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The Unfading Lands The Complete Set

Page 74

by Katharine E Hamilton

  Lancer groaned in annoyance as the door to the reflection chamber clattered behind him once more. Thinking it was the guard he turned with his hand outstretched. Cecilia froze, her feet stuck to the floor and her voice gone. Seeing it was her, Lancer released his hold and she fell to her knees. Neither man went to help her.

  “What brings you inside this room, Cecilia?” Lancer asked, his gaze wandering to Edward.

  Edward, never leaving his current position, eyed her suspiciously. “The princes are here, my Lord. In the castle.” She rushed towards Lancer and he held up a restraining hand. “Princes?”

  “From the Realm.” They are coming up the hall this very moment.

  Edward cringed. Had Ryle come to exact his revenge upon him? Would Clifton kill him knowing how he had treated his brother?

  Lancer glanced at Edward and grinned. “Looks like I was right, Edward. My plan will unfold exactly how I imagined. Brace yourself, I hear them coming.”

  Isaac flung open the door to the reflection chamber and felt the air leave his lungs as he was tossed from the entry and back out into the hall. He hit the opposite wall with a thud, his body crumbling to the floor. He groaned and looked up at Clifton. “I know, I should have been smarter.” He slowly rose to his feet as Clifton slowly approached the doorway.

  “Come in. Come in.” Lancer beckoned from within. “That first shot was just a warning.”

  Clifton looked back at Isaac before entering, his sword at the ready.

  “Ah, Prince Clifton of the Eastern Kingdom and Prince Isaac of the West, it’s a pleasure.” Lancer bowed. “I must say, nephew, I had hoped to meet you under other circumstances.”

  Clifton gazed upon his uncle. What little Clifton remembered of his mother was shown in Lancer’s eyes. He had the same blue eyes as his mother, and the sentimental thought had Clifton shaking his head to clear it.

  Lancer waved his hand and the door slammed closed behind them. “Edward.” He summoned Edward forward and he nodded. Edward unsheathed his sword and immediately darted towards Isaac, while Lancer circled around Clifton like a wolf on its prey. “My, you are a spitting image of your father when he was your age. Did you know that? It’s a shame really,” he brought his blade forward. “Because I truly hate your father.” He lunged and Clifton blocked the blow easily, but the force sent both men into a parry that Clifton felt himself losing. His strength was no match to the power Lancer possessed.

  Edward accepted the blade to the shoulder without flinching and Isaac stumbled backwards as he released it from the Northern prince’s muscle. “How?” He growled as he lunged for Edward again. Their blades crossed and brought them face to face, the gleaming blades between them. Isaac’s gaze drifted down to the shoulder wound, a black inkiness began to seep out of Edward.

  “Injure him!” He yelled at Clifton. “He will lose some of the darkness if you injure him, Cliff!” He pushed Edward back with all his might and their blades untangled. A new energy arose in Isaac as he tried to maim Edward with every strike.

  Lancer laughed as he continued to parry with Clifton, what small cuts he had received inhibited him little. A darkness began to shadow the room. A heat began to rise, and a female moan filtered through the air. Cecilia shrunk into a corner, terrified of what was before her. Lancer spun out of the hold Clifton had on him and swiftly reversed his approach taking the Eastern prince by surprise. Clifton felt the sharp stab as it entered his chest and his strangled cry had Isaac hesitating long enough that Edward disarmed him. Edward nodded his head towards Clifton and Isaac slowly walked towards his friend as he lay bleeding on the floor.

  The walls seemed to close in around them. The flames of the sconces shot into the air. Lancer smiled. “You see, Prince Isaac, this is what you are up against. It is not Edward or me you parry blades with, but this power. The ultimate power that sustains these Lands. You cannot defeat us.” He nudged his boot at Clifton’s knee as Clifton’s breathing became steadier and steadier as his wound began to heal. “See it heals you now.” Lancer winked. “Quite handy considering the current circumstances. However,” he flourished his hand and Cecilia was forced to her feet. “There is one way to die in these Lands, and I believe we all know what it is. The door, Cecilia, open it.”

  The horrified Cecilia slowly opened the door and stepped back. “Allow me to demonstrate for you.” He snapped his fingers and Prince Ryle stood in the doorway, free of shackles and free of ropes. Edward’s chest tightened. Could it be?

  Clifton bit his bottom lip to remain quiet and calm. The sight of his brother a welcome relief. He was alive. Before he could rejoice, Ryle entered the room and another Ryle appeared in the doorway. One after the other, eight Princes Ryle emerged.


  Alayna peeked her head into the conservatory and spotted Elizabeth and Melody standing at the window facing the boundary line.

  “You ladies ought to come away from the window. It will only happen slower if you keep staring.”

  Elizabeth slowly eased into a chair, but her gaze never left the countryside. “I will not stop watching. I wish to see it fall.”

  “I thought you were to keep watch on Katarina.” Alayna reminded her.

  “I am. She is on the parapet.”

  “You allowed her in the castle gates?” Alayna asked in surprise.

  “Yes. It is the best view of the Land of Unfading Beauty. I felt it only fair now that her army has crossed the boundary. Though she is still not allowed inside the walls of the castle.” Elizabeth explained, her back still towards Alayna.

  Melody sat, her hands twisting in her lap. “Do you think we will know when it happens?”

  “Yes. The veil will fall.”

  “No, I mean when something happens to them. Prince Clifton, King Samuel, King Eamon, and Isaac?”

  “Nothing is going to happen.” Elizabeth’s voice held a hard edge.


  “There are no buts, Melody. Nothing is going to happen. Nothing has happened to them. I would feel it. I would know.”

  Melody shrank back into her chair and eyed Alayna. Pitying the Western princess for receiving a lashing from her sister, she walked forward. “Elizabeth, perhaps you should go and rest for a bit.”

  “No. I am staying right here. Leave me be.”

  Alayna eased onto a chaise as she respected her sister’s wish but remained watchful of both princesses at the window. She worried too. She shuddered at the thought of one of the men, or all of the men, not returning. It was hard enough not having Ryle with them any longer, but to lose Clifton would devastate her sister. To carry a child of the man she loved and him not be a part of their life seemed too ghastly to imagine. So, she wouldn’t. She forced her mind to more positive thoughts and prayed their armies achieved success.


  The formation of Ryles kneeling before Lancer made Clifton’s blood run cold. Lancer walked behind them, his blade tapping each of them on the shoulder. Every man flinched, but one. The fourth Ryle appeared calmer than the rest. Clifton tried to make eye contact with all of them to see if he could find his brother amongst them. But other than the one Ryle that did not flinch, nothing set them apart.

  “You see,” Lancer slashed his blade and the first Ryle’s head fell to the ground, his body afterwards. Clifton struggled against the hold Edward had on his arms as he tried to rush forward. “Losing one’s head will cause death.” He snickered. “I mean that figuratively and literally. Funny how that works, isn’t it? Prince Ryle was a prisoner here in the castle for quite some time. Edward took the liberty of torturing him every day, and I watched in approval. It was when your prince refused my final offer of sanctuary that I ordered Edward to kill him.” Another Ryle crumbled to the floor, the others fidgeting against the invisible hold Lancer held on them as they waited their turn for execution.

  “Edward disobeyed me.” Lancer shook his head and tsked his tongue. “Not that I blame him. I know Edward only wished to save him for a future purpose. And now here w
e are. Only, I discovered Prince Ryle as he tried to escape the bondage Edward had set him in. And I changed my plans accordingly. So here he is before you. Well, multiple Princes Ryle.” Lancer smiled, pleased with himself. “His purpose fulfilled. His purpose to weaken you.” He pointed his blade at Clifton.

  Edward’s hold on Isaac loosened as he focused his attention on restraining Clifton. Isaac felt the decrease in force and slowly crept his hand towards his sword beside him on the floor. Lancer continued parading around the Prince Ryle line up as Edward used all his might to contain Clifton. Isaac’s fingers slowly and gently slipped around the hilt of his sword. He inhaled a deep breath as he watched Lancer approach the fourth Ryle. Clifton jolted and tossed and twisted his body to escape Edward and Isaac knew his moment was now.

  Haste and stealth were his practice and he thanked his hours of training as he quickly snatched his sword from the ground and plunged the blade upward over his right shoulder to an unsuspecting Edward. The sword lodged straight in his heart and the Northern Prince stumbled backwards, his hold dropping from Clifton’s shoulders. Clifton darted to his feet and sprinted across the room, diving towards Lancer before the man could even turn around. Tackling him to the floor, Clifton landed blows to the man’s face as he tried to disarm the blade from Lancer’s grip. Lancer laughed between punches as he kicked Clifton back.

  Edward lay on the floor, Isaac standing over him watching as blackness poured from the Northern prince’s chest and onto the floor. It circled around Isaac’s feet and climbed his legs. The teasing thrill of power drifted over him like a woman’s touch, tempting him to savor it. His vision clouded as he watched Clifton struggle to overcome Lancer. He should help him, he knew that, but suddenly not having Clifton in his life seemed the better option. He could finally have Elizabeth to himself, that thought more tempting than the power being offered. He looked down at Edward again, the prince heaving as he rolled to his knees and allowed the darkness to spill out of him and drip to the floor. Isaac was now blinded by the black smoke that now circled around him.

  Clifton glanced over his shoulder. “No!” He shoved Lancer away from him as he darted back towards Isaac. He would not lose his friend to the enemy even if it cost him his life.

  Isaac felt the grip on his arm and he shook his head to clear his thoughts. Reflection chamber. Fighting. War. Clifton. Lancer. Edward. As he came back to his normal self, the darkness slowly drifted away from him and hovered around Clifton’s ankles. The Eastern prince watched as it moved quickly towards Lancer.

  The Ryle guards collapsed to their faces, their gazes glazed as Lancer swiped his hand out before him. Not one of them survived the blow as he reached out to the darkness and accepted the power it offered him.

  Edward’s breathing labored as his wound slowly began to heal. His strength gone. His body weak. His lungs compressed as he struggled to take a breath. What just happened? He watched as Isaac and Clifton approached Lancer as the darkness swirled around him, Lancer blind to anything and anyone as he consumed the rest of the darkness. Edward’s power was gone, and it now moved over the only vessel willing to accept it.

  Edward tried to rise to his feet as the two princes approached the evil before them, their swords held with clenched fists and fierce determination.

  The flames from the sconces extinguished instantly, the room shrouded in darkness, and the only sound Edward could hear were blades falling to the ground.



  Cecilia brought her hands down the ribbed board in front of her and hissed as she brought her knuckle up to her mouth. The raw skin peeled back to reveal a small wound of wear. A blister that caused her to seethe. She looked up as her mother exited their small cottage and placed another basket full of linens next to Cecilia’s feet. “You’d best get a move on, girl. There’s only more where these came from.”

  Cecilia straightened her shoulders and raised her chin. “I am done for today, Mother.” She stretched her back and plopped the sheet she had been cleaning back into the water trough before her. The steaming water flushed her face and made her sweat. “You will be finished when I say you are finished.” Her mother barked. “Now get back to work. You have years to make up for.”

  Cecilia cringed and balled her hands into fists as she turned to look at what used to be The Land of Unfading Beauty. There was no boundary line now. No means of escape from the dreadful life she had once left behind. Her life with Edward was over now that the boundary had fallen. She had loved him. He had promised her a life of luxury here in the Realm, but that was before she had betrayed him. Now here she stood, her old life of washing the village’s laundry with her mother, her old and new reality. Bitterness laced her heart, and she longed for the Unfading Lands. Her time there seemed as if it were a dream. A long dream she wished for every single day. Edward’s promises and the life she had were but a bittersweet dream.


  “Graham!” Elizabeth’s voice drifted through the halls as her sprightly toddler walked as fast as his little legs could carry him across the stone floor. Stumbling to his bottom, the child teetered on his hands and knees as he attempted to stand once more. When he regained his footing, he set out again away from his mother. She smiled as his blonde curls bounced and he turned to flash her a grin that was the spitting image of Clifton. Isaac stepped into the hall and intercepted the child with gusto, tossing him up into the air and causing a stream of giggles to erupt. He set Graham back to his feet and surveyed Elizabeth. “Good morning.”

  “Morning. You look well for a day such as today.” She lightly patted him on the back as he shook his head and laughed. “You should see my father.”

  Elizabeth mustered a look of sympathy and grinned.

  “Has everyone arrived yet?” Isaac asked, his hand brushing through his dark hair as he nervously tapped his foot. Graham grabbed his hand and pulled, wishing for more air time. The sweet face of innocence looking up at him did not take long to convince Isaac and he picked up the young prince once more; Graham petting the wolf pelt that draped over Isaac’s shoulders. “Oft.” His little voice called out making the grown ups chuckle.

  “Right you are, little man, it is rather soft.” Isaac tapped Graham’s nose as Alayna exited the Council Room and smiled in greeting. “Why, Isaac, you look handsome.”

  “You seem surprised?” He winked and accepted the light shove to his shoulder from Elizabeth.

  “Your father?” Alayna asked.

  “Pacing in his chambers. I imagine we will not see him until the last second.”

  Everyone turned as the door to their right opened slowly and Samuel stepped out dressed in his finest. The Southern King’s royal robes, dashing on his young frame, swayed behind him as he stepped into the hall.

  “And there he is!” Elizabeth embraced the young king in a hearty hug. “You ready?”

  Samuel bit back a nervous smile and nodded. “I am.”

  Isaac slapped him on the back. “Relax. The ceremony will pass by quickly.”

  “Thanks, though I must say I feel as if my heart may beat out of my chest.”

  “All normal feelings.” Elizabeth’s face split into a wide smile as her husband walked up and slid his hand to the small of her back. Clifton lightly kissed her on the lips before a squirming Graham pulled away from Isaac’s shoulders and reached for his father. Clifton accepted the joyful toddler with glee, burrowing his face in the child’s curls and kissing the top of his head. “It would seem we are all ready.” Clifton turned towards Alayna and she nodded.

  “Tomas, please fetch King Anthony and tell him it is time. We will go to the great hall and take our places.”

  Tomas bowed and hurried off to the opposite wing of the castle.

  “Here we go.” Elizabeth rubbed her hands together and squeezed Samuel’s hand in encouragement before walking away with her husband and son.

  “You two find your places.” Alayna ordered Samuel and Isaac. “I do not wish for things t
o be interrupted by men scurrying about at the last minute.”

  Chuckling, Isaac bowed. “Yes, my Queen.”

  Alayna rolled her eyes and watched them leave. She smiled and sent a silent prayer of peace for Samuel as she watched him walk down the stairs. She heard the trumpets sound below and the murmuring voices cease, as she knew her family and friends took their places. It was her turn now. She sighed thinking of the last time she walked down the center aisle for her coronation, Prince Ryle by her side. Heavy hearted, she shook away the thought. Today was about Samuel, and thoughts of Ryle, though they haunted her every night, were not welcome on such a joyous day as this.

  They had defeated the Land of Unfading Beauty. The boundary line had fallen, but Ryle’s whereabouts remained a mystery. Lancer could not remember where he had held Ryle prisoner, the Valleylands’ king deeply remorseful for the unfortunate incident. It had taken the last year to embrace the changes in their realm and the Valleylands. Katarina and Lancer had joined forces in an effort to display a united front between their two families. So far, the Valleylands had prospered, Lancer finding true salvation from the darkness. Clifton still bore the mark on his hand, the scar from the burn his dagger etched when coming in contact with Lancer’s flesh. Clifton and Isaac had dived straight into the darkness to overcome Lancer in his reflection chamber. The way Isaac described the situation still left Alayna breathless. The darkness had drained from Edward and swarmed around Lancer ready for the taking, but the impact of Clifton and Isaac’s assault had stalled the consumption. Though Lancer’s strength disarmed them in the midst, Clifton had fought with what little strength that remained and had forced his dagger into Lancer’s heart. That was all it took. As the leader of the Land of Unfading Beauty fell to the floor, his blood seeping out, the darkness left with it. In its place was a new Lancer, a man whose memory had but vague recollections of his life in the Unfading Lands. No trace of darkness remained in him, and after a long recovery in the North, he finally took his rightful place as King of the Valleylands, with Katarina as his Queen. Her father, King Granton, was right. The darkness had always been their true enemy. Lancer now was an entirely different man than the one who had controlled the boundary line, and from what King Eamon believed, a different man than he was before the Unfading Lands came to be. The two men continued to work on their interaction, as Lancer adjusted to life outside of the Lands, mending relationships and creating a new life in his father’s stead.


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