The Unfading Lands The Complete Set

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The Unfading Lands The Complete Set Page 65

by Katharine E Hamilton

  “Cecilia?” He asked in surprise. Edward turned to him and stalked towards his cell. Cecilia ran towards the bars and attempted to yell but no sound came from her mouth.

  “Edward, what is this?” Ryle asked as Edward stormed towards him, his gaze dark and his fists clenched at his sides. “She is a traitor.”

  “Does Lancer know of this?” Ryle asked.

  “No.” Edward looked at Cecilia with contempt. “And he won’t. He never comes down here.”

  Cecilia cried out Edward’s name, tears streaking her face as she remained silent.

  “Why can she not speak?” Ryle looked to Edward, the Northern Prince’s jaw tightened. “Why can she not speak, Edward?” Ryle’s voice held warning and Edward leaned in closely to his face. “Because I stole her voice.” His blue eyes blackened as the words dripped from his mouth like poison. Ryle stepped closer to him and reached through the bars, grabbed the front of Edward’s tunic and pulled him forcefully against the bars, the prince’s cheek smashed against the iron bars. “Give her back her voice, Edward.” Ryle’s voice descended to a threatening octave and he retained his hold on Edward until the prince’s eyes transformed back to their normal blue. Edward reluctantly raised his hand and unfolded his fist one finger at a time and flicked his wrist in Cecilia’s direction. Her struggled gasp proof her voice had been returned. “Now release me.” Ryle eased his grip and Edward pulled away. “Do not forget what she has done, Ryle.” With his words echoing in the chamber, Edward spun on his heel and left.

  Cecilia studied him warily. “Prince Ryle.”

  Ryle, surprised that the Northern prince would go to such lengths to protect the Realm, scooted closer to the barred wall separating his cell from Cecilia’s. “Yes.”

  Cecilia’s chin rose, and her eyes flashed with pride. “What are you doing here?”

  “I was captured during the battle.” Ryle stated, his appearance coming into the light. His condition, his body, his inability to move swiftly, shocked her.

  “I do not wish for your realm to destroy the boundary line. I like it here.” She answered. “I told Lancer of your plans.”

  He contemplated her answer as if he knew nothing about her betrayal.

  “Is Edward responsible for your current condition as well?” Cecilia asked.

  “He is.” Ryle replied.

  “I am surprised he is treating you so badly.”

  Ryle shrugged. “He has to in order for Lancer to continue thinking he is loyal to the Lands.”

  Cecilia leaned forward, her small hands gripping the rails in front of her. “But he tortures you?”

  Ryle nodded. “Once, sometimes twice a day until I give into their offer.”

  “What offer?”

  “To join them here in the Lands and become a part of their resistance towards the Realm. But I will not.”

  “Why not?” She asked.

  “Because my home is not here. My home is in the Realm. I do not wish to live forever. That is unnatural. In order for my life to have a purpose, I have to actually have a life that is lived. Staying the same age, living for myself and my desires is not a life.”

  “You make us all sound so selfish.”

  “I believe it is.”

  “So, you would rather die?”

  “Yes. We are meant to die. That is part of life. You cannot have life without death. You cannot have light without the dark. It is a balance that is meant to be.”

  “I do not wish to die.”

  “That is you.” Ryle simply pointed out.

  “And you are willing to die? To leave the ones you love behind?”

  “If it comes to that, yes.”

  “But they would be heartbroken.” Cecilia added.

  “And they would move on. It would take time. It would take grief. But they would move on.”

  “And that does not bother you?”

  “Why should it? I only want what is best for them. That is part of the reason I’m in my current situation. The easy choice- the selfish choice would be to team up with Lancer so that I might live forever, but my life and my heart is on the other side. What quality of life would I have here if all I longed for was to be over there?”

  “That is how I feel about the Lands. Edward does not understand.”

  “Because he still has people on the other side that he loves.” Ryle explained.

  “But he also loves me.” She pleaded. “Or he did, I am not so sure now.”

  “Only time will tell.”

  Cecilia sat on her haunches as she surveyed Ryle and his appearance. “You are trapped in here because of me. Why are you being kind to me?”

  Ryle shifted and hissed as a wound in his calf continued to heal from the stroke of a blade. “I am trapped in here because of my decision to cross into the Lands. My decision had nothing to do with you. It is my own fault.”

  “Do you think Edward will forgive me? Or do you think he is capable of torturing me like he has you?”

  “I do not know.” Ryle’s honesty dispirited her shoulders. “Edward has a struggle all his own. The darkness and power that pulls at him is a dangerous temptation.”

  “I did not know he possessed the same darkness as Lancer until today. I saw it in his eyes.” Cecilia explained. “He changed.”

  “He battles with it daily. He consumed the darkness in order to weaken Lancer so that the Realm may have a fighting chance at victory. Course, we all know how that played out… thanks to you.” Ryle nodded towards her. “Now he is trapped in the Lands even longer, still having to possess pure evil, and he is to complete horrid tasks of torture every day. That would pull on any man’s soul.”

  Cecilia nibbled on her thumbnail as she leaned against her cell wall. “What I just witnessed in his eyes was not the same Edward. I fear for him.”

  “As you should. Perhaps now you understand his desperation in bringing down the boundary line. Should we not succeed, Edward is lost.”

  Ryle let his words sink in and watched as Cecilia folded in on herself in reflection. He leaned his head back and closed his eyes again, his strength slowly returning, but not near fast enough for his taste. Cecilia. He admitted to himself that Edward’s arrest of her surprised him. The fact she saw the darkness within him without him speaking of it was a bad sign. The Northern Prince was losing control over his ability to restrain it. Ryle could see it each time he lashed another sword through him. Edward’s eyes would darken, his breathing labored, and he used increased force with each blow. If the boundary line did not fall, Ryle feared Edward could not be saved. If the boundary line did not fall, Ryle also feared Edward would not want to be saved as well. Tuning out Cecilia’s soft whimpers, he faded into a deep sleep praying for relief.


  Samuel stood at the edge of the boundary line, the sparks of electricity flowed through him as he took a deep breath. He turned to Clifton next to him, the Eastern prince crossing with him to ensure he made it safely to the Uniter’s camp. Isaac stood behind them; hand on the hilt of his sword, watchful.

  “Ready?” Clifton asked.

  Samuel nodded, though he swallowed passed the lump in his throat.

  “Wait!” A voice called out from the tree line and had all men turning.

  “Melody!” Isaac yelled, his sword pointed in her direction. “I could have stabbed you.” He sheathed his sword and glowered at his sister. Melody rushed passed her brother towards Samuel and enveloped him in a tight hug. When she let him go, her eyes searched his face. “Be careful, King Samuel. You will be missed.” She handed him a folded letter and ignored the small smirk Prince Clifton held as he turned back toward the boundary line. Samuel squeezed Melody’s hand. “Thank you, Melody, for seeing me off. But I will not be gone long.” He soaked in her image for several long seconds and then turned back towards the boundary line. Clifton stepped through and Samuel followed. When he reached the other side, he exhaled in relief and grinned at Clifton.

  “Not so bad.” Samuel stated.

; Chuckling, Clifton patted him on the back as they turned and waved at the Western royals. “Follow me.”

  “That was one dramatic goodbye.” Isaac teased as his sister nervously wrung her hands together watching Samuel and Clifton disappear into the trees.

  “I did not receive the chance to see him off at the castle.”

  “And was that a love note you handed him?” Isaac asked, receiving the annoyed glare he was expecting.

  “It was an encouraging note. Not that it is any of your business, brother.” Melody turned towards Isaac as soon as she lost sight of the other two men. “He is brave to cross with the future so uncertain.”

  “He seems certain about it.” Isaac countered. “Because Samuel is an optimist. He sees the good in everyone and everything.”

  “Not always.” Melody pointed out. “The young king witnessed enough bad people and events before the Southern revolt. The fact he can even see good in anything anymore is a testament to the type of man he is.”

  “I see.” Isaac smirked at his sister’s defense. “I am sure your presence meant a great deal to him today, Melody. He cares for you.”

  Melody’s cheeks flushed as she began walking back towards the tree line. “I will leave you to your task. I had only wished to see Samuel across the boundary, now that he has gone, I will head back to the castle.”

  Isaac nodded at her retreating back as he heard her horse begin its steps along with whom he could only assume were castle guards riding alongside her. His gaze wandered over to the other side of the boundary and he waited for Clifton to return.


  Elizabeth jostled in her seat as the carriage traversed over roughened paths through the Western Kingdom her face glued to the passing scenery. “So far I have not seen any guards of suspicious character.”

  “And you have been watching.” King Eamon jested as she eased back into her seat with a grin.

  “Well is it not our job to make sure the Western Kingdom is not overrun with Abner’s guards?”

  “Yes. However, we have our own guards keeping an eye out for now.” Eamon added. “Relax while you can.”

  Elizabeth sighed as she attempted to calm her nerves. She shifted uncomfortably and held a hand to her queasy stomach.

  “You alright, dear?” Eamon asked.

  “Yes. I’m fine. Just a bit of a stomach bug lately.” She wiped the back of her hand across her forehead to clear away the sweat that beaded along her brow.

  “Are you sure?”

  Elizabeth nodded, her face paling as she leaned forward and placed her head between her knees. King Eamon tilted her chin up and tsked his tongue and a wide smile spread over his face. “I believe I know what ails you, Elizabeth. Perhaps when we reach the Western castle their healer can take a look at you.”

  Shelving her pride, Elizabeth leaned back against the carriage cushions and closed her eyes, praying she would not lose her breakfast at the feet of the king.

  The carrier halted, and Eamon held up his hand for Elizabeth to remain seated. A guard opened the door. “My Lord, we are at the gates, but the guards refuse to open the doors.”

  King Eamon sighed. “Isabella.” Shaking his head, he climbed out of the carriage. “I will take it from here. Thank you.”

  “Greetings friends,” he offered to the guards. “I am King Eamon from the Eastern Kingdom. I am here to visit with your King and Queen.”

  The two guards flanking the door looked at one another. “King Anthony is not here, my Lord, and we are under strict orders not to allow visitors during his absence.”

  “I understand. However, we have the blessing of his son, Prince Isaac, your future king.”

  The guards talked amongst themselves and nodded at Eamon. “We will have the Captain meet you at the doors.”

  Eamon flashed a friendly smile and made his way back to the carriage.

  “Well?” Elizabeth asked.

  “Anthony is not here.” Eamon reported. “That is not a good sign. I warn you, Elizabeth, the Queen may be—”

  “Out of sorts, I know.”

  “Alright. Perhaps just leave the talking to me. She will know who I am.”

  Elizabeth nodded in obedience as the carriage pulled to a stop outside the castle steps. A man, dressed in his Western military tunic, stepped forward as Eamon climbed out and extended his hand to Elizabeth. She eased herself to the ground and gazed upon the looming castle before her. The Western Kingdom settled within the mountains and the castle protruded from the rocky edifice giving a polished finish to the rough terrain.

  “My Lord,” the guard bowed. “I know you have travelled at great lengths to visit with the King, but he is not here. We were under the assumption he was still in the Northern Kingdom.”

  Eamon shook his head. “A word in private would be best, Captain.”

  The Captain nodded as the castle doors opened and an older woman dressed in Western formality stood with her arms outstretched. “Eamon!” Her smile slowly faded, and she squinted at the king. “My goodness you are old.”

  Elizabeth held back her snicker as Queen Isabella of the Western Kingdom enveloped King Eamon in a warm hug of welcome. The queen’s amber eyes travelled to Elizabeth. “Why Rebecca, you haven’t aged a day!” She gleefully clapped Eamon on the shoulder as she bypassed him and hugged Elizabeth to her. “What are you doing travelling with Eamon? Does Granton know of this escapade? How is Granton?” Queen Isabella began dragging Elizabeth through the castle doors asking question after question and Elizabeth attempted to maintain a smooth stride. When they entered the castle, Isabella released her hold on Elizabeth and placed her hands on her hips, her face stern. “Now I don’t want you two to think I am not happy to see you, but if there is a scandalous affair taking place, I must know. Anthony will not be pleased being placed in the middle.”

  Eamon smiled. “Actually Isabella, this is not Rebecca. This is her daughter Elizabeth.”

  “Her daughter?!” The queen gasped placing her delicate hand over her breast. “Eamon! She is but a child. Now I know you were upset when Erica passed, but to marry Granton’s daughter?! You have sons her age.”

  Elizabeth could not help the giggle that escaped as Eamon’s face flushed with embarrassment at the queen’s assumption. “I assure you, Isabella, there is nothing between the princess and me. She is married to my son, Clifton.”

  The queen’s shoulders relaxed. “Ah. I see. That’s better then. You are a beauty, child, did you know that? Have you met my Isaac? I bet he would love a girl like you.” She linked her arm with Elizabeth and began leading her to a large room with comfortable furniture and sat. “Have you met him?”

  “I have met Isaac, my Queen. He is a good man.”

  “Of course he is.” The queen waved her hand in the air as if she knew her son to be the greatest man alive. She turned towards the doorway as Eamon entered. “Eamon! When did you arrive?!” She walked towards him and hugged him tightly. “My goodness you are old. How long has it been?” Isabella chuckled as she led him into the room and sat. “Come, sit with Rebecca and me. We were just waiting on Granton and Anthony.”

  Elizabeth looked to Eamon as they both realized the queen’s mind had wandered already and Elizabeth felt sympathy for the confused woman.

  “Hello, Isabella. I am curious about Anthony, is he around?”

  “Oh heavens, I do not know. The man travels here and there so much I am unsure where he is. He hasn’t been home in weeks. Though that other man was sure kind enough to offer to help find him.”

  “Other man?” Elizabeth asked curiously.

  “Yes, our neighbor. King Abner. Nice man that one. He offered to find Anthony for me.”

  “He did?” Elizabeth asked. “When?”

  Queen Isabella patted Elizabeth’s hand and smiled. “Weeks ago, Rebecca. Do not fret. Anthony will turn up soon. He is never gone for too long. Let me see if I can find my children, you will not believe how much they’ve grown.” She stood and walked towards the doorway and beg
an yelling for Isaac and Melody.

  “What do we do?” Elizabeth whispered to Eamon. The king ran a hand over his face, a gesture much like Clifton’s that made her miss her husband instantly.

  “Leave it to me, dear.” He stated quietly as Queen Isabella made her way back into the room.

  “They seem to have disappeared again. Teenagers.” She mumbled. “So tell me, what brings you two here?”

  Eamon cleared his throat and finally sat. “We have come to find Anthony as well, Isabella. He left the Southern Kingdom after King Samuel’s coronation and no one has heard from him since. We were worried.”

  She waved her hand and laughed. “Oh Eamon, you always were a worrier. Anthony is fine. Why he was just here this morning.”

  Elizabeth cast a quick glance at Eamon, frustration starting to mar her face as they were not getting anywhere in their conversation with the queen.

  “Well would you mind if we stayed for a few days? Elizabeth has been feeling poorly, and I had hoped your healer could take a look at her.” Eamon motioned to the princess and Isabella’s eyes squinted. “Oh yes, Princess Elizabeth of the North. So, you married Eamon’s boy, Clifton, hm?”

  The queen’s mind seemed to catch up and Elizabeth sighed in relief. “Yes ma’am. I did.”

  “Ah, the blush of a newlywed. Is he a handsome boy?”

  “He is. Very much so.” Elizabeth smiled sweetly as her cheeks brightened.

  “And is he good in—”

  “Ah, Isabella,” Eamon interrupted, awkward with the queen’s turn in conversation. Elizabeth stifled a laugh as the queen shrugged her shoulders.

  “Apologies Eamon, girl talk.” Isabella winked at Elizabeth before standing. “You two shall have the East wing of the castle. I seem that only fitting. I will have our healer sent to you, my dear.” She squeezed Elizabeth’s hand. “Now I must go change, these rags are not near appropriate for dinner with friends. See you in the main dining hall tonight.” Like a light breeze, she left the room and Elizabeth chuckled at her father-in-law’s bewildered face.


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