The Unfading Lands The Complete Set

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The Unfading Lands The Complete Set Page 64

by Katharine E Hamilton

  “Edward.” She smiled in greeting and kissed his cheek. Uncertainty flashed across her face as she studied his tense posture and firm gaze. “Is something wrong?

  “Please sit.” He motioned to the log and sat beside her.

  She reached for his hand and he moved it out of her path. “I have words for you Cecilia. And I am finding them quite hard to say, though I need to. And I need to know why you did it.”

  “Did what, Edward?”

  “Why did you betray the Realm and inform Lancer of their plans of attack?”

  She inhaled deeply and slightly raised her chin. She sensed his displeasure but wished for him to know her true feelings. “I did not inform Lancer of your role, Edward. I simply told him the Realm was planning a surprise attack while he was distracted by Abner.”

  “Why?” Edward asked. “Why would you do such a thing?”

  She bristled and stood, her small frame bowed up in a tight stance of defiance. “Because I wish to stay here.”

  His eyes widened, as he stood baffled. “I do not understand. We have talked about this. About us. About our life and what it could be in the Realm.”

  “No. You spoke of such things.” She pointed out. “Not once did you ever ask if I wished for that life. Not once, Edward. If you had, then perhaps you would have known I wish for the Lands to remain.”

  “But why? There is nothing here.”

  “Nothing?” Cecilia’s eyes sparkled as she laughed coyly. “Edward, here there is everything. We do not have to worry about aging, about losing those we love. We do not have the daily stresses of life that exist beyond the veil. Life is beautiful here.”

  “We lose the ones we love in the Realm.” Edward corrected. “My family. Your mother. They will all perish and we will have to watch them slowly disappear.”

  “And life will go on.” Cecilia added. “I have never regretted my decision to cross the boundary line. Not once. Lancer has provided me a life better than I could have hoped for in the Realm. I would never have met you in our old realm, Edward. We would never have crossed paths. And yet, here we are.”

  Edward ran a hand through his dark hair and sighed. “You have placed me in a dire position, Cecilia. I love you. I do. But I feel completely betrayed. And what is worse is that I have to torture one of my own every day. A good man. A noble man. A prince. Your choice has brought him under severe punishment.”

  “As it should.” Cecilia countered.

  Edward stood to his feet and his eyes flashed as he felt the darkness rushing through him. Cecilia must have noticed a change in him as well. She backed away a few steps. “Edward.” Her voice was quiet, fearful. She reached to touch him and gasped as she pulled her hand away, his body hot to the touch. When he spoke, his voice was low and angry. “I do not tolerate betrayal, Cecilia. You could have cost me my family.” He swung his arm out in frustration and a tree limb overhead snapped and fell to the ground. Her eyes widened.

  Edward stepped towards her and she retreated another step, but he gripped her shoulders as he peered down at her. His blue eyes now black as night. “What is wrong with you, Edward?” She stammered.

  “This,” he paused, as he tilted his head back and forth to control the power and anger coursing through him. “This is the power that maintains the boundary. Do you like it now?” His smile was sardonic and left Cecilia terrified. He lifted her off of her feet and tossed her over his shoulder. She screamed and Edward lifted a fist in the air, and her voice silenced. She gripped her throat at the invisible vice that stole her sound. He carried her away from the clearing, away from her friends and the life they shared together. And before she knew what was happening, he tossed her into a dank cell, the sounds of chains and iron echoing in the dark. She tried to scream out, but her voice remained absent and she cupped her throat as tears streamed down her face. Edward was gone and with him, her voice.


  “You sure you have everything you need?” Clifton asked, as he helped Elizabeth into the carrier, tucking her skirts around her. He climbed in after her and shut the door. She laughed. “You do realize you are not escorting me on this trip?”

  He grinned. “Of course. I just wish to have a moment with my wife before she leaves for weeks on end.”

  “It should not be weeks, Clifton. I have high hopes we shall be back in a week.”

  “That may be, but I would still like my moment.”

  She waved her hand for him to continue and her smile grew as he snatched her hand and pulled her towards him and into his lap. He hugged her close and burrowed his face in her hair inhaling the faint scent of rose that was always Elizabeth. “Please be careful.” He whispered. He pulled back and stared into her ice blue eyes.

  She cupped his face and kissed him gently on the lips. “I will be. I will also have your father looking out for me. I am in good hands.”

  “I know.”

  Elizabeth could tell Clifton hesitated on allowing her to leave. Part of her did not wish to leave him as well, but she knew her quest was to find King Anthony. “Promise me you will not allow Alayna to do anything rash?”

  He nodded. “I believe my task might be harder than yours.’”

  She laughed. “I imagine it will be. Though you will have Isaac’s help. And Samuel’s. Look out for Samuel. His idea to cross the boundary worries me. Though his intentions are noble and smart, I fear for him as well. I do not wish for him to be stranded in the Lands.”

  “Neither do I, but we are at a point where tough decisions need to be made and our actions must progress our purpose. His offer to infiltrate the Lands may be the catalyst to a future success. It is our best option for now.”

  “I agree.” Elizabeth sighed. “But it does not mean I am still not worried about him. And Isaac is still healing. Please make sure he rests. And Melody—”

  Clifton cut her off by placing his finger over her lips. “I will see to your ducklings, love.” He winked at her and she flushed.

  “I just-” She trailed off and tightly wound her hands in her lap. “I wish to take this journey, but I too, am finding it hard to leave everyone.”

  “I know, love.” He kissed her temple and nudged for her to take her seat. When she comfortably sat, Clifton rose to exit. “I had better hear from you every few days or I will send a search party.”

  “I will write.” She smoothed a hand over her skirts as he leaned forward and kissed her heartily.

  A throat cleared as his father waited with a knowing smile at the now open door. “I believe you are in my seat, son.”

  Clifton pulled away from Elizabeth and lightly ran his fingertips over her cheek before stepping out of the carrier and allowing his father to step inside. “No worries, Cliff, I will take great care of your bride.” He flashed a tender smile at his son as Clifton took a slow step back. Elizabeth leaned through the window and waved once more as the carriage began pulling away from the castle steps. Clifton felt the weight in his chest grow heavier as he watched his wife and father disappear out the castle gates, and he took a deep breath for composure. Elizabeth had not been feeling well, and yet he was watching her leave. He rubbed a hand over his face as he turned to walk back into the castle and caught Isaac standing on the top steps watching him. “Shouldn’t you be resting?” Clifton asked, his voice sharp.

  “I am. I am resting against the wall as I watch you pitifully say good bye to your wife.” He smirked.

  “Pitifully?” Clifton asked with slight offense. “If you mean struggling to watch her leave, yes. But pitifully, I would think not.”

  Isaac shrugged. “Perhaps I should have said hopelessly. You are a strong man, Cliff, but Elizabeth is the chink in your armor.”

  “As any great woman should be.” Clifton added. Again, Isaac shrugged. “She risks much by travelling to the West. I have the right to worry.”

  “I did not say you didn’t. Though I believe she will be fine. She is in good hands with your father. Besides, King Eamon knows that should anything befall your w
ife while she is in his care, you would possibly kill him. Family ties aside.” Isaac grinned as Clifton ignored his comment and continued to storm through the castle, Isaac like a parrot on his shoulder.

  “Do you not have somewhere to be?” Clifton asked.

  “So, you may mope in peace?” Isaac countered.

  Clifton growled in frustration as he climbed the steps towards the Council Room. “I am following you, my friend.” Isaac continued. “You look as if you are on a mission, and my curiosity seeks to know what it is.”

  “Curiosity could be the death of you.” Clifton tossed over his shoulder.

  “Wouldn’t be the first time.” Isaac added as he and Clifton entered into the Council Room to find Alayna talking with Samuel about his journey of crossing the boundary line. She looked up and her eyes flashed sympathy towards Clifton as if she knew he was missing her sister. Clifton held up a hand in greeting. “We are here to help plan.”

  “Are you sure you are up for it?” Alayna asked.

  “Why wouldn’t I be?” Clifton looked confused and then rolled his eyes. “My wife left on a journey. I am fine. I miss her, that is all. I am not so delicate a man that I cannot continue on my way in her absence.”

  “I’m not so sure.” Isaac mumbled and accepted the punch in the shoulder on a laugh as he pulled up a seat next to Clifton.

  Alayna smiled at her brother-in-law and then turned towards Samuel. “Well, I think Samuel and I have sought out a plan.”

  Both princes waved their hands for her to continue.

  “We will send him across the boundary first thing tomorrow morning, but we will not be sharing that news with Edward until we for sure know the status of his allegiance. Samuel will seek to find that out first before pursuing Ryle. We will meet with Samuel daily in the clearing. Clifton, I am naming you for that position because you can cross freely should the need arise.”

  Clifton nodded in acknowledgement.

  “And what of me?” Isaac asked.

  “You are healing.” Alayna finished.

  “I am better.”

  “No, you are not.” Alayna narrowed her gaze upon him and her look of disbelief had him forfeit. “Okay, so I am not completely healed, but I am well enough to play messenger.”

  “I intend for you to partner with Clifton, yes.” She continued. “Together you two will oversee the guards and prepare them for Ryle’s rescue as well as our battle against the Lands. You two are now the Captains of the Realm’s armies. Mosiah will oversee the Southern Kingdom in King Samuel’s stead.”

  “Fair enough.” Isaac stated.

  “Are you sure you wish to do this?” Clifton turned towards Samuel and asked. “Should things not turn out as we plan, we have no idea how long you could be stranded in the Unfading Lands.”

  “I am aware of the risk.” Samuel affirmed with a quiet confidence. “I know that I can be of service no matter the length of time.”

  “Aye. Alright then.” Clifton nodded that he understood Samuel’s determination.

  “Then preparations should be made, Samuel. Tomorrow you cross the veil. Tonight, we will honor you at dinner.” Alayna waved her hand in dismissal and the three men stood. Clifton and Samuel exited while Isaac stood to the side.

  “Was there something you needed?” Alayna asked.

  “I wish to speak to you about Katarina.”

  “She left today in a separate caravan along with Elizabeth and King Eamon.” Alayna stated.

  “I know.” Isaac added.

  “You did not see her off.” Alayna pointed out curiously.

  “I did not.”


  “I did not wish to.” He added as if the matter were simple.

  “I see.” Alayna leaned back in her chair and watched him as he crossed his arms over his chest and stood firmly against the wall. “Then what is it you wish to discuss?”

  “I wish for us to keep an eye on her and the conditions of Abner’s Realm. Her last words to me were not… encouraging. I do not know if Abner’s Realm will be forgiving of his death.”

  “They should be.” Alayna mumbled.

  “I agree, but Katarina was upset with me for my part in his death.”

  “I know. Elizabeth told me. Apparently, she and Katarina had words as well.”

  “I did not realize that.”

  “Do not fret, Prince Isaac. I have sent eyes to keep watch over our ‘friend.’”

  “You mean a spy.”

  “Obviously.” Alayna smirked. “I never trusted her. Why should I let my guard down now that she has departed? She is the daughter of an evil king. Perhaps she is of kind character, but I wish to make sure. I also intend for us to keep open relations with her should she be the next ruler. I want her to know that our realm is ever present. Our guard is never down.”

  “You think she would attack us?” Isaac pushed himself off the wall. “I realize Katarina was upset, but I know enough about her to know she does not have the backbone for such a feat.”

  “She may not.” Alayna added. “But I do not wish to give her the slightest confidence in her strength.”

  “You wish to keep her scared of our realm?”

  “I do.”

  Isaac smiled. “I do not believe I am going to say this, Alayna, but for once, I believe I agree with you and your plans.”

  “There is a first time for everything.”

  Nodding his approval of her sarcasm, Isaac bowed dramatically. “On that note, I will leave you to your wiles, my Queen.” He ducked out of the room leaving Alayna smiling in her seat.

  Lancer grinned as he and Edward stood in the Reflection Chamber and summoned the darkness. The lights faded to their normal hue as he inhaled deeply and sighed a contented sigh. “Now that was extraordinary.” Lancer grinned happily. “I am so pleased at the power within you, Edward. You are only growing stronger and together we can accomplish much. Why, the Land of Unfading Beauty could possibly double in size. Before we know it, we will be our own realm.” Pleased, Lancer slapped Edward on the back and waved towards the empty chair surrounded by dry blood. “How is our prisoner doing?”

  “Weaker.” Edward replied. “His wounds are taking longer to heal yet his inner determination is only growing stronger.”

  “Pity.” Lancer added. “I had high hopes we could turn Eamon’s son against him. Perhaps we chose the wrong one.” He chuckled at that and then nodded towards the chair again. “Keep up the routine. I do not wish to cave into laziness of our task. Eventually they will send someone for him.”

  “I am not sure about that, my Lord. I believe Alayna will think him dead by now.”

  “Then we must inform her he is not.” Lancer stated. “I wish to parade him as a prisoner. Wave him like a drenched rag in front of her face until she makes the unwise decision to attack again.”

  “I will do my best at breaking him, my Lord.”

  “Do that.” Lancer agreed. “Now tell me this, how did you summon the darkness back into me? That was great power.” Lancer’s greedy eyes held a spark of intrigue and hunger at the answer.

  “I do not know, my Lord. I just willed it and it happened. I am still new to this power. Perhaps you can enlighten me.”

  “I cannot.” Lancer shrugged his shoulders. “I have had many great powers over the years, Edward. The ability to cross the boundary line, the ability to move objects with a wave of my wrist, the ability to transform objects. But never have I been able to summon the darkness into another target. It is always about free will. They have to choose to possess it.”

  “Perhaps since you already do possess the darkness is why I was able to direct it back to you.” Edward pointed out. “And did you say transform objects?”

  “I did. Why?”

  Edward grinned. “Just curious as to how that works. I hadn’t thought to try anything like that yet.”

  Lancer laughed. “It is quite fun. I had just mastered transforming faces when I was suddenly weakened.”

  “Yes. Meaning I can turn a simple guard into anyone I wish. Do you wish to see Queen Alayna? A wave of the wrist and I can turn the guard outside the door into Alayna. In appearance only, of course. Everything else would remain the guard. But you would be surprised how handy that power is. I cannot be everywhere at once, therefore I would create duplicates of me for appearances sake.”

  “Fascinating.” Edward rubbed his chin in thought.

  “Indeed. Though sadly I must say I no longer have that ability. Until we understand why I am weakened, I cannot perform such a task. Should you master it, let me know. We could use the skill in our favor during the next battle.”

  “Yes, we could.” Edward added. He felt his heart race at the prospect of using multiple decoys of himself and Lancer in the next battle. Though he knew the skill could also serve the Realm, the idea of helping the Realm in such a way did not hold the usual excitement. He shook away the thought and turned back towards Lancer. “Well, I will go retrieve our prisoner.”

  Lancer walked towards the door with him. “I will be in my chamber. Let me know if our Captain changes his mind about joining us.”

  Edward walked down the hall towards the prison cells and aimed to introduce Ryle to the new knowledge of his potential capabilities. Perhaps, knowing the amount of power he could potentially possess, Captain Ryle would find the darkness a bit more tempting.


  Ryle jolted from a deep slumber as he heard an iron door slam closed and the sound of footsteps scurrying into the prison chamber. He blinked adjusting his eyes to the light provided by a small lantern hanging along the wall and noticed another form in the cell next to him. A woman. Edward standing over her. He prayed it was not a woman from his realm and cleared his throat. The woman’s head jerked around, and his gaze collided with Cecilia.


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