. The young girl had also fallen hard for the former prince, a pleasing unity that Lancer approved of.

  “I believe the Realm is planning an attack upon the Lands, my Lord.”

  “And what makes you believe that?” He asked with curiosity in his voice.

  “I have seen the new Captain of the Realm training troops in the South.”

  “Perhaps he is just trying to rebuild what was destroyed in the last war.” Lancer added.

  “No, my Lord. You asked Edward to converse back and forth with the Realm to see what he could discover, and though he has yet to discover anything amiss, I have. I conversed with the Queen once, and she was quite insistent about an attack. I believe the Southern army is being trained to assault us.”

  “But why would they risk crossing, knowing they cannot cross back and forth?” Lancer asked.

  “Because they are confident in their victory, my Lord. Ca
ptain Ryle can cross freely because he is of your blood. I have seen him attempt this and succeed.”

  “My blood?”

  “Yes. Your nephew.”

  “Yes, I know who he blasted is, Cecilia.” His voice rose, and he tampered his anger down when he saw her slightly fidget to leave. “I apologize. Yes, I know Ryle is one of my nephews. I did not realize my blood was powerful enough to allow them to cross when I myself cannot seem to.”

  “Perhaps their crossing is what has put a hold on yours, my Lord.” She offered the explanation without thought and he nodded. “You may be right, Cecilia. But why would they wish to attack me knowing they cannot win and most certainly that it will be death for them all should they even attempt it?”

  “Abner.” Cecilia provided. “He wishes to attack as well from the looks of it. I think the Realm hopes his distraction will pull your attentions elsewhere so that they might be able to sneak into the Lands and take you blindly.”

  Lancer bolted to his feet. “That is absurd! How has Edward not heard of these plans?”

  “Because they know he would tell you, my Lord. Edward is loyal to you and his family knows this. Though they have conversed with him through the veil, they do not speak of delicate matters because they know his allegiance truly lies with you.”

  “Thank you, Cecilia, for bringing this all to my attention. I will patrol the boundary of the South once more to see if a threat stirs.”

  “I would think it would venture from the East, my Lord.”

  “Why do you say that, when you clearly just told me they were training in the South?”

  Well because your attention is focused upon the West right now. Though they train guards in the South, I believe they will attack you on your blindside in the East.”

  Lancer tilted his head and considered her a moment. “I am grateful for your loyalty, Cecilia, and your watchful eye. Edward truly is a blessed man. I will do my own investigating now. But have no fear, nothing is going to happen to our Lands. You have my word.”

  “I know, my Lord. I trust you.”

  The simple words swelled his chest in pride and he felt empowered. “Take care, Cecilia.” He slipped his boot into his stirrup and lifted into his saddle. He redirected his horse and headed towards the Southern boundary line to see what he could witness himself.

  Cecilia exhaled her pent-up breath and slipped onto the boulder Lancer had just vacated. She felt better for telling him of the attack. Though she did not confirm it as a definite, she felt she did her part by giving him the seed of suspicion. She also made it sound as if the Realm was using their own army, not one Edward had prepared. She did not betray her Edward. Smiling, she lifted her face up to the sunshine and let the heat warm her face. She loved the Unfading Lands, and she loved Edward. Now that Lancer would know of the Abner diversion, he would be able to protect the Lands against the Realm’s attack and she and Edward could stay here. Satisfaction filled her heart and she giggled in happiness at the thought of forever.


  “Sit with me, Katarina.” Elizabeth welcomed the timid princess with a warm wave towards a small table and chairs in the gardens, the fresh air needed after a stuffy breakfast and heartfelt goodbye to Clifton as he left to join up with Ryle in the South. This evening the brothers would venture into the Unfading Lands and organize their troops for the following morning and the attack that would take place soon after. She sighed as Katarina eased into a chair and accepted the glass of wine from Mary as the attendant laid out a tray of small vittles for the women to enjoy while they talked. As if Katarina could eat anything. Her stomach tied into multiple knots just thinking of the conversation she and Elizabeth would soon be having, and she prayed the Eastern princess did not lose taste with her.

  “So I figured we would write this letter to your father early this morning and accept our morning cakes outside so as to gain more privacy. It will also provide ample time for your messenger to make it back to your father’s realm before nightfall if he rides fast enough.” Elizabeth smiled as she reached for a blank piece of parchment and laid it before Katarina. “Now, what should we tell him?”

  Katarina lightly shrugged her shoulders and Elizabeth noted the light quiver to her chin as her brown eyes remained focused on the blank paper before her. Elizabeth reached over and lightly squeezed her hand. “Take a deep breath.”

  Katarina glanced up and nodded. “I suppose I should tell him some information about your realm.”

  “Good starting point. What do you think he will want to know? He said something about our boundary lines with the Unfading Lands, did he not? I don’t see why we cannot be truthful about those. There’s no secret there.” She began reciting the different land markers and dividers throughout the realm for Katarina to record and nodded when she read over the princess’ words. “Your father hates Lancer, right?”

  “Very much so.”

  “Perhaps if your father knows of our attack on the Unfading Lands he will be pleased with our Realm.” Elizabeth suggested.

  “I do not know, Princess. My father only cares about consumption. He wants more, more, and more, no matter what land it is.”

  “But still, perhaps he will see the benefit of defeating his old foe once again and help us in the fight or at least lose his distaste for our realm enough to let us defeat Lancer without worries of an attack from him.”

  “Perhaps.” Katarina stated unconvinced.

  “Put information in your letter about our plan to attack the Unfading Lands in the coming days. Just mention that we will be destroying the boundary line and plan to set everyone free. You do not have to mention any other details than that. That way he sees we are proactive against Lancer as well, but also he will not know enough to hinder our plans.”

  Katarina wrote intently as she tried to encompass a nonchalant attitude in her words and to also withhold details that could negatively affect Isaac and his realm.

  “Can I ask you something?”

  Katarina looked up at the curious blue of Elizabeth’s gaze and nodded. “There’s something I do not understand. My father and the other kings as well have always mentioned your father as a friendly neighbor to our Realm. Why is it he hates us now? What changed?”

  “It is not that he hates you.” Katarina stated quietly. “When your father was alive, King Granton was a strong king. Your royal guard was strong and intimidating. My father kept peace with your father for fear that if he did not, he could not beat King Granton. He always said your father would be the only man to defeat him. So he never tried. When your father died, your Realm weakened… or at least, in my father’s eyes. He does not see your sister, or a woman for that matter, as strong enough to rule a kingdom, much less a realm. He feels that his perfect opportunity to consume more lands and become a more powerful king would be now. It is nothing personal to him. He is just greedy.”

  Elizabeth shook her head. “He underestimates us greatly.”

  “I believe so too.” Katarina briefly smiled. “He underestimates many things.”

  “And what of Lancer? Why has he not tried to attack Lancer before now?”

  “Your father. In order for my father to invade the Unfading Lands his troops would need to cross your father’s realm. And King Granton did not want to start a war against Lancer when no one understood the power behind the veil. My father does not care. He believes he can defeat Lancer as he did before.”

  “And once he defeats all of the surrounding lands he just wishes to reign as a supreme king over everything?!” Elizabeth’s voice held an edge of disgust as Katarina nodded.

  “I know it sounds sickening, but I believe my father is sick to some degree. He does not wish to be anything but powerful. The fact Lancer contains a mysterious power drives him insane with jealousy. The fact your father reigned over an entire realm with little to no conflicts drove him mad. He does not wish for anyone to be better than he is.”

  Shaking her head Elizabeth took a sip of her wine. “It must have been hard gr
owing up with such a man.”

  “He has his moments where he is kind. There are not many, but there have been a few.”

  Elizabeth smiled warmly. “Well I am glad he allowed you to come and visit us.”

  “Me too.” Katarina lightly blushed as her thoughts wandered toward Isaac and what he would be doing at that current moment.

  “I can see your mind has journeyed to another place.” Elizabeth grinned. “Perhaps one that includes a handsome prince from the West?”

  Trying to hide her embarrassment, Katarina shook her head and quickly took a drink from her cup.

  “Oh it is quite alright, Katarina. I have been there.” Elizabeth giggled. “Isaac is a good man.”

  “Yes, he is. He was quite kind to me when he visited my father’s realm. I was pleased when he sought me out by letter.”

  Elizabeth studied Katarina closely, the long brown hair that draped over her lean shoulders, her brown molten eyes, creamy skin. Yes, the princess and Isaac would make an attractive pair should they take that final step. Elizabeth’s smile widened when Katarina leaned closely towards her.

  “May I ask you something now?”

  “Of course.”

  “You and Isaac seem to be close friends.”

  “We are.” Elizabeth agreed.

  “Has he ever mentioned his mother, the queen?”

  Elizabeth’s brows rose. “No, why?”

  “I was just curious is all. I know that the Eastern queen passed, may she rest in peace. I also know that your mother has as well. I am so sorry for your loss.”

  Elizabeth nodded.

  “But I have never heard anything about a queen from the West. Did she pass years ago?”

  Elizabeth shook her head. “No. In fact, she is very much alive. However, she does not venture out of the castle.”

  “I see.” Katarina looked confused.

  Elizabeth leaned back in her chair and nodded for Mary to clear their plates. “You see, Katarina, I do not know much about her. She is not spoken of, and my father always told us to never ask. Queen Isabella suffers from an unhealable illness.”


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