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Once Upon A Time

Page 10

by Jo Pilsworth

Merida Davinier-Cadwaladr

  As I walked with Garad, and listened to her explanation of the tea blends and how they worked I can't help but smile. They all wanted me to feel better.

  Taking the thermos, I look at them, I was curious as to how they would taste. "Yeah, I have some .... tendencies to not sleep well. But really is nothing too bad ... I will be going to bed soon, so I'll take a cup now." I smiled and opened it, using the lid as cup, I served some of the tea, tasting it I soon felt the flavours of the herbs exploding in my mouth. "Mmm, this one is perfect. " I commented, drinking more of it. It was strong yet subtle taste.

  "I am going to head out to bed now, I still need to shower." I chuckled and walked to the door. Turning to her I walked to her again, and gave her a gentle hug, then walked away, saying goodnight to Owain by giving him a kiss on the cheek and going up the stairs. A few minutes later, I was ready to retire for the night. I could feel the tea working, making me yawn here and there.

  By the time I laid in bed, my eyelids felt heavy and soon I was falling asleep.

  Aaleahya Negrescu

  The Winter Solstice ceremony was ready to start. Looking into the mirror one time I smoothed the skirt of the white silky dress I used for this particular ceremony for centuries. Placing on the necklace I received when I was just a youngling myself from my own sire, the bright blue stone still shining brightly, I had a soft but sad smile on my lips in his memory.

  Walking to the nursery to collect the twins, I could see the anxious looks of all the younglings as well as the adults of the Pack. This is a special time of year for the Pack. We show our gratitude to our Goddess for all the good that has happened for the year.

  Each of the young females take a baby and headed down the stairs case to meet with the others. I gathered the box full of gifts for the younglings, knowing all the adults who have been given their own gift at a young age will be wearing their necklaces for the ceremony. The time was drawing near. The excitement is thick in the air

  Walking to the front of the pack I awaited my mate to join me, his eyes are the Cŵn Annwn red, as are all of the pack as he calls forth our Goddess.

  Gavril Negrescu

  Evening, and the Hall is in darkness, in preparation for our Solstice ritual. Candles stand in floor sconces, unlit until the appropriate time. Carrying the box of gifts for the younglings, the darkness is no impediment to me or to any other Cŵn Annwn. However, the candles are as much for their symbolism as to provide illumination on proceedings. Gradually, the Hall fills with the members of the Pack, from the youngest, my own twin pups, to the eldest in the Pack. In the dim light, the simple garments worn by the Cŵn Annwn are dim shapes: a simple button-less shirt and leather trousers is the preferred choice for the males, and for the females, a variety of light, shift style dresses, the length dependent on their age and preference.

  Placing the box of gifts on the floor, I turned to Aaleahya, standing before the Pack, waiting for me. My eyes are glowing red, as from within me, I called to the Goddess, inviting her to witness our pledge to her service. There is a sudden breeze through the room, as the call is answered, and a murmur of sound from the Pack, from the children to the adults as eyes are raised, and like so many bright LED lights, each member of the Pack is joined in the bond that makes us Cŵn Annwn

  "Welcome, one and all. Our Goddess is with us, witness as we celebrate the return of the Light to the world, with the promise of life to come. Tonight, our Pack are blessed particularly to welcome three new members, in the Mate of our Beta, Bran. Alix, I bid you welcome, in the name of our Goddess and in the name of your Pack. And, we welcome Matyas and Liszka to our number."

  Gavril Negrescu

  Taking Aaleahya's hands in mine, we began our simple ritual. Meeting my Mate's eyes, I raise my voice in an eerie howl, which though soft, is audible by all present. The howl is echoed by the Pack, as we join together in the unique song that is part of our heritage.

  Smiling at my Mate, a slight pressure on her hands gives her the signal, as the darkness within me joins with the light within her, and the candles around the room burst into flame, bathing the room in both light and warmth.

  "With the Turn of the Wheel, we welcome the rebirth of the Light, with the promise of light and life, of the warmth of Spring and Summer. We welcome those who are new to our Pack, and the promise that they bring with them. We welcome Alix Gosselin, mated to Bran Cadwgan. We welcome Matyas Daciana-Negrescu and Liszka Daciana-Negrescu to our number also."

  Aaleahya Negrescu

  Feeling the Goddess with us my mate took my hand in his, our eyes meeting as the light with in me passes to him, the candles lighting on their own with the power in us. Gavril raises his head and howls softly as it is echoed within each member of the Pack. I joined in feeling grateful for our Pack and our twins which are indeed a blessing and gift from the our Goddess. My love cites what we are welcoming and for what we give gratitude, mentioning the Pack and welcoming the new additions: the mate of one of our Betas, Bran and his soul mate Alix and then our own lovely children.

  When he had finished we reached for the boxes of gifts that we are going to bestow on the younglings. I picked up the first necklace with a dark blue stone, placing around the neck of young man, telling him that it will help fight the darkness with in him until he could find his light in his soul mate. The young male bowed before me thanking me and his Goddess. I continued to the next young male, performing the same ritual as Gavril does the same for the young females.

  Gavril Negrescu

  As Aaleahya awarded the ritual gift to each of the male Pack younglings, I did the same. The pendant which I give to the female younglings is the same but with a bright blue moonstone, symbolising the light that is their gift to bring to their future Mates.

  "May this token remind you of your Pack, and the precious gift which you hold within you. May you fulfil your service to our Goddess with joy, and never have cause to regret what might have been."

  Each female responds clearly that she will serve the Goddess and Pack with joy. Some might call it a ritual response, but we are Cŵn Annwn. We are what we are through the gift of the Goddess. Duty? No. We do what has been requested of us, and we do it with a clear conscience and heart.

  Merida Davinier-Cadwaladr

  And here I thought I would sleep all night with the tea. But I was wrong, the night crept in and suddenly I was jumping, startled by two things, the nightmare and a murmur coming from the hall.

  I was in my pyjamas, so I wrapped a robe around me, and padded my way to the hall, the murmur was clearer now. As I approached the balcony, I heard Gavril speak, and call themselves a Pack....a pack of what? The sudden light from the candles caught their eyes … I gasped … their red eyes?

  Angharad Lloyd

  I smoothed the simple white shift over my body and look into the mirror to don the gifts from years past. “Another year full of joy and loss as is the way of all things.” I smiled at the promise of life that Liszka and Matyas bring to our pack and the new love some have found. No matter what the Gosselins bring, we will face it as one and be the stronger for it. I stop my musings and brush my hair, leaving it down and natural for the ritual.

  We were all assembled as our Alpha Gavril begins the ceremony. The surge of power was immediate and I felt more. There is no other way to describe it but the word ‘more’. The energy and completeness vibrated through me and the others to commune as one with the Goddess and each other. The candles light and the call comes from within to howl to the sky, humming from our very souls to a sound as old as time.

  The time for the blessings and gifts has come, Gavril and Aaleahya bestow their gifts and blessings then Owain and I stepped forward for the honor of blessing Liszka and Matyas. I walked gently to Matyas and place the necklace on his tiny body and softly speak. “May the goddess guide your steps young Matyas. May you always know the love of Pack and family.” My finger lightly traces his cheek as I smile and step back into position. I pause in concern whe
n I noticed Owain’s strained expression. I was confused by this and see his eyes dart around but never meeting mine. I will have to ask him about it later.

  Merida Davinier-Cadwaladr

  What is this .... am I dreaming .... but I was woken by the nightmare. Or is this a dream within a dream? As I look to them all, I see Owain look up, almost as if he knew I was there. I gasped, his eyes lit red. I took a step back. and then found myself rushing in my bedroom.

  In my room I drank more tea and then laid back on the bed. It wasn't long until I was closing my eyes again. This time, instead of my mind being played by the nightmare that always haunted me, it was plagued by the memory of what I saw. Why did Owain have red eyes?

  Owain Cadwalader

  Waking up the morning of Bran's first Challenge, the euphoria of the Solstice Ritual was tempered with the knowledge that Merida had seen us, had seen my eyes in their natural Cŵn Annwn red, and had probably heard Gavril talking about the renewal of Pack bonds. She may even have heard the song of the Cŵn Annwn. I could not be certain.

  This little human, my little human, may or may not be my true Mate, but she was someone who meant more to me than any other female I had encountered in the decades of my life. I wanted there to be no secrets between us, but at the same time, there had to be. She was human. To even try to explain to her the world into which she had stumbled would mean taking a huge risk, not just to me, but, more importantly, to the Pack. As Pack Beta, it was a risk that I could not take, no matter how much I wanted to talk with her, to tell her about us.

  As I came down to the breakfast room, Merida was there already, sitting in the seat next to my own usual place. Had she realised it, her place at my side was being accepted, given that no one had commented where she sat. Her usual plate of fruit, and her cup of coffee before her, but she toyed with her food, her mind seeming elsewhere.

  "Merida? Did you sleep well?" She smiled at me, but it lacked her usual sparkle, and I regretted again that I could not tell my little human what she had seen, what she had truly seen.

  "Bad dreams, again." She explained her tired look. "Are you ready to leave?" She asked, noting that I was dressed already.

  "Yes. We will need to be off, as I am providing some of the support for Bran on the cross-country ski section. I thought I could take you to the finish at the Osceola Tug Hill Cross Country Ski Center. There is a wide range of wildlife which should mean you can take some decent photographs." I offered her my hand. "I will ask Eira to put together a food pack for you, given the massive breakfast you have just consumed." I stroked the side of her face gently. "Come, the sooner we hit the road, the better."

  Merida Davinier-Cadwaladr

  I was still not sure what to make of what I thought I had seen at the house, but for now, those concerns could wait. We had travelled in a convoy of several 4x4 vehicles to the start of the biathlon course. I had heard words like “Challenge” mentioned, where you could hear the capital letter. Was this really just a sports contest, because everyone, including Owain seemed tense, almost as if they were expecting trouble.

  While they are talking I start to take some pictures with my camera. Walking further away from the group, and when I realized it, all I could hear is the voices far away, almost murmurs along with my steps on the snowy ground. I considered, for a moment, if I should go back, but then I wonder what could happen, I mean all I heard are my steps, the worst that can happen was me slipping on a rock and falling. That thought makes me chuckle and then I continued to take shots.

  As I make mental jokes about me being so nervous, my thoughts stopped when I caught the subtle growl of a beast, it automatically made me swallow hard, my eyes glancing around and that's when I realised the sound was coming from behind me, which makes me wonder if I should turn or just start running. But of course I decided to turn instead of running for my life. And that's when my eyes fall upon two wolves, with big paws, yellow eyes, and huge canines. One staring at one and the other pacing. It didn't take long before they both darted forward, I yelled and ran the opposite direction. But there was no way I would outrun them.

  I don’t think I will forget what happened next. After a few minutes, short ones, I feel something hit my back, I lose balance and start falling when a sudden pain shoots through my back, one of the wolves had clawed at my back. While on the ground, I turn, the pain was bad. As I lay there, one jumps at me, biting me on my right thigh. I scream loud, fear and pain laced together. Trying to move away was hard, especially while being in pain, cold, and scared, I glance around and spot a log, which I could use as weapon, not far from me, yet not too close, either way I try to move and get it, but as soon as I look away from them they jump at me again, one sinking it's teeth in my side on the rib area and the other on my shoulder. Another scream escapes me. My heart pounds in my chest, my has shake due to cold and pain. I feel and know I am loosing blood. I can also feel the skin and muscle ripping by the force of their jaws, such tug at me as if I was a rag doll.

  As my blood poured out of my wounds, and I found myself going in and out of consciousness, my vision becoming blurry by the minute I managed to see a third wolf, and that's when I knew that's my end. Who would have thought; that someone like me would die devoured by wolves?

  I heard a yelp, I tried to focus, all I can see now is the wolves fighting, I find it odd, I fell back into blackness yet I fought, not willing to die just yet, and come back, by now all I see is the third wolf, bloody, slowly walking to me, I blinked trying to focus my sight and move away, then all I see is Owain, and no wolf. I'm already hallucinating.

  I tried to speak to him, but I can't; all I do is gasp in pain and fear, as hard as I try, I keep losing conscious, whenever I come back I can see his lips move as if he is talking but can't understand him, then back to black, feeling something wet and warm against my lips I let it slip down my throat, it's a metallic taste. I open my eyes again, and all I see is his blurry face, and those pools of chocolate that are his eyes, that's when I knew I'm safe, and passed out exhausted from the pain.

  Owain Cadwalader

  As I circle the Gosselin wolf who thought that attacking Bran from behind was a good idea, my teeth were bared. This fucker is going down. No one, and I mean no one, attacks my friend from behind, particularly when the idea behind the Challenges was a competition between competitors, not between Packs. Gavril has the other wolf in his jaws, but after giving his opponent a damn good shake, let him up, taking a hefty nip out of his side, as he released him. I realised why he had done this. If we kill these idiots, particularly with a Shifter Council rep looking on, we are no better than them. Using a combination of speed and flashing, I change my position so that I, too, could nip the little shit in front of me. His tail between his legs, he took advantage of my sudden burst of 'mercy' and legs it out of the area.

  I was about to shift back, when I heard the screams. My heart froze. Human screams and I recognised the voice. Swinging my head back at Gavril and Aaleahya, my mind link was almost frantic.

  [Open ML] That's Merida's voice. [End ML]

  Gavril shifted back to human form, and flashed a pair of leather trousers on for decency. Bare chested and barefoot, the cold of little consequence to him, he glanced at the Shifter Council rep. "Go, my friend. Your Mate needs you."

  Those frantic moments are seared in my mind. The words didn't even register, as I ran. I don't know what I was following, how I knew where to find her, but I ran, knowing that I had to find her. The clearing I reached was a mess. Blood spattered the snow, and I could see the bright red of arterial blood coming from at least one wound. "No!" My mind screamed. "I would not let this happen." The two fuckers that Gavril and I had sent running circled my little human. Snarling my challenge to them, I attacked them. I needed to get them away from Merida, before she bled out on the snow, and I lost her. This time, they felt the full force of my wrath, as I fought not as a wolf, but as a Cŵn Annwn Sentinel, my teeth tearing into them. They ran, as cowards would, and for good mea
sure, they received a blast of metaphysical power on their butts, singeing their fur, and making it clear that they had been beaten.

  Spinning round to where Merida lay, I dropped to my knees beside her, calling her name. My hand was shaking as I felt for a pulse at her neck: thready, but there, thank the Goddess. But, if I didn't do something soon, I would lose my little human. There was only one way that I could give her the ability to stop the bleeding, but it would mean that my little human would be human no more.

  Tearing into my own wrist with my fangs, I allowed my own blood to flow, the blood of a Cŵn Annwn, gifted by the Goddess to carry the ability to heal from within. Holding my wrist over Merida's mouth, I begged her to swallow.

  "Please, Merida, swallow. Please, little human." I whispered. As the blood dripped over her lips, I saw her throat move, as she swallowed. I moved my wrist to where the bright arterial blood pumped from her leg, and dripped more blood directly into the wound, praying to the Goddess that this would work. As the flow stopped, and the wound started to seal, I breathed a sigh of relief. Opening a mind link to Angharad, I told her what had happened.

  [Open ML] I am bringing Merida directly to the Infirmary, Healer. Please, I beg you, meet me there. [End ML]

  Gathering the now unconscious Merida in my arms, I flashed us both to the well-equipped Infirmary at Negrescu Hall.


  “Welcome to my word, Merida.”

  Owain Cadwalader

  When I awoke on the morning of Christmas Eve, it was then that I realised how much my life had changed in a matter of twenty-four hours. Less than a day ago, I had been single. Footloose and fancy-free. Well, apart from the matter of being the joint Pack Beta of the Negrescu Cŵn Annwn and the main trainer of the Pack younglings, that is, I was footloose and fancy-free. Don’t get me wrong, I did not begrudge the time that I devoted to my Pack duties. The point was that my Pack was my main focus, and had been for the last 140 or so years.


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