The Unfading Lands The Complete Set

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The Unfading Lands The Complete Set Page 66

by Katharine E Hamilton

  “This may be a harder task than anticipated.” Eamon waved for Elizabeth to follow him as they made their way up the steps towards the East wing of the castle.

  “At least we know Abner visited.” Elizabeth pointed out. “Which is odd.”

  “Indeed. I am curious about that as well. Perhaps we can pull more information from her on that topic at dinner. In the meantime, I wish for you to rest, dear. I will send the healer in shortly.”

  “I am fine, King Eamon. Really. It is just a bug.”

  Eamon smiled mischievously again. “I do not believe it is, Elizabeth. But we shall know soon enough.” He bowed his head towards her and exited with a slight pep in his step.


  Samuel relaxed as the Uniters welcomed him with open arms of gratitude and surprise. Several Southern guards stepped forward and bowed and Samuel waved for them to rise to their feet. “That is not necessary. Please.”

  Clifton stepped forward and held up his hand. “A word.”

  Everyone silenced.

  “King Samuel is here for a specific purpose. His arrival is to remain secret.”

  “All of us live here in secret.” One guard stated.

  “No.” Clifton continued. “His presence is to remain secret even from Prince Edward.”

  Mumbles carried throughout the clearing.

  “Should his presence be leaked to Edward, Cecilia, or Lancer, our purpose will be moot. It is vital that he remain hidden among you for a greater purpose. Do we have your word?”

  Everyone in the clearing slowly began to bow to their knees. Pleased, Clifton gripped Samuel’s shoulder. “We can do this, Samuel. We can do this.”

  Samuel nodded in awe as he watched the sea of people fall to their knees in respect. “I will meet you at the boundary line in the morning at dawn.” He turned to Clifton in dismissal and Clifton nodded with a wide grin. “I will see you then, my friend.”

  Samuel watched as the Eastern prince found his leave and men and women slowly began to rise to their feet. He inhaled a deep breath for courage and then set about introducing himself to his fellow Uniters, eager to find several trusted men to accompany him to Lancer’s castle to rescue Ryle.

  Clifton stepped back across the boundary and Isaac became alert. “About time. I was getting antsy over here. How did it go?”

  “He seemed quite comfortable and the Uniters seem quite pleased and honored to have him in their mix. We shall see if his presence goes unnoticed by Edward or not. Everyone seemed on board, but we will not know for sure. Only time will tell.”

  “Samuel is smart. He will play his role well whether discovered or not.” Isaac stated confidently. “I have high hopes for him.”

  “Me too.” Clifton lifted himself into his saddle and clicked his reins, as the morning sun was warming the earth and erasing the morning dew. Isaac’s pulled back on his horse. “Is there a reason you are moving at such a slow pace?”

  “Hm?” Clifton turned to him as if he just realized he was not alone. “Oh, I am sorry.”

  Isaac laughed. “You, my friend, are at a loss without your woman.”

  Clifton turned to him and shook his head. “I do not know what you are talking about. I was not even thinking of Elizabeth.”

  “Sure you weren’t. It is written all over you, Clifton. Perhaps you are riding so slow because there is no one waiting for your arrival at the castle?”

  “Not the reason at all. I was just admiring the morning.” Clifton gestured towards their surroundings and Isaac continued to laugh.

  “Right. Well when I decide to believe you, I will be sure to let you know. However, I am quite starved, so I will be leaving you in my dust if you continue to meander at such a pace.”

  Clifton’s eyes narrowed, and he gripped his reins and tapped his heels into his horse’s flanks as he sped past Isaac, the two princes racing back towards the castle.


  Alayna pushed aside her maps and ran her hands over her face as fatigue settled into her shoulders and the morning’s events weighed upon her. Samuel had now crossed into the Unfading Lands and here she sat, perplexed on how to move forward with battle plans. She was so sure of herself a week ago, why was she questioning herself now? She stood and stretched her back before walking towards the open window and looking out over the grassy hills, the wind causing seas of green to billow in the sunshine. It was a beautiful day. She should be grateful and leave this dark room for a spell and enjoy it. Clifton and Isaac would find her upon their arrival. She could surely take a moment for peace. She made her way through the castle in stealth so as not to be stopped by anyone; her mind focused upon the gardens and the fresh air. When she made it safely to the castle doors leading outside, she spotted Melody rounding the corner.

  “Doors.” She ordered quickly for the guards. She slipped through hastily, not that she did not wish to speak to Melody, but that her hopes of a private moment sounded too glorious to have any interruption. When she stepped outside and the doors closed behind her, she took a deep breath and relaxed her shoulders. The pond. That is where she would head first. She made her way through the gardens, stopping every few steps to smell a bloom or pluck a blossom and continued on her way. The last time she had walked these gardens was before the attack on the castle. Elizabeth had rushed out to retrieve her and then their entire world had changed. More war. More chaos. More loss. She sat upon a bench beside the water and watched the ripples float across the surface as the wind whispered around her. She wished Ryle were here to enjoy the day with her. The thought saddened her. He risked much for the Realm and now he sat as a prisoner of Lancer, if he were even still alive. She shook away the thought of him not surviving. He was alive. She felt him deep down and knew he lived. She prayed Samuel was successful and continued to think of ways to utilize the young king from within the veil.

  “Excuse me, my Queen.” Her attendant, Jessa, stepped forward. “Prince Clifton and Prince Isaac have returned and are asking for you.”

  “Of course.” Alayna stood, noting Jessa’s regret for interrupting her time of reflection on her face. Alayna patted her on the shoulder as she passed and handed her the flowers she had plucked. “Thank you, Jessa.” As she turned towards the castle, Isaac emerged followed by Clifton, both princes looking wind swept and eager to fill her in on their news.

  “Gentlemen.” She greeted. “How is our Samuel?”

  “Successfully ensconced in the Uniters'.” Clifton reported. “They welcomed him openly.”

  “And Edward was not there?”

  “No. He was not around.”

  “Good. Now we wait for news from Samuel tomorrow morning I suppose.”


  Weeks passed, and Clifton held in his hand the last letter Elizabeth sent the prior week. Another letter should arrive today if his calculations were correct. She and his father were no closer to finding King Anthony than when they left and Samuel’s work in the Unfading Lands was a slow process as well. Action. Clifton needed action, and he found himself wandering down towards the stables where his targets were set up. He would practice again. Much like he did yesterday and the day before. To say his boots were itching for action was an understatement. The fact that all of them were stirring around, short of temper, and avoiding one another proved that the last few weeks were wearing on everyone. He topped the hill and spotted Isaac using his practice targets and inwardly groaned. He only wanted time alone to his thoughts. Isaac paused and raised his sword. “En garde, Clifton. I need to duel.”

  Clifton unsheathed his sword and gladly took his stance as the two princes collided blades and parried back and forth. He blocked a blow to his shoulder and barely missed Isaac’s side as the Western prince dodged his blade. “Careful now, Clifton, I am beginning to think you are not just playing.” Isaac grinned as he struck a blow with his elbow into Clifton’s gut, the satisfying grunt making him laugh. He felt the brunt of Clifton’s shove and flourished around with a swipe of his blade, the tassel upon Clifton’s
shoulder falling to the ground.

  “Am I to take it you two are out to kill one another?” Melody’s voice drifted to them as she emerged from the stables with a smile. Isaac paused, turning to his sister. “I see you are pleased. You must have gone to visit Samuel at the boundary line.”

  “I did.”

  Isaac grunted as Clifton dove towards him, shoulder slamming into his stomach and taking him to the ground. Melody gasped as the two princes rolled around punching one another. Fists and kicks flying, Melody watched as her brother bested Clifton and the Eastern prince slammed upon his back in the green grass, chest heaving from exertion.

  “Promise me you will not kill one another?” She asked in passing.

  “Promise.” Both men uttered between breaths. Melody rolled her eyes and continued on her way to the castle, the letter from Samuel hiding in her surcoat pocket. She had met Samuel at the boundary line every few days for the last few weeks, their letters growing in length and detail of his current situation. He seemed to be making great strides in the Lands, and his hope for a rescue from the Realm never wavered. As she entered the castle, Alayna paused in the hallway. “Afternoon, Melody.”

  “Hello, Alayna.”

  “I trust our Samuel is doing well?”

  Melody blushed. “Yes. He is.”

  Alayna nodded with a knowing smile. “Any news that needs to be reported?”

  “No, not yet. He said Edward appeared in the camp yesterday evening, but Samuel was not recognized. He said Edward conversed with several guards and then left. He was not sure of specifics.”

  “Very well.” Alayna sounded disappointed but offered a small smile.

  “Have you witnessed the shenanigans of our princes?” Melody pointed to the doorway. “I fear Isaac and Clifton are growing restless. They have taken to battling one another.”

  Alayna walked to the doorway and the doors opened for her. She walked with Melody to the edge of the hill as she watched Isaac dive towards Clifton on the ground, but Clifton kicked his feet up, flipping Isaac over him, the Western prince landing on his back. “Oh my.” She said.

  “Yes. I fear if they keep at it, they will harm one another. Isaac should not be taking such blows.”

  “Are you sure they are just jesting back and forth? It looks more serious than that.” Alayna asked.

  “Yes. I stopped them earlier and neither seemed ill tempered.”

  “Well that is good, I suppose. I feel almost as restless. I pray we have news soon that encourages progress.” Alayna watched the two men battle out their agitation for a few more minutes and then turned to walk back to the castle. Melody followed but remained silent. “Has Samuel said anything about Captain Ryle?” Alayna asked curiously.

  Melody shook her head. “No, he has not. Though he did say he befriended two guards that work within the castle. He is hoping they can provide cover to sneak him inside when the time comes.”

  Alayna perked up. “That is good news. That also means Ryle is still alive if the guards are willing to put forth such effort. They would not if he were already dead.”

  “Yes, that is what I gathered as well. There is still hope.” Melody smiled tenderly as she placed a gentle hand on Alayna’s arm. Alayna, not comfortable with displaying her feelings so openly, forced a smile and then stepped away from the kind gesture. “Well, until dinner, Melody.” She curtsied and walked away leaving the Western princess contemplating the queen’s struggles as well as the two men outside.


  Edward dragged an unconscious Ryle back to his cell and leaned him up against the stonewalls.

  “Edward, what have you done to him?” Cecilia’s worried voice drifted from the other side of the prison chamber and Edward spun. “It is not your concern, Cecilia.”

  “But he is bleeding. Badly.” She scooted over to the bars separating her cell from Ryle’s and studied the Eastern prince looking for signs of life.

  “He cannot die.” Edward stated. “His wounds are already healing. I just hit him harder than I intended, and he is unconscious.”

  “Every day you punish him. Do you not see his body cannot take anymore?” Cecilia leaned her forehead against one of the bars and silently pleaded for Edward to show mercy to Prince Ryle and herself.

  “What concern is it of yours?” Edward barked. “He is in here because of you. This is all happening because of you. I HAVE TO DO THIS BECAUSE OF YOU!” His eyes flashed as he turned away from her to gain his composure.

  “You are not yourself, Edward. The man I know would not allow Lancer to seek such injustice on an innocent man.”

  “So now you take the side of the Realm? When did your loyalties change?”

  “They haven’t.” Cecilia confirmed. “I just do not like to see a kind man being tortured for no reason.”

  “Lancer believes there is a reason, Cecilia. Again, this would not be happening if you had not betrayed them. His blood is on your hands, not mine.” Edward nudged Ryle’s foot as the Eastern prince groaned and slowly blinked his eyes open. He rubbed a hand over his head, his fingertips staining with blood. “Must you always go for the head?”

  “It stopped it, did it not?” Edward asked, his patience wearing thin with everyone questioning him.

  “True.” Ryle straightened against the wall and coughed, blood spurting from his lips as he tried to contain the pain the action initiated.

  “The offer still stands, Prince Ryle. Should you agree to Lancer’s terms, then the torture will stop.”

  “I will not.”

  Edward sighed and dropped his hands down to his sides. “I assumed as much. You realize this weighs heavily upon me, do you not?”

  “I do. I am sorry, Edward. But I will not give in. I do not want any part of these Lands or that man.”

  “Weeks ago I would have continued to respect your choice, but now it is plain foolish. Look at you.” Edward studied Ryle closely, sympathy disappearing from his face and a stone façade replacing it. “I cannot help you anymore. Your denial makes me look bad. The punishments will grow tougher every day. Lancer ordered it. I cannot continue to beat you senseless each time. Soon Lancer will give into his desire and kill you altogether. What then? What good will your imprisonment have been then?”

  “You could always release me.” Ryle pointed out.

  Edward shook his head. “We’ve been through this. I can’t. My role would be jeopardized if I let you go.”

  “Then how about her?” Ryle nodded towards Cecilia.

  “She is a traitor. She remains.”

  “I believe you have made your point. I doubt she will betray you to Lancer, even now. Let her go. She should not have to suffer.”

  “Did you not hear me?” Edward closed Ryle’s cell door and locked it. “She is a traitor. I do not tolerate betrayal.” He flashed a dangerous gaze Cecilia’s direction. “If I allowed the darkness to decide, she would be dead already.”

  “You mean the darkness would kill a person loyal to the Lands?” Ryle asked. “That seems counter productive.”

  Edward growled. “The darkness has no loyalty to these lands. It is loyal to people. If you embrace it, it follows you no matter where you are.”

  “I see. So even if the boundary line falls and all is well in the world, you will carry the darkness with you when you leave?”

  “I pray not.” Edward stated, though his voice sounded hesitant.

  “It is part of you now.” Ryle pointed out.

  “I will rid myself of it.”


  “I DO NOT KNOW!” Edward shouted and then clasped the hair at his temples. “Stop pushing, Prince Ryle. Please.” He attempted to compose himself and bit down on his bottom lip as his hands tightened on his hair and his eyes swirled between blue and black. Ryle watched him battle against the darkness’ power and caught Cecilia’s nervous look and her scurry to the far corner of her cell. When Edward’s hand fell to his sides, his eyes were normal and his face strained. “I will figure it out.” Hi
s voice was low and defeated.

  “I will help you.” Ryle added. “Just remain strong, Edward.”

  “I am strong.” Edward hissed, his eyes swirling again at his taking offense.

  Ryle held up his hands in forfeit and Edward backed away and hurried out of the chamber.

  “He is not well.” Cecilia’s voice drifted from the darkness and she appeared in the lamplight.

  “No. But there is no way to help him if he does not contain the darkness within him.”

  Elizabeth signed her name and folded the parchment and dipped a dollop of wax on the seam. She had delayed in writing Clifton not knowing what to tell him of her journey in the West. So far, she and his father had yet to find out any news of King Anthony, and King Eamon was hesitant on sending out search parties for fear of causing a kingdom-wide panic. She could understand, but she felt as if she were not putting forth as much effort as she should. She sighed as she scrolled Clifton’s name across the front of the letter. She had news for him, of that she was certain, but not news she wished to share in the letter. She patted her stomach. A baby. That was what the healer had told her. Her sickness was no stomach bug, and she had slowly started feeling the difference between a normal sickness and the common ails of a baby. She could not believe it. She and Clifton were to be parents to a child. She shook her head in disbelief. To say the timing was less than perfect would be an understatement, but the joy a baby could bring helped ease her fears. The fact King Eamon had maintained a constant state of glee over the matter had shown her that much. Now here she sat, twiddling her thumbs, as he handled the search for Anthony. So much for her quest. She heard the shuffling of footsteps and Queen Isabella emerged in the doorway.

  “Rebecca.” She greeted warmly.

  Elizabeth inwardly prayed for patience as the woman’s mind struggled with catching up to the current time.

  “Hello Queen Isabella. How are you today?”

  The queen waved her hand in annoyance as she sat. “Dreadful. Absolutely dreadful. Anthony has decided to disappear again. And so has Isaac and Melody. I cannot seem to keep a grip on my household. Do they think a kingdom can run itself?”


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